#include "websockets.h" #include "rpc.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ui_mobileappconnector.h" #include "version.h" // Weap the sendTextMessage to check if the connection is valid and that the parent WebServer didn't close this connection // for some reason. void ClientWebSocket::sendTextMessage(QString m) { if (client) { if (server && !server->isValidConnection(client)) { return; } if (client->isValid()) client->sendTextMessage(m); } } WSServer::WSServer(quint16 port, bool debug, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_pWebSocketServer(new QWebSocketServer(QStringLiteral("Direct Connection Server"), QWebSocketServer::NonSecureMode, this)), m_debug(debug) { m_mainWindow = (MainWindow *) parent; if (m_pWebSocketServer->listen(QHostAddress::AnyIPv4, port)) { if (m_debug) qDebug() << "Echoserver listening on port" << port; connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::newConnection, this, &WSServer::onNewConnection); connect(m_pWebSocketServer, &QWebSocketServer::closed, this, &WSServer::closed); } } WSServer::~WSServer() { qDebug() << "Closing websocket"; m_pWebSocketServer->close(); qDeleteAll(m_clients.begin(), m_clients.end()); } void WSServer::onNewConnection() { QWebSocket *pSocket = m_pWebSocketServer->nextPendingConnection(); connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processTextMessage); connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::binaryMessageReceived, this, &WSServer::processBinaryMessage); connect(pSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WSServer::socketDisconnected); m_clients << pSocket; } void WSServer::processTextMessage(QString message) { QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast(sender()); if (m_debug) qDebug() << "Message received:" << message; if (pClient) { std::shared_ptr client = std::make_shared(pClient, this); AppDataServer::getInstance()->processMessage(message, m_mainWindow, client, AppConnectionType::DIRECT); } } void WSServer::processBinaryMessage(QByteArray message) { //QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast(sender()); if (m_debug) qDebug() << "Binary Message received:" << message; } void WSServer::socketDisconnected() { QWebSocket *pClient = qobject_cast(sender()); if (m_debug) qDebug() << "socketDisconnected:" << pClient; if (pClient) { m_clients.removeAll(pClient); pClient->deleteLater(); } } //=============================== // WormholeClient //=============================== WormholeClient::WormholeClient(MainWindow* p, QString wormholeCode) { this->parent = p; this->code = wormholeCode; connect(); } WormholeClient::~WormholeClient() { shuttingDown = true; if (m_webSocket->isValid()) { m_webSocket->close(); } if (timer) timer->stop(); delete timer; } void WormholeClient::connect() { delete m_webSocket; m_webSocket = new QWebSocket(); QObject::connect(m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::connected, this, &WormholeClient::onConnected); QObject::connect(m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::disconnected, this, &WormholeClient::closed); m_webSocket->open(QUrl("wss://wormhole.zecqtwallet.com:443")); //m_webSocket->open(QUrl("ws://")); } void WormholeClient::retryConnect() { QTimer::singleShot(5 * 1000 * pow(2, retryCount), [=]() { if (retryCount < 10) { qDebug() << "Retrying websocket connection"; this->retryCount++; connect(); } else { qDebug() << "Retry count exceeded, will not attempt retry any more"; } }); } // Called when the websocket is closed. If this was closed without our explicitly closing it, // then we need to try and reconnect void WormholeClient::closed() { if (!shuttingDown) { retryConnect(); } } void WormholeClient::onConnected() { qDebug() << "WebSocket connected"; retryCount = 0; QObject::connect(m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, &WormholeClient::onTextMessageReceived); auto payload = QJsonDocument( QJsonObject { {"register", code} }).toJson(); m_webSocket->sendTextMessage(payload); // On connected, we'll also create a timer to ping it every 4 minutes, since the websocket // will timeout after 5 minutes timer = new QTimer(parent); QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() { if (!shuttingDown && m_webSocket->isValid()) { auto payload = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject { {"ping", "ping"} }).toJson(); m_webSocket->sendTextMessage(payload); } }); timer->start(4 * 60 * 1000); // 4 minutes } void WormholeClient::onTextMessageReceived(QString message) { AppDataServer::getInstance()->processMessage(message, parent, std::make_shared(m_webSocket), AppConnectionType::INTERNET); } // ============================== // AppDataServer // ============================== AppDataServer* AppDataServer::instance = nullptr; QString AppDataServer::getWormholeCode(QString secretHex) { unsigned char* secret = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES, secretHex.toStdString().c_str(), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2, NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned char* out1 = new unsigned