#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "ui_confirm.h" #include "ui_memodialog.h" #include "settings.h" #include "rpc.h" #include "utils.h" #include "precompiled.h" #include #include using json = nlohmann::json; void MainWindow::setupSendTab() { // Create the validator for send to/amount fields auto amtValidator = new QDoubleValidator(0, 21000000, 8, ui->Amount1); amtValidator->setNotation(QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation); ui->Amount1->setValidator(amtValidator); setDefaultPayFrom(); // Send button QObject::connect(ui->sendTransactionButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::sendButton); // Cancel Button QObject::connect(ui->cancelSendButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::cancelButton); // Input Combobox current text changed QObject::connect(ui->inputsCombo, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &MainWindow::inputComboTextChanged); // Hook up add address button click QObject::connect(ui->addAddressButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::addAddressSection); // Max available Checkbox QObject::connect(ui->Max1, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &MainWindow::maxAmountChecked); // The first Memo button QObject::connect(ui->MemoBtn1, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { this->memoButtonClicked(1); }); setMemoEnabled(1, false); // The first Address button QObject::connect(ui->Address1, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [=] (auto text) { this->addressChanged(1, text); }); // The first Amount button QObject::connect(ui->Amount1, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [=] (auto text) { this->amountChanged(1, text); }); // Font for the first Memo label QFont f = ui->Address1->font(); f.setPointSize(f.pointSize() - 1); ui->MemoTxt1->setFont(f); // Set up focus enter to set fees QObject::connect(ui->tabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, [=] (int pos) { if (pos == 1) { // Set the fees ui->lblMinerFee->setText(QString::number(Utils::getMinerFee(), 'g', 8) % " " % Utils::getTokenName()); ui->lblMinerFeeUSD->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(Utils::getMinerFee())); // Dev Fee. if (Utils::getDevFee() < 0.0001) { ui->lblDevFee->setText(""); ui->lblDevFeeUSD->setText(""); ui->lblDevFeeTxt->setText(""); } else { ui->lblDevFee->setText(QString::number(Utils::getDevFee(), 'g', 8) % " " % Utils::getTokenName()); ui->lblDevFeeUSD->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(Utils::getDevFee())); } // Set focus to the first address box ui->Address1->setFocus(); } }); } void MainWindow::setDefaultPayFrom() { auto findMax = [=] (QString startsWith) { double max_amt = 0; int idx = -1; for (int i=0; i < ui->inputsCombo->count(); i++) { auto addr = ui->inputsCombo->itemText(i); if (addr.startsWith(startsWith)) { auto amt = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(addr.split("(")[0]); if (max_amt < amt) { max_amt = amt; idx = i; } } } return idx; }; // By default, select the z-address with the most balance from the inputs combo auto maxZ = findMax("z"); if (maxZ >= 0) { ui->inputsCombo->setCurrentIndex(maxZ); } else { auto maxT = findMax("t"); maxT = maxT >= 0 ? maxT : 0; ui->inputsCombo->setCurrentIndex(maxT); } }; void MainWindow::inputComboTextChanged(const QString& text) { auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(text.split("(")[0].trimmed()); auto balFmt = QString::number(bal, 'g', 8) + " " % Utils::getTokenName(); ui->sendAddressBalance->setText(balFmt); ui->sendAddressBalanceUSD->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(bal)); } void MainWindow::addAddressSection() { int itemNumber = ui->sendToWidgets->children().size() - 1; auto verticalGroupBox = new QGroupBox(ui->sendToWidgets); verticalGroupBox->setTitle(QString("Recipient ") % QString::number(itemNumber)); verticalGroupBox->setObjectName(QString("AddressGroupBox") % QString::number(itemNumber)); auto sendAddressLayout = new QVBoxLayout(verticalGroupBox); sendAddressLayout->setSpacing(6); sendAddressLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); auto horizontalLayout_12 = new QHBoxLayout(); horizontalLayout_12->setSpacing(6); auto label_4 = new QLabel(verticalGroupBox); label_4->setText("Address"); horizontalLayout_12->addWidget(label_4); auto Address1 = new QLineEdit(verticalGroupBox); Address1->setObjectName(QString("Address") % QString::number(itemNumber)); Address1->setPlaceholderText("Address"); QObject::connect(Address1, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [=] (auto text) { this->addressChanged(itemNumber, text); }); horizontalLayout_12->addWidget(Address1); sendAddressLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout_12); auto horizontalLayout_13 = new QHBoxLayout(); horizontalLayout_13->setSpacing(6); auto label_6 = new QLabel(verticalGroupBox); label_6->setText("Amount"); horizontalLayout_13->addWidget(label_6); auto Amount1 = new QLineEdit(verticalGroupBox); Amount1->setPlaceholderText("Amount"); Amount1->setObjectName(QString("Amount") % QString::number(itemNumber)); Amount1->setBaseSize(QSize(200, 