Paper wallet for Hush, which you can use with no internet access while wearing a tinfoil hat inside of a Faraday cage.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

155 lines
5.5 KiB

# Accept the variables as command line arguments as well
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
case $key in
shift # past argument
shift # past value
*) # unknown option
POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
shift # past argument
set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
if [ -z $APP_VERSION ]; then
echo "APP_VERSION is not set. Please set it to the current release version of the app";
exit 1;
# This should be set as an environment variable
if [ -z $QT_PATH ]; then
echo "QT_PATH is not set. Please set it to the base directory of Qt";
exit 1;
# Build for MacOS first
# Clean
echo -n "Cleaning..............."
$QT_STATIC/qmake CONFIG+=release >/dev/null
make distclean >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
mkdir -p artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
echo "[OK]"
echo -n "Testing................"
cd ../lib
if ! cargo test --release; then
echo "[Test Failed]"
exit 1;
cd ../ui
echo -n "Configuring............"
# Build
$QT_STATIC/qmake CONFIG+=release >/dev/null
APP_BUILD_DATE=$(date +%F)
echo "#define APP_VERSION \"$APP_VERSION\"" > src/version.h
echo "#define APP_BUILD_DATE \"$APP_BUILD_DATE\"" >> src/version.h
echo "[OK]"
echo -n "Building..............."
make -j4 >/dev/null
echo "[OK]"
#Qt deploy
echo -n "Deploying.............."
cp -r artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
echo "[OK]"
# Run inside docker container
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/..:/opt/zecpaperwallet zecwallet/compileenv:v0.8 bash -c "cd /opt/zecpaperwallet/ui && ./ -v $APP_VERSION"
# Move to build the cli
cd ../cli
# Clean everything first
cargo clean
echo "pub fn version() -> &'static str { &\"$APP_VERSION\" }" > src/
# Compile for mac directly and copy it over
cargo build --release
cp target/release/zecpaperwallet ../ui/artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
# For Windows and Linux, build via docker
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/..:/opt/zecpaperwallet rust/zecpaperwallet:v0.3 bash -c "cd /opt/zecpaperwallet/cli && cargo build --release && cargo build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu && cargo build --release --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu && cargo build --release --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf"
# Come back and package everything
cd ../ui
# Now sign and zip the binaries
# binary is already copied above
gpg --batch --output artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet.sig --detach-sig artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet
#gpg --batch --output artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/ --detach-sig artifacts/macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
cd artifacts
cd macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
gsha256sum zecpaperwallet > sha256sum.txt
cd ..
zip -r macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$ macOS-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cd ..
cp ../cli/target/release/zecpaperwallet artifacts/linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
gpg --batch --output artifacts/linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet.sig --detach-sig artifacts/linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet
gpg --batch --output artifacts/linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwalletui.sig --detach-sig artifacts/linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwalletui
cd artifacts
cd linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
gsha256sum zecpaperwallet zecpaperwalletui > sha256sum.txt
cd ..
zip -r linux-zecpaperwallet-v$ linux-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cd ..
cp ../cli/target/x86_64-pc-windows-gnu/release/zecpaperwallet.exe artifacts/Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
gpg --batch --output artifacts/Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet.sig --detach-sig artifacts/Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet.exe
gpg --batch --output artifacts/Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwalletui.sig --detach-sig artifacts/Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwalletui.exe
cd artifacts
cd Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
gsha256sum zecpaperwallet.exe zecpaperwalletui.exe > sha256sum.txt
cd ..
zip -r Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$ Windows-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cd ..
# aarch64 (armv8)
rm -rf artifacts/aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
mkdir -p artifacts/aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cp ../cli/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/zecpaperwallet artifacts/aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
gpg --batch --output artifacts/aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet.sig --detach-sig artifacts/aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet
cd artifacts
cd aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
gsha256sum zecpaperwallet > sha256sum.txt
cd ..
zip -r aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$ aarch64-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cd ..
# ARMv7
rm -rf artifacts/armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
mkdir -p artifacts/armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cp ../cli/target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/zecpaperwallet artifacts/armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/
gpg --batch --output artifacts/armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet.sig --detach-sig artifacts/armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION/zecpaperwallet
cd artifacts
cd armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
gsha256sum zecpaperwallet > sha256sum.txt
cd ..
zip -r armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$ armv7-zecpaperwallet-v$APP_VERSION
cd ..