char[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES]; crypto_hash_sha256(out1, secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); unsigned char* out2 = new unsigned char[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES]; crypto_hash_sha256(out2, out1, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); char* wmcode = new char[crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES*2 + 1]; sodium_bin2hex(wmcode, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES*2 + 1, out2, crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); QString wmcodehex(wmcode); delete[] wmcode; delete[] out2; delete[] out1; delete[] secret; return wmcodehex; } QString AppDataServer::getSecretHex() { QSettings s; return s.value("mobileapp/secret", "").toString(); } void AppDataServer::saveNewSecret(QString secretHex) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/secret", secretHex); if (secretHex.isEmpty()) setAllowInternetConnection(false); } bool AppDataServer::getAllowInternetConnection() { return QSettings().value("mobileapp/allowinternet", false).toBool(); } void AppDataServer::setAllowInternetConnection(bool allow) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/allowinternet", allow); } void AppDataServer::saveLastConnectedOver(AppConnectionType type) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/lastconnectedover", type); } AppConnectionType AppDataServer::getLastConnectionType() { return (AppConnectionType) QSettings().value("mobileapp/lastconnectedover", AppConnectionType::DIRECT).toInt(); } void AppDataServer::saveLastSeenTime() { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/lastseentime", QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch()); } QDateTime AppDataServer::getLastSeenTime() { return QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(QSettings().value("mobileapp/lastseentime", 0).toLongLong()); } void AppDataServer::setConnectedName(QString name) { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/connectedname", name); } QString AppDataServer::getConnectedName() { return QSettings().value("mobileapp/connectedname", "").toString(); } bool AppDataServer::isAppConnected() { return !getConnectedName().isEmpty() && getLastSeenTime().daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) < 14; } void AppDataServer::connectAppDialog(MainWindow* parent) { QDialog d(parent); ui = new Ui_MobileAppConnector(); ui->setupUi(&d); Settings::saveRestore(&d); updateUIWithNewQRCode(parent); updateConnectedUI(); QObject::connect(ui->btnDisconnect, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { QSettings().setValue("mobileapp/connectedname", ""); saveNewSecret(""); updateConnectedUI(); }); QObject::connect(ui->txtConnStr, &QLineEdit::cursorPositionChanged, [=](int, int) { ui->txtConnStr->selectAll(); }); QObject::connect(ui->chkInternetConn, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=] (int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) { } updateUIWithNewQRCode(parent); }); // If we're not listening for the app, then start the websockets if (!parent->isWebsocketListening()) { QString wormholecode = ""; if (getAllowInternetConnection()) wormholecode = AppDataServer::getInstance()->getWormholeCode(AppDataServer::getInstance()->getSecretHex()); parent->createWebsocket(wormholecode); } d.exec(); // If there is nothing connected when the dialog exits, then shutdown the websockets if (!isAppConnected()) { parent->stopWebsocket(); } // Cleanup tempSecret = ""; delete tempWormholeClient; tempWormholeClient = nullptr; delete ui; ui = nullptr; } void AppDataServer::updateUIWithNewQRCode(MainWindow* mainwindow) { // Get the address of the localhost auto addrList = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses(); // Find a suitable address QString ipv4Addr; for (auto addr : addrList) { if (addr.isLoopback() || addr.protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) continue; ipv4Addr = addr.toString(); break; } if (ipv4Addr.isEmpty()) return; QString uri = "ws://" + ipv4Addr + ":8237"; // Get a new secret unsigned char* secretBin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; randombytes_buf(secretBin, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); char* secretHex = new char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2 + 1]; sodium_bin2hex(secretHex, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2+1, secretBin, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES); QString secretStr(secretHex); QString codeStr = uri + "," + secretStr; if (ui->chkInternetConn->isChecked()) { codeStr = codeStr + ",1"; } registerNewTempSecret(secretStr, ui->chkInternetConn->isChecked(), mainwindow); ui->qrcode->setQrcodeString(codeStr); ui->txtConnStr->setText(codeStr); } void AppDataServer::registerNewTempSecret(QString tmpSecretHex, bool allowInternet, MainWindow* main) { tempSecret = tmpSecretHex; delete tempWormholeClient; tempWormholeClient = nullptr; if (allowInternet) tempWormholeClient = new WormholeClient(main, getWormholeCode(tempSecret)); } QString AppDataServer::connDesc(AppConnectionType t) { if (t == AppConnectionType::DIRECT) { return QObject::tr("Connected directly"); } else { return QObject::tr("Connected over the internet via ZecWallet wormhole service"); } } void AppDataServer::updateConnectedUI() { if (ui == nullptr) return; auto remoteName = getConnectedName(); ui->lblRemoteName->setText(remoteName.isEmpty() ? "(Not connected to any device)" : remoteName); ui->lblLastSeen->setText(remoteName.isEmpty() ? "" : getLastSeenTime().