#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use libc::{c_char}; use std::ffi::{CStr, CString}; use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc}; use std::cell::RefCell; use silentdragonlitelib::{commands, lightclient::{LightClient, LightClientConfig}}; // We'll use a MUTEX to store a global lightclient instance, // so we don't have to keep creating it. We need to store it here, in rust // because we can't return such a complex structure back to C++ lazy_static! { static ref LIGHTCLIENT: Mutex>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None)); } // Check if there is an existing wallet #[no_mangle] pub extern fn litelib_wallet_exists(chain_name: *const c_char) -> bool { let chain_name_str = unsafe { assert!(!chain_name.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(chain_name).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let config = LightClientConfig::create_unconnected(chain_name_str, None); println!("Wallet exists: {}", config.wallet_exists()); config.wallet_exists() } //////hash blake3 #[no_mangle] pub extern fn blake3_PW(pw: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char{ let passwd = unsafe { assert!(!pw.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(pw).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let data = passwd.as_bytes(); // Hash an input all at once. let hash1 = blake3::hash(data).to_hex(); println!("\nBlake3 Hash: {}", hash1); //let sttring = CString::new(hash1).unwrap(); let e_str = CString::new(format!("{}", hash1)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } /// Create a new wallet and return the seed for the newly created wallet. #[no_mangle] pub extern fn litelib_initialize_new(dangerous: bool, server: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char { let server_str = unsafe { assert!(!server.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(server).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let server = LightClientConfig::get_server_or_default(Some(server_str)); let (config, latest_block_height) = match LightClientConfig::create(server, dangerous) { Ok((c, h)) => (c, h), Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; let lightclient = match LightClient::new(&config, latest_block_height) { Ok(l) => l, Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; // Initialize logging let _ = lightclient.init_logging(); let seed = match lightclient.do_seed_phrase() { Ok(s) => s.dump(), Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; LIGHTCLIENT.lock().unwrap().replace(Some(Arc::new(lightclient))); // Return the wallet's seed let s_str = CString::new(seed).unwrap(); return s_str.into_raw(); } /// Restore a wallet from the seed phrase #[no_mangle] pub extern fn litelib_initialize_new_from_phrase(dangerous: bool, server: *const c_char, seed: *const c_char, birthday: u64, number: u64) -> *mut c_char { let server_str = unsafe { assert!(!server.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(server).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let seed_str = unsafe { assert!(!seed.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(seed).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let server = LightClientConfig::get_server_or_default(Some(server_str)); let (config, _latest_block_height) = match LightClientConfig::create(server, dangerous) { Ok((c, h)) => (c, h), Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; let lightclient = match LightClient::new_from_phrase(seed_str, &config, birthday, number, false) { Ok(l) => l, Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; // Initialize logging let _ = lightclient.init_logging(); LIGHTCLIENT.lock().unwrap().replace(Some(Arc::new(lightclient))); let c_str = CString::new("OK").unwrap(); return c_str.into_raw(); } // Initialize a new lightclient and store its value #[no_mangle] pub extern fn litelib_initialize_existing(dangerous: bool, server: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char { let server_str = unsafe { assert!(!server.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(server).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let server = LightClientConfig::get_server_or_default(Some(server_str)); let (config, _latest_block_height) = match LightClientConfig::create(server, dangerous) { Ok((c, h)) => (c, h), Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; let lightclient = match LightClient::read_from_disk(&config) { Ok(l) => l, Err(e) => { let e_str = CString::new(format!("Error: {}", e)).unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } }; // Initialize logging let _ = lightclient.init_logging(); LIGHTCLIENT.lock().unwrap().replace(Some(Arc::new(lightclient))); let c_str = CString::new("OK").unwrap(); return c_str.into_raw(); } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn litelib_execute(cmd: *const c_char, args: *const c_char) -> *mut c_char { let cmd_str = unsafe { assert!(!cmd.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(cmd).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let arg_str = unsafe { assert!(!args.is_null()); CStr::from_ptr(args).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }; let resp: String; { let lightclient: Arc; { let lc = LIGHTCLIENT.lock().unwrap(); if lc.borrow().is_none() { let e_str = CString::new("Error: Light Client is not initialized").unwrap(); return e_str.into_raw(); } lightclient = lc.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().clone(); }; let args = if arg_str.is_empty() { vec![] } else { vec![arg_str.as_ref()] }; resp = commands::do_user_command(&cmd_str, &args, lightclient.as_ref()).clone(); }; let c_str = CString::new(resp.as_bytes()).unwrap(); return c_str.into_raw(); } /** * Callers that receive string return values from other functions should call this to return the string * back to rust, so it can be freed. Failure to call this function will result in a memory leak */ #[no_mangle] pub extern fn litelib_rust_free_string(s: *mut c_char) { unsafe { if s.is_null() { return } CString::from_raw(s) }; }