requestDialog 0 0 764 495 0 0 600 495 764 495 Incoming Contact Request 360 10 151 17 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;">Memo of the request</span></p></body></html> 355 32 400 231 400 231 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff QAbstractScrollArea::AdjustToContents QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers QListView::Adjust 0 false true 9 9 161 17 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;">Open requests from:</span></p></body></html> 9 294 162 192 0 0 150 190 true QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed|QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked false QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection 299 328 450 25 450 25 351 25 177 343 97 17 0 0 Request from: 299 399 142 25 0 0 0 25 25 480 461 16 17 628 461 127 25 Add New Contact false 417 461 16 17 177 430 233 17 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Choose an avatar for your contact:</p></body></html> 177 368 68 17 0 0 My Zaddr: 340 461 16 17 542 461 80 25 0 0 100 0 Cancel false false 417 430 106 25 106 25 106 25 Anonymous :/icons/res/Anonymous.png Duke :/icons/res/Duke.png onryo :/icons/res/onryo.png fekt :/icons/res/fekt.png jahway603 :/icons/res/jahway603.png Denio :/icons/res/Denio.png Sharpee :/icons/res/Sharpee.png 9 271 179 17 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;">Recently closed requests</span></p></body></html> 177 294 157 17 0 0 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600; text-decoration: underline;">Details of the request</span></p></body></html> 177 399 116 17 0 0 Give a Nickname: 299 368 450 25 450 25 351 25 9 32 321 231 150 231 true QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed|QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked false QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection cancel clicked() requestDialog reject() 339 482 505 251