Hush Is Bitcoin

Hush Is Bitcoin Because...

Hush traces our code directly back to Satoshi's Bitcoin 0.11.2

The Hush source code has a copy of Bitcoin source code inside of it, we have a partial history of the Bitcoin commit history, and many files inside of Hush start with Satoshi's name. We built on the shoulders of giants.

Hush implements Bitcoin Protocol

Hush adds a new type of private address tech on top of normal Bitcoin addresses. Many of the basics of the protocol are the same, such as using a public key, private key, encoded address with checksum bytes, Proof-of-Work. A large part of Hush internals is exactly how Satoshi designed things, and we love that.

Hush developers do not think SegWit was a good idea, we are an alternate reality where SegWit did not happen. We believe it needlessly complicates internals code, making a beautiful and relatively simple system unnecessarily complex. Hush is actually Satoshi's Vision, with no Segwit. Our solution to scaling is to launch as many blockchains as needed, while keeping fees very low for users. The future is multi-chain and Hush Smart Chains solves the problem in a single command.

Hush Uses Bitcoin For Security

Hush relies on BTC mainnet for protection from mining attacks. This is done via Delayed-Proof-of-Work, which allows blockchains with smaller hashrates to be protected by blockchains with larger hashrates. Hush allows other cryptocoins to be protected by Bitcoin Hashrate, by paying the Hush community to be protected. It is a lot of work for the first cryptocoin to be protected, but then each additional chain is a much smaller amount of work. It does not take up more space on the Bitcoin blockchain to protect 1 or 1000 cryptocoins, because of the design. It is very efficient and practical way of protecting exchanges from double spend attacks.

Hush Has No Company Or Foundation

Just like Bitcoin, we are a decentralized community of cypherpunks. There is no evil company or shady foundation.

We invite you to join the Hush community via these various hypertextual links!

Git | Website | Explorer | YouTube
Telegram Official (English) | Official (Russian) | Official (Chinese) | Official (Spanish) | Support | Mining
Reddit | BitcoinTalk | Mastodon | Matrix | Twitter

Copyright 2020-2021 The Hush Developers