#include "controller.h" #include "addressbook.h" #include "settings.h" #include "version.h" #include "camount.h" #include "websockets.h" using json = nlohmann::json; Controller::Controller(MainWindow* main) { auto cl = new ConnectionLoader(main, this); // Execute the load connection async, so we can set up the rest of RPC properly. QTimer::singleShot(1, [=]() { cl->loadConnection(); }); this->main = main; this->ui = main->ui; // Setup balances table model balancesTableModel = new BalancesTableModel(main->ui->balancesTable); main->ui->balancesTable->setModel(balancesTableModel); // Setup transactions table model transactionsTableModel = new TxTableModel(ui->transactionsTable); main->ui->transactionsTable->setModel(transactionsTableModel); // Set up timer to refresh Price priceTimer = new QTimer(main); QObject::connect(priceTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() { if (Settings::getInstance()->getAllowFetchPrices()) refreshhushPrice(); }); priceTimer->start(Settings::priceRefreshSpeed); // Every hour // Set up a timer to refresh the UI every few seconds timer = new QTimer(main); QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() { refresh(); }); timer->start(Settings::updateSpeed); // Create the data model model = new DataModel(); // Crate the hushdRPC zrpc = new LiteInterface(); } Controller::~Controller() { delete timer; delete txTimer; delete transactionsTableModel; delete balancesTableModel; delete model; delete zrpc; } // Called when a connection to hushd is available. void Controller::setConnection(Connection* c) { if (c == nullptr) return; this->zrpc->setConnection(c); ui->statusBar->showMessage(""); // If we're allowed to get the Hush Price, get the prices if (Settings::getInstance()->getAllowFetchPrices()) refreshhushPrice(); // If we're allowed to check for updates, check for a new release if (Settings::getInstance()->getCheckForUpdates()) checkForUpdate(); // Force update, because this might be coming from a settings update // where we need to immediately refresh refresh(true); } // Build the RPC JSON Parameters for this tx void Controller::fillTxJsonParams(json& allRecepients, Tx tx) { Q_ASSERT(allRecepients.is_array()); // For each addr/amt/memo, construct the JSON and also build the confirm dialog box for (int i=0; i < tx.toAddrs.size(); i++) { auto toAddr = tx.toAddrs[i]; // Construct the JSON params json rec = json::object(); rec["address"] = toAddr.addr.toStdString(); rec["amount"] = toAddr.amount.toqint64(); if (Settings::isZAddress(toAddr.addr) && !toAddr.memo.trimmed().isEmpty()) rec["memo"] = toAddr.memo.toStdString(); allRecepients.push_back(rec); } } void Controller::noConnection() { QIcon i = QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxCritical); main->statusIcon->setPixmap(i.pixmap(16, 16)); main->statusIcon->setToolTip(""); main->statusLabel->setText(QObject::tr("No Connection")); main->statusLabel->setToolTip(""); main->ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr("No Connection"), 1000); // Clear balances table. QMap emptyBalances; QList emptyOutputs; QList emptyAddresses; balancesTableModel->setNewData(emptyAddresses, emptyAddresses, emptyBalances, emptyOutputs); // Clear Transactions table. QList emptyTxs; transactionsTableModel->replaceData(emptyTxs); // Clear balances ui->balSheilded->setText(""); ui->balTransparent->setText(""); ui->balTotal->setText(""); ui->balSheilded->setToolTip(""); ui->balTransparent->setToolTip(""); ui->balTotal->setToolTip(""); } /// This will refresh all the balance data from hushd void Controller::refresh(bool force) { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); getInfoThenRefresh(force); } void Controller::getInfoThenRefresh(bool force) { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); static bool prevCallSucceeded = false; zrpc->fetchInfo([=] (const json& reply) { prevCallSucceeded = true; // Testnet? QString chainName; if (!reply["chain_name"].is_null()) { chainName = QString::fromStdString(reply["chain_name"].get()); Settings::getInstance()->setTestnet(chainName == "test"); }; // Recurring pamynets are testnet only if (!Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) main->disableRecurring(); int curBlock = reply["latest_block_height"].get(); bool doUpdate = force || (model->getLatestBlock() != curBlock); model->setLatestBlock(curBlock); ui->blockHeight->setText(QString::number(curBlock)); qDebug() << "Refreshing. Full update: " << doUpdate; // Connected, so display checkmark. auto tooltip = Settings::getInstance()->getSettings().server + "\n" + QString::fromStdString(reply.dump()); QIcon i(":/icons/res/connected.gif"); main->statusLabel->setText(chainName + "(" + QString::number(curBlock) + ")"); main->statusLabel->setText(" HUSH/USD=$" + QString::number( (double) Settings::getInstance()->gethushPrice() )); main->statusLabel->setToolTip(tooltip); main->statusIcon->setPixmap(i.pixmap(16, 16)); main->statusIcon->setToolTip(tooltip); //int version = reply["version"].get(); int version = 1; Settings::getInstance()->sethushdVersion(version); ui->Version->setText(QString::fromStdString(reply["version"].get())); ui->Vendor->setText(QString::fromStdString(reply["vendor"].get())); // See if recurring payments needs anything Recurring::getInstance()->processPending(main); if ( doUpdate ) { // Something changed, so refresh everything. refreshBalances(); refreshAddresses(); // This calls refreshZSentTransactions() and refreshReceivedZTrans() refreshTransactions(); } }, [=](QString err) { // hushd has probably disappeared. this->noConnection(); // Prevent multiple dialog boxes, because these are called async static bool shown = false; if (!shown && prevCallSucceeded) { // show error only first time shown = true; QMessageBox::critical(main, QObject::tr("Connection Error"), QObject::tr("There was an error connecting to hushd. The error was") + ": \n\n" + err, QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok); shown = false; } prevCallSucceeded = false; }); } void Controller::refreshAddresses() { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); auto newzaddresses = new QList(); auto newtaddresses = new QList(); zrpc->fetchAddresses([=] (json reply) { auto zaddrs = reply["z_addresses"].get(); for (auto& it : zaddrs) { auto addr = QString::fromStdString(it.get()); newzaddresses->push_back(addr); } model->replaceZaddresses(newzaddresses); auto taddrs = reply["t_addresses"].get(); for (auto& it : taddrs) { auto addr = QString::fromStdString(it.get()); if (Settings::isTAddress(addr)) newtaddresses->push_back(addr); } model->replaceTaddresses(newtaddresses); // Refresh the sent and received txs from all these z-addresses refreshTransactions(); }); } // Function to create the data model and update the views, used below. void Controller::updateUI(bool anyUnconfirmed) { ui->unconfirmedWarning->setVisible(anyUnconfirmed); // Update balances model data, which will update the table too balancesTableModel->setNewData(model->getAllZAddresses(), model->getAllTAddresses(), model->getAllBalances(), model->getUTXOs()); }; // Function to process reply of the listunspent and z_listunspent API calls, used below. void Controller::processUnspent(const json& reply, QMap* balancesMap, QList* unspentOutputs) { auto processFn = [=](const json& array) { for (auto& it : array) { QString qsAddr = QString::fromStdString(it["address"]); int block = it["created_in_block"].get(); QString txid = QString::fromStdString(it["created_in_txid"]); CAmount amount = CAmount::fromqint64(it["value"].get()); bool spendable = it["unconfirmed_spent"].is_null() && it["spent"].is_null(); // TODO: Wait for 4 confirmations bool pending = !it["unconfirmed_spent"].is_null(); unspentOutputs->push_back(UnspentOutput{ qsAddr, txid, amount, block, spendable, pending }); if (spendable) { (*balancesMap)[qsAddr] = (*balancesMap)[qsAddr] + CAmount::fromqint64(it["value"].get()); } } }; processFn(reply["unspent_notes"].get()); processFn(reply["utxos"].get()); processFn(reply["pending_notes"].get()); processFn(reply["pending_utxos"].get()); }; void Controller::refreshBalances() { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); // 1. Get the Balances zrpc->fetchBalance([=] (json reply) { CAmount balT = CAmount::fromqint64(reply["tbalance"].get()); CAmount balZ = CAmount::fromqint64(reply["zbalance"].get()); CAmount balVerified = CAmount::fromqint64(reply["verified_zbalance"].get()); CAmount balTotal = balT + balZ; CAmount balAvailable = balT + balVerified; // This is for the websockets AppDataModel::getInstance()->setBalances(balT, balZ); // This is for the datamodel model->setAvailableBalance(balAvailable); // Balances table ui->balSheilded ->setText(balZ.toDecimalhushString()); ui->balVerified ->setText(balVerified.toDecimalhushString()); ui->balTransparent->setText(balT.toDecimalhushString()); ui->balTotal ->setText(balTotal.toDecimalhushString()); ui->balSheilded ->setToolTip(balZ.toDecimalUSDString()); ui->balVerified ->setToolTip(balVerified.toDecimalUSDString()); ui->balTransparent->setToolTip(balT.toDecimalUSDString()); ui->balTotal ->setToolTip(balTotal.toDecimalUSDString()); // Send tab ui->txtAvailablehush->setText(balAvailable.toDecimalhushString()); ui->txtAvailableUSD->setText(balAvailable.toDecimalUSDString()); }); // 2. Get the UTXOs // First, create a new UTXO list. It will be replacing the existing list when everything is processed. auto newUnspentOutputs = new QList(); auto newBalances = new QMap(); // Call the Transparent and Z unspent APIs serially and then, once they're done, update the UI zrpc->fetchUnspent([=] (json reply) { processUnspent(reply, newBalances, newUnspentOutputs); // Swap out the balances and UTXOs model->replaceBalances(newBalances); model->replaceUTXOs(newUnspentOutputs); // Find if any output is not spendable or is pending bool anyUnconfirmed = std::find_if(newUnspentOutputs->constBegin(), newUnspentOutputs->constEnd(), [=](const UnspentOutput& u) -> bool { return !u.spendable || u.pending; }) != newUnspentOutputs->constEnd(); updateUI(anyUnconfirmed); main->balancesReady(); }); } void Controller::refreshTransactions() { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); zrpc->fetchTransactions([=] (json reply) { QList txdata; for (auto& it : reply.get()) { QString address; CAmount total_amount; QList items; long confirmations; if (it.find("unconfirmed") != it.end() && it["unconfirmed"].get()) { confirmations = 0; } else { confirmations = model->getLatestBlock() - it["block_height"].get() + 1; } auto txid = QString::fromStdString(it["txid"]); auto datetime = it["datetime"].get(); // First, check if there's outgoing metadata if (!it["outgoing_metadata"].is_null()) { for (auto o: it["outgoing_metadata"].get()) { QString address = QString::fromStdString(o["address"]); // Sent items are -ve CAmount amount = CAmount::fromqint64(-1 * o["value"].get()); // Check for Memos QString memo; if (!o["memo"].is_null()) { memo = QString::fromStdString(o["memo"]); } items.push_back(TransactionItemDetail{address, amount, memo}); total_amount = total_amount + amount; } { // Concat all the addresses QList addresses; for (auto item : items) { addresses.push_back(item.address); } address = addresses.join(","); } txdata.push_back(TransactionItem{ "Sent", datetime, address, txid,confirmations, items }); } else { // Incoming Transaction address = (it["address"].is_null() ? "" : QString::fromStdString(it["address"])); model->markAddressUsed(address); QString memo; if (!it["memo"].is_null()) { memo = QString::fromStdString(it["memo"]); } items.push_back(TransactionItemDetail{ address, CAmount::fromqint64(it["amount"].get()), memo }); TransactionItem tx{ "Receive", datetime, address, txid,confirmations, items }; txdata.push_back(tx); } } // Update model data, which updates the table view transactionsTableModel->replaceData(txdata); }); } /** * Execute a transaction with the standard UI. i.e., standard status bar message and standard error * handling */ void Controller::executeStandardUITransaction(Tx tx) { executeTransaction(tx, [=] (QString txid) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid); }, [=] (QString opid, QString errStr) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000); if (!opid.isEmpty()) errStr = QObject::tr("The transaction with id ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed. The error was") + ":\n\n" + errStr; QMessageBox::critical(main, QObject::tr("Transaction Error"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok); } ); } // Execute a transaction! void Controller::executeTransaction(Tx tx, const std::function submitted, const std::function error) { // First, create the json params json params = json::array(); fillTxJsonParams(params, tx); std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl; zrpc->sendTransaction(QString::fromStdString(params.dump()), [=](const json& reply) { if (reply.find("txid") == reply.end()) { error("", "Couldn't understand Response: " + QString::fromStdString(reply.dump())); } else { QString txid = QString::fromStdString(reply["txid"].get()); submitted(txid); } }, [=](QString errStr) { error("", errStr); }); } void Controller::checkForUpdate(bool silent) { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); QUrl cmcURL("https://api.github.com/repos/MyHush/SilentDragonLite/releases"); QNetworkRequest req; req.setUrl(cmcURL); QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this->main); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(req); QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { reply->deleteLater(); manager->deleteLater(); try { if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { auto releases = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()).array(); QVersionNumber maxVersion(0, 0, 0); for (QJsonValue rel : releases) { if (!rel.toObject().contains("tag_name")) continue; QString tag = rel.toObject()["tag_name"].toString(); if (tag.startsWith("v")) tag = tag.right(tag.length() - 1); if (!tag.isEmpty()) { auto v = QVersionNumber::fromString(tag); if (v > maxVersion) maxVersion = v; } } auto currentVersion = QVersionNumber::fromString(APP_VERSION); // Get the max version that the user has hidden updates for QSettings s; auto maxHiddenVersion = QVersionNumber::fromString(s.value("update/lastversion", "0.0.0").toString()); qDebug() << "Version check: Current " << currentVersion << ", Available " << maxVersion; if (maxVersion > currentVersion && (!silent || maxVersion > maxHiddenVersion)) { auto ans = QMessageBox::information(main, QObject::tr("Update Available"), QObject::tr("A new release v%1 is available! You have v%2.\n\nWould you like to visit the releases page?") .arg(maxVersion.toString()) .arg(currentVersion.toString()), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (ans == QMessageBox::Yes) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("https://github.com/MyHush/SilentDragonLite/releases")); } else { // If the user selects cancel, don't bother them again for this version s.setValue("update/lastversion", maxVersion.toString()); } } else { if (!silent) { QMessageBox::information(main, QObject::tr("No updates available"), QObject::tr("You already have the latest release v%1") .arg(currentVersion.toString())); } } } } catch (...) { // If anything at all goes wrong, just set the price to 0 and move on. qDebug() << QString("Caught something nasty"); } }); } // Get the hush->USD price from coinmarketcap using their API void Controller::refreshhushPrice() { if (!zrpc->haveConnection()) return noConnection(); // TODO: use/render all this data QUrl cmcURL("https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=hush&vs_currencies=btc%2Cusd%2Ceur&include_market_cap=true&include_24hr_vol=true&include_24hr_change=true"); QNetworkRequest req; req.setUrl(cmcURL); QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this->main); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->get(req); QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { reply->deleteLater(); manager->deleteLater(); try { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { auto parsed = json::parse(reply->readAll(), nullptr, false); if (!parsed.is_discarded() && !parsed["error"]["message"].is_null()) { qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(parsed["error"]["message"]); } else { qDebug() << reply->errorString(); } Settings::getInstance()->sethushPrice(0); return; } qDebug() << "No network errors"; auto all = reply->readAll(); auto parsed = json::parse(all, nullptr, false); if (parsed.is_discarded()) { Settings::getInstance()->sethushPrice(0); return; } qDebug() << "Parsed JSON"; const json& item = parsed.get(); const json& hush = item["hush"].get(); if (hush["usd"] >= 0) { qDebug() << "Found hush key in price json"; // TODO: support BTC/EUR prices as well //QString price = QString::fromStdString(hush["usd"].get()); qDebug() << "HUSH = $" << QString::number((double)hush["usd"]); Settings::getInstance()->sethushPrice( hush["usd"] ); return; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { // If anything at all goes wrong, just set the price to 0 and move on. qDebug() << QString("Caught something nasty: ") << e.what(); } // If nothing, then set the price to 0; Settings::getInstance()->sethushPrice(0); }); } void Controller::shutdownhushd() { // Save the wallet and exit the lightclient library cleanly. if (zrpc->haveConnection()) { QDialog d(main); Ui_ConnectionDialog connD; connD.setupUi(&d); connD.topIcon->setBasePixmap(QIcon(":/icons/res/icon.ico").pixmap(256, 256)); connD.status->setText(QObject::tr("Please wait for SilentDragonLite to exit")); connD.statusDetail->setText(QObject::tr("Waiting for hushd to exit")); bool finished = false; zrpc->saveWallet([&] (json) { if (!finished) d.accept(); finished = true; }); if (!finished) d.exec(); } } /** * Get a Sapling address from the user's wallet */ QString Controller::getDefaultSaplingAddress() { for (QString addr: model->getAllZAddresses()) { if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(addr)) return addr; } return QString(); } QString Controller::getDefaultTAddress() { if (model->getAllTAddresses().length() > 0) return model->getAllTAddresses().at(0); else return QString(); }