#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "ui_about.h" #include "ui_settings.h" #include "rpc.h" #include "balancestablemodel.h" #include "settings.h" #include "utils.h" #include "senttxstore.h" #include "precompiled.h" using json = nlohmann::json; MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // Status Bar setupStatusBar(); // Settings editor setupSettingsModal(); // Set up exit action QObject::connect(ui->actionExit, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::close); // Set up donate action QObject::connect(ui->actionDonate, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::donate); // Set up check for updates action QObject::connect(ui->actionCheck_for_Updates, &QAction::triggered, [=] () { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("https://github.com/adityapk00/zec-qt-wallet/releases")); }); QObject::connect(ui->actionImport_Private_Keys, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::importPrivKeys); // Set up about action QObject::connect(ui->actionAbout, &QAction::triggered, [=] () { QDialog aboutDialog(this); Ui_about about; about.setupUi(&aboutDialog); QString version = QString("Version ") % QString(APP_VERSION) % " (" % QString(__DATE__) % ")"; about.versionLabel->setText(version); aboutDialog.exec(); }); // Initialize to the balances tab ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); setupSendTab(); setupTransactionsTab(); setupRecieveTab(); setupBalancesTab(); rpc = new RPC(new QNetworkAccessManager(this), this); rpc->refreshZECPrice(); rpc->refresh(); } void MainWindow::setupStatusBar() { // Status Bar loadingLabel = new QLabel(); loadingMovie = new QMovie(":/icons/res/loading.gif"); loadingMovie->setScaledSize(QSize(32, 16)); loadingMovie->start(); loadingLabel->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); loadingLabel->setMovie(loadingMovie); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(loadingLabel); loadingLabel->setVisible(false); // Custom status bar menu ui->statusBar->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(ui->statusBar, &QStatusBar::customContextMenuRequested, [=](QPoint pos) { auto msg = ui->statusBar->currentMessage(); QMenu menu(this); if (!msg.isEmpty() && msg.startsWith(Utils::txidStatusMessage)) { auto txid = msg.split(":")[1].trimmed(); menu.addAction("Copy txid", [=]() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(txid); }); menu.addAction("View tx on block explorer", [=]() { QString url; if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { url = "https://explorer.testnet.z.cash/tx/" + txid; } else { url = "https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/" + txid; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } menu.addAction("Refresh", [=]() { rpc->refresh(); }); QPoint gpos(mapToGlobal(pos).x(), mapToGlobal(pos).y() + this->height() - ui->statusBar->height()); menu.exec(gpos); }); statusLabel = new QLabel(); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(statusLabel); statusIcon = new QLabel(); ui->statusBar->addPermanentWidget(statusIcon); } void MainWindow::setupSettingsModal() { // Set up File -> Settings action QObject::connect(ui->actionSettings, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { QDialog settingsDialog(this); Ui_Settings settings; settings.setupUi(&settingsDialog); // Setup save sent check box QObject::connect(settings.chkSaveTxs, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [=](auto checked) { Settings::getInstance()->setSaveZtxs(checked); }); // Setup clear button QObject::connect(settings.btnClearSaved, &QCheckBox::clicked, [=]() { if (QMessageBox::warning(this, "Clear saved history?", "Shielded z-Address transactions are stored locally in your wallet, outside zcashd. You may delete this saved information safely any time for your privacy.\nDo you want to delete the saved shielded transactions now ?