#include "turnstile.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "balancestablemodel.h" #include "rpc.h" #include "settings.h" using json = nlohmann::json; Turnstile::Turnstile(RPC* _rpc, MainWindow* mainwindow) { this->rpc = _rpc; this->mainwindow = mainwindow; } void printPlan(QList plan) { for (auto item : plan) { //qDebug() << item.fromAddr << item.intTAddr // << item.destAddr << item.amount << item.blockNumber << item.status; } } QString Turnstile::writeableFile() { auto filename = QStringLiteral("turnstilemigrationplan.dat"); auto dir = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)); if (!dir.exists()) QDir().mkpath(dir.absolutePath()); if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { return dir.filePath("testnet-" % filename); } else { return dir.filePath(filename); } } void Turnstile::removeFile() { QFile(writeableFile()).remove(); } // Data stream write/read methods for migration items QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream& ds, const TurnstileMigrationItem& item) { return ds << QString("v1") << item.fromAddr << item.intTAddr << item.destAddr << item.amount << item.blockNumber << item.status; } QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream& ds, TurnstileMigrationItem& item) { QString version; return ds >> version >> item.fromAddr >> item.intTAddr >> item.destAddr >> item.amount >> item.blockNumber >> item.status; } void Turnstile::writeMigrationPlan(QList plan) { //qDebug() << QString("Writing plan"); printPlan(plan); QFile file(writeableFile()); file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate); QDataStream out(&file); // we will serialize the data into the file out << plan; file.close(); } QList Turnstile::readMigrationPlan() { QFile file(writeableFile()); QList plan; if (!file.exists()) return plan; file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDataStream in(&file); // read the data serialized from the file in >> plan; file.close(); // Sort to see when the next step is. std::sort(plan.begin(), plan.end(), [&] (auto a, auto b) { return a.blockNumber < b.blockNumber; }); return plan; } void Turnstile::planMigration(QString zaddr, QString destAddr, int numsplits, int numBlocks) { // First, get the balance and split up the amounts auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(zaddr); auto splits = splitAmount(bal, numsplits); // Then, generate an intermediate t-address for each part using getBatchRPC rpc->getConnection()->doBatchRPC(splits, [=] (double /*unused*/) { json payload = { {"jsonrpc", "1.0"}, {"id", "someid"}, {"method", "getnewaddress"}, }; return payload; }, [=] (QMap* newAddrs) { // Get block numbers auto curBlock = Settings::getInstance()->getBlockNumber(); auto blockNumbers = getBlockNumbers(curBlock, curBlock + numBlocks, splits.size()); // Assign the amounts to the addresses. QList migItems; for (int i=0; i < splits.size(); i++) { auto tAddr = newAddrs->values()[i].get(); auto item = TurnstileMigrationItem { zaddr, QString::fromStdString(tAddr), destAddr, blockNumbers[i], splits[i], TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted }; migItems.push_back(item); } // The first migration is shifted to the current block, so the user sees something // happening immediately if (migItems.empty()) { // Show error and abort QMessageBox::warning(mainwindow, QObject::tr("Locked funds"), QObject::tr("Could not initiate migration.\nYou either have unconfirmed funds or the balance is too low for an automatic migration.")); return; } migItems[0].blockNumber = curBlock; std::sort(migItems.begin(), migItems.end(), [&] (auto a, auto b) { return a.blockNumber < b.blockNumber; }); writeMigrationPlan(migItems); rpc->refresh(true); // Force refresh, to start the migration immediately } ); } QList Turnstile::getBlockNumbers(int start, int end, int count) { QList blocks; // Generate 'count' numbers between [start, end] for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { auto blk = (std::rand() % (end - start)) + start; blocks.push_back(blk); } return blocks; } // Need at least 0.0005 ZEC for this double Turnstile::minMigrationAmount = 0.0005; QList Turnstile::splitAmount(double amount, int parts) { QList amounts; if (amount < minMigrationAmount) return amounts; fillAmounts(amounts, amount, parts); //qDebug() << amounts; // Ensure they all add up! double sumofparts = 0; for (auto a : amounts) { sumofparts += a; } // Add the Tx fees sumofparts += amounts.size() * Settings::getMinerFee(); return amounts; } void Turnstile::fillAmounts(QList& amounts, double amount, int count) { if (count == 1 || amount < 0.01) { // Also account for the fees needed to send all these transactions auto actual = amount - (Settings::getMinerFee() * (amounts.size() + 1)); amounts.push_back(actual); return; } // Get a random amount off the total amount and call recursively. // Multiply by hundred, because we'll operate on 0.01 ZEC minimum. We'll divide by 100 later on // in this function. double curAmount = std::rand() % (int)std::floor(amount * 100); // Try to round it off auto places = (int)std::floor(std::log10(curAmount)); if (places > 0) { auto a = std::pow(10, places); curAmount = std::floor(curAmount / a) * a; } // And divide by 100 curAmount = curAmount / 100; if (curAmount > 0) amounts.push_back(curAmount); fillAmounts(amounts, amount - curAmount, count - 1); } QList::Iterator Turnstile::getNextStep(QList& plan) { // Get to the next unexecuted step auto fnIsEligibleItem = [&] (auto item) { return item.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted || item.