// Copyright 2019-2022 The Hush developers // Released under the GPLv3 #include "websockets.h" #include "controller.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ui_mobileappconnector.h" #include "version.h" // Weap the sendTextMessage to check if the connection is valid and that the parent WebServer didn't close this connection // for some reason. void ClientWebSocket::sendTextMessage(QString m) { if (client) { if (server && !server->isValidConnection(client)) { return; } if (client->isValid()) client->sendTextMessage(m); } } WSServer::WSServer(quint16 port, bool debug, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_pWebSocketServer(new QWebSocketServer(QStringLiteral("Direct Connection Server"), QWebSocketServer::NonSecureMode, this)), m_debug(debug) { m_mainWindow = (MainWindow *) parent; if (m_pWebSocketServer->listen(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, port)) { if (m_debug) qDebug() << "Echoserver listening on port" << port; connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::newConnection, this, &WSServer::onNewConnection); connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::closed, this, &WSServer::closed); } } WSServer::~WSServer() { qDebug() << "Closing websocket server"; m_pWebSocketServer->close(); qDeleteAll(m_clients.begin(), m_clients.end()); qDebug() << "Deleted all websocket clients"; } void WSServer::onNewConnection() { qDebug() << "Websocket server: new connection"; QWebSocket *pSocket = m_pWebSocketServer->nextPendingConnection(); connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processTextMessage); connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::binaryMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processBinaryMessage); connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WSServer::socketDisconnected); m_clients << pSocket; } void WSServer::processTextMessage(QString message) { QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast(sender()); if (m_debug) qDebug() << "Message received:" << message; if (pClient) { std::shared_ptr client = std::make_shared(pClient, this); AppDataServer::getInstance()->processMessage(message, m_mainWindow, client, AppConnectionType::DIRECT); } } void WSServer::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message) { //QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast(sender()); if (m_debug) qDebug() << "Binary Message received:" << message; } void WSServer::socketDisconnected() { QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast(sender()); if (m_debug) qDebug() << "socketDisconnected:" << pClient; if (pClient) { m_clients.removeAll(pClient); pClient->deleteLater(); } } //=============================== // WormholeClient //=============================== WormholeClient::WormholeClient(MainWindow* p, QString wormholeCode) { this->parent = p; this->code = wormholeCode; connect(); qDebug() << "New wormhole client after connect()"; } WormholeClient::~WormholeClient() { qDebug() << "WormholeClient destructor"; shuttingDown = true; if (m_webSocket && m_webSocket->isValid()) { qDebug() << "Wormhole closing!"; m_webSocket->close(); } if (timer) { qDebug() << "Wormhole timer stopping"; timer->stop(); } delete timer; qDebug() << "Wormhole timer deleted"; } void WormholeClient::connect() { qDebug() << "Wormhole::connect"; delete m_webSocket; m_webSocket = new QWebSocket(); if (m_webSocket) { QObject::connect(m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::connected, this, &WormholeClient::onConnected); QObject::connect(m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WormholeClient::closed); } else { qDebug() << "Invalid websocket object!"; } m_webSocket->open(QUrl("wss://wormhole.hush.is:443")); //m_webSocket->open(QUrl("ws://")); } void WormholeClient::retryConnect() { QTimer::singleShot(5 * 1000 * pow(2, retryCount), [=]() { if (retryCount < 10) { qDebug() << "Retrying websocket connection"; this->retryCount++; connect(); } else { qDebug() << "Retry count exceeded, will not attempt retry any more"; } }); } // Called when the websocket is closed. If this was closed without our explicitly closing it, // then we need to try and reconnect void WormholeClient::closed() { if (!shuttingDown) { retryConnect(); } } void WormholeClient::onConnected() { qDebug() << "WebSocket connected"; retryCount = 0; qDebug() << "WebSocket connected, retryCount=" << retryCount; QObject::connect(m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WormholeClient::onTextMessageReceived); auto payload = QJsonDocument( QJsonObject { {"register", code} }).toJson(); m_webSocket->sendTextMessage(payload); // On connected, we'll also create a timer to ping it every 4 minutes, since the websocket // will timeout after 5 minutes if (m_webSocket && m_webSocket->isValid()) { m_webSocket->sendTextMessage(payload); qDebug() << "Sent registration message with code=" << code; // On connected, we'll also create a timer to ping it every 4 minutes, since the websocket // will timeout after 5 minutes timer = new QTimer(parent); qDebug() << "Created QTimer"; QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() { qDebug() << "Timer timeout!"; if (!shuttingDown && m_webSocket && m_webSocket->isValid()) { auto payload = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject { {"ping", "ping"} }).toJson(); qint64 bytes = m_webSocket->sendTextMessage(payload); qDebug() << "Sent ping, " << bytes << " bytes"; } }); unsigned int interval = 4*60*1000; timer->start(interval); // 4 minutes qDebug() << "Started timer with interval=" << interval; } else { qDebug() << "Invalid websocket object onConnected!"; } } void WormholeClient::onTextMessageReceived(QString message) { AppDataServer::getInstance()->processMessage(message, parent, std::make_shared(m_webSocket), AppConnectionType::INTERNET); qDebug() << "Destroyed tempWormholeClient and ui"; } // ============================== // AppDataServer // ============================== AppDataServer* AppDataServer::instance = nullptr; QString AppDataServer::getWormholeCode(QString secretHex) { unsigned char* secret = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES, secretHex.toStdString().c_str(), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2, NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned char* out1 = new unsigned char[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES]; crypto_hash_sha256(out1, secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); unsigned char* out2 = new unsigned char[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES]; crypto_hash_sha256(out2, out1, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); char* wmcode = new char[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES*2 + 1]; sodium_bin2hex(wmcode, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES*2 + 1, out2, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); QString wmcodehex(wmcode); delete[] wmcode; delete[] out2; delete[] out1; delete[] secret; return wmcodehex; } QString AppDataServer::getSecretHex() { QSettings s; return s.value("mobileapp/secret", "").toString(); } void AppDataServer::saveNewSecret(QString secretHex) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/secret", secretHex); if (secretHex.isEmpty()) setAllowInternetConnection(false); } bool AppDataServer::getAllowInternetConnection() { return QSettings().value("mobileapp/allowinternet", false).toBool(); } void AppDataServer::setAllowInternetConnection(bool allow) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/allowinternet", allow); } void AppDataServer::saveLastConnectedOver(AppConnectionType type) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/lastconnectedover", type); } AppConnectionType AppDataServer::getLastConnectionType() { return (AppConnectionType) QSettings().value("mobileapp/lastconnectedover", AppConnectionType::DIRECT).toInt(); } void AppDataServer::saveLastSeenTime() { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/lastseentime", QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch()); } QDateTime AppDataServer::getLastSeenTime() { return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(QSettings().value("mobileapp/lastseentime", 0).toLongLong()); } void AppDataServer::setConnectedName(QString name) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/connectedname", name); } QString AppDataServer::getConnectedName() { return QSettings().value("mobileapp/connectedname", "").toString(); } bool AppDataServer::isAppConnected() { return !getConnectedName().isEmpty() && getLastSeenTime().daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) < 14; } void AppDataServer::connectAppDialog(MainWindow* parent) { QDialog d(parent); ui = new Ui_MobileAppConnector(); ui->setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); updateUIWithNewQRCode(parent); updateConnectedUI(); QObject::connect(ui->btnDisconnect, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/connectedname", ""); saveNewSecret(""); updateConnectedUI(); }); QObject::connect(ui->txtConnStr, &QLineEdit::cursorPositionChanged, [=](int, int) { ui->txtConnStr->selectAll(); }); QObject::connect(ui->chkInternetConn, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=] (int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) { } updateUIWithNewQRCode(parent); }); // If we're not listening for the app, then start the websockets if (!parent->isWebsocketListening()) { QString wormholecode = ""; if (getAllowInternetConnection()) wormholecode = AppDataServer::getInstance()->getWormholeCode(AppDataServer::getInstance()->getSecretHex()); parent->createWebsocket(wormholecode); } d.exec(); // If there is nothing connected when the dialog exits, then shutdown the websockets if (!isAppConnected()) { parent->stopWebsocket(); } // Cleanup tempSecret = ""; delete tempWormholeClient; tempWormholeClient = nullptr; delete ui; ui = nullptr; } void AppDataServer::updateUIWithNewQRCode(MainWindow* mainwindow) { // Get the address of the localhost auto addrList = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses(); // Find a suitable address QString ipv4Addr; for (auto addr : addrList) { if (addr.isLoopback() || addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) continue; ipv4Addr = addr.toString(); break; } if (ipv4Addr.isEmpty()) return; QString uri = "ws://" + ipv4Addr + ":8777"; qDebug() << "Websocket URI: " << uri; // Get a new secret unsigned