Original HUSH source code based on ZEC 1.0.8 . For historical purposes only! https://hush.is
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359 lines
11 KiB

#include "JoinSplit.hpp"
#include "prf.h"
#include "sodium.h"
#include "zcash/util.h"
#include <memory>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include "libsnark/common/default_types/r1cs_ppzksnark_pp.hpp"
#include "libsnark/zk_proof_systems/ppzksnark/r1cs_ppzksnark/r1cs_ppzksnark.hpp"
#include "libsnark/gadgetlib1/gadgets/hashes/sha256/sha256_gadget.hpp"
#include "libsnark/gadgetlib1/gadgets/merkle_tree/merkle_tree_check_read_gadget.hpp"
#include "sync.h"
using namespace libsnark;
namespace libzcash {
#include "zcash/circuit/gadget.tcc"
CCriticalSection cs_ParamsIO;
CCriticalSection cs_InitializeParams;
template<typename T>
void saveToFile(std::string path, T& obj) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << obj;
std::ofstream fh;
fh.open(path, std::ios::binary);
ss.rdbuf()->pubseekpos(0, std::ios_base::out);
fh << ss.rdbuf();
template<typename T>
void loadFromFile(std::string path, boost::optional<T>& objIn) {
std::stringstream ss;
std::ifstream fh(path, std::ios::binary);
if(!fh.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error((boost::format("could not load param file at %s") % path).str());
ss << fh.rdbuf();
ss.rdbuf()->pubseekpos(0, std::ios_base::in);
T obj;
ss >> obj;
objIn = std::move(obj);
template<size_t NumInputs, size_t NumOutputs>
class JoinSplitCircuit : public JoinSplit<NumInputs, NumOutputs> {
typedef default_r1cs_ppzksnark_pp ppzksnark_ppT;
typedef Fr<ppzksnark_ppT> FieldT;
boost::optional<r1cs_ppzksnark_proving_key<ppzksnark_ppT>> pk;
boost::optional<r1cs_ppzksnark_verification_key<ppzksnark_ppT>> vk;
boost::optional<std::string> pkPath;
static void initialize() {
void setProvingKeyPath(std::string path) {
pkPath = path;
void loadProvingKey() {
if (!pk) {
if (!pkPath) {
throw std::runtime_error("proving key path unknown");
loadFromFile(*pkPath, pk);
void saveProvingKey(std::string path) {
if (pk) {
saveToFile(path, *pk);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("cannot save proving key; key doesn't exist");
void loadVerifyingKey(std::string path) {
loadFromFile(path, vk);
void saveVerifyingKey(std::string path) {
if (vk) {
saveToFile(path, *vk);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("cannot save verifying key; key doesn't exist");
void generate() {
protoboard<FieldT> pb;
joinsplit_gadget<FieldT, NumInputs, NumOutputs> g(pb);
const r1cs_constraint_system<FieldT> constraint_system = pb.get_constraint_system();
r1cs_ppzksnark_keypair<ppzksnark_ppT> keypair = r1cs_ppzksnark_generator<ppzksnark_ppT>(constraint_system);
pk = keypair.pk;
vk = keypair.vk;
JoinSplitCircuit() {}
bool verify(
const boost::array<unsigned char, ZKSNARK_PROOF_SIZE>& proof,
const uint256& pubKeyHash,
const uint256& randomSeed,
const boost::array<uint256, NumInputs>& macs,
const boost::array<uint256, NumInputs>& nullifiers,
const boost::array<uint256, NumOutputs>& commitments,
uint64_t vpub_old,
uint64_t vpub_new,
const uint256& rt
) {
if (!vk) {
throw std::runtime_error("JoinSplit verifying key not loaded");
r1cs_ppzksnark_proof<ppzksnark_ppT> r1cs_proof;
std::stringstream ss;
std::string proof_str(proof.begin(), proof.end());
ss >> r1cs_proof;
uint256 h_sig = this->h_sig(randomSeed, nullifiers, pubKeyHash);
auto witness = joinsplit_gadget<FieldT, NumInputs, NumOutputs>::witness_map(
try {
return r1cs_ppzksnark_verifier_strong_IC<ppzksnark_ppT>(*vk, witness, r1cs_proof);
} catch (...) {
return false;
boost::array<unsigned char, ZKSNARK_PROOF_SIZE> prove(
const boost::array<JSInput, NumInputs>& inputs,
const boost::array<JSOutput, NumOutputs>& outputs,
boost::array<Note, NumOutputs>& out_notes,
boost::array<ZCNoteEncryption::Ciphertext, NumOutputs>& out_ciphertexts,
uint256& out_ephemeralKey,
const uint256& pubKeyHash,
uint256& out_randomSeed,
boost::array<uint256, NumInputs>& out_macs,
boost::array<uint256, NumInputs>& out_nullifiers,
boost::array<uint256, NumOutputs>& out_commitments,
uint64_t vpub_old,
uint64_t vpub_new,
const uint256& rt
) {
if (!pk) {
throw std::runtime_error("JoinSplit proving key not loaded");
// Compute nullifiers of inputs
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) {
out_nullifiers[i] = inputs[i].nullifier();
// Sample randomSeed
out_randomSeed = random_uint256();
// Compute h_sig
uint256 h_sig = this->h_sig(out_randomSeed, out_nullifiers, pubKeyHash);
// Sample phi
uint252 phi = random_uint252();
// Compute notes for outputs
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) {
// Sample r
uint256 r = random_uint256();
out_notes[i] = outputs[i].note(phi, r, i, h_sig);
// Compute the output commitments
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) {
out_commitments[i] = out_notes[i].cm();
// Encrypt the ciphertexts containing the note
// plaintexts to the recipients of the value.
