// Copyright 2019-2021 The Hush developers // Released under the GPLv3 #include "Chat.h" #include "../addressbook.h" #include "../DataStore/DataStore.h" Chat::Chat() {} ChatMemoEdit::ChatMemoEdit(QWidget* parent) : QTextEdit(parent) { QObject::connect(this, &QTextEdit::textChanged, this, &ChatMemoEdit::updateDisplayChat); } void ChatMemoEdit::updateDisplayChat() { QString txt = this->toPlainText(); if (lenDisplayLabelchat) lenDisplayLabelchat->setText(QString::number(txt.toUtf8().size()) + "/" + QString::number(maxlenchat)); if (txt.toUtf8().size() <= maxlenchat) { // Everything is fine if (sendChatButton) sendChatButton->setEnabled(true); if (lenDisplayLabelchat) lenDisplayLabelchat->setStyleSheet(""); } else { // Overweight if (sendChatButton) sendChatButton->setEnabled(false); if (lenDisplayLabelchat) lenDisplayLabelchat->setStyleSheet("color: red;"); } } void ChatMemoEdit::setMaxLenChat(int len) { this->maxlenchat = len; updateDisplayChat(); } void ChatMemoEdit::SetSendChatButton(QPushButton* button) { this->sendChatButton = button; } void ChatMemoEdit::setLenDisplayLabelChat(QLabel* label) { this->lenDisplayLabelchat = label; } ChatMemoEditRequest::ChatMemoEditRequest(QWidget* parent) : QTextEdit(parent) { QObject::connect(this, &QTextEdit::textChanged, this, &ChatMemoEditRequest::updateDisplayChatRequest); } // TODO: unify this with updateDisplayChat() void ChatMemoEditRequest::updateDisplayChatRequest() { QString txt = this->toPlainText(); if (lenDisplayLabelchatRequest) lenDisplayLabelchatRequest->setText(QString::number(txt.toUtf8().size()) + "/" + QString::number(maxlenchatrequest)); if (txt.toUtf8().size() <= maxlenchatrequest) { // Everything is fine if (sendRequestButton) sendRequestButton->setEnabled(true); if (lenDisplayLabelchatRequest) lenDisplayLabelchatRequest->setStyleSheet(""); } else { // Overweight if (sendRequestButton) sendRequestButton->setEnabled(false); if (lenDisplayLabelchatRequest) lenDisplayLabelchatRequest->setStyleSheet("color: red;"); } } void ChatMemoEditRequest::setMaxLenChatRequest(int len) { this->maxlenchatrequest = len; updateDisplayChatRequest(); } void ChatMemoEditRequest::SetSendRequestButton(QPushButton* button) { this->sendRequestButton = button; } void ChatMemoEditRequest::setLenDisplayLabelChatRequest(QLabel* label) { this->lenDisplayLabelchatRequest = label; } void Chat::renderChatBox(Ui::MainWindow *ui, QListView *view, QLabel *label) { QStandardItemModel *chat = new QStandardItemModel(); DataStore::getChatDataStore()->dump(); // test to see if the chat items in datastore are correctly dumped to json std::map seenTxids; qDebug() << __func__ << ": looking at memos..."; for (auto &contact : AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels()) { for (auto &memo : DataStore::getChatDataStore()->getAllMemos()) { if ( (contact.getName() == ui->contactNameMemo->text().trimmed()) && (contact.getPartnerAddress() == memo.second.getAddress()) && (memo.second.isOutgoing() == true)) { QStandardItem *Items = new QStandardItem(memo.second.toChatLine()); Items->setData(OUTGOING, Qt::UserRole + 1); qDebug() << __func__ << ": appending row to OUTGOING chatitems to contact " << contact.getName() << " with item " << Items; chat->appendRow(Items); ui->listChat->setModel(chat); } else { ui->listChat->setModel(chat); } qDebug() << __func__ << ": memo.first=" << memo.first; if ( (contact.getName() == ui->contactNameMemo->text().trimmed()) && (contact.getMyAddress() == memo.second.getAddress()) && (memo.second.isOutgoing() == false) && (memo.second.getCid() == contact.getCid()) ) { QStandardItem *Items1 = new QStandardItem(memo.second.toChatLine()); Items1->setData(INCOMING, Qt::UserRole + 1); qDebug() << __func__ << ": appending row to INCOMING chatitems to contact " << contact.getName() << "with txid=" << memo.second.getTxid() << " cid=" << contact.getCid() << " item " << Items1 << " memo=" << memo.second.getMemo(); if(seenTxids.count( memo.second.getTxid() ) > 0) { // Do not render the same chat multiple times // TODO: this should also look at outputindex to allow for multi-part memos, when that is supported qDebug() << __func__ << ": INCOMING ignoring txid=" << memo.second.getTxid(); continue; } // TODO: better header memo detection if (memo.second.getMemo().startsWith("{")) { qDebug() << __func__ << ": ignoring header memo=" << memo.second.getMemo(); } else { chat->appendRow(Items1); ui->listChat->setModel(chat); ui->memoTxtChat->setEnabled(true); ui->emojiButton->setEnabled(true); ui->sendChatButton->setEnabled(true); seenTxids[ memo.second.getTxid() ] = 1; } } else { ui->listChat->setModel(chat); } } } }