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::Cancel)) { SentTxStore::deleteHistory(); // Reload after the clear button so existing txs disappear rpc->refresh(); } }); // Save sent transactions settings.chkSaveTxs->setChecked(Settings::getInstance()->getSaveZtxs()); // Connection Settings QIntValidator validator(0, 65535); settings.port->setValidator(&validator); // Load current values into the dialog settings.hostname->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getHost()); settings.port->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getPort()); settings.rpcuser->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUsernamePassword().split(":")[0]); settings.rpcpassword->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUsernamePassword().split(":")[1]); // If values are coming from zcash.conf, then disable all the fields auto zcashConfLocation = Settings::getInstance()->getZcashdConfLocation(); if (!zcashConfLocation.isEmpty()) { settings.confMsg->setText("Settings are being read from \n" + zcashConfLocation); settings.hostname->setEnabled(false); settings.port->setEnabled(false); settings.rpcuser->setEnabled(false); settings.rpcpassword->setEnabled(false); } else { settings.confMsg->setText("No local zcash.conf found. Please configure connection manually."); settings.hostname->setEnabled(true); settings.port->setEnabled(true); settings.rpcuser->setEnabled(true); settings.rpcpassword->setEnabled(true); } // Connection tab by default settings.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); if (settingsDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { if (zcashConfLocation.isEmpty()) { // Save settings Settings::getInstance()->saveSettings( settings.hostname->text(), settings.port->text(), settings.rpcuser->text(), settings.rpcpassword->text()); this->rpc->reloadConnectionInfo(); } // Then refresh everything. this->rpc->refresh(); }; }); } void MainWindow::donate() { // Set up a donation to me :) ui->Address1->setText(Utils::getDonationAddr()); ui->Address1->setCursorPosition(0); ui->Amount1->setText("0.01"); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Donate 0.01 " % Utils::getTokenName() % " to support zec-qt-wallet"); // And switch to the send tab. ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1); } void MainWindow::importPrivKeys() { bool ok; QString text = QInputDialog::getMultiLineText( this, "Import Private Keys", QString() + "Please paste your private keys (z-Addr or t-Addr) here, one per line.\n" + "The keys will be imported into your connected zcashd node", "", &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { auto keys = text.split("\n"); for (int i=0; i < keys.length(); i++) { auto key = keys[i].trimmed(); if (key.startsWith("S") || key.startsWith("secret")) { // Z key } else { // T Key } } } } void MainWindow::setupBalancesTab() { ui->unconfirmedWarning->setVisible(false); // Setup context menu on balances tab ui->balancesTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(ui->balancesTable, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->balancesTable->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; index = index.sibling(index.row(), 0); auto addr = ui->balancesTable->model()->data(index).toString(); QMenu menu(this); menu.addAction("Copy Address", [=] () { QClipboard *clipboard = QGuiApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(addr); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Copied to clipboard", 3 * 1000); }); if (addr.startsWith("t")) { menu.addAction("View on block explorer", [=] () { QString url; if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { url = "https://explorer.testnet.z.cash/address/" + addr; } else { url = "https://explorer.zcha.in/accounts/" + addr; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); } menu.exec(ui->balancesTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); } void MainWindow::setupTransactionsTab() { // Set up context menu on transactions tab ui->transactionsTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(ui->transactionsTable, &QTableView::customContextMenuRequested, [=] (QPoint pos) { QModelIndex index = ui->transactionsTable->indexAt(pos); if (index.row() < 0) return; QMenu menu(this); auto txModel = dynamic_cast(ui->transactionsTable->model()); QString txid = txModel->getTxId(index.row()); menu.addAction("Copy txid", [=] () { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(txid); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Copied to clipboard", 3 * 1000); }); menu.addAction("View on block explorer", [=] () { QString url; if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) { url = "https://explorer.testnet.z.cash/tx/" + txid; } else { url = "https://explorer.zcha.in/transactions/" + txid; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(url)); }); menu.exec(ui->transactionsTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(pos)); }); } void MainWindow::addNewZaddr(bool sapling) { rpc->newZaddr(sapling, [=] (json reply) { QString addr = QString::fromStdString(reply.get()); // Make sure the RPC class reloads the Z-addrs for future use rpc->refreshAddresses(); // Just double make sure the Z-address is still checked