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alias b := build
alias br := build-release
alias c := check
alias t := test
alias tc := test-crate
alias rc := run-cmd
cargo watch --clear --exec run
cargo build --release
cargo watch --clear --exec check
cargo watch --clear --ignore dump --shell "cargo test -- --nocapture"
test-crate CRATE:
RUST_LOG=debug cargo watch --clear --shell "cargo test {{CRATE}} -- --nocapture"
run-cmd CMD:
cargo watch --clear --ignore dump --ignore data --shell "cargo run {{CMD}}"
run-cmd-r CMD:
cargo watch --clear --ignore dump --ignore data --shell "cargo run --release {{CMD}}"
# clean up feature branch BRANCH
done BRANCH:
git checkout master
git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code
git pull --rebase origin master
git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code {{BRANCH}}
git branch -D {{BRANCH}}
cargo build
cargo publish
# Profiling
time CMD:
sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
time /usr/bin/time -f "\n%E (hr:min:sec): Real time\n%S (sec): Total number of CPU-seconds used by the system on behalf of the process (in kernel mode)\n%U (sec): Total number of CPU-seconds that the process used directly (in user mode)\n%M kB: Max resident set size of the process during its lifetime\n%W: Number of times the process was swapped out of memory\n%P: Percentage of CPU that this job got." {{CMD}}
# sync - force completion of pending disk writes (flush cache)
# purge - force disk cache to be purged (flushed and emptied)
time-mac CMD:
sync && sudo purge
gtime -f "\n%E (hr:min:sec): Real time\n%S (sec): Total number of CPU-seconds used by the system on behalf of the process (in kernel mode)\n%U (sec): Total number of CPU-seconds that the process used directly (in user mode)\n%M kB: Max resident set size of the process during its lifetime\n%W: Number of times the process was swapped out of memory\n%P: Percentage of CPU that this job got." {{CMD}}
# Generate flamegraphs
# ex cmd: $ cargo-flamegraph flamegraph download -d dmp -n 1,2,3,14,17,18 -> $ just flmg "download -d dmp -n 1,2,3,14,17,18"
# ex cmd: $ cargo-flamegraph flamegraph find-bottleneck -d dmp -o . -> $ just flmg "find-bottleneck -d dmp -o ."
flmg CMD:
cargo-flamegraph flamegraph {{CMD}}
# View file generated by flamegraph (--no-children flag is useful to sort by each individual stack call instead of by the accumulated callchain of children to parent)
perf report -i {{PATH-TO-PERF}}