char* secretBin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; randombytes_buf(secretBin, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); char* secretHex = new char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2 + 1]; sodium_bin2hex(secretHex, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2+1, secretBin, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); QString secretStr(secretHex); QString codeStr = uri + "," + secretStr; if (ui->chkInternetConn->isChecked()) { codeStr = codeStr + ",1"; } registerNewTempSecret(secretStr, ui->chkInternetConn->isChecked(), mainwindow); ui->qrcode->setQrcodeString(codeStr); ui->txtConnStr->setText(codeStr); qDebug() << "New QR="<lblRemoteName->setText(remoteName.isEmpty() ? "(Not connected to any device)" : remoteName); ui->lblLastSeen->setText(remoteName.isEmpty() ? "" : getLastSeenTime().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate)); ui->lblConnectionType->setText(remoteName.isEmpty() ? "" : connDesc(getLastConnectionType())); ui->btnDisconnect->setEnabled(!remoteName.isEmpty()); } QString AppDataServer::getNonceHex(NonceType nt) { QSettings s; QString hex; if (nt == NonceType::LOCAL) { // The default local nonce starts from 1, to always keep it odd auto defaultLocalNonce = "01" + QString("00").repeated(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES-1); hex = s.value("mobileapp/localnoncehex", defaultLocalNonce).toString(); } else { hex = s.value("mobileapp/remotenoncehex", QString("00").repeated(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES)).toString(); } return hex; } void AppDataServer::saveNonceHex(NonceType nt, QString noncehex) { QSettings s; assert(noncehex.length() == crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES * 2); if (nt == NonceType::LOCAL) { s.setValue("mobileapp/localnoncehex", noncehex); } else { s.setValue("mobileapp/remotenoncehex", noncehex); } s.sync(); } // Encrypt an outgoing message with the stored secret key. QString AppDataServer::encryptOutgoing(QString msg) { int padding = 16*1024; qDebug() << "Encrypt msg(pad="< ((int)crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES * 2) || encryptedhex.length() > 2 * 50 * 1024 /*50kb*/) { return "error"; } // Check to make sure that the nonce is greater than the last known remote nonce unsigned char* lastRemoteBin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(lastRemoteBin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, lastRemoteNonceHex.toStdString().c_str(), lastRemoteNonceHex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned char* noncebin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, noncehex.toStdString().c_str(), noncehex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES == crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); if (sodium_compare(lastRemoteBin, noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES) != -1) { // Refuse to accept a lower nonce, return an error delete[] lastRemoteBin; delete[] noncebin; return "error"; } unsigned char* secret = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES, secretHex.toStdString().c_str(), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2, NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned char* encrypted = new unsigned char[encryptedhex.length() / 2]; sodium_hex2bin(encrypted, encryptedhex.length() / 2, encryptedhex.toStdString().c_str(), encryptedhex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); int decryptedLen = encryptedhex.length() / 2 - crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES; unsigned char* decrypted = new unsigned char[decryptedLen]; int result = crypto_secretbox_open_easy(decrypted, encrypted, encryptedhex.length() / 2, noncebin, secret); QString payload; if (result == -1) { payload = "error"; } else { // Update the last seen remote hex saveNonceHex(NonceType::REMOTE, noncehex); saveLastSeenTime(); char* decryptedStr = new char[decryptedLen + 1]; sodium_memzero(decryptedStr, decryptedLen + 1); memcpy(decryptedStr, decrypted, decryptedLen); payload = QString(decryptedStr); delete[] decryptedStr; } delete[] secret; delete[] lastRemoteBin; delete[] noncebin; delete[] encrypted; delete[] decrypted; qDebug() << "Returning decrypted payload="< pClient, AppConnectionType connType) { qDebug() << "processMessage message"; //qDebug() << "processMessage message=" << message; // this can log sensitive info auto replyWithError = [=]() { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"error", "Encryption error"}, {"to", getWormholeCode(getSecretHex())} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(r); return; }; // First, extract the command from the message auto msg = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message.toUtf8()); // Check if we got an error from the websocket if (msg.object().contains("error")) { qDebug() << "Error:" << msg.toJson(); return; } // If the message is a ping, just ignore it if (msg.object().contains("ping")) { return; } // Then, check if the message is encrpted if (!msg.object().contains("nonce")) { replyWithError(); return; } auto decrypted = decryptMessage(msg, getSecretHex(), getNonceHex(NonceType::REMOTE)); // If the decryption failed, maybe this