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Setup Hush full node with hushd on Linux

In this example, we are using Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit). This will be different on Mac and Windows, so refer to those OS's docs.

Setup hushd

Optional: Setup hush user account

This section is optional as most users will run hushd as your own user account. Creating a separate user account is great for added security and typically recommended for servers.

  1. Log in as user account with sudo access and add a user 'hush' under which the daemon (hushd) will run :
    sudo useradd -r -m -s /bin/bash -d /home/hush hush
  2. Assign a password to the 'hush' user and add to sudo group:
    sudo passwd hush
    sudo adduser hush sudo
  3. Switch to user 'hush': su - hush
  4. Update your system
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Hush binary or compile yourself?

The next step is up to you. I personally like to compile from source and recommend trying that first.

binary OR...

If you just want to install an "exe" file, run it, and go, then I would recommend trying the binary install.

On Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 (Debian?), try this:

  • go to hush3 releases page and get latest version
  • then install using dpkg -i hush-3.x.x-amd64.deb

compile yourself

The choice is up to you, but if the binary does not work then try compiling it yourself.

For Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04, use the following:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake curl unzip nano libsodium-dev
git clone
cd hush3
./ -j$(nproc)

For Arch Linux, there are hush3 and hush3-bin AUR packages available, but here is how to compile it yourself:

sudo pacman -S libsodium lib32-zlib unzip wget git python rust curl
git clone
cd hush3
./ -j$(nproc)

Setup HUSH3.conf

  1. The data (blockchain, configuration, etc.) will be stored in '/home/.komodo/HUSH3' (on Linux) by default.

    mkdir -p ~/.komodo/HUSH3
  2. Open the configuration file in your favorite text editor (nano, vim, etc). I would change the values below with CHANGETHIS appended and you can change the rpcport if you'd like:


Now we can start hushd daemon

Last we run this and it will take some time to sync with the network.

If you installed a binary
which hushd   # then run from where it's installed
If you compiled
# run from the src directory of where you compiled it
cd src