package import import android.view.View import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import androidx.annotation.StringRes import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import java.text.SimpleDateFormat class TransactionViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) { private val indicator = itemView.findViewById( private val amountText = itemView.findViewById( private val topText = itemView.findViewById( private val bottomText = itemView.findViewById( private val transactionArrow = itemView.findViewById( private val formatter = SimpleDateFormat(itemView.context.getString(R.string.format_transaction_history_date_time), itemView.context.locale()) private val iconMemo = itemView.findViewById( fun bindTo(transaction: T?) { val mainActivity = itemView.context as MainActivity mainActivity.lifecycleScope.launch { // update view var lineOne: CharSequence = "" var lineTwo = "" var amountZec = "" var amountDisplay = "" var amountColor: Int = R.color.text_light var lineOneColor: Int = R.color.text_light var lineTwoColor: Int = R.color.text_light_dimmed var indicatorBackground: Int = R.color.text_light_dimmed var arrowRotation: Int = R.integer.transaction_arrow_rotation_send var arrowBackgroundTint: Int = R.color.text_light var isLineOneSpanned = false try { transaction?.apply { itemView.setOnClickListener { onTransactionClicked(this) } itemView.setOnLongClickListener { onTransactionLongPressed(this) true } amountZec = WalletZecFormmatter.toZecStringShort(valueInZatoshi) // TODO: these might be good extension functions val timestamp = formatter.format(blockTimeInSeconds * 1000L) val isMined = blockTimeInSeconds != 0L when { !toAddress.isNullOrEmpty() -> { indicatorBackground = if (isMined) R.color.zcashRed else R.color.zcashGray lineOne = "${ if (isMined) str(R.string.transaction_address_you_paid) else str(R.string.transaction_address_paying) } ${toAddress?.toAbbreviatedAddress()}" lineTwo = if (isMined) "${str(R.string.transaction_status_sent)} $timestamp" else str( R.string.transaction_status_pending ) // TODO: this logic works but is sloppy. Find a more robust solution to displaying information about expiration (such as expires in 1 block, etc). Then if it is way beyond expired, remove it entirely. Perhaps give the user a button for that (swipe to dismiss?) if (!isMined && (expiryHeight != null) && (expiryHeight!! < mainActivity.latestHeight?.value ?: -1)) lineTwo = str(R.string.transaction_status_expired) amountDisplay = "- $amountZec" if (isMined) { arrowRotation = R.integer.transaction_arrow_rotation_send amountColor = R.color.transaction_sent if (toAddress.isShielded()) { lineOneColor = R.color.zcashYellow } else { toAddress?.toAbbreviatedAddress()?.let { lineOne = lineOne.toColoredSpan(R.color.zcashBlueDark, it) } } } else { arrowRotation = R.integer.transaction_arrow_rotation_pending } } toAddress.isNullOrEmpty() && value > 0L && minedHeight > 0 -> { indicatorBackground = R.color.zcashGreen val senderAddress = mainActivity.getSender(transaction) lineOne = "${str(R.string.transaction_received_from)} $senderAddress" lineTwo = "${str(R.string.transaction_received)} $timestamp" amountDisplay = "+ $amountZec" if (senderAddress.isShielded()) { amountColor = R.color.zcashYellow lineOneColor = R.color.zcashYellow } else { senderAddress.toAbbreviatedAddress().let { lineOne = if (senderAddress.equals(str(R.string.unknown), true)) { lineOne.toColoredSpan(R.color.zcashYellow, it) } else { lineOne.toColoredSpan(R.color.zcashBlueDark, it) } } } arrowRotation = R.integer.transaction_arrow_rotation_received } else -> { lineOne = str(R.string.unknown) lineTwo = str(R.string.unknown) amountDisplay = amountZec amountColor = R.color.text_light arrowRotation = R.integer.transaction_arrow_rotation_received } } // sanitize amount if (value < ZcashSdk.MINERS_FEE.value * 10) amountDisplay = "< 0.0001" else if (amountZec.length > 10) { // 10 allows 3 digits to the left and 6 to the right of the decimal amountDisplay = str(R.string.transaction_instruction_tap) } } topText.text = lineOne bottomText.text = lineTwo amountText.text = amountDisplay amountText.setTextColor(amountColor.toAppColor()) if (!isLineOneSpanned) { topText.setTextColor(lineOneColor.toAppColor()) } bottomText.setTextColor(lineTwoColor.toAppColor()) indicator.setBackgroundColor(indicatorBackground.toAppColor()) transactionArrow.setColorFilter(arrowBackgroundTint.toAppColor()) transactionArrow.rotation = arrowRotation.toAppInt().toFloat() var bottomTextRightDrawable: Drawable? = null iconMemo.goneIf(!transaction?.memo.toUtf8Memo().isNotEmpty()) bottomText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null, bottomTextRightDrawable, null) } catch (t: Throwable) { twig("Failed to parse the transaction due to $t") } } } private fun onTransactionClicked(transaction: ConfirmedTransaction) { (itemView.context as MainActivity).apply { historyViewModel.selectedTransaction.value = transaction safeNavigate( } } private fun onTransactionLongPressed(transaction: ConfirmedTransaction) { val mainActivity = itemView.context as MainActivity transaction.toAddress?.let { mainActivity.copyText(it, "Transaction Address") } } private inline fun str(@StringRes resourceId: Int) = itemView.context.getString(resourceId) }