Paper wallet for Hush, which you can use with no internet access while wearing a tinfoil hat inside of a Faraday cage.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
3.7 KiB

mod macros;
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Group, Ident, Punct, Spacing, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::{DeriveInput, Result, Visibility};
struct VisRest {
vis: Visibility,
rest: TokenStream,
impl Parse for VisRest {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(VisRest {
vis: input.parse()?,
rest: input.parse()?,
macro_rules! assert_vis_parse {
($input:expr, Ok($p:pat)) => {
assert_vis_parse!($input, Ok($p) + "");
($input:expr, Ok($p:pat) + $rest:expr) => {
let expected = $rest.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap();
let parse: VisRest = syn::parse_str($input).unwrap();
match parse.vis {
$p => {}
_ => panic!("Expected {}, got {:?}", stringify!($p), parse.vis),
// NOTE: Round-trips through `to_string` to avoid potential whitespace
// diffs.
assert_eq!(, expected.to_string());
($input:expr, Err) => {
fn test_pub() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub", Ok(Visibility::Public(_)));
fn test_crate() {
assert_vis_parse!("crate", Ok(Visibility::Crate(_)));
fn test_inherited() {
assert_vis_parse!("", Ok(Visibility::Inherited));
fn test_in() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(in foo::bar)", Ok(Visibility::Restricted(_)));
fn test_pub_crate() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(crate)", Ok(Visibility::Restricted(_)));
fn test_pub_self() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(self)", Ok(Visibility::Restricted(_)));
fn test_pub_super() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(super)", Ok(Visibility::Restricted(_)));
fn test_missing_in() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(foo::bar)", Ok(Visibility::Public(_)) + "(foo::bar)");
fn test_missing_in_path() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(in)", Err);
fn test_crate_path() {
"pub(crate::A, crate::B)",
Ok(Visibility::Public(_)) + "(crate::A, crate::B)"
fn test_junk_after_in() {
assert_vis_parse!("pub(in some::path @@garbage)", Err);
fn test_empty_group_vis() {
// mimics `struct S { $vis $field: () }` where $vis is empty
let tokens = TokenStream::from_iter(vec![
TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("struct", Span::call_site())),
TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new("S", Span::call_site())),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::None, TokenStream::new())),
TokenTree::Punct(Punct::new(':', Spacing::Alone)),
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::Parenthesis, TokenStream::new())),
snapshot!(tokens as DeriveInput, @r###"
DeriveInput {
vis: Inherited,
ident: "S",
generics: Generics,
data: Data::Struct {
fields: Fields::Named {
named: [
Field {
vis: Inherited,
ident: Some("f"),
colon_token: Some,
ty: Type::Tuple,