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PJ Your Heiness 3 years ago
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@ -45,13 +45,36 @@ This command will generate a response every second, indicating the `ping` speed
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=131 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.40 ms
If you do not see a similar response in the shell, your machines are not able to connect (or ping is prevented via firewall).
## Part I: Creating A Hush Smart Chain
With your machines successfully able to `ping` each other, you are ready to create your first Hush Smart Chain!
The following instructions use the simplest possible set of parameters in creating a new Smart Chain: a coin wit
h the ticker symbol `LULZ`, `55555` pre-mined coins, and a block reward of `.0001`, the default.
On your first node, change into the directory where Komodo's `komodod` and `komodo-cli` are installed and execute the following commands in the terminal:
./hush-smart-chain -ac_name=LULZ -ac_supply=55555 -addnode=<IP address of the second node> &
### Verify the Response
After issuing this command in the terminal on both machines, you will find the p2p port in the terminal window.
>>>>>>>>>> LULZ: p2p.6969 rpc.6970 magic.c89b00b16 3365559062 55555 coins
If you do not see a similar response in the shell, your machines are not able to connect (or ping is prevented via firewall).
In the above string, take note of the p2p and RPC ports, as well as the magic number. These values must match on both nodes for the chains to be identical. If they are not the same, verify that the launch command is the same on both the nodes.
In the example above, the p2p port is `6969`. Make sure that the p2p port is open to the internet or any other network from which the second node connects.
This completes the first half of the Smart Chain creation process.