#include "recurring.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "controller.h" #include "settings.h" #include "camount.h" #include "ui_newrecurring.h" #include "ui_recurringdialog.h" #include "ui_recurringpayments.h" #include "ui_recurringmultiple.h" QString schedule_desc(Schedule s) { switch (s) { case Schedule::DAY: return "day"; case Schedule::WEEK: return "week"; case Schedule::MONTH: return "month"; case Schedule::YEAR: return "5 mins"; default: return "none"; } } RecurringPaymentInfo RecurringPaymentInfo::fromJson(QJsonObject j) { // We create a payment info with 0 items, and then fill them in later. RecurringPaymentInfo r(0); r.desc = j["desc"].toString(); r.fromAddr = j["from"].toString(); r.toAddr = j["to"].toString(); r.amt = j["amt"].toString().toDouble(); r.memo = j["memo"].toString(); r.currency = j["currency"].toString(); r.schedule = (Schedule)j["schedule"].toInt(); r.startDate = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(j["startdate"].toString().toLongLong()); for (auto h : j["payments"].toArray()) { PaymentItem item; item.paymentNumber = h.toObject()["paymentnumber"].toInt(); item.date = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(h.toObject()["date"].toString().toLongLong()); item.txid = h.toObject()["txid"].toString(); item.status = (PaymentStatus)h.toObject()["status"].toInt(); item.err = h.toObject()["err"].toString(); r.payments.append(item); } return r; } QString RecurringPaymentInfo::getHash() const { auto val = getScheduleDescription() + fromAddr + toAddr; return QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(val.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Sha256).toHex()); } QJsonObject RecurringPaymentInfo::toJson() { QJsonArray paymentsJson; for (auto h : payments) { paymentsJson.append(QJsonObject{ {"paymentnumber", h.paymentNumber}, {"date", QString::number(h.date.toSecsSinceEpoch())}, {"txid", h.txid}, {"err", h.err}, {"status", h.status} }); } auto j = QJsonObject{ {"desc", desc}, {"from", fromAddr}, {"to", toAddr}, {"amt", amt}, {"memo", memo}, {"currency", currency}, {"schedule", (int)schedule}, {"startdate", QString::number(startDate.toSecsSinceEpoch())}, {"payments", paymentsJson} }; return j; } QString RecurringPaymentInfo::getAmountPretty() const { CAmount amount = CAmount::fromDouble(amt); return currency == "USD" ? amount.toDecimalUSDString() : amount.toDecimalhushString(); } QString RecurringPaymentInfo::getScheduleDescription() const { return "Pay " % getAmountPretty() % " every " % schedule_desc(schedule) % ", starting " % startDate.toString("yyyy-MMM-dd") % ", for " % QString::number(payments.size()) % " payments"; } /** * Get the date/time when the next payment is due */ QDateTime RecurringPaymentInfo::getNextPayment() const { for (auto item : payments) { if (item.status == PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED) return item.date; } return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(0); } /** * Counts the number of payments that haven't been started yet */ int RecurringPaymentInfo::getNumPendingPayments() const { int count = 0; for (auto item : payments) { if (item.status == PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED) { count++; } } return count; } // Returns a new Recurring payment info, created from the Tx. // The caller needs to take ownership of the returned object. RecurringPaymentInfo* Recurring::getNewRecurringFromTx(QWidget* parent, MainWindow*, Tx tx, RecurringPaymentInfo* rpi) { Ui_newRecurringDialog ui; QDialog d(parent); ui.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); if (!tx.fromAddr.isEmpty()) { ui.lblFrom->setText(tx.fromAddr); } ui.cmbCurrency->addItem("USD"); ui.cmbCurrency->addItem(Settings::getTokenName()); if (tx.toAddrs.length() > 0) { ui.lblTo->setText(tx.toAddrs[0].addr); // Default is USD ui.lblAmt->setText(tx.toAddrs[0].amount.toDecimalUSDString()); ui.txtMemo->setPlainText(tx.toAddrs[0].memo); ui.txtMemo->setEnabled(false); } // Wire up hush/USD toggle QObject::connect(ui.cmbCurrency, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [&](QString c) { if (tx.toAddrs.length() < 1) return; if (c == "USD") { ui.lblAmt->setText(tx.toAddrs[0].amount.toDecimalUSDString()); } else { ui.lblAmt->setText(tx.toAddrs[0].amount.toDecimalString()); } }); for (int i = Schedule::DAY; i <= Schedule::YEAR; i++) { ui.cmbSchedule->addItem("Every " + schedule_desc((Schedule)i), QVariant(i)); } QObject::connect(ui.cmbSchedule, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [&](int i) { qDebug() << "schedule is " << i << " current data is " << ui.cmbSchedule->currentData().toInt(); ui.lblNextPayment->setText(getNextPaymentDate((Schedule)ui.cmbSchedule->currentData().toInt()).toString("yyyy-MMM-dd")); }); ui.lblNextPayment->setText(getNextPaymentDate((Schedule)ui.cmbSchedule->currentData().toInt()).toString("yyyy-MMM-dd")); ui.txtNumPayments->setText("10"); // If an existing RecurringPaymentInfo was passed in, set the UI values appropriately if (rpi != nullptr) { ui.txtDesc->setText(rpi->desc); ui.lblTo->setText(rpi->toAddr); ui.txtMemo->setPlainText(rpi->memo); ui.cmbCurrency->setCurrentText(rpi->currency); ui.lblAmt->setText(rpi->getAmountPretty()); ui.lblFrom->setText(rpi->fromAddr); ui.txtNumPayments->setText(QString::number(rpi->payments.size())); ui.cmbSchedule->setCurrentIndex(rpi->schedule - 1); // indexes start from 0 } ui.txtDesc->setFocus(); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // Construct a new Object and return it auto numPayments = ui.txtNumPayments->text().toInt(); auto r = new RecurringPaymentInfo(numPayments); r->desc = ui.txtDesc->text(); r->currency = ui.cmbCurrency->currentText(); r->schedule = (Schedule)ui.cmbSchedule->currentData().toInt(); r->startDate = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); updateInfoWithTx(r, tx); return r; } else { return nullptr; } } void Recurring::updateInfoWithTx(RecurringPaymentInfo* r, Tx tx) { r->toAddr = tx.toAddrs[0].addr; r->memo = tx.toAddrs[0].memo; r->fromAddr = tx.fromAddr; if (r->currency.isEmpty() || r->currency == "USD") { r->currency = "USD"; r->amt = tx.toAddrs[0].amount.toqint64() * Settings::getInstance()->getZECPrice(); } else { r->currency = Settings::getTokenName(); r->amt = tx.toAddrs[0].amount.toqint64(); } // Make sure that the number of payments is properly listed in the array assert(r->payments.size() == r->payments.size()); // Update the payment dates r->payments[0].date = r->startDate; r->payments[0].status = PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED; for (int i = 1; i < r->payments.size(); i++) { r->payments[i].date = getNextPaymentDate(r->schedule, r->payments[i-1].date); r->payments[i].status = PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED; } } /** * Given a schedule and an optional previous date, calculate the next payment date/ * If there is no previous date, it is assumed to be the current DateTime */ QDateTime Recurring::getNextPaymentDate(Schedule s, QDateTime start) { QDateTime nextDate = start; switch (s) { case Schedule::DAY: nextDate = nextDate.addDays(1); break; case Schedule::WEEK: nextDate = nextDate.addDays(7); break; case Schedule::MONTH: nextDate = nextDate.addMonths(1); break; // TODO: For testing only, year means 5 mins case Schedule::YEAR: nextDate = nextDate.addSecs(60 * 5); break; //case Schedule::YEAR: nextDate = nextDate.addYears(1); break; } return nextDate; } QString Recurring::writeableFile() { auto filename = QStringLiteral("recurringpayments.json"); auto dir = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)); if (!dir.exists()) QDir().mkpath(dir.absolutePath()); if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { return dir.filePath("testnet-" % filename); } else { return dir.filePath(filename); } } void Recurring::addRecurringInfo(const RecurringPaymentInfo& rpi) { if (payments.contains(rpi.getHash())) { payments.remove(rpi.getHash()); } payments.insert(rpi.getHash(), rpi); writeToStorage(); } void Recurring::removeRecurringInfo(QString hash) { if (!payments.contains(hash)) { qDebug() << "Hash not found:" << hash << " in " << payments.keys(); return; } payments.remove(hash); writeToStorage(); } void Recurring::readFromStorage() { QFile file(writeableFile()); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream in(&file); auto jsondoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(in.readAll().toUtf8()); payments.clear(); for (auto k : jsondoc.array()) { auto p = RecurringPaymentInfo::fromJson(k.toObject()); payments.insert(p.getHash(), p); } } void Recurring::writeToStorage() { QFile file(writeableFile()); file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate); QJsonArray