if (( sapling && ui->rdioZSAddr->isChecked()) || (!sapling && ui->rdioZAddr->isChecked())) { ui->listRecieveAddresses->insertItem(0, addr); ui->listRecieveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->statusBar->showMessage(QString::fromStdString("Created new zAddr") % (sapling ? "(Sapling)" : "(Sprout)"), 10 * 1000); } }); } // Adds sapling or sprout z-addresses to the combo box. Technically, returns a // lambda, which can be connected to the appropriate signal std::function MainWindow::addZAddrsToComboList(bool sapling) { return [=] (bool checked) { if (checked && this->rpc->getAllZAddresses() != nullptr) { auto addrs = this->rpc->getAllZAddresses(); ui->listRecieveAddresses->clear(); std::for_each(addrs->begin(), addrs->end(), [=] (auto addr) { if ( (sapling && Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(addr)) || (!sapling && !Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingAddress(addr))) ui->listRecieveAddresses->addItem(addr); }); // If z-addrs are empty, then create a new one. if (addrs->isEmpty()) { addNewZaddr(sapling); } } }; } void MainWindow::setupRecieveTab() { auto addNewTAddr = [=] () { rpc->newTaddr([=] (json reply) { QString addr = QString::fromStdString(reply.get()); // Just double make sure the T-address is still checked if (ui->rdioTAddr->isChecked()) { ui->listRecieveAddresses->insertItem(0, addr); ui->listRecieveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Created new t-Addr", 10 * 1000); } }); }; // Connect t-addr radio button QObject::connect(ui->rdioTAddr, &QRadioButton::toggled, [=] (bool checked) { // Whenever the T-address is selected, we generate a new address, because we don't // want to reuse T-addrs if (checked && this->rpc->getUTXOs() != nullptr) { auto utxos = this->rpc->getUTXOs(); ui->listRecieveAddresses->clear(); std::for_each(utxos->begin(), utxos->end(), [=] (auto& utxo) { auto addr = utxo.address; if (addr.startsWith("t") && ui->listRecieveAddresses->findText(addr) < 0) { ui->listRecieveAddresses->addItem(addr); } }); addNewTAddr(); } }); // zAddr toggle button, one for sprout and one for sapling QObject::connect(ui->rdioZAddr, &QRadioButton::toggled, addZAddrsToComboList(false)); QObject::connect(ui->rdioZSAddr, &QRadioButton::toggled, addZAddrsToComboList(true)); // Explicitly get new address button. QObject::connect(ui->btnRecieveNewAddr, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { if (ui->rdioZAddr->isChecked()) { addNewZaddr(false); } else if (ui->rdioZSAddr->isChecked()) { addNewZaddr(true); } else if (ui->rdioTAddr->isChecked()) { addNewTAddr(); } }); // Focus enter for the Recieve Tab QObject::connect(ui->tabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, [=] (int tab) { if (tab == 2) { // Switched to recieve tab, so update everything. // Hide Sapling radio button if sapling is not active if (Settings::getInstance()->isSaplingActive()) { ui->rdioZSAddr->setVisible(true); ui->rdioZSAddr->setChecked(true); ui->rdioZAddr->setText("z-Addr(Sprout)"); } else { ui->rdioZSAddr->setVisible(false); ui->rdioZAddr->setChecked(true); ui->rdioZAddr->setText("z-Addr"); // Don't use the "Sprout" label if there's no sapling } // And then select the first one ui->listRecieveAddresses->setCurrentIndex(0); } }); // Select item in address list QObject::connect(ui->listRecieveAddresses, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [=] (const QString& addr) { if (addr.isEmpty()) { // Draw empty stuff ui->txtRecieve->clear(); ui->qrcodeDisplay->clear(); return; } ui->txtRecieve->setPlainText(addr); QSize sz = ui->qrcodeDisplay->size(); QPixmap pm(sz); pm.fill(Qt::white); QPainter painter(&pm); // NOTE: At this point you will use the API to get the encoding and format you want, instead of my hardcoded stuff: qrcodegen::QrCode qr = qrcodegen::QrCode::encodeText(addr.toUtf8().constData(), qrcodegen::QrCode::Ecc::LOW); const int s = qr.getSize()>0?qr.getSize():1; const double w = sz.width(); const double h = sz.height(); const double aspect = w/h; const double size = ((aspect>1.0)?h:w); const double scale = size/(s+2); const double offset = (w - size) > 0 ? (w - size) / 2 : 0; // NOTE: For performance reasons my implementation only draws the foreground parts in supplied color. // It expects background to be prepared already (in white or whatever is preferred). painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(QColor(Qt::black)); for(int y=0; yqrcodeDisplay->setPixmap(pm); }); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; delete rpc; delete loadingMovie; }