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleLongDate)); ui->lblConnectionType->setText(remoteName.isEmpty() ? "" : connDesc(getLastConnectionType())); ui->btnDisconnect->setEnabled(!remoteName.isEmpty()); } QString AppDataServer::getNonceHex(NonceType nt) { QSettings s; QString hex; if (nt == NonceType::LOCAL) { // The default local nonce starts from 1, to always keep it odd auto defaultLocalNonce = "01" + QString("00").repeated(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES-1); hex = s.value("mobileapp/localnoncehex", defaultLocalNonce).toString(); } else { hex = s.value("mobileapp/remotenoncehex", QString("00").repeated(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES)).toString(); } return hex; } void AppDataServer::saveNonceHex(NonceType nt, QString noncehex) { QSettings s; assert(noncehex.length() == crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES * 2); if (nt == NonceType::LOCAL) { s.setValue("mobileapp/localnoncehex", noncehex); } else { s.setValue("mobileapp/remotenoncehex", noncehex); } s.sync(); } // Encrypt an outgoing message with the stored secret key. QString AppDataServer::encryptOutgoing(QString msg) { if (msg.length() % 256 > 0) { msg = msg + QString(" ").repeated(256 - (msg.length() % 256)); } QString localNonceHex = getNonceHex(NonceType::LOCAL); unsigned char* noncebin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, localNonceHex.toStdString().c_str(), localNonceHex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); // Increment the nonce +2 and save sodium_increment(noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES); sodium_increment(noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES); char* newLocalNonce = new char[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES*2 + 1]; sodium_memzero(newLocalNonce, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES*2 + 1); sodium_bin2hex(newLocalNonce, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES*2+1, noncebin, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES); saveNonceHex(NonceType::LOCAL, QString(newLocalNonce)); unsigned char* secret = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES, getSecretHex().toStdString().c_str(), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2, NULL, NULL, NULL); int msgSize = strlen(msg.toStdString().c_str()); unsigned char* encrpyted = new unsigned char[ msgSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES]; crypto_secretbox_easy(encrpyted, (const unsigned char *)msg.toStdString().c_str(), msgSize, noncebin, secret); int encryptedHexSize = (msgSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES) * 2 + 1; char * encryptedHex = new char[encryptedHexSize]; sodium_memzero(encryptedHex, encryptedHexSize); sodium_bin2hex(encryptedHex, encryptedHexSize, encrpyted, msgSize + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES); auto json = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"nonce", QString(newLocalNonce)}, {"payload", QString(encryptedHex)}, {"to", getWormholeCode(getSecretHex())} }); delete[] noncebin; delete[] newLocalNonce; delete[] secret; delete[] encrpyted; delete[] encryptedHex; return json.toJson(); } /** Attempt to decrypt a message. If the decryption fails, it returns the string "error", the decrypted message otherwise. It will use the given secret to attempt decryption. In addition, it will enforce that the nonce is greater than the last seen nonce, unless the skipNonceCheck = true, which is used when attempting decrtption with a temp secret key. */ QString AppDataServer::decryptMessage(QJsonDocument msg, QString secretHex, QString lastRemoteNonceHex) { // Decrypt and then process QString noncehex = msg.object().value("nonce").toString(); QString encryptedhex = msg.object().value("payload").toString(); // Enforce limits on the size of the message if (noncehex.length() > ((int)crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES * 2) || encryptedhex.length() > 2 * 50 * 1024 /*50kb*/) { return "error"; } // Check to make sure that the nonce is greater than the last known remote nonce unsigned char* lastRemoteBin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(lastRemoteBin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, lastRemoteNonceHex.toStdString().c_str(), lastRemoteNonceHex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned char* noncebin = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES, noncehex.toStdString().c_str(), noncehex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES == crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES); if (sodium_compare(lastRemoteBin, noncebin, crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES) != -1) { // Refuse