# Unified build script for Windows, Linux and Mac builder. Run on a Windows machine inside powershell. param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$prev, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$winserver ) Write-Host "[Initializing]" Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/linux-binaries-silentdragon-v$version.tar.gz Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/linux-deb-silentdragon-v$version.deb Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/Windows-binaries-silentdragon-v$version.zip Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/Windows-installer-silentdragon-v$version.msi Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$version.dmg Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/signatures-v$version.tar.gz Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./bin Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./debug Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./release # Create the version.h file and update README version number Write-Output "#define APP_VERSION `"$version`"" > src/version.h Get-Content README.md | Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "$prev", "$version" } | Out-File README-new.md Move-Item -Force README-new.md README.md Write-Host "" Write-Host "[Building on Mac]" bash src/scripts/mkmacdmg.sh --qt_path ~/Qt/5.11.1/clang_64/ --version $version --hush_path ~/prod/hush if (! $?) { Write-Output "[Error]" exit 1; } Write-Host "" Write-Host "[Building Linux + Windows]" Write-Host -NoNewline "Copying files.........." ssh $server "rm -rf /tmp/zqwbuild" ssh $server "mkdir /tmp/zqwbuild" scp -r src/ singleapplication/ res/ ./silentdragonlite.pro ./application.qrc ./LICENSE ./README.md ${server}:/tmp/zqwbuild/ | Out-Null ssh $server "dos2unix -q /tmp/zqwbuild/src/scripts/mkrelease.sh" | Out-Null ssh $server "dos2unix -q /tmp/zqwbuild/src/version.h" Write-Host "[OK]" ssh $server "cd /tmp/zqwbuild && APP_VERSION=$version PREV_VERSION=$prev bash src/scripts/mkrelease.sh" if (!$?) { Write-Output "[Error]" exit 1; } New-Item artifacts -itemtype directory -Force | Out-Null scp ${server}:/tmp/zqwbuild/artifacts/* artifacts/ | Out-Null scp -r ${server}:/tmp/zqwbuild/release . | Out-Null Write-Host -NoNewline "Building Installer....." ssh $winserver "Remove-Item -Path zqwbuild -Recurse" | Out-Null ssh $winserver "New-Item zqwbuild -itemtype directory" | Out-Null # Note: For some mysterious reason, we can't seem to do a scp from here to windows machine. # So, we'll ssh to windows, and execute an scp command to pull files from here to there. # Same while copying the built msi. A straight scp pull from windows to here doesn't work, # so we ssh to windows, and then scp push the file to here. $myhostname = (ipconfig getifaddr en0) | Out-String -NoNewline # Powershell seems not to be able to remove this directory for some reason! # Remove-Item -Path /tmp/zqwbuild -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null bash "rm -rf /tmp/zqwbuild" 2>&1 | Out-Null New-Item -Path /tmp/zqwbuild -itemtype directory -Force | Out-Null Copy-Item src /tmp/zqwbuild/ -Recurse -Force Copy-Item res /tmp/zqwbuild/ -Recurse -Force Copy-Item release /tmp/zqwbuild/ -Recurse -Force # Remove some unnecessary stuff from the tmp directory to speed up copying Remove-Item -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore /tmp/zqwbuild/res/libsodium ssh $winserver "scp -r ${myhostname}:/tmp/zqwbuild/* zqwbuild/" ssh $winserver "cd zqwbuild ; src/scripts/mkwininstaller.ps1 -version $version" >/dev/null if (!$?) { Write-Output "[Error]" exit 1; } ssh $winserver "scp zqwbuild/artifacts/* ${myhostname}:/tmp/zqwbuild/" Copy-Item /tmp/zqwbuild/*.msi artifacts/ Write-Host "[OK]" # Finally, test to make sure all files exist Write-Host -NoNewline "Checking Build........." if (! (Test-Path ./artifacts/linux-binaries-silentdragon-v$version.tar.gz) -or ! (Test-Path ./artifacts/linux-deb-silentdragon-v$version.deb) -or ! (Test-Path ./artifacts/Windows-binaries-silentdragon-v$version.zip) -or ! (Test-Path ./artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$version.dmg) -or ! (Test-Path ./artifacts/Windows-installer-silentdragon-v$version.msi) ) { Write-Host "[Error]" exit 1; } Write-Host "[OK]" Write-Host -NoNewline "Signing Binaries......." bash src/scripts/signbinaries.sh --version $version Write-Host "[OK]"