#!/bin/bash # Accept the variables as command line arguments as well POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -q|--qt_path) QT_PATH="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -z|--zcash_path) ZCASH_DIR="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -v|--version) APP_VERSION="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; *) # unknown option POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters if [ -z $QT_PATH ]; then echo "QT_PATH is not set. Please set it to the base directory of Qt"; exit 1; fi if [ -z $ZCASH_DIR ]; then echo "ZCASH_DIR is not set. Please set it to the base directory of a compiled zcashd"; exit 1; fi if [ -z $APP_VERSION ]; then echo "APP_VERSION is not set. Please set it to the current release version of the app"; exit 1; fi if [ ! -f $ZCASH_DIR/src/zcashd ]; then echo "Could not find compiled zcashd in $ZCASH_DIR/src/."; exit 1; fi if ! cat src/version.h | grep -q "$APP_VERSION"; then echo "Version mismatch in src/version.h" exit 1 fi export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin #Clean echo -n "Cleaning..............." make distclean >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$APP_VERSION.dmg echo "[OK]" echo -n "Configuring............" # Build QT_STATIC=$QT_PATH src/scripts/dotranslations.sh >/dev/null $QT_PATH/bin/qmake hush-qt-wallet.pro CONFIG+=release >/dev/null echo "[OK]" echo -n "Building..............." make -j4 >/dev/null echo "[OK]" #Qt deploy echo -n "Deploying.............." mkdir artifacts >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f artifcats/silentdragon.dmg >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f artifacts/rw* >/dev/null 2>&1 cp $ZCASH_DIR/src/zcashd silentdragon.app/Contents/MacOS/ cp $ZCASH_DIR/src/zcash-cli silentdragon.app/Contents/MacOS/ $QT_PATH/bin/macdeployqt silentdragon.app echo "[OK]" echo -n "Building dmg..........." mv silentdragon.app silentdragon.app create-dmg --volname "silentdragon-v$APP_VERSION" --volicon "res/logo.icns" --window-pos 200 120 --icon "silentdragon.app" 200 190 --app-drop-link 600 185 --hide-extension "silentdragon.app" --window-size 800 400 --hdiutil-quiet --background res/dmgbg.png artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$APP_VERSION.dmg silentdragon.app >/dev/null 2>&1 #mkdir bin/dmgbuild >/dev/null 2>&1 #sed "s/RELEASE_VERSION/${APP_VERSION}/g" res/appdmg.json > bin/dmgbuild/appdmg.json #cp res/logo.icns bin/dmgbuild/ #cp res/dmgbg.png bin/dmgbuild/ #cp -r silentdragon.app bin/dmgbuild/ #appdmg --quiet bin/dmgbuild/appdmg.json artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$APP_VERSION.dmg >/dev/null if [ ! -f artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$APP_VERSION.dmg ]; then echo "[ERROR]" exit 1 fi echo "[OK]"