0)); // Create the validator for send to/amount fields auto amtValidator = new QDoubleValidator(0, 21000000, 8, Amount1); Amount1->setValidator(amtValidator); QObject::connect(Amount1, &QLineEdit::textChanged, [=] (auto text) { this->amountChanged(itemNumber, text); }); horizontalLayout_13->addWidget(Amount1); auto AmtUSD1 = new QLabel(verticalGroupBox); AmtUSD1->setObjectName(QString("AmtUSD") % QString::number(itemNumber)); horizontalLayout_13->addWidget(AmtUSD1); auto horizontalSpacer_4 = new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); horizontalLayout_13->addItem(horizontalSpacer_4); auto MemoBtn1 = new QPushButton(verticalGroupBox); MemoBtn1->setObjectName(QString("MemoBtn") % QString::number(itemNumber)); MemoBtn1->setText("Memo"); // Connect Memo Clicked button QObject::connect(MemoBtn1, &QPushButton::clicked, [=] () { this->memoButtonClicked(itemNumber); }); horizontalLayout_13->addWidget(MemoBtn1); setMemoEnabled(itemNumber, false); sendAddressLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout_13); auto MemoTxt1 = new QLabel(verticalGroupBox); MemoTxt1->setObjectName(QString("MemoTxt") % QString::number(itemNumber)); QFont font1 = Address1->font(); font1.setPointSize(font1.pointSize()-1); MemoTxt1->setFont(font1); MemoTxt1->setWordWrap(true); sendAddressLayout->addWidget(MemoTxt1); ui->sendToLayout->insertWidget(itemNumber-1, verticalGroupBox); // Set focus into the address Address1->setFocus(); // Delay the call to scroll to allow the scroll window to adjust QTimer::singleShot(10, [=] () {ui->sendToScrollArea->ensureWidgetVisible(ui->addAddressButton);}); } void MainWindow::addressChanged(int itemNumber, const QString& text) { setMemoEnabled(itemNumber, text.startsWith("z")); } void MainWindow::amountChanged(int item, const QString& text) { auto usd = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("AmtUSD") % QString::number(item)); usd->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(text.toDouble())); } void MainWindow::setMemoEnabled(int number, bool enabled) { auto memoBtn = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("MemoBtn") % QString::number(number)); if (enabled) { memoBtn->setEnabled(true); memoBtn->setToolTip(""); } else { memoBtn->setEnabled(false); memoBtn->setToolTip("Only Z addresses can have memos"); } } void MainWindow::memoButtonClicked(int number) { // Memos can only be used with zAddrs. So check that first auto addr = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Address") + QString::number(number)); if (!addr->text().trimmed().startsWith("z")) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, "Memos can only be used with z Addresses", "The Memo field can only be used with a z Address.\n" + addr->text() + "\ndoesn't look like a z Address", QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } // Get the current memo if it exists auto memoTxt = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("MemoTxt") + QString::number(number)); QString currentMemo = memoTxt->text(); Ui_MemoDialog memoDialog; QDialog dialog(this); memoDialog.setupUi(&dialog); QObject::connect(memoDialog.memoTxt, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, [=] () { QString txt = memoDialog.memoTxt->toPlainText(); memoDialog.memoSize->setText(QString::number(txt.toUtf8().size()) + "/512"); memoDialog.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(txt.toUtf8().size() <= 512); }); memoDialog.memoTxt->setPlainText(currentMemo); memoDialog.memoTxt->setFocus(); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { memoTxt->setText(memoDialog.memoTxt->toPlainText()); } } void MainWindow::removeExtraAddresses() { // The last one is a spacer, so ignore that int totalItems = ui->sendToWidgets->children().size() - 2; // Clear the first recepient fields auto addr = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Address1")); addr->clear(); auto amt = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Amount1")); amt->clear(); auto amtUSD = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("AmtUSD1")); amtUSD->clear(); auto max = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Max1")); max->setChecked(false); auto memo = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("MemoTxt1")); memo->clear(); // Disable first memo btn setMemoEnabled(1, false); // Start the deletion after the first item, since we want to keep 1 send field there all there for (int i=1; i < totalItems; i++) { auto addressGroupBox = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("AddressGroupBox") % QString::number(i+1)); delete addressGroupBox; } } void MainWindow::maxAmountChecked(int checked) { if (checked == Qt::Checked) { ui->Amount1->setReadOnly(true); if (rpc->getAllBalances() == nullptr) return; // Calculate maximum amount double sumAllAmounts = 0.0; // Calculate all other amounts int totalItems = ui->sendToWidgets->children().size() - 2; // The last one is a spacer, so ignore that // Start counting the sum skipping the first one, because the MAX button is on the first one, and we don't // want to include it in the sum. for (int i=1; i < totalItems; i++) { auto amt = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Amount") % QString::number(i+1)); sumAllAmounts += amt->text().toDouble(); } sumAllAmounts += Utils::getTotalFee(); auto addr = ui->inputsCombo->currentText().split("(")[0]; auto maxamount = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(addr) - sumAllAmounts; maxamount = (maxamount < 0) ? 