AddressBookModel Label YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE BalancesTableModel Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Amount YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE ConnectionDialog ZecWallet YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Starting Up YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE MainWindow ZecWallet YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Balance YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Summary YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Shielded YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Transparent YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Total YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Some transactions are not yet confirmed YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address Balances YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Send YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE From YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address Balance YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Send To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Recipient YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address Book YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Amount YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Max Available YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Memo YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Add Recipient YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Recurring payment Every month, starting 12-May-2012, for 6 payments Edit Schedule Miner Fee YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE 0 YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Cancel YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Receive YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address Type YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Validate Address z-Addr(Sapling) YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE t-Addr YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE z-Addr(Sprout) YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE New Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Label YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Update Label YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address balance Optional YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Export Private Key YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE z-Addr Your node is still syncing, balances may not be updated View All Addresses Transactions YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE zcashd YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You are currently not mining YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Loading... YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Block height YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Network solution rate YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Connections YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE | YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &File YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Help YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Apps YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Edit YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE E&xit YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &About YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Settings YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Ctrl+P YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Donate YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Check for &updates YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Sapling &turnstile YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Ctrl+A, Ctrl+T YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Import private key YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Export all private keys YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE & YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Z YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address &book YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Ctrl+B YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE &Backup wallet.dat YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Export transactions Pay zcash &URI... Connect mobile &app Ctrl+M &Recurring Payments Request zcash... File a bug... Tor configuration is available only when running an embedded zcashd. You're using an external zcashd. Please restart zcashd with -rescan You're using an external zcashd. Please restart zcashd with -reindex Enable Tor Connection over Tor has been enabled. To use this feature, you need to restart ZecWallet. Disable Tor Connection over Tor has been disabled. To fully disconnect from Tor, you need to restart ZecWallet. Thanks for supporting ZecWallet! YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Donate 0.01 YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE to support ZecWallet YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You are on testnet, your post won't actually appear on YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You need a sapling address with available balance to post YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Computing Tx: YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The keys were imported. It may take several minutes to rescan the blockchain. Until then, functionality may be limited YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Private key import rescan finished YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE ZecWallet needs to restart to rescan/reindex. ZecWallet will now close, please restart ZecWallet to continue Restart ZecWallet Error paying zcash URI URI should be of the form 'zcash:<addr>?amt=x&memo=y Paste Zcash URI Not yet ready zcashd is not yet ready. Please wait for the UI to load View tx on block explorer Refresh Enter Address to validate Transparent or Shielded Address: Please paste your private keys (z-Addr or t-Addr) here, one per line YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The keys will be imported into your connected zcashd node YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Error Error exporting transactions, file was not saved No wallet.dat YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Couldn't find the wallet.dat on this computer YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You need to back it up from the machine zcashd is running on YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Backup wallet.dat YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Couldn't backup YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Couldn't backup the wallet.dat file. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You need to back it up manually. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE This might take several minutes. Loading... These are all the private keys for all the addresses in your wallet YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Private key for YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Save File YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Unable to open file YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Copy address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Copied to clipboard YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Get private key YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Shield balance to Sapling YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE View on block explorer YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Migrate to Sapling YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Copy txid YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE View Payment Request View Memo YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Reply to Created new t-Addr YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Copy Address Address has been previously used Address is unused Cannot support multiple addresses Recurring payments doesn't currently support multiple addresses Recipient YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Only z-addresses can have memos YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Memos can only be used with z-addresses YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The memo field can only be used with a z-address. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE doesn't look like a z-address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Change from YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Current balance : Balance after this Tx: Transaction Error YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE From Address is Invalid YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Recipient Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE is Invalid YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Amount for address '%1' is invalid! MemoDialog Memo YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Include Reply Address MemoEdit Reply to MigrationDialog Migration Turnstile Migration History Migrated Amount Unmigrated Amount Sprout -> Sapling migration enabled If enabled, zcashd will slowly migrate your Sprout shielded funds to your Sapling address. MigrationTxns Migration Txids MobileAppConnector Connect Mobile App QR Code Connection String Allow connections over the internet via ZecWallet wormhole Scan this QRCode from your ZecWallet companion app to connect your phone ZecWallet Companion App Disconnect TextLabel Last seen: Connection type: PrivKey Private Key YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Private Keys QObject Attempting autoconnect YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Starting embedded zcashd YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE zcashd is set to run as daemon YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Waiting for zcashd YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You have zcashd set to start as a daemon, which can cause problems with ZecWallet .Please remove the following line from your zcash.conf and restart ZecWallet daemon=1 YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Couldn't start the embedded zcashd. Please try restarting. If you previously started zcashd with custom arguments, you might need to reset zcash.conf. If all else fails, please run zcashd manually. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Couldn't connect to zcashd configured in zcash.conf. Not starting embedded zcashd because --no-embedded was passed YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Hide Advanced Config Show Advanced Config Choose data directory All Downloads Finished Successfully! YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Couldn't download params. Please check the help site for more info. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The process returned YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Downloading YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE more remaining ) YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE MB of YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE MB at YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Downloading blocks YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Block height YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Syncing YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Connected YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE testnet: YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Connected to zcashd YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE zcashd has no peer connections There was an error connecting to zcashd. The error was YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The transaction with id YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE failed. The error was YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE failed YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Tx YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE tx computing. This can take several minutes. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Update Available A new release v%1 is available! You have v%2. Would you like to visit the releases page? No updates available You already have the latest release v%1 Please wait for ZecWallet to exit YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Waiting for zcashd to exit YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE failed. Please check the help site for more info YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE zcashd error YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE A manual connection was requested, but the settings are not configured. Please set the host/port and user/password in the Edit->Settings menu. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Could not connect to zcashd configured in settings. Please set the host/port and user/password in the Edit->Settings menu. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Authentication failed. The username / password you specified was not accepted by zcashd. Try changing it in the Edit->Settings menu YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Your zcashd is starting up. Please wait. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE This may take several hours Connection Error YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Transaction Error YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE There was an error sending the transaction. The error was: YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE No Connection YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Pick Address or Label Error Address or Label cannot be empty Address Format Error YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE doesn't seem to be a valid Zcash address. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE %1 doesn't seem to be a valid Zcash address. Label Error The label '%1' already exists. Please remove the existing label. Import Address Book Unable to open file YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address Book Import Done Imported %1 new Address book entries Copy address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Copied to clipboard YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Delete label YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Tx submitted (right click to copy) txid: YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Locked funds YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Could not initiate migration. You either have unconfirmed funds or the balance is too low for an automatic migration. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Computing Tx: YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Type YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Date/Time YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Amount YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Confirmations Connected directly Connected over the internet via ZecWallet wormhole service Node is still syncing. No sapling or transparent addresses with enough balance to spend. No ZEC price was available to convert from USD Computing Recurring Tx: View on block explorer YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE View Error Reported Error Are you sure you want to delete the recurring payment? All future payments will be cancelled. RecurringDialog Dialog View Delete RecurringListViewModel Amount YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Schedule Payments Left Next Payment To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Every None RecurringPayments Payments RecurringPaymentsListViewModel Date Status Txid Not due yet Pending Skipped Paid Error Unknown RecurringPending Dialog No payments will be processed. You can manually pay them from the Recurring Payments Dialog box Schedule How should ZecWallet proceed? Pay All in 1 Tx Only the latest pending payment will be processed. All previous pending payments will be skipped Pay Latest Only Pay None All pending payments collected, added up and paid in a single transaction Description To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The following recurring payment has multiple payments pending RequestDialog Payment Request AddressBook Request From My Address Amount in z address Amount YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE The recipient will see this address in the "to" field when they pay your request. Amount USD Memo YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE TextLabel Request payment from a Sapling address. You'll send a ZEC 0.0001 transaction to the address with a zcash payment URI. The memo will be included in the transaction when the address pays you. Error paying zcash URI URI should be of the form 'zcash:<addr>?amt=x&memo=y Pay To Pay You are paying a payment request. Your address will not be visible to the person requesting this payment. Can only request from Sapling addresses Settings Settings YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE zcashd connection YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Host YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Port YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE RPC Username YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE RPC Password YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Options YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Check github for updates at startup Connect to the Tor network via SOCKS proxy running on Please note that you'll have to install and run the Tor service externally. Shielded transactions are saved locally and shown in the transactions tab. If you uncheck this, shielded transactions will not appear in the transactions tab. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Connect via Tor Connect to github on startup to check for updates Connect to the internet to fetch ZEC prices Fetch ZEC / USD prices Troubleshooting Reindex Rescan the blockchain for any missing wallet transactions and to correct your wallet balance. This may take several hours. You need to restart ZecWallet for this to take effect Rescan Rebuild the entire blockchain from the genesis block, by rescanning all the block files. This may take several hours to days, depending on your hardware. You need to restart ZecWallet for this to take effect Clear History YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Remember shielded transactions YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Allow custom fees YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Allow overriding the default fees when sending transactions. Enabling this option may compromise your privacy since fees are transparent. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Normally, change from t-Addresses goes to another t-Address. Checking this option will send the change to your shielded sapling address instead. Check this option to increase your privacy. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Shield change from t-Addresses to your sapling address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Turnstile Turnstile Migration YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Migrate over YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE From YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE <html><head/><body><p>Funds from Sprout z-Addresses (which start with &quot;zc&quot;) need to be moved to the upgraded Sapling z-Addresses (which start with &quot;zs&quot;). The funds cannot be moved directly, but need to be sent through intermediate &quot;transparent&quot; addresses in privacy-preserving way.</p><p>This migration can be done automatically for you.</p></body></html> YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Balance YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Miner Fees YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Total Balance YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE TurnstileProgress Turnstile Migration Progress YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE From YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Please ensure you have your wallet.dat backed up! YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Next Transaction in 4 hours YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Migration Progress YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE ValidateAddress Validate Address TextLabel Address: ValidateAddressesModel Property Value ViewAddressesDialog All Addresses Export All Keys ViewAllAddressesModel Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Balance (%1) about About YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE addressBook Address Book YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Add New Address YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Address (z-Addr or t-Addr) YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Label YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Add to Address Book YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Import Address Book confirm Confirm Transaction YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE From YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Recurring Payment TextLabel zcashd doesn't seem to have any peers. You might not be connected to the internet, so this transaction might not work. You are sending a transaction while your node is still syncing. This may not work. YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE You are using a custom fee. Since fees are transparent, you are giving up some privacy. Please use this only if you know what you are doing! YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE createZcashConf Configure zcash.conf Show Advanced Configuration Your zcash node will be configured for you automatically Enable Fast Sync Allow connections to the internet to check for updates, get ZEC/USD prices etc... Use custom datadir Connect to the internet for updates and price feeds Please choose a directory to store your wallet.dat and blockchain <html><head/><body><p>Skips the most expensive checks during the initial block download. <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Learn More</span></a></p></body></html> Choose directory Connect over Tor Please note that you'll need to already have a Tor service configured on port 9050 newRecurringDialog Edit Schedule Schedule Payment Description From YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Number of payments Amount YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Next Payment To YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Memo YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE zboard Post to YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Total Fee YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Memo YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE (optional) YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Send From YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Post As: YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE <html><head/><body><p>ZBoard: Fully anonymous and untraceable chat messages based on the ZCash blockchain. <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></span></a></p></body></html> YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Warning YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE Posting to Board YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE