Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hush?

Hush is Free Software (like Open Source, but better), which allows you to Speak And Transact Freely. That is the core mission of the software and global community of cypherpunks that make the Hush software and peer-to-peer network possible.

Where can I get Hush?

The only official place to get Hush source code and binaries is, which is the Hush Gitea instance, which replaces Github.

What Operating Systems Does Hush Work On?

Glad you asked! We would like to support as many as we can, but currently our Officially Supported OS's are:

As for details, Hush full nodes require 64bit Windows, while Hush lite nodes can be run on 32bit Windows. We support IoT devices such as ARMv8 (Raspberry Pi-like devices) and currently are working on FreeBSD/OpenBSD support. If you are interested in that, please contact us.

How can I install Hush?

First you must decide if you will compile Hush yourself, or use binaries. Most will use binaries, but if you are able, you should compile, since it means you don't need to trust all your funds with a binary created by a 3rd party, which could be backdoored.

Next, if you think you can copy+paste a few commands on the command-line of Linux, you are highly encouraged to try to compile yourself! It's a fun game, and the prize is a bigger slice of financial freedom.

How do I choose the right binary?

Binaries for Linux often end in .gz or .bz . Binaries for Mac usually end in .dmg and binaries for windows usually end in .zip. This is an easy way to make sure you have the right binary.

How can I download SilentDragon (SD) ?

For further information, check here

How can I download SilentDragonLite (SDL) ?

For further information, check here SDL

How can I download SilentDragonAndroid (SDA) ?

You can download this here, SDA, but note that it is a companion application to a desktop wallet.

Why is my node out of sync?


Why is my balance different than the explorer?

This can happen for a few reasons. Your node may be out of sync, and still finding new blocks which contain payments to your address. You may not have imported all the private keys you thought you did. Use the validation function to check if an address is in your current wallet.

If your wallet is rescanning, it will show the balance as of the block height it is processing. You will see the balance "jump" higher when it finds a new transaction which pays one of your addresses. Your full balance will be shown when you have processed the latest block and regain "syncedness".

What does a Hush address look like?

We have two main types of addresses, transparent and shielded. Transparent addresses start with R and shielded addresses start with zs1.

Originally HUSH addresses looked the same as Zcash addresses, so either t1... or z.. . When Hush changed our upstream from ZEC to KMD, that changed to be R... and zs1..., which is the prefix for Sapling Shielded Addresses.

If your address starts with zc instead of zs1, it is a Sprout address and it's not valid on the current HUSH mainnet.

For the above reasons, KMD, VRSC and SAFE addresses are all compatible, with the exact same public key generating the same exact address on KMD, VRSC, SAFE and HUSH and all the side chains (smart chains) of these respective platforms. If you own a taddr or zaddr on any one of these blockchains, you own the exact same address on all the blockchains.

Advanced Hush Questions

If you don't use the CLI, you can ignore this entire area.

How can I run a SilentDragonLite backend ?

You will need a VPS with at least 2 vCPUs and 4GB of RAM to compile software. Click here for documentation.

How can I run a SilentDragonWormhole ?

You will need a VPS that can run a simple Java program, which is very light on resources. It requires very little RAM or hard drive space.

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