0 : maxamount; ui->Amount1->setText(QString::number(maxamount, 'g', 8)); } else if (checked == Qt::Unchecked) { // Just remove the readonly part, don't change the content ui->Amount1->setReadOnly(false); } } // Create a Tx from the current state of the send page. Tx MainWindow::createTxFromSendPage() { Tx tx; // Gather the from / to addresses tx.fromAddr = ui->inputsCombo->currentText().split("(")[0].trimmed(); // For each addr/amt in the sendTo tab int totalItems = ui->sendToWidgets->children().size() - 2; // The last one is a spacer, so ignore that for (int i=0; i < totalItems; i++) { QString addr = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Address") % QString::number(i+1))->text().trimmed(); double amt = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("Amount") % QString::number(i+1))->text().trimmed().toDouble(); QString memo = ui->sendToWidgets->findChild(QString("MemoTxt") % QString::number(i+1))->text().trimmed(); tx.toAddrs.push_back( ToFields{addr, amt, memo, memo.toUtf8().toHex()} ); } tx.fee = Utils::getMinerFee(); return tx; } bool MainWindow::confirmTx(Tx tx, ToFields devFee) { auto fnSplitAddressForWrap = [=] (const QString& a) -> QString { if (!a.startsWith("z")) return a; auto half = a.length() / 2; auto splitted = a.left(half) + "\n" + a.right(a.length() - half); return splitted; }; // Show a confirmation dialog QDialog d(this); Ui_confirm confirm; confirm.setupUi(&d); // Remove all existing address/amt qlabels on the confirm dialog. int totalConfirmAddrItems = confirm.sendToAddrs->children().size(); for (int i = 0; i < totalConfirmAddrItems / 3; i++) { auto addr = confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild(QString("Addr") % QString::number(i+1)); auto amt = confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild(QString("Amt") % QString::number(i+1)); auto memo = confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild(QString("Memo") % QString::number(i+1)); auto amtUSD = confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild(QString("AmtUSD") % QString::number(i+1)); delete memo; delete addr; delete amt; delete amtUSD; } // Remove the fee labels delete confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild("labelMinerFee"); delete confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild("minerFee"); delete confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild("minerFeeUSD"); delete confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild("labelDevFee"); delete confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild("devFee"); delete confirm.sendToAddrs->findChild("devFeeUSD"); // For each addr/amt/memo, construct the JSON and also build the confirm dialog box for (int i=0; i < tx.toAddrs.size(); i++) { auto toAddr = tx.toAddrs[i]; // Add new Address widgets instead of the same one. { // Address auto Addr = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); Addr->setObjectName(QString("Addr") % QString::number(i + 1)); Addr->setWordWrap(true); Addr->setText(fnSplitAddressForWrap(toAddr.addr)); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(Addr, i*2, 0, 1, 1); // Amount (ZEC) auto Amt = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); Amt->setObjectName(QString("Amt") % QString::number(i + 1)); Amt->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getZECDisplayFormat(toAddr.amount)); Amt->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTrailing | Qt::AlignVCenter); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(Amt, i*2, 1, 1, 1); // Amount (USD) auto AmtUSD = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); AmtUSD->setObjectName(QString("AmtUSD") % QString::number(i + 1)); AmtUSD->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(toAddr.amount)); AmtUSD->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTrailing | Qt::AlignVCenter); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(AmtUSD, i*2, 2, 1, 1); // Memo if (toAddr.addr.startsWith("z")) { auto Memo = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); Memo->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("Memo") % QString::number(i + 1)); Memo->setText(toAddr.txtMemo); QFont font1 = Addr->font(); font1.setPointSize(font1.pointSize() - 1); Memo->setFont(font1); Memo->setWordWrap(true); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(Memo, (i*2)+1, 0, 1, 3); } } } // Add two rows for fees { auto i = tx.toAddrs.size() * 2; auto labelMinerFee = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); labelMinerFee->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("labelMinerFee")); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(labelMinerFee, i, 