// Copyright 2019-2020 The Hush developers // GPLv3 #include "chatmodel.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ui_confirm.h" #include "controller.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "ui_requestContactDialog.h" #include "addressbook.h" #include "ui_contactrequest.h" #include #include #include "DataStore/DataStore.h" using namespace std; ContactRequest contactRequest = ContactRequest(); ChatModel::ChatModel(std::map chatItems) { this->chatItems = chatItems; } ChatModel::ChatModel(std::vector chatItems) { this->setItems(chatItems); } std::map ChatModel::getItems() { return this->chatItems; } void ChatModel::setItems(std::map items) { this->chatItems = chatItems; } void ChatModel::setItems(std::vector items) { for(ChatItem c : items) { this->chatItems[ChatIDGenerator::getInstance()->generateID(c)] = c; //this->generateChatItemID(c)] = c; } } void ChatModel::clear() { this->chatItems.clear(); } void ChatModel::addMessage(ChatItem item) { QString key = ChatIDGenerator::getInstance()->generateID(item); //this->generateChatItemID(item); this->chatItems[key] = item; } void ChatModel::addMessage(QString timestamp, ChatItem item) { QString key = ChatIDGenerator::getInstance()->generateID(item);//this->generateChatItemID(item); timestamp = "0"; this->chatItems[key] = item; } void ChatModel::showMessages() { for(auto &c : this->chatItems) { // qDebug() << c.second.toChatLine(); } } void ChatModel::addAddressbylabel(QString address, QString label) { this->AddressbyLabelMap[address] = label; } QString ChatModel::Addressbylabel(QString address) { for(auto& pair : this->AddressbyLabelMap) { } if(this->AddressbyLabelMap.count(address) > 0) { return this->AddressbyLabelMap[address]; } return QString("0xdeadbeef"); } void MainWindow::renderContactRequest(){ Ui_requestDialog requestContact; QDialog dialog(this); requestContact.setupUi(&dialog); Settings::saveRestore(&dialog); QString icon; auto theme = Settings::getInstance()->get_theme_name(); if (theme == "Dark" || theme == "Midnight") { icon = ":/icons/res/unknownWhite.png"; }else{ icon = ":/icons/res/unknownBlack.png"; } QPixmap unknownWhite(icon); QIcon addnewAddrIcon(unknownWhite); QStandardItemModel* contactRequest = new QStandardItemModel(); for (auto &c : DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getAllNewContactRequests()) { QStandardItem* Items = new QStandardItem(QString(c.second.getRequestZaddr())); contactRequest->appendRow(Items); requestContact.requestContact->setModel(contactRequest); Items->setData(QIcon(addnewAddrIcon),Qt::DecorationRole); requestContact.requestContact->setIconSize(QSize(40,50)); requestContact.requestContact->setUniformItemSizes(true); requestContact.requestContact->show(); requestContact.zaddrnew->setVisible(false); requestContact.zaddrnew->setText(c.second.getRequestZaddr()); } QStandardItemModel* contactRequestOld = new QStandardItemModel(); for (auto &c : DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getAllOldContactRequests()) { QStandardItem* Items = new QStandardItem(c.second.getContact()); contactRequestOld->appendRow(Items); requestContact.requestContactOld->setModel(contactRequestOld); requestContact.zaddrold->setVisible(false); requestContact.zaddrold->setText(c.second.getRequestZaddr()); } QObject::connect(requestContact.requestContact, &QTableView::clicked, [&] () { for (auto &c : DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getAllRawChatItems()){ QModelIndex index = requestContact.requestContact->currentIndex(); QString label_contact = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); QStandardItemModel* contactMemo = new QStandardItemModel(); qDebug()<appendRow(Items); requestContact.requestMemo->setModel(contactMemo); requestContact.requestMemo->show(); requestContact.requestCID->setText(c.second.getCid()); requestContact.requestCID->setVisible(false); requestContact.requestZaddr->setText(c.second.getRequestZaddr()); requestContact.requestMyAddr->setText(c.second.getAddress()); }else{ } } }); QObject::connect(requestContact.requestContactOld, &QTableView::clicked, [&] () { for (auto &c : DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getAllRawChatItems()){ QModelIndex index = requestContact.requestContactOld->currentIndex(); QString label_contactold = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); QStandardItemModel* contactMemo = new QStandardItemModel(); if ((c.second.isOutgoing() == false) && (label_contactold == c.second.getContact()) && (c.second.getMemo().startsWith("{") == false)) { QStandardItem* Items = new QStandardItem(c.second.getMemo()); contactMemo->appendRow(Items); requestContact.requestMemo->setModel(contactMemo); requestContact.requestMemo->show(); requestContact.requestCID->setText(c.second.getCid()); requestContact.requestCID->setVisible(false); requestContact.requestZaddr->setText(c.second.getRequestZaddr()); requestContact.requestMyAddr->setText(c.second.getAddress()); }else{ } } }); QObject::connect(requestContact.pushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] () { QString cid = requestContact.requestCID->text(); auto addr = requestContact.requestZaddr->text().trimmed(); QString newLabel = requestContact.requestLabel->text().trimmed(); auto myAddr = requestContact.requestMyAddr->text().trimmed(); QString avatar = QString(":/icons/res/") + requestContact.comboBoxAvatar->currentText() + QString(".png"); if (addr.isEmpty() || newLabel.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical( this, QObject::tr("Address or Label Error"), QObject::tr("Address or Label cannot be empty"), QMessageBox::Ok ); return; } // Test if address is valid. if (!Settings::isValidAddress(addr)) { QMessageBox::critical( this, QObject::tr("Address Format Error"), QObject::tr("%1 doesn't seem to be a valid hush address.").arg(addr), QMessageBox::Ok ); return; } AddressBook::getInstance()->addAddressLabel(newLabel, addr, myAddr, cid, avatar); rpc->refreshContacts( ui->listContactWidget); QMessageBox::information(this, "Added Contact","successfully added your new contact. You can now Chat with this contact"); dialog.close(); }); dialog.exec(); } void ChatModel::addCid(QString tx, QString cid) { this->cidMap[tx] = cid; } void ChatModel::addHeader(QString tx, QString headerbytes) { this->headerMap[tx] = headerbytes; } void ChatModel::addMemo(QString tx, QString memo) { this->OldMemoByTx[tx] = memo; } void ChatModel::addrequestZaddr(QString tx, QString requestZaddr) { this->requestZaddrMap[tx] = requestZaddr; } void ChatModel::addconfirmations(QString tx, int confirmation) { this->confirmationsMap[tx] = confirmation; } QString ChatModel::getCidByTx(QString tx) { for(auto& pair : this->cidMap) { } if(this->cidMap.count(tx) > 0) { return this->cidMap[tx]; } return QString("0xdeadbeef"); } QString ChatModel::getMemoByTx(QString tx) { for(auto& pair : this->OldMemoByTx) { } if(this->OldMemoByTx.count(tx) > 0) { return this->OldMemoByTx[tx]; } return QString("0xdeadbeef"); } QString ChatModel::getHeaderByTx(QString tx) { for(auto& pair : this->headerMap) { } if(this->headerMap.count(tx) > 0) { return this->headerMap[tx]; } return QString("0xdeadbeef"); } QString ChatModel::getConfirmationByTx(QString tx) { for(auto& pair : this->confirmationsMap) { } if(this->confirmationsMap.count(tx) > 0) { return this->confirmationsMap[tx]; } return QString("0xdeadbeef"); } QString ChatModel::getrequestZaddrByTx(QString tx) { for(auto& pair : this->requestZaddrMap) { } if(this->requestZaddrMap.count(tx) > 0) { return this->requestZaddrMap[tx]; } return QString("0xdeadbeef"); } void ChatModel::killCidCache() { this->cidMap.clear(); } void ChatModel::killrequestZaddrCache() { this->requestZaddrMap.clear(); } void ChatModel::killConfirmationCache() { this->confirmationsMap.clear(); } void ChatModel::killMemoCache() { this->OldMemoByTx.clear(); } QString MainWindow::createHeaderMemo(QString type, QString cid, QString zaddr, QString headerbytes, QString publickey, int version=0, int headerNumber=1) { QString header=""; QJsonDocument j; QJsonObject h; // We use short keynames to use less space for metadata and so allow // the user to send more actual data in memos h["h"] = headerNumber; // header number h["v"] = version; // HushChat version h["z"] = zaddr; // zaddr to respond to h["cid"] = cid; // conversation id h["t"] = type; // Memo or incoming contact request h["e"] = headerbytes; // Memo or incoming contact request h["p"] = publickey; // Memo