is a new connection, so see if the dialog is open and a // temp secret is in place if (decrypted == "error") { // If the dialog is open, then there might be a temporary, new secret key. Attempt to decrypt // with that. if (!tempSecret.isEmpty()) { // Since this is a temp secret, the last seen nonce will be "0", so basically we'll accept any nonce QString zeroNonce = QString("00").repeated(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES); decrypted = decryptMessage(msg, tempSecret, zeroNonce); if (decrypted == "error") { // Oh, well. Just return an error replyWithError(); return; } else { // This is a new connection. So, update the the secret. Note the last seen remote nonce has already been updated by // decryptMessage() saveNewSecret(tempSecret); setAllowInternetConnection(tempWormholeClient != nullptr); // Swap out the wormhole connection mainWindow->replaceWormholeClient(tempWormholeClient); tempWormholeClient = nullptr; saveLastConnectedOver(connType); processDecryptedMessage(decrypted, mainWindow, pClient); // If the Connection UI is showing, we have to update the UI as well if (ui != nullptr) { // Update the connected phone information updateConnectedUI(); // Update with a new QR Code for safety, so this secret isn't used by anyone else updateUIWithNewQRCode(mainWindow); } return; } } else { replyWithError(); return; } } else { saveLastConnectedOver(connType); processDecryptedMessage(decrypted, mainWindow, pClient); return; } } // Decrypted method will be executed here. void AppDataServer::processDecryptedMessage(QString message, MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { //qDebug() << "processDecryptedMessage message=" << message; // First, extract the command from the message auto msg = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message.toUtf8()); if (!msg.object().contains("command")) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Unknown JSON format"} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); return; } if (msg.object()["command"] == "getInfo") { processGetInfo(msg.object(), mainWindow, pClient); } else if (msg.object()["command"] == "getTransactions") { processGetTransactions(mainWindow, pClient); } else if (msg.object()["command"] == "sendTx") { processSendTx(msg.object()["tx"].toObject(), mainWindow, pClient); } else if (msg.object()["command"] == "sendmanyTx") { processSendManyTx(msg.object()["tx"].toObject(), mainWindow, pClient); } else { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Command not found:" + msg.object()["command"].toString()} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } } // "sendTx" command. This method will actually send money, so be careful with everything void AppDataServer::processSendTx(QJsonObject sendTx, MainWindow* mainwindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { qDebug() << "processSendTx with to=" << sendTx["to"].toString(); auto error = [=](QString reason) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Couldn't send Tx:" + reason} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); return; }; // Refuse to send if the node is still syncing if (Settings::getInstance()->isSyncing()) { error(QObject::tr("Node is still syncing.")); return; } // Create a Tx Object Tx tx; tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee(); // Find a from address that has at least the sending amout CAmount amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString(sendTx["amount"].toString()); auto allBalances = mainwindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances(); QList> bals; for (auto i : allBalances.keys()) { // Filter out balances that don't have the requisite amount if (allBalances.value(i) < amt) continue; bals.append(QPair(i, allBalances.value(i))); } if (bals.isEmpty()) { error(QObject::tr("No sapling or transparent addresses with enough balance to spend.")); return; } std::sort(bals.begin(), bals.end(), [=](const QPaira, const QPair b) -> bool { // Sort z addresses first return a.first > b.first; }); tx.fromAddr = bals[0].first; tx.toAddrs = { ToFields{ sendTx["to"].toString(), amt, sendTx["memo"].toString()} }; // TODO: Respect the autoshield change setting QString validation = mainwindow->doSendTxValidations(tx); if (!validation.isEmpty()) { error(validation); return; } json params = json::array(); mainwindow->getRPC()->fillTxJsonParams(params, tx); std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl; // And send the Tx mainwindow->getRPC()->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString txid) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTxSubmitted"}, {"txid", txid} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); }, // Errored while submitting Tx [=] (QString, QString errStr) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTxFailed"}, {"err", errStr} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } ); auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTx"}, {"result", "success"} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } // "sendmanyTx" command. This method will actually send money, so be careful with everything void AppDataServer::processSendManyTx(QJsonObject sendmanyTx, MainWindow* mainwindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { qDebug() << "processSendManyTx with to=" << sendmanyTx["to"].toString(); auto error = [=](QString reason) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Couldn't send Tx:" + reason} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); return; }; // Refuse to send if the node is still syncing if (Settings::getInstance()->isSyncing()) { error(QObject::tr("Node is still syncing.")); return; } // Create a Tx Object Tx tx; tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee(); // Find a from address that has at least the sending amout CAmount amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString(sendmanyTx["amount"].toString()); auto allBalances = mainwindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances(); QList> bals; for (auto i : allBalances.keys()) { // Filter out balances that don't have the requisite amount if (allBalances.value(i) < amt) continue; bals.append(QPair(i, allBalances.value(i))); } if (bals.isEmpty()) { error(QObject::tr("No sapling or transparent addresses with enough balance to spend.")); return; } std::sort(bals.begin(), bals.end(), [=](const QPaira, const QPair b) -> bool { // Sort z addresses first return a.first > b.first; }); //send to more then one Receipent int totalSendManyItems = sendmanyTx.size(); for (int i=0; i < totalSendManyItems; i++) { amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString(sendmanyTx["amount"].toString() % QString::number(i+1)); QString addr = sendmanyTx["to"].toString() % QString::number(i+1); QString memo = sendmanyTx["memo"].toString() % QString::number(i+1); tx.fromAddr = bals[0].first; tx.toAddrs = { ToFields{ addr, amt, memo} }; } // TODO: Respect the autoshield change setting QString validation = mainwindow->doSendTxValidations(tx); if (!validation.isEmpty()) { error(validation); return; } json params = json::array(); mainwindow->getRPC()->fillTxJsonParams(params, tx); std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl; // And send the Tx mainwindow->getRPC()->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString txid) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTxSubmitted"}, {"txid", txid} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); }, // Errored while submitting Tx [=] (QString, QString errStr) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTxFailed"}, {"err", errStr} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } ); auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTx"}, {"result", "success"} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } // "getInfo" command void AppDataServer::processGetInfo(QJsonObject jobj, MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { auto connectedName = jobj["name"].toString(); if (mainWindow == nullptr || mainWindow->getRPC() == nullptr) { pClient->close(QWebSocketProtocol::CloseCodeNormal, "Not yet ready"); return; } // Max spendable safely from a z address and from any address CAmount maxZSpendable; CAmount maxSpendable; for (auto a : mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().keys()) { if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(a)) { if (mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a) > maxZSpendable) { maxZSpendable = mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a); } } if (mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a) > maxSpendable) { maxSpendable = mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a); } } setConnectedName(connectedName); auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject { {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "getInfo"}, {"saplingAddress", mainWindow->getRPC()->getDefaultSaplingAddress()}, {"tAddress", mainWindow->getRPC()->getDefaultTAddress()}, {"balance", AppDataModel::getInstance()->getTotalBalance().toDecimalDouble()}, {"maxspendable", maxSpendable.toDecimalDouble()}, {"maxzspendable", maxZSpendable.toDecimalDouble()}, {"tokenName", Settings::getTokenName()}, // changing this to hushprice is a backward incompatible change that requires // changing SDL, litewalletd and SDA in unison, and would break older clients // so we just leave it for now {"zecprice", Settings::getInstance()->getHUSHPrice()}, {"serverversion", QString(APP_VERSION)} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } void AppDataServer::processGetTransactions(MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { QJsonArray txns; auto model = mainWindow->getRPC()->getTransactionsModel(); qDebug() << "processGetTransactions"; // Add transactions for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(QModelIndex()) && i < Settings::getMaxMobileAppTxns(); i++) { txns.append(QJsonObject{ {"type", model->getType(i)}, {"datetime", model->getDate(i)}, {"amount", model->getAmt(i)}, {"txid", model->getTxId(i)}, {"address", model->getAddr(i)}, // {"memo", model->getMemo(i)}, {"confirmations", model->getConfirmations(i)} }); } auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "getTransactions"}, {"transactions", txns} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } // ============================== // AppDataModel // ============================== AppDataModel* AppDataModel::instance = nullptr;