ZCNoteEncryption encryptor(h_sig);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumOutputs; i++) {
// TODO: expose memo in the public interface
// 0xF6 is invalid UTF8 as per spec
boost::array<unsigned char, ZC_MEMO_SIZE> memo = {{0xF6}};
NotePlaintext pt(out_notes[i], memo);
out_ciphertexts[i] = pt.encrypt(encryptor, outputs[i].addr.pk_enc);
out_ephemeralKey = encryptor.get_epk();
// Authenticate h_sig with each of the input
// spending keys, producing macs which protect
// against malleability.
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) {
out_macs[i] = PRF_pk(inputs[i].key, i, h_sig);
protoboard<FieldT> pb;
joinsplit_gadget<FieldT, NumInputs, NumOutputs> g(pb);
if (!pb.is_satisfied()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Constraint system not satisfied by inputs");
// TODO: These are copies, which is not strictly necessary.
std::vector<FieldT> primary_input = pb.primary_input();
std::vector<FieldT> aux_input = pb.auxiliary_input();
// Swap A and B if it's beneficial (less arithmetic in G2)
// In our circuit, we already know that it's beneficial
// to swap, but it takes so little time to perform this
// estimate that it doesn't matter if we check every time.
auto proof = r1cs_ppzksnark_prover<ppzksnark_ppT>(
std::stringstream ss;
ss << proof;
std::string serialized_proof = ss.str();
boost::array<unsigned char, ZKSNARK_PROOF_SIZE> result_proof;
//std::cout << "proof size in bytes when serialized: " << serialized_proof.size() << std::endl;
assert(serialized_proof.size() == ZKSNARK_PROOF_SIZE);
memcpy(&result_proof[0], &serialized_proof[0], ZKSNARK_PROOF_SIZE);
return result_proof;
template<size_t NumInputs, size_t NumOutputs>
JoinSplit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>* JoinSplit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>::Generate()
JoinSplitCircuit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>::initialize();
auto js = new JoinSplitCircuit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>();
return js;
template<size_t NumInputs, size_t NumOutputs>
JoinSplit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>* JoinSplit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>::Unopened()
JoinSplitCircuit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>::initialize();
return new JoinSplitCircuit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>();
template<size_t NumInputs, size_t NumOutputs>
uint256 JoinSplit<NumInputs, NumOutputs>::h_sig(
const uint256& randomSeed,
const boost::array<uint256, NumInputs>& nullifiers,
const uint256& pubKeyHash
) {
const unsigned char personalization[crypto_generichash_blake2b_PERSONALBYTES]
= {'Z','c','a','s','h','C','o','m','p','u','t','e','h','S','i','g'};
std::vector<unsigned char> block(randomSeed.begin(), randomSeed.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInputs; i++) {
block.insert(block.end(), nullifiers[i].begin(), nullifiers[i].end());
block.insert(block.end(), pubKeyHash.begin(), pubKeyHash.end());
uint256 output;
if (crypto_generichash_blake2b_salt_personal(output.begin(), 32,
&block[0], block.size(),
NULL, 0, // No key.
NULL, // No salt.
) != 0)
throw std::logic_error("hash function failure");
return output;
Note JSOutput::note(const uint252& phi, const uint256& r, size_t i, const uint256& h_sig) const {
uint256 rho = PRF_rho(phi, i, h_sig);
return Note(addr.a_pk, value, rho, r);
JSOutput::JSOutput() : addr(uint256(), uint256()), value(0) {
SpendingKey a_sk = SpendingKey::random();
addr = a_sk.address();
JSInput::JSInput() : witness(ZCIncrementalMerkleTree().witness()),
key(SpendingKey::random()) {
note = Note(key.address().a_pk, 0, random_uint256(), random_uint256());
ZCIncrementalMerkleTree dummy_tree;
witness = dummy_tree.witness();
template class JoinSplit<ZC_NUM_JS_INPUTS,