package import android.content.Context import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import* import import cash.z.ecc.kotlin.mnemonic.Mnemonics import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers.IO import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext class WalletSetupViewModel : ViewModel() { private val mnemonics: Mnemonics = DependenciesHolder.mnemonics private val lockBox: LockBox = DependenciesHolder.lockBox private val prefs: LockBox = DependenciesHolder.prefs private val feedback: Feedback = enum class WalletSetupState { SEED_WITH_BACKUP, SEED_WITHOUT_BACKUP, NO_SEED } fun checkSeed(): Flow = flow { when { lockBox.getBoolean(Const.Backup.HAS_BACKUP) -> emit(SEED_WITH_BACKUP) lockBox.getBoolean(Const.Backup.HAS_SEED) -> emit(SEED_WITHOUT_BACKUP) else -> emit(NO_SEED) } } /** * Throw an exception if the seed phrase is bad. */ fun validatePhrase(seedPhrase: String) { mnemonics.validate(seedPhrase.toCharArray()) } fun loadBirthdayHeight(): BlockHeight? { val h: Int? = lockBox[Const.Backup.BIRTHDAY_HEIGHT] twig("Loaded birthday with key ${Const.Backup.BIRTHDAY_HEIGHT} and found $h") h?.let { return, it.toLong()) } return null } suspend fun newWallet() { val network = ZcashWalletApp.instance.defaultNetwork twig("Initializing new ${network.networkName} wallet") with(mnemonics) { storeWallet(nextMnemonic(nextEntropy()), network, loadNearestBirthday(network)) } openStoredWallet() } suspend fun importWallet(seedPhrase: String, birthdayHeight: BlockHeight?) { val network = ZcashWalletApp.instance.defaultNetwork twig("Importing ${network.networkName} wallet. Requested birthday: $birthdayHeight") storeWallet( seedPhrase.toCharArray(), network, birthdayHeight ?: loadNearestBirthday(network) ) openStoredWallet() } suspend fun openStoredWallet() { DependenciesHolder.initializerComponent.createInitializer(loadConfig()) } /** * Build a config object by loading in the viewingKey, birthday and server info which is already * known by this point. */ private suspend fun loadConfig(): Initializer.Config { twig("Loading config variables") var overwriteVks = false val network = ZcashWalletApp.instance.defaultNetwork val vk = loadUnifiedViewingKey() ?: onMissingViewingKey(network).also { overwriteVks = true } val birthdayHeight = loadBirthdayHeight() ?: onMissingBirthday(network) val host = prefs[Const.Pref.SERVER_HOST] ?: Const.Default.Server.HOST val port = prefs[Const.Pref.SERVER_PORT] ?: Const.Default.Server.PORT twig("Done loading config variables") return Initializer.Config { it.importWallet(vk, birthdayHeight, network, LightWalletEndpoint(host, port, true)) it.setOverwriteKeys(overwriteVks) } } private fun loadUnifiedViewingKey(): UnifiedViewingKey? { val extfvk = lockBox.getCharsUtf8(Const.Backup.VIEWING_KEY) val extpub = lockBox.getCharsUtf8(Const.Backup.PUBLIC_KEY) return when { extfvk == null || extpub == null -> { if (extfvk == null) { twig("Warning: Shielded key was missing") } if (extpub == null) { twig("Warning: Transparent key was missing") } null } else -> UnifiedViewingKey(extfvk = String(extfvk), extpub = String(extpub)) } } private suspend fun onMissingViewingKey(network: ZcashNetwork): UnifiedViewingKey { twig("Recover VK: Viewing key was missing") // add some temporary logic to help us troubleshoot this problem. ZcashWalletApp.instance.getSharedPreferences("SecurePreferences", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) { it.key }.joinToString().let { keyNames -> "${Const.Backup.VIEWING_KEY}, ${Const.Backup.PUBLIC_KEY}".let { missingKeys -> // is there a typo or change in how the value is labelled? // for troubleshooting purposes, let's see if we CAN derive the vk from the seed in these situations var recoveryViewingKey: UnifiedViewingKey? = null var ableToLoadSeed = false try { val seed = lockBox.getBytes(Const.Backup.SEED)!! ableToLoadSeed = true twig("Recover UVK: Seed found") recoveryViewingKey = DerivationTool.deriveUnifiedViewingKeys(seed, network)[0] twig("Recover UVK: successfully derived UVK from seed") } catch (t: Throwable) { twig("Failed while trying to recover UVK due to: $t") } // this will happen during rare upgrade scenarios when the user migrates from a seed-only wallet to this vk-based version // or during more common scenarios where the user migrates from a vk only wallet to a unified vk wallet if (recoveryViewingKey != null) { storeUnifiedViewingKey(recoveryViewingKey) return recoveryViewingKey } else { Report.Issue.MissingViewkey( ableToLoadSeed, missingKeys, keyNames, lockBox.getCharsUtf8(Const.Backup.VIEWING_KEY) != null ) ) } throw InitializerException.MissingViewingKeyException } } } private suspend fun onMissingBirthday(network: ZcashNetwork): BlockHeight = failWith(InitializerException.MissingBirthdayException) { twig("Recover Birthday: falling back to sapling birthday") loadNearestBirthday(network) } private suspend fun loadNearestBirthday(network: ZcashNetwork) = BlockHeight.ofLatestCheckpoint( ZcashWalletApp.instance, network, ) // // Storage Helpers // /** * Entry point for all storage. Takes a seed phrase and stores all the parts so that we can * selectively use them, the next time the app is opened. Although we store everything, we * primarily only work with the viewing key and spending key. The seed is only accessed when * presenting backup information to the user. */ private suspend fun storeWallet( seedPhraseChars: CharArray, network: ZcashNetwork, birthday: BlockHeight ) { check(!lockBox.getBoolean(Const.Backup.HAS_SEED)) { "Error! Cannot store a seed when one already exists! This would overwrite the" + " existing seed and could lead to a loss of funds if the user has no backup!" } storeBirthday(birthday) mnemonics.toSeed(seedPhraseChars).let { bip39Seed -> DerivationTool.deriveUnifiedViewingKeys(bip39Seed, network)[0].let { viewingKey -> storeSeedPhrase(seedPhraseChars) storeSeed(bip39Seed) storeUnifiedViewingKey(viewingKey) } } } private suspend fun storeBirthday(birthday: BlockHeight) = withContext(IO) { twig("Storing birthday ${birthday.value} with and key ${Const.Backup.BIRTHDAY_HEIGHT}") lockBox[Const.Backup.BIRTHDAY_HEIGHT] = birthday.value } private suspend fun storeSeedPhrase(seedPhrase: CharArray) = withContext(IO) { twig("Storing seedphrase: ${seedPhrase.size}") lockBox[Const.Backup.SEED_PHRASE] = seedPhrase lockBox[Const.Backup.HAS_SEED_PHRASE] = true } private suspend fun storeSeed(bip39Seed: ByteArray) = withContext(IO) { twig("Storing seed: ${bip39Seed.size}") lockBox.setBytes(Const.Backup.SEED, bip39Seed) lockBox[Const.Backup.HAS_SEED] = true } private suspend fun storeUnifiedViewingKey(vk: UnifiedViewingKey) = withContext(IO) { twig("storeViewingKey vk: ${vk.extfvk.length}") lockBox[Const.Backup.VIEWING_KEY] = vk.extfvk lockBox[Const.Backup.PUBLIC_KEY] = vk.extpub } }