#include "connection.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ui_connection.h" #include "rpc.h" #include "precompiled.h" using json = nlohmann::json; ConnectionLoader::ConnectionLoader(MainWindow* main, RPC* rpc) { this->main = main; this->rpc = rpc; d = new QDialog(main); connD = new Ui_ConnectionDialog(); connD->setupUi(d); QPixmap logo(":/img/res/logobig.gif"); connD->topIcon->setBasePixmap(logo.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } ConnectionLoader::~ConnectionLoader() { delete d; delete connD; } void ConnectionLoader::loadConnection() { QTimer::singleShot(1, [=]() { this->doAutoConnect(); }); d->exec(); } void ConnectionLoader::doAutoConnect() { // Priority 1: Try to connect to detect zcash.conf and connect to it. auto config = autoDetectZcashConf(); if (config.get() != nullptr) { auto connection = makeConnection(config); refreshZcashdState(connection, [=] () { // Refused connection. So try and start embedded zcashd if (Settings::getInstance()->useEmbedded()) { this->showInformation("Starting embedded zcashd"); if (this->startEmbeddedZcashd()) { // Embedded zcashd started up. Wait a second and then refresh the connection QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=]() { doAutoConnect(); } ); } else { // Errored out, show error and exit QString explanation = QString() % "Couldn't start the embedded zcashd.\n\n" % "Maybe the zcash-params are corrupt? Please delete your zcash-params directory and restart.\n\n" % (ezcashd ? "The process returned:\n\n" % ezcashd->errorString() : QString("")); this->showError(explanation); } } else { // zcash.conf exists, there's no connection, and the user asked us not to start zcashd. Error! QString explanation = QString() % "Couldn't connect to zcashd configured in zcash.conf.\n\n" % "Not starting embedded zcashd because --no-embedded was passed"; this->showError(explanation); } }); } else { if (Settings::getInstance()->useEmbedded()) { // zcash.conf was not found, so create one createZcashConf(); } else { // Fall back to manual connect doManualConnect(); } } } QString randomPassword() { static const char alphanum[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; const int passwordLength = 10; char* s = new char[passwordLength + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < passwordLength; ++i) { s[i] = alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)]; } s[passwordLength] = 0; return QString::fromStdString(s); } /** * This will create a new zcash.conf, download zcash parameters. */ void ConnectionLoader::createZcashConf() { // Fetch params. After params are fetched, create the zcash.conf file and // try loading the connection again downloadParams([=] () { auto confLocation = zcashConfWritableLocation(); qDebug() << "Creating file " << confLocation; QFileInfo fi(confLocation); QDir().mkdir(fi.dir().absolutePath()); QFile file(confLocation); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qDebug() << "Could not create zcash.conf, returning"; return; } QTextStream out(&file); out << "server=1\n"; out << "addnode=mainnet.z.cash\n"; out << "rpcuser=zec-qt-wallet\n"; out << "rpcpassword=" % randomPassword() << "\n"; file.close(); this->doAutoConnect(); }); } void ConnectionLoader::downloadParams(std::function cb) { // Add all the files to the download queue downloadQueue = new QQueue(); client = new QNetworkAccessManager(main); downloadQueue->enqueue(QUrl("https://z.cash/downloads/sapling-output.params")); downloadQueue->enqueue(QUrl("https://z.cash/downloads/sapling-spend.params")); downloadQueue->enqueue(QUrl("https://z.cash/downloads/sprout-proving.key")); downloadQueue->enqueue(QUrl("https://z.cash/downloads/sprout-verifying.key")); downloadQueue->enqueue(QUrl("https://z.cash/downloads/sprout-groth16.params")); doNextDownload(cb); } void ConnectionLoader::doNextDownload(std::function cb) { auto fnSaveFileName = [&] (QUrl url) { QString path = url.path(); QString basename = QFileInfo(path).fileName(); return basename; }; if (downloadQueue->isEmpty()) { delete downloadQueue; client->deleteLater(); this->showInformation("All Downloads Finished Successfully!"); cb(); return; } QUrl url = downloadQueue->dequeue(); int filesRemaining = downloadQueue->size(); QString filename = fnSaveFileName(url); QString paramsDir = zcashParamsDir(); if (QFile(QDir(paramsDir).filePath(filename)).exists()) { qDebug() << filename << " already exists, skipping "; doNextDownload(cb); return; } // The downloaded file is written to a new name, and then renamed when the operation completes. currentOutput = new QFile(QDir(paramsDir).filePath(filename + ".part")); if (!currentOutput->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { this->showError("Couldn't download params. Please check the help site for more info."); } qDebug() << "Downloading " << url << " to " << filename; QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::FollowRedirectsAttribute, true); currentDownload = client->get(request); downloadTime.start(); // Download Progress QObject::connect(currentDownload, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, [=] (auto done, auto total) { // calculate the download speed double speed = done * 1000.0 / downloadTime.elapsed(); QString unit; if (speed < 1024) { unit = "bytes/sec"; } else if (speed < 1024*1024) { speed /= 1024; unit = "kB/s"; } else { speed /= 1024*1024; unit = "MB/s"; } this->showInformation( "Downloading " % filename % (filesRemaining > 1 ? " ( +" % QString::number(filesRemaining) % " more remaining )" : QString("")), QString::number(done/1024/1024, 'f', 0) % "MB of " % QString::number(total/1024/1024, 'f', 0) + "MB at " % QString::number(speed, 'f', 2) % unit); }); // Download Finished QObject::connect(currentDownload, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] () { // Rename file currentOutput->rename(QDir(paramsDir).filePath(filename)); currentOutput->close(); currentDownload->deleteLater(); currentOutput->deleteLater(); if (currentDownload->error()) { this->showError("Downloading " + filename + " failed/ Please check the help site for more info"); } else { doNextDownload(cb); } }); // Download new data available. QObject::connect(currentDownload, &QNetworkReply::readyRead, [=] () { currentOutput->write(currentDownload->readAll()); }); } bool ConnectionLoader::startEmbeddedZcashd() { if (!Settings::getInstance()->useEmbedded()) return false; if (ezcashd != nullptr) { if (ezcashd->state() == QProcess::NotRunning) { qDebug() << "Process started and then crashed"; return false; } else { return true; } } // Finally, start zcashd QFileInfo fi(Settings::getInstance()->getExecName()); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX auto zcashdProgram = fi.dir().absoluteFilePath("zqw-zcashd"); if (!QFile(zcashdProgram).exists()) { zcashdProgram = fi.dir().absoluteFilePath("zcashd"); } #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) auto zcashdProgram = fi.dir().absoluteFilePath("zcashd"); #else auto zcashdProgram = fi.dir().absoluteFilePath("zcashd.exe"); #endif if (!QFile(zcashdProgram).exists()) { qDebug() << "Can't find zcashd at " << zcashdProgram; return false; } ezcashd = new QProcess(main); QObject::connect(ezcashd, &QProcess::started, [=] () { //qDebug() << "zcashd started"; }); QObject::connect(ezcashd, QOverload::of(&QProcess::finished), [=](int, QProcess::ExitStatus) { //qDebug() << "zcashd finished with code " << exitCode << "," << exitStatus; }); QObject::connect(ezcashd, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [&] (auto) { //qDebug() << "Couldn't start zcashd: " << error; }); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX ezcashd->start(zcashdProgram); #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) ezcashd->start(zcashdProgram); #else ezcashd->setWorkingDirectory(fi.dir().absolutePath()); ezcashd->start("zcashd.exe"); #endif // Q_OS_LINUX return true; } void ConnectionLoader::doManualConnect() { auto config = loadFromSettings(); if (!config) { // Nothing configured, show an error QString explanation = QString() % "A manual connection was requested, but the settings are not configured.\n\n" % "Please set the host/port and user/password in the Edit->Settings menu."; showError(explanation); doRPCSetConnection(nullptr); return; } auto connection = makeConnection(config); refreshZcashdState(connection, [=] () { QString explanation = QString() % "Could not connect to zcashd configured in settings.