or incoming contact request j.setObject(h); header = j.toJson(); return header; } // Create a Tx from the current state of the Chat page. Tx MainWindow::createTxFromChatPage() { Tx tx; CAmount totalAmt; // For each addr/amt in the Chat tab { QString amtStr = "0"; CAmount amt; amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString("0"); totalAmt = totalAmt + amt; for(auto &c : AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels()) if (ui->contactNameMemo->text().trimmed() == c.getName()) { QString cid = c.getCid(); QString myAddr = c.getMyAddress(); QString type = "Memo"; QString addr = c.getPartnerAddress(); /////////User input for chatmemos QString memoplain = ui->memoTxtChat->toPlainText().trimmed(); /////////We convert the user input from QString to unsigned char*, so we can encrypt it later int lengthmemo = memoplain.length(); char *memoplainchar = NULL; memoplainchar = new char[lengthmemo+2]; strncpy(memoplainchar, memoplain.toUtf8(), lengthmemo +1); QString pubkey = this->getPubkeyByAddress(addr); QString passphraseHash = DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getPassword(); int length = passphraseHash.length(); ////////////////Generate the secretkey for our message encryption char *hashEncryptionKeyraw = NULL; hashEncryptionKeyraw = new char[length+1]; strncpy(hashEncryptionKeyraw, passphraseHash.toUtf8(), length+1); #define MESSAGEAS1 ((const unsigned char *) hashEncryptionKeyraw) #define MESSAGEAS1_LEN length unsigned char sk[crypto_kx_SECRETKEYBYTES]; unsigned char pk[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; unsigned char server_rx[crypto_kx_SESSIONKEYBYTES], server_tx[crypto_kx_SESSIONKEYBYTES]; if (crypto_kx_seed_keypair(pk,sk, MESSAGEAS1) !=0) { this->logger->write("Suspicious keypair, bail out "); } ////////////////Get the pubkey from Bob, so we can create the share key const QByteArray pubkeyBobArray = QByteArray::fromHex(pubkey.toLatin1()); const unsigned char *pubkeyBob = reinterpret_cast(pubkeyBobArray.constData()); /////Create the shared key for sending the message if (crypto_kx_server_session_keys(server_rx, server_tx, pk, sk, pubkeyBob) != 0) { this->logger->write("Suspicious client public send key, bail out "); } // Let's try to preserve Unicode characters QByteArray ba_memo = memoplain.toUtf8(); int ba_memo_length = ba_memo.size(); #define MESSAGE (const unsigned char *) ba_memo.data() #define MESSAGE_LEN ba_memo_length ////////////Now lets encrypt the message Alice send to Bob////////////////////////////// //#define MESSAGE (const unsigned char *) memoplainchar //#define MESSAGE_LEN lengthmemo #define CIPHERTEXT_LEN (crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_ABYTES + MESSAGE_LEN) unsigned char ciphertext[CIPHERTEXT_LEN]; unsigned char header[crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_HEADERBYTES]; crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_state state; /* Set up a new stream: initialize the state and create the header */ crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push(&state, header, server_tx); /* Now, encrypt the first chunk. `c1` will contain an encrypted, * authenticated representation of `MESSAGE_PART1`. */ crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push (&state, ciphertext, NULL, MESSAGE, MESSAGE_LEN, NULL, 0, crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_TAG_FINAL); ////Create the HM for this message QString headerbytes = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(header), crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_HEADERBYTES).toHex(); QString publickeyAlice = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(pk), crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES).toHex(); QString hmemo= createHeaderMemo(type,cid,myAddr,headerbytes,publickeyAlice); /////Ciphertext Memo QString memo = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(ciphertext), CIPHERTEXT_LEN).toHex(); tx.toAddrs.push_back(ToFields{addr, amt, hmemo}); tx.toAddrs.push_back(ToFields{addr, amt, memo}); } } tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee(); return tx; } void MainWindow::sendChat() { ////////////////////////////Todo: Check if a Contact is selected////////// // Create a