to accept a lower nonce, return an error delete[] lastRemoteBin; delete[] noncebin; return "error"; } unsigned char* secret = new unsigned char[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES]; sodium_hex2bin(secret, crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES, secretHex.toStdString().c_str(), crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES*2, NULL, NULL, NULL); unsigned char* encrypted = new unsigned char[encryptedhex.length() / 2]; sodium_hex2bin(encrypted, encryptedhex.length() / 2, encryptedhex.toStdString().c_str(), encryptedhex.length(), NULL, NULL, NULL); int decryptedLen = encryptedhex.length() / 2 - crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES; unsigned char* decrypted = new unsigned char[decryptedLen]; int result = crypto_secretbox_open_easy(decrypted, encrypted, encryptedhex.length() / 2, noncebin, secret); QString payload; if (result == -1) { payload = "error"; } else { // Update the last seen remote hex saveNonceHex(NonceType::REMOTE, noncehex); saveLastSeenTime(); char* decryptedStr = new char[decryptedLen + 1]; sodium_memzero(decryptedStr, decryptedLen + 1); memcpy(decryptedStr, decrypted, decryptedLen); payload = QString(decryptedStr); delete[] decryptedStr; } delete[] secret; delete[] lastRemoteBin; delete[] noncebin; delete[] encrypted; delete[] decrypted; return payload; } // Process an incoming text message. The message has to be encrypted with the secret key (or the temporary secret key) void AppDataServer::processMessage(QString message, MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient, AppConnectionType connType) { auto replyWithError = [=]() { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"error", "Encryption error"}, {"to", getWormholeCode(getSecretHex())} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(r); return; }; // First, extract the command from the message auto msg = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message.toUtf8()); // Check if we got an error from the websocket if (msg.object().contains("error")) { qDebug() << "Error:" << msg.toJson(); return; } // If the message is a ping, just ignore it if (msg.object().contains("ping")) { return; } // Then, check if the message is encrpted if (!msg.object().contains("nonce")) { replyWithError(); return; } auto decrypted = decryptMessage(msg, getSecretHex(), getNonceHex(NonceType::REMOTE)); // If the decryption failed, maybe this is a new connection, so see if the dialog is open and a // temp secret is in place if (decrypted == "error") { // If the dialog is open, then there might be a temporary, new secret key. Attempt to decrypt // with that. if (!tempSecret.isEmpty()) { // Since this is a temp secret, the last seen nonce will be "0", so basically we'll accept any nonce QString zeroNonce = QString("00").repeated(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES); decrypted = decryptMessage(msg, tempSecret, zeroNonce); if (decrypted == "error") { // Oh, well. Just return an error replyWithError(); return; } else { // This is a new connection. So, update the the secret. Note the last seen remote nonce has already been updated by // decryptMessage() saveNewSecret(tempSecret); setAllowInternetConnection(tempWormholeClient != nullptr); // Swap out the wormhole connection mainWindow->replaceWormholeClient(tempWormholeClient); tempWormholeClient = nullptr; saveLastConnectedOver(connType); processDecryptedMessage(decrypted, mainWindow, pClient); // If the Connection UI is showing, we have to update the UI as well if (ui != nullptr) { // Update the connected phone information updateConnectedUI(); // Update with a new QR Code for safety, so this secret isn't used by anyone else updateUIWithNewQRCode(mainWindow); } return; } } else { replyWithError(); return; } } else { saveLastConnectedOver(connType); processDecryptedMessage(decrypted, mainWindow, pClient); return; } } // Decrypted method will be executed here. void AppDataServer::processDecryptedMessage(QString message, MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { // First, extract the command from the message auto msg = QJsonDocument::fromJson(message.toUtf8()); if (!msg.object().contains("command")) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Unknown JSON format"} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); return; } if (msg.object()["command"] == "getInfo") { processGetInfo(msg.object(), mainWindow, pClient); } else if (msg.object()["command"] == "getTransactions") { processGetTransactions(mainWindow, pClient); } else if (msg.object()["command"] == "sendTx") { processSendTx(msg.object()["tx"].toObject(), mainWindow, pClient); } else { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Command not found:" + msg.object()["command"].toString()} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } } // "sendTx" command. This method will actually send money, so be careful with everything void AppDataServer::processSendTx(QJsonObject sendTx, MainWindow* mainwindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { auto