Paper wallet for Hush, which you can use with no internet access while wearing a tinfoil hat inside of a Faraday cage.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
1.7 KiB

extern crate proc_macro2;
use proc_macro2::*;
macro_rules! assert_impl {
($ty:ident is $($marker:ident) and +) => {
fn $ty() {
fn assert_implemented<T: $($marker +)+>() {}
($ty:ident is not $($marker:ident) or +) => {
fn $ty() {
// Implemented for types that implement $marker.
trait IsNotImplemented {
fn assert_not_implemented() {}
impl<T: $marker> IsNotImplemented for T {}
// Implemented for the type being tested.
trait IsImplemented {
fn assert_not_implemented() {}
impl IsImplemented for $ty {}
// If $ty does not implement $marker, there is no ambiguity
// in the following trait method call.
assert_impl!(Delimiter is Send and Sync);
assert_impl!(Spacing is Send and Sync);
assert_impl!(Group is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(Ident is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(LexError is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(Literal is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(Punct is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(Span is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(TokenStream is not Send or Sync);
assert_impl!(TokenTree is not Send or Sync);
mod semver_exempt {
use super::*;
assert_impl!(LineColumn is Send and Sync);
assert_impl!(SourceFile is not Send or Sync);