# Hush Is Better Than Monero Hush believes in more cryptocoins in general and more privacy coins in particular, is a good thing, needed to fully displace corrupt institutions such as Western Union and VISA, that have preyed on the poor for decades. Even so, HUSH believes we are the very best privacy coin based on Zero-Knowledge Math and we compete directly with Monero, the oldest and most-used privacy coin currently. ## Zero-Knowledge Math Instead of Obfuscation Let's say Alice makes an XMR transaction to Bob. They both have relatively good privacy, at first. Alice has very good operational security (opsec) and does not use that address for any other purpose. She does her part to preserve her privacy. Now Bob on the otherhand, he has very poor opsec. He uses this same address on every website, exchange and shady darkweb market he uses. One (or many) of these can work together, to correlate details about Bob. They can be hacked for this information and they can be legally required to share it, or the companies can dedice to work together to reduce their fraud costs. Bob's actions would hurt any privacy coin protocol, no matter how private. The point is that it hurts CryptoNote Protocol coins *MUCH* more, of which Monero is one, then coins like Hush, which use Zero-Knowledge Math instead of obfuscation. By default, Monero transactions hide the actual funds you are spending with ten other, un-related coins, owned by other Monero users. These are called "mixins" and currently XMR uses 11 mixins. Previously they used only a few and had to use more to make the statistics look less bleak. As time goes on, and Bob uses his bad opsec, and his friends have bad opsec, and honest users make honest mistakes, Alice's privacy *goes down*. And most importantly, it is reduced by the actions of others and she has no control or way to improve it. There is simply nothing Alice can do. It's a numbers game, you are hiding in a crowd, and that crowd is very small. It gets smaller over time, too! Hush is based on Zero-Knowledge Math and does not have this problem. We call it our "anonymity set", which is the number of *unspent* shielded outputs at a block height. For Monero, their "anonymity set" is only the number of outputs involved in the transaction, which is a tiny number. The Hush anonymity set is drastically larger and protects every transaction. ## Encrypted Data At Protocol Level Every single HUSH transaction has encrypted data section, regardless of it being used. This means that every single transaction might have encrypted data. Only the sender and receiver know. Monero lacks this basic feature, which is why they cannot even create a competitor to HushChat, they lack the basic protocol-level feature to enable it. Monero could, in theory, change and start doing this one day. But the problem remains, years of blockchain history did not use it, and it's trivial to tell if somebody is using this new feature. It must be enabled from the beginning, which is what HUSH has done. ## Hush Has Sietch Yep. ## Create Your Own Hush Arrakis Chain The future is multi-chain, hence the ease of creating new independent blockchains via Hush Arrakis Chains, sometimes called "sidechains". Hush empowers you to "spin up" a competitor to Hush with a single command, and it can integrate with the HUSH mainnet as much or little as you desire. HSC's aren't really "sidechains" because they are independent of the HUSH mainnet blockchain. You can create your own Hush Arrakis Chain, and run all the servers, decide all the parameters such as block size, block time, totaly supply, etc... and mine the genesis block and create mining pools and explorers. HAC's are a scalable platform to create private HushChat communities, which are isolated from HUSH mainnet. This is a desired property for high-privacy use cases. HushChat is a federated chat system, where communities decide if users should be able to chat with each other, similar to Mastodon servers being a decentralized version of Twitter. ## Total Supply Is Fixed HUSH total supply is 21 million, exactly the same as Bitcoin. We didn't not feel that changing the supply has any reason except to create a larger market capitalization in the early days of a coin, a cheap marketing trick. 21 million was good enough for Satoshi and good enough for Hush. Monero has an unlimited supply, and hence, is not deflationary, like Bitcoin and Hush. Hush inherits more Store-of-Value properties from Bitcoin because of this.