arr; for (auto v : payments.values()) { arr.append(v.toJson()); } QTextStream out(&file); out << QJsonDocument(arr).toJson(); file.close(); } /** * Lookup the recurring payment info with the given hash, and update * a payment made **/ bool Recurring::updatePaymentItem(QString hash, int paymentNumber, QString txid, QString err, PaymentStatus status) { if (!payments.contains(hash)) { return false; } payments[hash].payments[paymentNumber].date = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); payments[hash].payments[paymentNumber].txid = txid; payments[hash].payments[paymentNumber].err = err; payments[hash].payments[paymentNumber].status = status; // Upda teht file on disk writeToStorage(); // Then read it back to refresh the hashes readFromStorage(); return true; } Recurring* Recurring::getInstance() { if (!instance) { instance = new Recurring(); instance->readFromStorage(); } return instance; } // Singleton Recurring* Recurring::instance = nullptr; /** * Main worker method that will go over all the recurring paymets and process any pending ones */ void Recurring::processPending(MainWindow* main) { // Refuse to run on mainnet if (!Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) return; if (!main->isPaymentsReady()) return; // For each recurring payment for (auto rpi: payments.values()) { // Collect all pending payments that are past due QList pending; for (auto pi: rpi.payments) { if (pi.status == PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED && pi.date <= QDateTime::currentDateTime()) { pending.append(pi); } } qDebug() << "Found " << pending.size() << "Pending Payments"; // If there is only 1 pending payment, then we don't have to do anything special. // Just process it if (pending.size() == 1) { executeRecurringPayment(main, rpi, { pending.first().paymentNumber }); } else if (pending.size() > 1) { // There are multiple pending payments. Ask the user what they want to do with it // Options are: Pay latest one, Pay all or Pay none. processMultiplePending(rpi, main); } } } /** * Called when a particular RecurringPaymentInfo has more than one pending payment to be processed. * We will ask the user what he wants to do. */ void Recurring::processMultiplePending(RecurringPaymentInfo rpi, MainWindow* main) { Ui_RecurringPending ui; QDialog d(main); ui.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); // Fill the UI ui.lblDesc->setText (rpi.desc); ui.lblTo->setText (rpi.toAddr); ui.lblSchedule->setText(rpi.getScheduleDescription()); // Mark all the outstanding ones as pending, so it shows in the table correctly. for (auto& pi: rpi.payments) { if (pi.status == PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED && pi.date <= QDateTime::currentDateTime()) { pi.status = PaymentStatus::PENDING; } } auto model = new RecurringPaymentsListViewModel(ui.tblPending, rpi); ui.tblPending->setModel(model); // Select none by default ui.rNone->setChecked(true); // Restore the table column layout QSettings s; ui.tblPending->horizontalHeader()->restoreState(s.value("recurringmultipaymentstablevgeom").toByteArray()); bool cancelled = (d.exec() == QDialog::Rejected); if (cancelled || ui.rNone->isChecked()) { // Update the status to skip all the pending payments for (auto& pi: rpi.payments) { if (pi.status == PaymentStatus::PENDING) { updatePaymentItem(rpi.getHash(), pi.paymentNumber, "", "", PaymentStatus::SKIPPED); } } } else if (ui.rLast->isChecked()) { // Update the status for all except the last to skipped // First, collect all the payments QList pendingPayments; for (int i=0; i < rpi.payments.size(); i++) { if (rpi.payments[i].status == PaymentStatus::PENDING) { pendingPayments.append(rpi.payments[i].paymentNumber); } } // Update the status for all but the last one for (int i=0; i < pendingPayments.size()-1; i++) { updatePaymentItem(rpi.getHash(), pendingPayments[i], "", "", PaymentStatus::SKIPPED); } // Then execute the last one. The function will update the status executeRecurringPayment(main, rpi, {pendingPayments.last()}); } else if (ui.rAll->isChecked()) { // Pay all of them, in a single transaction QList pendingPayments; for (int i=0; i < rpi.payments.size(); i++) { if (rpi.payments[i].status == PaymentStatus::PENDING) { pendingPayments.append(rpi.payments[i].paymentNumber); } } // Execute all of them, and then update the status