zec-qt-wallet is a z-Addr first, Sapling compatible wallet and full node for zcashd that runs on Windows and Linux ![Screenshot](docs/screenshot-main.png?raw=true) ![Screenshots](docs/screenshot-sub.png?raw=true) # Installation Head over to the releases page and grab the latest binary. https://github.com/adityapk00/zec-qt-wallet/releases ### Linux Extract and run the binary ``` tar -xvf zec-qt-wallet-v0.3.2.tar.gz ./zec-qt-wallet-v0.3.2/zec-qt-wallet ``` ### Windows Unzip the release binary and double click on zec-qt-wallet to start. ## zcashd zec-qt-wallet needs a Zcash node running zcashd. If you already have a zcashd node running, zec-qt-wallet will connect to it. If you don't have one, zec-qt-wallet will start its embedded zcashd node. Additionally, if this is the first time you're running zec-qt-wallet or a zcashd daemon, zec-qt-wallet will download the zcash params (~1.7 GB) and configure `zcash.conf` for you. Pass `--no-embedded` to disable the embedded zcashd and force zec-qt-wallet to connect to an external node. ## Compiling from source zec-qt-wallet is written in C++ 14, and can be compiled with g++/clang++/visual c++. It also depends on Qt5, which you can get from [here](https://www.qt.io/download) See detailed build instructions [on the wiki](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zec-qt-wallet/wiki/Compiling-from-source-code) ### Building on Linux ``` git clone https://github.com/adityapk00/zec-qt-wallet.git cd zec-qt-wallet /path/to/qt5/bin/qmake zec-qt-wallet.pro CONFIG+=debug make -j$(nproc) ./zec-qt-wallet ``` ### Building on Windows You need Visual Studio 2017 (The free C++ Community Edition works just fine). From the VS Tools command prompt ``` git clone https://github.com/adityapk00/zec-qt-wallet.git cd zec-qt-wallet c:\Qt5\bin\qmake.exe zec-qt-wallet.pro -spec win32-msvc CONFIG+=debug nmake debug\zec-qt-wallet.exe ``` To create the Visual Studio project files so you can compile and run from Visual Studio: ``` c:\Qt5\bin\qmake.exe zec-qt-wallet.pro -tp vc CONFIG+=debug ``` ## Building on MacOS You need to install the XCode app or the XCode command line tools first, and then install Qt. ``` git clone https://github.com/adityapk00/zec-qt-wallet.git cd zec-qt-wallet /path/to/qt5/bin/qmake zec-qt-wallet.pro CONFIG+=debug make ./zec-qt-wallet.app/Contents/MacOS/zec-qt-wallet ``` ### [Troubleshooting & FAQ](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zec-qt-wallet/wiki/Troubleshooting-&-FAQ) ### Support or other questions Tweet at [@zecqtwallet](https://twitter.com/zecqtwallet) for help. _PS: zec-qt-wallet is NOT an official wallet, and is not affiliated with the Zerocoin Electric Coin Company in any way._