\n\n" % "Please set the host/port and user/password in the Edit->Settings menu."; showError(explanation); doRPCSetConnection(nullptr); return; }); } void ConnectionLoader::doRPCSetConnection(Connection* conn) { rpc->setEZcashd(ezcashd); rpc->setConnection(conn); d->accept(); delete this; } Connection* ConnectionLoader::makeConnection(std::shared_ptr config) { QNetworkAccessManager* client = new QNetworkAccessManager(main); QUrl myurl; myurl.setScheme("http"); myurl.setHost(config.get()->host); myurl.setPort(config.get()->port.toInt()); QNetworkRequest* request = new QNetworkRequest(); request->setUrl(myurl); request->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "text/plain"); QString userpass = config.get()->rpcuser % ":" % config.get()->rpcpassword; QString headerData = "Basic " + userpass.toLocal8Bit().toBase64(); request->setRawHeader("Authorization", headerData.toLocal8Bit()); return new Connection(main, client, request, config); } void ConnectionLoader::refreshZcashdState(Connection* connection, std::function refused) { json payload = { {"jsonrpc", "1.0"}, {"id", "someid"}, {"method", "getinfo"} }; connection->doRPC(payload, [=] (auto) { // Success, hide the dialog if it was shown. d->hide(); this->doRPCSetConnection(connection); }, [=] (auto reply, auto res) { // Failed, see what it is. auto err = reply->error(); //qDebug() << err << ":" << QString::fromStdString(res.dump()); if (err == QNetworkReply::NetworkError::ConnectionRefusedError) { refused(); } else if (err == QNetworkReply::NetworkError::AuthenticationRequiredError) { QString explanation = QString() % "Authentication failed. The username / password you specified was " % "not accepted by zcashd. Try changing it in the Edit->Settings menu"; this->showError(explanation); } else if (err == QNetworkReply::NetworkError::InternalServerError && !res.is_discarded()) { // The server is loading, so just poll until it succeeds QString status = QString::fromStdString(res["error"]["message"]); this->showInformation("Your zcashd is starting up. Please wait.", status); // Refresh after one second QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=]() { this->refreshZcashdState(connection, refused); }); } } ); } void ConnectionLoader::showInformation(QString info, QString detail) { connD->status->setText(info); connD->statusDetail->setText(detail); } /** * Show error will close the loading dialog and show an error. */ void ConnectionLoader::showError(QString explanation) { rpc->setEZcashd(nullptr); rpc->noConnection(); QMessageBox::critical(main, "Connection Error", explanation, QMessageBox::Ok); d->close(); } QString ConnectionLoader::locateZcashConfFile() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX auto confLocation = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation, ".zcash/zcash.conf"); #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) auto confLocation = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation, "/Library/Application Support/Zcash/zcash.conf"); #else auto confLocation = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation, "../../Zcash/zcash.conf"); #endif return QDir::cleanPath(confLocation); } QString ConnectionLoader::zcashConfWritableLocation() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX auto confLocation = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation)).filePath(".zcash/zcash.conf"); #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) auto confLocation = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation)).filePath("/Library/Application Support/Zcash/zcash.conf"); #else auto confLocation = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)).filePath("../../Zcash/zcash.conf"); #endif return confLocation; } QString ConnectionLoader::zcashParamsDir() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX auto paramsLocation = QDir(QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation)).filePath(".zcash-params")); #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) auto paramsLocation = QDir(QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation)).filePath("/Library/Application Support/ZcashParams")); #else auto paramsLocation = QDir(QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation)).filePath("../../ZcashParams")); #endif if (!paramsLocation.exists()) { QDir().mkpath(paramsLocation.absolutePath()); } return paramsLocation.absolutePath(); } /** * Try to automatically detect a zcash.conf file in the correct location and load parameters */ std::shared_ptr ConnectionLoader::autoDetectZcashConf() { auto confLocation = locateZcashConfFile(); if (confLocation.isNull()) { // No zcash file, just return with nothing return nullptr; } QFile file(confLocation); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << file.errorString(); return nullptr; } QTextStream in(&file); auto zcashconf = new ConnectionConfig(); zcashconf->host = ""; zcashconf->connType = ConnectionType::DetectedConfExternalZcashD; zcashconf->usingZcashConf = true; Settings::getInstance()->setUsingZcashConf(confLocation); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); auto s = line.indexOf("="); QString name = line.left(s).trimmed().toLower(); QString value = line.right(line.length() - s - 1).trimmed(); if (name == "rpcuser") { zcashconf->rpcuser = value; } if (name == "rpcpassword") { zcashconf->rpcpassword = value; } if (name == "rpcport") { zcashconf->port = value; } if (name == "testnet" && value == "1" && zcashconf->port.isEmpty()) { zcashconf->port = "18232"; } } // If rpcport is not in the file, and it was not set by the testnet=1 flag, then go to default if (zcashconf->port.isEmpty()) zcashconf->port = "8232"; file.close(); return std::shared_ptr(zcashconf); } /** * Load connection settings from the UI, which indicates an unknown, external zcashd */ std::shared_ptr ConnectionLoader::loadFromSettings() { // Load from the QT Settings. QSettings s; auto host = s.value("connection/host").toString(); auto port = s.value("connection/port").toString(); auto username = s.value("connection/rpcuser").toString(); auto password = s.value("connection/rpcpassword").toString(); if (username.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty()) return nullptr; auto uiConfig = new ConnectionConfig{ host, port, username, password, false, ConnectionType::UISettingsZCashD }; return std::shared_ptr(uiConfig); } /*********************************************************************************** * Connection Class ************************************************************************************/ Connection::Connection(MainWindow* m, QNetworkAccessManager* c, QNetworkRequest* r, std::shared_ptr conf) { this->restclient = c; this->request = r; this->config = conf; this->main = m; } Connection::~Connection() { delete restclient; delete request; } void Connection::doRPC(const json& payload, const std::function& cb, const std::function& ne) { if (shutdownInProgress) { // Ignoring RPC because shutdown in progress return; } QNetworkReply *reply = restclient->post(*request, QByteArray::fromStdString(payload.dump())); QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { reply->deleteLater(); if (shutdownInProgress) { // Ignoring callback because shutdown in progress return; } if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { auto parsed = json::parse(reply->readAll(), nullptr, false); ne(reply, parsed); return; } auto parsed = json::parse(reply->readAll(), nullptr, false); if (parsed.is_discarded()) { ne(reply, "Unknown error"); } cb(parsed["result"]); }); } void Connection::doRPCWithDefaultErrorHandling(const json& payload, const std::function& cb) { doRPC(payload, cb, [=] (auto reply, auto parsed) { if (!parsed.is_discarded() && !parsed["error"]["message"].is_null()) { this->showTxError(QString::fromStdString(parsed["error"]["message"])); } else { this->showTxError(reply->errorString()); } }); } void Connection::doRPCIgnoreError(const json& payload, const std::function& cb) { doRPC(payload, cb, [=] (auto, auto) { // Ignored error handling }); } void Connection::showTxError(const QString& error) { if (error.isNull()) return; QMessageBox::critical(main, "Transaction Error", "There was an error sending the transaction. The error was: \n\n" + error, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok); } /** * Prevent all future calls from going through */ void Connection::shutdown() { shutdownInProgress = true; }