executeRecurringPayment(main, rpi, pendingPayments); } // Save the table column layout s.setValue("recurringmultipaymentstablevgeom", ui.tblPending->horizontalHeader()->saveState()); } void Recurring::executeRecurringPayment(MainWindow* main, RecurringPaymentInfo rpi, QList paymentNumbers) { // Amount is in USD or Hush? double amount = rpi.amt; if (rpi.currency == "USD") { // If there is no price, then fail the payment if (Settings::getInstance()->getZECPrice() == 0) { for (auto paymentNumber: paymentNumbers) { updatePaymentItem(rpi.getHash(), paymentNumber, "", QObject::tr("No hush price was available to convert from USD"), PaymentStatus::ERROR); } return; } // Translate it into hush amount = rpi.amt / Settings::getInstance()->getZECPrice(); } // Build a Tx Tx tx; tx.fromAddr = rpi.fromAddr; tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee(); // If this is a multiple payment, we'll add up all the amounts if (paymentNumbers.size() > 1) amount *= paymentNumbers.size(); tx.toAddrs.append(ToFields { rpi.toAddr, CAmount::fromDouble(amount), rpi.memo }); // To prevent some weird race conditions, we immediately mark the payment as paid. // If something goes wrong, we'll get the error callback below, and the status will be // updated. If it succeeds, we'll once again update the status with the txid for (int paymentNumber: paymentNumbers) { updatePaymentItem(rpi.getHash(), paymentNumber, "", "", PaymentStatus::COMPLETED); } // Send it off to the RPC doSendTx(main, tx, [=] (QString txid, QString err) { if (err.isEmpty()) { // Success, update the rpi for (int paymentNumber: paymentNumbers) { updatePaymentItem(rpi.getHash(), paymentNumber, txid, "", PaymentStatus::COMPLETED); } } else { // Errored out. Bummer. for (int paymentNumber: paymentNumbers) { updatePaymentItem(rpi.getHash(), paymentNumber, "", err, PaymentStatus::ERROR); } } }); } /** * Execute a send Tx */ void Recurring::doSendTx(MainWindow* mainwindow, Tx tx, std::function cb) { mainwindow->getRPC()->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString txid) { mainwindow->ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid); cb(txid, ""); }, [=] (QString opid, QString errStr) { mainwindow->ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000); cb("", errStr); }); } /** * Show the list of configured recurring payments */ void Recurring::showRecurringDialog(MainWindow* parent) { // Make sure only 1 is showing at a time static bool isDialogOpen = false; if (isDialogOpen) return; Ui_RecurringDialog rd; QDialog d(parent); rd.setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); auto model = new RecurringListViewModel(rd.tableView); rd.tableView->setModel(model); // Restore the table column layout QSettings s; rd.tableView->horizontalHeader()->restoreState(s.value("recurringtablegeom").toByteArray()); // Function to show the history and pending payments for a particular recurring payment auto showPayments = [=, &d] (const RecurringPaymentInfo& rpi) { Ui_RecurringPayments p; QDialog pd(&d); p.setupUi(&pd); Settings::saveRestore(&pd); auto model = new RecurringPaymentsListViewModel(p.tableView, rpi); p.tableView->setModel(model); p.tableView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(p.tableView, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=, &pd] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = p.tableView->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= rpi.payments.size()) return; int paymentNumber = index.row(); auto txid = rpi.payments[paymentNumber].txid; QMenu menu(parent); if (!txid.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(QObject::tr("View on block explorer"), [=] () { QString url; if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { url = "https://explorer.testnet.z.cash/tx/" + txid; } else { url = "https://hush3.komodod.com/transactions/" + txid; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } auto err = rpi.payments[paymentNumber].err; if (!err.isEmpty()) { menu.addAction(QObject::tr("View Error"), [=, &pd] () { QMessageBox::information(&pd, QObject::tr("Reported Error"), "\"" + err + "\"", QMessageBox::Ok); }); } menu.exec(p.tableView->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); // Restore the table column layout QSettings s; p.tableView->horizontalHeader()->restoreState(s.value("recurringpaymentstablevgeom").toByteArray()); pd.exec(); // Save