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT; }; // Find the next step auto nextStep = std::find_if(plan.begin(), plan.end(), fnIsEligibleItem); return nextStep; } bool Turnstile::isMigrationPresent() { auto plan = readMigrationPlan(); return !plan.isEmpty(); } ProgressReport Turnstile::getPlanProgress() { auto plan = readMigrationPlan(); auto nextStep = getNextStep(plan); auto step = std::distance(plan.begin(), nextStep) * 2; // 2 steps per item if (nextStep != plan.end() && nextStep->status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT) step++; auto total = plan.size(); auto nextBlock = nextStep == plan.end() ? 0 : nextStep->blockNumber; bool hasErrors = std::find_if(plan.begin(), plan.end(), [=] (auto i) { return i.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotEnoughBalance || i.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::UnknownError; }) != plan.end(); auto stepData = (nextStep == plan.end() ? std::prev(nextStep) : nextStep); return ProgressReport{(int)step, total*2, nextBlock, hasErrors, stepData->fromAddr, stepData->destAddr, stepData->intTAddr}; } void Turnstile::executeMigrationStep() { // Do a step only if not syncing, else wait for the blockchain to catch up if (Settings::getInstance()->isSyncing()) return; // Also, process payments only when the Payments UI is ready, otherwise // we might mess things up if (!mainwindow->isPaymentsReady()) return; auto plan = readMigrationPlan(); //qDebug() << QString("Executing step"); printPlan(plan); // Get to the next unexecuted step auto fnIsEligibleItem = [&] (auto item) { return item.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted || item.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT; }; // Fn to find if there are any unconfirmed funds for this address. auto fnHasUnconfirmed = [=] (QString addr) { auto utxoset = rpc->getUTXOs(); return std::find_if(utxoset->begin(), utxoset->end(), [=] (auto utxo) { return utxo.address == addr && utxo.confirmations == 0 && utxo.spendable; }) != utxoset->end(); }; // Find the next step auto nextStep = std::find_if(plan.begin(), plan.end(), fnIsEligibleItem); if (nextStep == plan.end()) return; // Nothing to do if (nextStep->blockNumber > Settings::getInstance()->getBlockNumber()) return; // Is this the last step for this address? auto lastStep = std::find_if(std::next(nextStep), plan.end(), fnIsEligibleItem) == plan.end(); // Execute this step if (nextStep->status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted) { // Does this z addr have enough balance? if (fnHasUnconfirmed(nextStep->fromAddr)) { //qDebug() << QString("unconfirmed, waiting"); return; } auto balance = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(nextStep->fromAddr); if (nextStep->amount > balance) { qDebug() << "Not enough balance!"; nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotEnoughBalance; writeMigrationPlan(plan); return; } auto to = ToFields{ nextStep->intTAddr, nextStep->amount, "", "" }; // If this is the last step, then send the remaining amount instead of the actual amount. if (lastStep) { auto remainingAmount = balance - Settings::getMinerFee(); if (remainingAmount > 0) { to.amount = remainingAmount; } } // Create the Tx auto tx = Tx{ nextStep->fromAddr, { to }, Settings::getMinerFee() }; // And send it doSendTx(tx, [=] () { // Update status and write plan to disk nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT; writeMigrationPlan(plan); }); } else if (nextStep->status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT) { // First thing to do is check to see if the funds are confirmed. // We'll check both the original sprout address and the intermediate t-addr for safety. if (fnHasUnconfirmed(nextStep->intTAddr) || fnHasUnconfirmed(nextStep->fromAddr)) { //qDebug() << QString("unconfirmed, waiting"); return; } // Sometimes, we check too quickly, and the unspent UTXO is not updated yet, so we'll // double check to see if there is enough balance. if (!rpc->getAllBalances()->keys().contains(nextStep->intTAddr)) { //qDebug() << QString("The intermediate t-address doesn't have balance, even though it seems to be confirmed"); return; } // Send it to the final destination address. auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(nextStep->intTAddr); auto sendAmt = bal - Settings::getMinerFee(); if (sendAmt < 0) { qDebug() << "Not enough balance!." << bal << ":" << sendAmt; nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotEnoughBalance; writeMigrationPlan(plan); return; } QList to = { ToFields{ nextStep->destAddr, sendAmt, "", "" } }; // Create the Tx auto tx = Tx{ nextStep->intTAddr, to, Settings::getMinerFee()}; // And send it doSendTx(tx, [=] () { // Update status and write plan to disk nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToZS; writeMigrationPlan(plan); }); } } void Turnstile::doSendTx(Tx tx, std::function cb) { rpc->executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString opid) { mainwindow->ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr("Computing Tx: ") % opid); }, [=] (QString /*opid*/, QString txid) { mainwindow->ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid); cb(); }, [=] (QString opid, QString errStr) { mainwindow->ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000); if (!opid.isEmpty()) errStr = QObject::tr("The transaction with id ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed. The error was") + ":\n\n" + errStr; QMessageBox::critical(mainwindow, QObject::tr("Transaction Error"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok); }); }