Tx from the values on the send tab. Note that this Tx object // might not be valid yet. QString Name = ui->contactNameMemo->text(); if ((ui->contactNameMemo->text().isEmpty()) || (ui->memoTxtChat->toPlainText().trimmed().isEmpty())) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("You have to select a contact and insert a Memo"), tr("You have selected no Contact from Contactlist,\n") + tr("\nor your Memo is empty"), QMessageBox::Ok, this); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); msg.exec(); return; } int max = 235; QString chattext = ui->memoTxtChat->toPlainText(); int size = chattext.size(); if (size > max){ QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Your Message is too long"), tr("You can only write messages with 235 character maximum \n") + tr("\n Please reduce your message to 235 character."), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } Tx tx = createTxFromChatPage(); QString error = doSendChatTxValidations(tx); if (!error.isEmpty()) { // Something went wrong, so show an error and exit QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Message Error"), error, QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); // abort the Tx return; } auto movie = new QMovie(this); auto movie1 = new QMovie(this); movie->setFileName(":/img/res/loaderblack.gif"); movie1->setFileName(":/img/res/loaderwhite.gif"); auto theme = Settings::getInstance()->get_theme_name(); if (theme == "Dark" || theme == "Midnight") { connect(movie, &QMovie::frameChanged, [=]{ ui->sendChatButton->setIcon(movie->currentPixmap()); }); movie->start(); ui->sendChatButton->show(); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(false); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); } else { connect(movie1, &QMovie::frameChanged, [=]{ ui->sendChatButton->setIcon(movie1->currentPixmap()); }); movie1->start(); ui->sendChatButton->show(); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(false); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); } ui->memoTxtChat->clear(); // And send the Tx rpc->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString txid) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid); QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=]() { if (theme == "Dark" || theme == "Midnight") { QPixmap send(":/icons/res/send-white.png"); QIcon sendIcon(send); ui->sendChatButton->setIcon(sendIcon); movie->stop(); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(true); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); }else{ QPixmap send(":/icons/res/sendBlack.png"); QIcon sendIcon(send); ui->sendChatButton->setIcon(sendIcon); movie1->stop(); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(true); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); } }); // Force a UI update so we get the unconfirmed Tx rpc->refresh(true); ui->memoTxtChat->clear(); }, // Errored out [=] (QString opid, QString errStr) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); if (!opid.isEmpty()) errStr = QObject::tr("The transaction with id ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed. The error was") + ":\n\n" + errStr; QMessageBox::critical(this, QObject::tr("Transaction Error"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok); movie->stop(); if (theme == "Dark" || theme == "Midnight") { QPixmap send(":/icons/res/send-white.png"); QIcon sendIcon(send); ui->sendChatButton->setIcon(sendIcon); movie->stop(); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(true); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); }else{ QPixmap send(":/icons/res/sendBlack.png"); QIcon sendIcon(send); ui->sendChatButton->setIcon(sendIcon); movie1->stop(); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(true); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); } } ); } QString MainWindow::doSendChatTxValidations(Tx tx) { // Check to see if we have enough verified funds to send the Tx. CAmount total; for (auto toAddr : tx.toAddrs) { if (!Settings::isValidAddress(toAddr.addr)) { QString addr = (toAddr.addr.length() > 100 ? toAddr.addr.left(100) + "..." : toAddr.addr); return QString(tr("Recipient Address ")) % addr % tr(" is Invalid"); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); } // This