the table column layout s.setValue("recurringpaymentstablevgeom", p.tableView->horizontalHeader()->saveState()); }; // View Button QObject::connect(rd.btnView, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { auto selectedRows = rd.tableView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); if (selectedRows.size() == 1) { auto rpi = Recurring::getInstance()->getAsList()[selectedRows[0].row()]; showPayments(rpi); } }); // Double Click QObject::connect(rd.tableView, &QTableView::doubleClicked, [=] (auto index) { auto rpi = Recurring::getInstance()->getAsList()[index.row()]; showPayments(rpi); }); // Delete button QObject::connect(rd.btnDelete, &QPushButton::clicked, [=, &d]() { auto selectedRows = rd.tableView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); if (selectedRows.size() == 1) { auto rpi = Recurring::getInstance()->getAsList()[selectedRows[0].row()]; if (QMessageBox::warning(&d, QObject::tr("Are you sure you want to delete the recurring payment?"), QObject::tr("Are you sure you want to delete the recurring payment?") + "\n" + QObject::tr("All future payments will be cancelled."), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { Recurring::getInstance()->removeRecurringInfo(rpi.getHash()); } } }); isDialogOpen = true; d.exec(); isDialogOpen = false; // Save the table column layout s.setValue("recurringtablegeom", rd.tableView->horizontalHeader()->saveState()); delete model; } /** * Model for List of recurring payments */ RecurringListViewModel::RecurringListViewModel(QTableView* parent) { this->parent = parent; headers << tr("Amount") << tr("Schedule") << tr("Payments Left") << tr("Next Payment") << tr("To"); } int RecurringListViewModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return Recurring::getInstance()->getAsList().size(); } int RecurringListViewModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return headers.size(); } QVariant RecurringListViewModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { auto rpi = Recurring::getInstance()->getAsList().at(index.row()); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch (index.column()) { case 0: return rpi.getAmountPretty(); case 1: return tr("Every ") + schedule_desc(rpi.schedule); case 2: return QString::number(rpi.getNumPendingPayments()) + " of " + QString::number(rpi.payments.size()); case 3: { auto n = rpi.getNextPayment(); if (n.toSecsSinceEpoch() == 0) return tr("None"); else return n; } case 4: return rpi.toAddr; } } return QVariant(); } QVariant RecurringListViewModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role == Qt::FontRole) { QFont f; f.setBold(true); return f; } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { return headers.at(section); } return QVariant(); } /** * Model for history of payments for a single recurring payment */ RecurringPaymentsListViewModel::RecurringPaymentsListViewModel(QTableView* parent, RecurringPaymentInfo rpi) { this->parent = parent; this->rpi = rpi; headers << tr("Date") << tr("Status") << tr("Txid"); } int RecurringPaymentsListViewModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return rpi.payments.size(); } int RecurringPaymentsListViewModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return headers.size(); } QVariant RecurringPaymentsListViewModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { auto item = rpi.payments[index.row()]; if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch (index.column()) { case 0: return item.date; case 1: { switch(item.status) { case PaymentStatus::NOT_STARTED: return tr("Not due yet"); case PaymentStatus::PENDING: return tr("Pending"); case PaymentStatus::SKIPPED: return tr("Skipped"); case PaymentStatus::COMPLETED: return tr("Paid"); case PaymentStatus::ERROR: return tr("Error"); case PaymentStatus::UNKNOWN: return tr("Unknown"); default: return tr("Unknown"); } } case 2: return item.txid; } } if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole && !item.err.isEmpty()) { return item.err; } return QVariant(); } QVariant RecurringPaymentsListViewModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (role == Qt::FontRole) { QFont f; f.setBold(true); return f; } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && orientation == Qt::Horizontal) { return headers.at(section); } return QVariant(); }