Paper wallet for Hush, which you can use with no internet access while wearing a tinfoil hat inside of a Faraday cage.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
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# Release 0.1.43 (2022-04-26)
- [`Range`, `RangeInclusive`, and `RangeFrom` now implement `RangeBounds`][21]
from Rust 1.28 and later.
**Contributors**: @chrismit3s, @cuviper
# Release 0.1.42 (2020-10-29)
- [The "i128" feature now bypasses compiler probing][20]. The build script
used to probe anyway and panic if requested support wasn't found, but
sometimes this ran into bad corner cases with `autocfg`.
**Contributors**: @cuviper
# Release 0.1.41 (2020-06-11)
- [The new `RangeFrom` and `RangeFromStep` iterators][18] will count from a
given starting value, without any terminating value.
**Contributors**: @cuviper, @sollyucko
# Release 0.1.40 (2020-01-09)
- [Updated the `autocfg` build dependency to 1.0][14].
**Contributors**: @cuviper, @dingelish
# Release 0.1.39 (2019-05-21)
- [Fixed feature detection on `no_std` targets][11].
**Contributors**: @cuviper
# Release 0.1.38 (2019-05-20)
- Maintenance update -- no functional changes.
**Contributors**: @cuviper, @ignatenkobrain
# Release 0.1.37 (2018-05-11)
- [Support for 128-bit integers is now automatically detected and enabled.][5]
Setting the `i128` crate feature now causes the build script to panic if such
support is not detected.
**Contributors**: @cuviper
# Release 0.1.36 (2018-05-10)
- [The iterators are now implemented for `i128` and `u128`][7] starting with
Rust 1.26, enabled by the new `i128` crate feature.
**Contributors**: @cuviper
# Release 0.1.35 (2018-02-06)
- [num-iter now has its own source repository][num-356] at [rust-num/num-iter][home].
- [There is now a `std` feature][2], enabled by default, along with the implication
that building *without* this feature makes this a `#[no_std]` crate.
- There is no difference in the API at this time.
**Contributors**: @cuviper
# Prior releases
No prior release notes were kept. Thanks all the same to the many
contributors that have made this crate what it is!