// Copyright 2019-2020 The Hush developers // GPLv3 #ifndef CHATDELEGATOR_H #define CHATDELEGATOR_H #include #include #include #include enum RenderType { OUTGOING=0, INCOMING=1, INDATE=2, OUTDATE=3 }; class ListViewDelegate : public QAbstractItemDelegate { int d_radius; int d_toppadding; int d_bottompadding; int d_leftpadding; int d_rightpadding; int d_verticalmargin; int d_horizontalmargin; int d_pointerwidth; int d_pointerheight; float d_widthfraction; public: inline ListViewDelegate(QObject *parent = nullptr); protected: inline void paint(QPainter *painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const &option, QModelIndex const &index) const; inline QSize sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem const &option, QModelIndex const &index) const; }; inline ListViewDelegate::ListViewDelegate(QObject *parent): QAbstractItemDelegate(parent), d_radius(15), d_toppadding(15), d_bottompadding(3), d_leftpadding(5), d_rightpadding(5), d_verticalmargin(5), d_horizontalmargin(10), d_pointerwidth(4), d_pointerheight(25), d_widthfraction(.6) { } inline void ListViewDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, QStyleOptionViewItem const &option, QModelIndex const &index) const { QTextDocument bodydoc; QTextOption textOption(bodydoc.defaultTextOption()); textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); bodydoc.setDefaultTextOption(textOption); bodydoc.setDefaultFont(QFont("Roboto", 12)); QString bodytext(index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace("\n", "
")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":smiley:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":-)", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":money_mouth:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":laughing:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":sweet_smile:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":joy:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":innocent:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":partying_face:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":heart_eyes:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":fire:", "")); qreal contentswidth = option.rect.width() * d_widthfraction - d_horizontalmargin - d_pointerwidth - d_leftpadding - d_rightpadding; bodydoc.setTextWidth(contentswidth); qreal bodyheight = bodydoc.size().height(); int outgoing = index.data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toInt(); int outdate = index.data(Qt::UserRole + 1).toInt(); painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // uncomment to see the area provided to paint this item //painter->drawRect(option.rect); painter->translate(option.rect.left() + d_horizontalmargin, option.rect.top() + ((index.row() == 0) ? d_verticalmargin : 0)); QColor bgcolor("#ffffff"); switch(outgoing) { case INDATE: bgcolor = "transparent"; break; case OUTDATE: bgcolor = "transparent"; break; case OUTGOING: bgcolor = "#f8f9fa"; break; default: case INCOMING: bgcolor = "#535353"; break; } // create chat bubble QPainterPath pointie; // left bottom pointie.moveTo(0, bodyheight + d_toppadding + d_bottompadding); // right bottom pointie.lineTo(0 + contentswidth + d_pointerwidth + d_leftpadding + d_rightpadding - d_radius, bodyheight + d_toppadding + d_bottompadding); pointie.arcTo(0 + contentswidth + d_pointerwidth + d_leftpadding + d_rightpadding - 2 * d_radius, bodyheight + d_toppadding + d_bottompadding - 2 * d_radius, 2 * d_radius, 2 * d_radius, 270, 90); // right top pointie.lineTo(0 + contentswidth + d_pointerwidth + d_leftpadding + d_rightpadding, 0 + d_radius); pointie.arcTo(0 + contentswidth + d_pointerwidth + d_leftpadding + d_rightpadding - 2 * d_radius, 0, 2 * d_radius, 2 * d_radius, 0, 90); // left top pointie.lineTo(0 + d_pointerwidth + d_radius, 0); pointie.arcTo(0 + d_pointerwidth, 0, 2 * d_radius, 2 * d_radius, 90, 90); // left bottom almost (here is the pointie) pointie.lineTo(0 + d_pointerwidth, bodyheight + d_toppadding + d_bottompadding - d_pointerheight); pointie.closeSubpath(); // rotate bubble for outgoing messages if ((outgoing == OUTGOING) || (outdate == OUTDATE)) { painter->translate(option.rect.width() - pointie.boundingRect().width() - d_horizontalmargin - d_pointerwidth, 0); painter->translate(pointie.boundingRect().center()); painter->rotate(180); painter->translate(-pointie.boundingRect().center()); } // now paint it! painter->setPen(QPen(bgcolor)); painter->drawPath(pointie); painter->fillPath(pointie, QBrush(bgcolor)); // rotate back or painter is going to paint the text rotated... if ((outgoing == OUTGOING) || (outdate == OUTDATE)) { painter->translate(pointie.boundingRect().center()); painter->rotate(-180); painter->translate(-pointie.boundingRect().center()); } // set text color used to draw message body QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext ctx; switch(outgoing) { case INDATE: ctx.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor("Black")); break; case OUTDATE: ctx.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor("Black")); break; case OUTGOING: ctx.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor("Black")); break; default: case INCOMING: ctx.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor("whitesmoke")); break; } // draw body text painter->translate((outgoing == OUTGOING ? 0 : d_pointerwidth) + d_leftpadding, 0); painter->translate((outdate == OUTDATE ? 0 : d_pointerwidth) + d_leftpadding, 0); bodydoc.documentLayout()->draw(painter, ctx); painter->restore(); } inline QSize ListViewDelegate::sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem const &option, QModelIndex const &index) const { QTextDocument bodydoc; QTextOption textOption(bodydoc.defaultTextOption()); textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); bodydoc.setDefaultTextOption(textOption); bodydoc.setDefaultFont(QFont("Roboto", 12)); QString bodytext(index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace("\n", "
")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":smiley:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":-)", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":money_mouth:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":laughing:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":sweet_smile:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":joy:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":innocent:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":partying_face:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":heart_eyes:", "")); bodydoc.setHtml(bodytext.replace(":fire:", "")); // the width of the contents are the (a fraction of the window width) minus (margins + padding + width of the bubble's tail) qreal contentswidth = option.rect.width() * d_widthfraction - d_horizontalmargin - d_pointerwidth - d_leftpadding - d_rightpadding; // set this available width on the text document bodydoc.setTextWidth(contentswidth); QSize size(bodydoc.idealWidth() + d_horizontalmargin + d_pointerwidth + d_leftpadding + d_rightpadding, bodydoc.size().height() + d_bottompadding + d_toppadding + d_verticalmargin + 1); // I dont remember why +1, haha, might not be necessary if (index.row() == 0) // have extra margin at top of first item size += QSize(0, d_verticalmargin); return size; } #endif