0, 1, 1); labelMinerFee->setText("Miner Fee"); auto minerFee = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); minerFee->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); minerFee->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("minerFee")); minerFee->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(minerFee, i, 1, 1, 1); minerFee->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getZECDisplayFormat(tx.fee)); auto minerFeeUSD = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); QSizePolicy sizePolicy1(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Preferred); minerFeeUSD->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy1); minerFeeUSD->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("minerFeeUSD")); minerFeeUSD->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(minerFeeUSD, i, 2, 1, 1); minerFeeUSD->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(tx.fee)); if (!devFee.addr.isEmpty()) { auto labelDevFee = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); labelDevFee->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("labelDevFee")); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(labelDevFee, i+1, 0, 1, 1); labelDevFee ->setText("Dev Fee"); auto fee = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); fee->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("devFee")); fee->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(fee, i+1, 1, 1, 1); fee ->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getZECDisplayFormat(Utils::getDevFee())); auto devFeeUSD = new QLabel(confirm.sendToAddrs); devFeeUSD->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy1); devFeeUSD->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("devFeeUSD")); devFeeUSD->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter); confirm.gridLayout->addWidget(devFeeUSD, i+1, 2, 1, 1); devFeeUSD ->setText(Settings::getInstance()->getUSDFormat(Utils::getDevFee())); } } // And FromAddress in the confirm dialog confirm.sendFrom->setText(fnSplitAddressForWrap(tx.fromAddr)); // Show the dialog and submit it if the user confirms if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // Then delete the additional fields from the sendTo tab removeExtraAddresses(); return true; } else { return false; } } // Build the RPC JSON Parameters for this tx (with the dev fee included if applicable) void MainWindow::fillTxJsonParams(json& params, Tx tx) { // Get all the addresses and amounts json allRecepients = json::array(); // For each addr/amt/memo, construct the JSON and also build the confirm dialog box for (int i=0; i < tx.toAddrs.size(); i++) { auto toAddr = tx.toAddrs[i]; // Construct the JSON params json rec = json::object(); rec["address"] = toAddr.addr.toStdString(); rec["amount"] = toAddr.amount; if (toAddr.addr.startsWith("z") && !toAddr.encodedMemo.trimmed().isEmpty()) rec["memo"] = toAddr.encodedMemo.toStdString(); allRecepients.push_back(rec); } // Add sender params.push_back(tx.fromAddr.toStdString()); params.push_back(allRecepients); } // Send button clicked void MainWindow::sendButton() { Tx tx = createTxFromSendPage(); QString error = doSendTxValidations(tx); if (!error.isEmpty()) { // Something went wrong, so show an error and exit QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, "Transaction Error", error, QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); // abort the Tx return; } ToFields devFee{ Utils::getDevAddr(tx), Utils::getDevFee(), "", "" }; // Show a dialog to confirm the Tx if (confirmTx(tx, devFee)) { if (!devFee.addr.isEmpty()) tx.toAddrs.push_back(devFee); json params = json::array(); fillTxJsonParams(params, tx); std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl; // And send the Tx rpc->sendZTransaction(params, [=](const json& reply) { QString opid = QString::fromStdString(reply.get()); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Computing Tx: " % opid); // And then start monitoring the transaction rpc->addNewTxToWatch(tx, opid); }); } } QString MainWindow::doSendTxValidations(Tx tx) { // 1. Addresses are valid format. QRegExp zcexp("^z[a-z0-9]{94}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp zsexp("^z[a-z0-9]{77}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp ztsexp("^ztestsapling[a-z0-9]{76}", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp texp("^t[a-z0-9]{34}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive); auto matchesAnyAddr = [&] (QString addr) { return zcexp.exactMatch(addr) || texp.exactMatch(addr) || ztsexp.exactMatch(addr) || zsexp.exactMatch(addr); }; if (!matchesAnyAddr(tx.fromAddr)) return QString("From Address is Invalid"); for (auto toAddr : tx.toAddrs) { if (!matchesAnyAddr(toAddr.addr)) return QString("Recipient Address ") % toAddr.addr % " is Invalid"; } return QString(); } void MainWindow::cancelButton() { removeExtraAddresses(); // Back to the balances tab ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); }