// Copyright 2019-2021 The Hush developers // Released under the GPLv3 #include "FileSystem.h" #include #include FileSystem::FileSystem() { } FileSystem* FileSystem::getInstance() { if(!FileSystem::instanced) { FileSystem::instanced = true; FileSystem::instance = new FileSystem(); FileEncryption::showConfig(); } return FileSystem::instance; } /*QList FileSystem::readContacts(QString file) { //return this->readContactsOldFormat(file); //will be called if addresses are in the old dat-format QFile _file(file); if (_file.exists()) { std::ifstream f(file.toStdString().c_str(), std::ios::binary); if(f.is_open()) { std::vector buffer(std::istreambuf_iterator(f), {}); //todo covert to string to use is as json to feed the data store in addressbook } f.close(); } else { qInfo() << file << "not exist"; } } void FileSystem::writeContacts(QString file, QString data) { qDebug() << data; QFile _file(file); if (_file.exists()) { std::ofstream f(file.toStdString().c_str()); if(f.is_open()) { //ENCRYPT HERE f << data.toStdString(); } f.close(); } else { qInfo() << file << "not exist"; } } void FileSystem::writeContactsOldFormat(QString file, QList contacts) { QFile _file(file); _file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate); QDataStream out(&_file); // we will serialize the data into the file QList> _contacts; for(auto &item: contacts) { QList c; c.push_back(item.getName()); c.push_back(item.getPartnerAddress()); c.push_back(item.getMyAddress()); c.push_back(item.getCid()); c.push_back(item.getAvatar()); _contacts.push_back(c); } out << QString("v0") << _contacts; _file.close(); } QList FileSystem::readContactsOldFormat(QString file) { QList contacts; QFile _file(file); if (_file.exists()) { contacts.clear(); _file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDataStream in(&_file); // read the data serialized from the file QString version; in >> version; qDebug() << "Read " << version << " Hush contacts from disk..."; qDebug() << "Detected old addressbook format"; QList> stuff; in >> stuff; //qDebug() << "Stuff: " << stuff; for (int i=0; i < stuff.size(); i++) { ContactItem contact = ContactItem(stuff[i][0],stuff[i][1], stuff[i][2], stuff[i][3],stuff[i][4]); contacts.push_back(contact); } _file.close(); } else { qDebug() << "No Hush contacts found on disk!"; } return contacts; } FileSystem::~FileSystem() { this->instance = nullptr; this->instanced = false; delete this->instance; }*/ FileSystem *FileSystem::instance = nullptr; bool FileSystem::instanced = false;