# Silent Dragon Wormhole Wormhole Service for SilentDragon mobile app at wormhole.hush.is # Compiling From Source Install dependencies: sudo apt-get install android-sdk gradle Your system may have a version of gradle that is too old. Gradle 5.6.1 is known to work well: wget https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-5.6.1-bin.zip unzip gradle-5.6.1-bin.zip export PATH=$PWD/gradle-5.6.1/bin:$PATH You will also need a `java` binary installed: sudo apt install default-jre # or something equivalent Clone and compile: git clone https://git.hush.is/hush/SilentDragonWormhole cd SilentDragonWormhole gradle build # Running the Wormhole If the build was successful, you can execute the binary and start the server: ./run.sh It will run in the background. You can see the process via: ps auxw|grep wormhole Note: The default port of the Wormhole is 7070. This can be changed in source and recompiled if needed. # Nginx Proxying You will want something to proxy SSL connections in front of the wormhole, it doesn't handle that itself. For example, the production `wormhole.hush.is` uses CloudFlare to proxy SSL connections, which then talks to nginx, which then proxies to the actual wormhole server. Like so: ``` [SDA] <=> [CloudFlare] <=> [nginx] <=> [wormhole] ``` Here is an example nginx config that you can use, just change your `server_name` : ``` server { root /var/www/wormhole.hush.is; index index.html index.htm; server_name wormhole.hush.is; location / { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_pass http://localhost:7070; } } ``` # It's Not Working? The wormhole does not print anything to STDOUT, all logging is in application.log Getting "Peer is not connected" ? Restart SilentDragon/SilentDragonLite and pair SDA again. # License GPLv3 # Authors The Hush developers Zecwallet developers