technically shouldn't be possible, but issue #62 seems to have discovered a bug // somewhere, so just add a check to make sure. if (toAddr.amount.toqint64() < 0) { return QString(tr("Amount for address '%1' is invalid!").arg(toAddr.addr)); } total = total + toAddr.amount; } total = total + tx.fee; auto available = rpc->getModel()->getAvailableBalance(); if (available < total) { return tr("Not enough available funds to send this transaction\n\nHave: %1\nNeed: %2\n\nNote: Funds need 1 confirmations before they can be spent") .arg(available.toDecimalhushString(), total.toDecimalhushString()); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); } return ""; } void::MainWindow::addContact() { Ui_Dialog request; QDialog dialog(this); request.setupUi(&dialog); Settings::saveRestore(&dialog); request.memorequest->setLenDisplayLabelChatRequest(request.memoSizeChatRequest); try { bool sapling = true; rpc->createNewZaddr(sapling, [=] (json reply) { QString myAddr = QString::fromStdString(reply.get()[0]); rpc->refreshAddresses(); request.myzaddr->setText(myAddr); ui->listReceiveAddresses->insertItem(0, myAddr); ui->listReceiveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); DataStore::getChatDataStore()->setSendZaddr(myAddr); qDebug()<<"Zaddr: "<text(); QString myAddr = request.myzaddr->text().trimmed(); QString memo = request.memorequest->toPlainText().trimmed(); QString avatar = QString(":/icons/res/") + request.comboBoxAvatar->currentText() + QString(".png"); QString label = request.labelRequest->text().trimmed(); contactRequest.setSenderAddress(myAddr); contactRequest.setReceiverAddress(addr); contactRequest.setMemo(memo); contactRequest.setCid(cid); contactRequest.setAvatar(avatar); contactRequest.setLabel(label); }); QObject::connect(request.sendRequestButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::saveandsendContact); // QObject::connect(request.onlyAdd, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::saveContact); dialog.exec(); rpc->refreshContacts(ui->listContactWidget); } void MainWindow::saveandsendContact() { this->ContactRequest(); } // Create a Tx for a contact Request Tx MainWindow::createTxForSafeContactRequest() { Tx tx; { CAmount totalAmt; QString amtStr = "0"; CAmount amt; QString headerbytes = ""; amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString("0"); totalAmt = totalAmt + amt; QString cid = contactRequest.getCid(); QString myAddr = DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getSendZaddr(); QString type = "Cont"; QString addr = contactRequest.getReceiverAddress(); QString memo = contactRequest.getMemo(); QString passphrase = DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getPassword(); int length = passphrase.length(); ////////////////Generate the secretkey for our message encryption char *hashEncryptionKeyraw = NULL; hashEncryptionKeyraw = new char[length+1]; strncpy(hashEncryptionKeyraw, passphrase.toUtf8(), length +1); #define MESSAGEAS1 ((const unsigned char *) hashEncryptionKeyraw) #define MESSAGEAS1_LEN length unsigned char sk[crypto_kx_SECRETKEYBYTES]; unsigned char pk[crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; if (crypto_kx_seed_keypair(pk, sk, MESSAGEAS1) !=0) { this->logger->write("Suspicious client public contact request key, bail out "); } QString publicKey = QByteArray(reinterpret_cast(pk), crypto_kx_PUBLICKEYBYTES).toHex(); QString hmemo= createHeaderMemo(type,cid,myAddr,"", publicKey); tx.toAddrs.push_back(ToFields{addr, amt, hmemo}); tx.toAddrs.push_back(ToFields{addr, amt, memo}); tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee(); } return tx; } void MainWindow::ContactRequest() { if (contactRequest.getReceiverAddress().isEmpty() || contactRequest.getMemo().