error = [=](QString reason) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"errorCode", -1}, {"errorMessage", "Couldn't send Tx:" + reason} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); return; }; // Refuse to send if the node is still syncing if (Settings::getInstance()->isSyncing()) { error(QObject::tr("Node is still syncing.")); return; } // Create a Tx Object Tx tx; tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee(); // Find a from address that has at least the sending amout double amt = sendTx["amount"].toString().toDouble(); auto allBalances = mainwindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances(); QList> bals; for (auto i : allBalances.keys()) { // Filter out sprout addresses if (Settings::getInstance()->isSproutAddress(i)) continue; // Filter out balances that don't have the requisite amount if (allBalances.value(i) < amt) continue; bals.append(QPair(i, allBalances.value(i))); } if (bals.isEmpty()) { error(QObject::tr("No sapling or transparent addresses with enough balance to spend.")); return; } std::sort(bals.begin(), bals.end(), [=](const QPaira, const QPair b) -> bool { // Sort z addresses first return a.first > b.first; }); tx.fromAddr = bals[0].first; tx.toAddrs = { ToFields{ sendTx["to"].toString(), amt, sendTx["memo"].toString(), sendTx["memo"].toString().toUtf8().toHex()} }; // TODO: Respect the autoshield change setting QString validation = mainwindow->doSendTxValidations(tx); if (!validation.isEmpty()) { error(validation); return; } json params = json::array(); mainwindow->getRPC()->fillTxJsonParams(params, tx); std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl; // And send the Tx mainwindow->getRPC()->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString) {}, // Submitted Tx successfully [=] (QString, QString txid) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTxSubmitted"}, {"txid", txid} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); }, // Errored while submitting Tx [=] (QString, QString errStr) { auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTxFailed"}, {"err", errStr} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } ); auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "sendTx"}, {"result", "success"} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } // "getInfo" command void AppDataServer::processGetInfo(QJsonObject jobj, MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { auto connectedName = jobj["name"].toString(); if (mainWindow == nullptr || mainWindow->getRPC() == nullptr) { pClient->close(QWebSocketProtocol::CloseCodeNormal, "Not yet ready"); return; } // Max spendable safely from a z address and from any address double maxZSpendable = 0; double maxSpendable = 0; for (auto a : mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().keys()) { if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(a)) { if (mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a) > maxZSpendable) { maxZSpendable = mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a); } } if (mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a) > maxSpendable) { maxSpendable = mainWindow->getRPC()->getModel()->getAllBalances().value(a); } } setConnectedName(connectedName); auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "getInfo"}, {"saplingAddress", mainWindow->getRPC()->getDefaultSaplingAddress()}, {"tAddress", mainWindow->getRPC()->getDefaultTAddress()}, {"balance", AppDataModel::getInstance()->getTotalBalance()}, {"maxspendable", maxSpendable}, {"maxzspendable", maxZSpendable}, {"tokenName", Settings::getTokenName()}, {"zecprice", Settings::getInstance()->getZECPrice()}, {"serverversion", QString(APP_VERSION)} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } void AppDataServer::processGetTransactions(MainWindow* mainWindow, std::shared_ptr pClient) { QJsonArray txns; auto model = mainWindow->getRPC()->getTransactionsModel(); // Manually add pending ops, so that computing transactions will also show up auto wtxns = mainWindow->getRPC()->getWatchingTxns(); for (auto opid : wtxns.keys()) { txns.append(QJsonObject{ {"type", "send"}, {"datetime", QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch()}, {"amount", Settings::getDecimalString(wtxns[opid].tx.toAddrs[0].amount)}, {"txid", ""}, {"address", wtxns[opid].tx.toAddrs[0].addr}, {"memo", wtxns[opid].tx.toAddrs[0].txtMemo}, {"confirmations", 0} }); } // Add transactions for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(QModelIndex()) && i < Settings::getMaxMobileAppTxns(); i++) { txns.append(QJsonObject{ {"type", model->getType(i)}, {"datetime", model->getDate(i)}, {"amount", model->getAmt(i)}, {"txid", model->getTxId(i)}, {"address", model->getAddr(i)}, {"memo", model->getMemo(i)}, {"confirmations", model->getConfirmations(i)} }); } auto r = QJsonDocument(QJsonObject{ {"version", 1.0}, {"command", "getTransactions"}, {"transactions", txns} }).toJson(); pClient->sendTextMessage(encryptOutgoing(r)); } // ============================== // AppDataModel // ============================== AppDataModel* AppDataModel::instance = nullptr;