#include "mainwindow.h" #include "settings.h" Settings* Settings::instance = nullptr; Settings* Settings::init() { if (instance == nullptr) instance = new Settings(); return instance; } Settings* Settings::getInstance() { return instance; } Config Settings::getSettings() { // Load from the QT Settings. QSettings s; auto host = s.value("connection/host").toString(); auto port = s.value("connection/port").toString(); auto username = s.value("connection/rpcuser").toString(); auto password = s.value("connection/rpcpassword").toString(); return Config{host, port, username, password}; } void Settings::saveSettings(const QString& host, const QString& port, const QString& username, const QString& password) { QSettings s; s.setValue("connection/host", host); s.setValue("connection/port", port); s.setValue("connection/rpcuser", username); s.setValue("connection/rpcpassword", password); s.sync(); // re-init to load correct settings init(); } void Settings::setUsinghushConf(QString confLocation) { if (!confLocation.isEmpty()) _confLocation = confLocation; } bool Settings::isTestnet() { return _isTestnet; } void Settings::setTestnet(bool isTestnet) { this->_isTestnet = isTestnet; } bool Settings::isSaplingAddress(QString addr) { if (!isValidAddress(addr)) return false; return ( isTestnet() && addr.startsWith("ztestsapling")) || (!isTestnet() && addr.startsWith("zs")); } bool Settings::isSproutAddress(QString addr) { if (!isValidAddress(addr)) return false; return isZAddress(addr) && !isSaplingAddress(addr); } bool Settings::isZAddress(QString addr) { if (!isValidAddress(addr)) return false; return addr.startsWith("z"); } bool Settings::isTAddress(QString addr) { if (!isValidAddress(addr)) return false; return addr.startsWith("t"); } int Settings::gethushdVersion() { return _hushdVersion; } void Settings::sethushdVersion(int version) { _hushdVersion = version; } bool Settings::isSyncing() { return _isSyncing; } void Settings::setSyncing(bool syncing) { this->_isSyncing = syncing; } int Settings::getBlockNumber() { return this->_blockNumber; } void Settings::setBlockNumber(int number) { this->_blockNumber = number; } bool Settings::isSaplingActive() { return (isTestnet() && getBlockNumber() > 280000) || (!isTestnet() && getBlockNumber() > 419200); } double Settings::gethushPrice() { return hushPrice; } bool Settings::getAutoShield() { // Load from Qt settings return QSettings().value("options/autoshield", false).toBool(); } void Settings::setAutoShield(bool allow) { QSettings().setValue("options/autoshield", allow); } bool Settings::getCheckForUpdates() { return QSettings().value("options/allowcheckupdates", true).toBool(); } void Settings::setCheckForUpdates(bool allow) { QSettings().setValue("options/allowcheckupdates", allow); } bool Settings::getAllowFetchPrices() { return QSettings().value("options/allowfetchprices", true).toBool(); } void Settings::setAllowFetchPrices(bool allow) { QSettings().setValue("options/allowfetchprices", allow); } bool Settings::getAllowCustomFees() { // Load from the QT Settings. return QSettings().value("options/customfees", false).toBool(); } void Settings::setAllowCustomFees(bool allow) { QSettings().setValue("options/customfees", allow); } QString Settings::get_theme_name() { // Load from the QT Settings. return QSettings().value("options/theme_name", false).toString(); } void Settings::set_theme_name(QString theme_name) { QSettings().setValue("options/theme_name", theme_name); } bool Settings::getSaveZtxs() { // Load from the QT Settings. return QSettings().value("options/savesenttx", true).toBool(); } void Settings::setSaveZtxs(bool save) { QSettings().setValue("options/savesenttx", save); } void Settings::setPeers(int peers) { _peerConnections = peers; } int Settings::getPeers() { return _peerConnections; } //================================= // Static Stuff //================================= void Settings::saveRestore(QDialog* d) { d->restoreGeometry(QSettings().value(d->objectName() % "geometry").toByteArray()); QObject::connect(d, &QDialog::finished, [=](auto) { QSettings().setValue(d->objectName() % "geometry", d->saveGeometry()); }); } void Settings::saveRestoreTableHeader(QTableView* table, QDialog* d, QString tablename) { table->horizontalHeader()->restoreState(QSettings().value(tablename).toByteArray()); table->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); QObject::connect(d, &QDialog::finished, [=](auto) { QSettings().setValue(tablename, table->horizontalHeader()->saveState()); }); } void Settings::openAddressInExplorer(QString address) { QString url; if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { url = "https://chain.so/address/hushTEST/" + address; } else { url = "https://chain.so/address/hush/" + address; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); } void Settings::openTxInExplorer(QString txid) { QString url; if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { url = "https://chain.so/tx/hushTEST/" + txid; } else { url = "https://chain.so/tx/hush/" + txid; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); } QString Settings::getUSDFormat(double bal) { return "$" + QLocale(QLocale::English).toString(bal, 'f', 2); } QString Settings::getUSDFromhushAmount(double bal) { return getUSDFormat(bal * Settings::getInstance()->gethushPrice()); } QString Settings::getDecimalString(double amt) { QString f = QString::number(amt, 'f', 8); while (f.contains(".") && (f.right(1) == "0" || f.right(1) == ".")) { f = f.left(f.length() - 1); } if (f == "-0") f = "0"; return f; } QString Settings::gethushDisplayFormat(double bal) { // This is idiotic. Why doesn't QString have a way to do this? return getDecimalString(bal) % " " % Settings::getTokenName(); } QString Settings::gethushUSDDisplayFormat(double bal) { auto usdFormat = getUSDFromhushAmount(bal); if (!usdFormat.isEmpty()) return gethushDisplayFormat(bal) % " (" % usdFormat % ")"; else return gethushDisplayFormat(bal); } const QString Settings::txidStatusMessage = QString(QObject::tr("Tx submitted (right click to copy) txid:")); QString Settings::getTokenName() { if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { return "TAZ"; } else { return "HUSH"; } } QString Settings::getDonationAddr() { if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) return "ztestsapling1wn6889vznyu42wzmkakl2effhllhpe4azhu696edg2x6me4kfsnmqwpglaxzs7tmqsq7kudemp5"; else return "zs1gv64eu0v2wx7raxqxlmj354y9ycznwaau9kduljzczxztvs4qcl00kn2sjxtejvrxnkucw5xx9u"; } bool Settings::addTohushConf(QString confLocation, QString line) { QFile file(confLocation); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Append)) return false; QTextStream out(&file); out << line << "\n"; file.close(); return true; } bool Settings::removeFromhushConf(QString confLocation, QString option) { if (confLocation.isEmpty()) return false; // To remove an option, we'll create a new file, and copy over everything but the option. QFile file(confLocation); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return false; QList lines; QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); auto s = line.indexOf("="); QString name = line.left(s).trimmed().toLower(); if (name != option) { lines.append(line); } } file.close(); QFile newfile(confLocation); if (!newfile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate)) return false; QTextStream out(&newfile); for (QString line : lines) { out << line << endl; } newfile.close(); return true; } double Settings::getMinerFee() { return 0.0001; } double Settings::getZboardAmount() { return 0.0001; } QString Settings::getZboardAddr() { if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { return getDonationAddr(); } else { return "zs10m00rvkhfm4f7n23e4sxsx275r7ptnggx39ygl0vy46j9mdll5c97gl6dxgpk0njuptg2mn9w5s"; } } bool Settings::isValidSaplingPrivateKey(QString pk) { if (isTestnet()) { QRegExp zspkey("^secret-extended-key-test[0-9a-z]{278}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); return zspkey.exactMatch(pk); } else { QRegExp zspkey("^secret-extended-key-main[0-9a-z]{278}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); return zspkey.exactMatch(pk); } } bool Settings::isValidAddress(QString addr) { QRegExp zcexp("^z[a-z0-9]{94}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp zsexp("^z[a-z0-9]{77}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp ztsexp("^ztestsapling[a-z0-9]{76}", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp texp("^t[a-z0-9]{34}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); return zcexp.exactMatch(addr) || texp.exactMatch(addr) || ztsexp.exactMatch(addr) || zsexp.exactMatch(addr); } // Get a pretty string representation of this Payment URI QString Settings::paymentURIPretty(PaymentURI uri) { return QString() + "Payment Request\n" + "Pay: " + uri.addr + "\nAmount: " + gethushDisplayFormat(uri.amt.toDouble()) + "\nMemo:" + QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(uri.memo.toUtf8()); } // Parse a payment URI string into its components PaymentURI Settings::parseURI(QString uri) { PaymentURI ans; if (!uri.startsWith("hush:")) { ans.error = "Not a HUSH payment URI"; return ans; } uri = uri.right(uri.length() - QString("hush:").length()); QRegExp re("([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"); int pos; if ( (pos = re.indexIn(uri)) == -1 ) { ans.error = "Couldn't find an address"; return ans; } ans.addr = re.cap(1); if (!Settings::isValidAddress(ans.addr)) { ans.error = "Could not understand address"; return ans; } uri = uri.right(uri.length() - ans.addr.length()); if (!uri.isEmpty()) { uri = uri.right(uri.length() - 1); // Eat the "?" QStringList args = uri.split("&"); for (QString arg: args) { QStringList kv = arg.split("="); if (kv.length() != 2) { ans.error = "No value argument was seen"; return ans; } if (kv[0].toLower() == "amt" || kv[0].toLower() == "amount") { ans.amt = kv[1]; } else if (kv[0].toLower() == "memo" || kv[0].toLower() == "message" || kv[0].toLower() == "msg") { ans.memo = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(kv[1].toUtf8()); } else { // Ignore unknown fields, since some developers use it to pass extra data. } } } return ans; } const QString Settings::labelRegExp("[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]{0,40}");