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("You have to select a contact and insert a Memo"), tr("You have selected no Contact from Contactlist,\n") + tr("\nor your Memo is empty"), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } int max = 512; QString chattext = contactRequest.getMemo();; int size = chattext.size(); if (size > max){ QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Your Message is too long"), tr("You can only write messages with 512 character maximum \n") + tr("\n Please reduce your message to 235 character."), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } Tx tx = createTxForSafeContactRequest(); QString error = doSendRequestTxValidations(tx); if (!error.isEmpty()) { // Something went wrong, so show an error and exit QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Message Error"), error, QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); // abort the Tx return; } // Create a new Dialog to show that we are computing/sending the Tx auto d = new QDialog(this); auto connD = new Ui_ConnectionDialog(); connD->setupUi(d); QMovie *movie1 = new QMovie(":/img/res/silentdragonlite-animated.gif"); QMovie *movie2 = new QMovie(":/img/res/silentdragonlite-animated-dark.gif"); auto theme = Settings::getInstance()->get_theme_name(); if (theme == "Dark" || theme == "Midnight") { movie2->setScaledSize(QSize(512,512)); connD->topIcon->setMovie(movie2); movie2->start(); } else { movie1->setScaledSize(QSize(512,512)); connD->topIcon->setMovie(movie1); movie1->start(); } connD->status->setText(tr("Please wait...")); connD->statusDetail->setText(tr("Your contact request will be sent")); d->show(); ui->memoTxtChat->clear(); // And send the Tx rpc->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString txid) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid); connD->status->setText(tr("Done!")); connD->statusDetail->setText(txid); QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=]() { d->accept(); d->close(); delete connD; delete d; }); /////Add this contact after we sent the request QString addr = contactRequest.getReceiverAddress(); QString newLabel = contactRequest.getLabel(); QString myAddr = contactRequest.getSenderAddress(); QString cid = contactRequest.getCid(); QString avatar = contactRequest.getAvatar(); if (addr.isEmpty() || newLabel.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical( this, QObject::tr("Address or Label Error"), QObject::tr("Address or Label cannot be empty"), QMessageBox::Ok ); return; } // Test if address is valid. if (!Settings::isValidAddress(addr)) { QMessageBox::critical( this, QObject::tr("Address Format Error"), QObject::tr("%1 doesn't seem to be a valid hush address.").arg(addr), QMessageBox::Ok ); return; } ///////Todo: Test if label allready exist! ////// Success, so show it AddressBook::getInstance()->addAddressLabel(newLabel, addr, myAddr, cid, avatar); rpc->refreshContacts( ui->listContactWidget); QMessageBox::information( this, QObject::tr("Added Contact"), QObject::tr("successfully added your new contact").arg(newLabel), QMessageBox::Ok ); return; // Force a UI update so we get the unconfirmed Tx // rpc->refresh(true); ui->memoTxtChat->clear(); rpc->refresh(true); rpc->refreshContacts( ui->listContactWidget); }, // Errored out [=] (QString opid, QString errStr) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000); d->accept(); d->close(); delete connD; delete d; if (!opid.isEmpty()) errStr = QObject::tr("The transaction with id ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed. The error was") + ":\n\n" + errStr; QMessageBox::critical(this, QObject::tr("Transaction Error"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok); } ); } QString MainWindow::doSendRequestTxValidations(Tx tx) { // Check to see if we have enough verified funds to send the Tx. CAmount total; for (auto toAddr : tx.toAddrs) { if (!Settings::isValidAddress(toAddr.addr)) { QString addr = (toAddr.addr.length() > 100 ? toAddr.addr.left(100) + "..." : toAddr.addr); return QString(tr("Recipient Address ")) % addr % tr(" is Invalid"); } // This technically shouldn't be possible, but issue #62 seems to have discovered a bug // somewhere, so just add a check to make sure. if (toAddr.amount.toqint64() < 0) { return QString(tr("Amount for address '%1' is invalid!").arg(toAddr.addr)); } total = total + toAddr.amount; } total = total + tx.fee; auto available = rpc->getModel()->getAvailableBalance(); if (available < total) { return tr("Not enough available funds to send this transaction\n\nHave: %1\nNeed: %2\n\nNote: Funds need 1 confirmations before they can be spent") .arg(available.toDecimalhushString(), total.toDecimalhushString()); } return ""; }