# Contributing To Hush If you find a bug or have a feature request, please send a Github Pull Request based on the `dev` branch or create a Github Issue using our issue template. ## Core Developer Workflow This is our Hush Core Developer workflow. It is a living document that will change as our needs change. Three will be three main branches in hush.git: * master - always-buildable tip development, dev is merged into this branch (--no-ff) * candidate - topic branch tracking the latest release candidate * dev - latest tip of development, might be broken The following branch structure will be topic branches off of the main `dev` branch, and track platform-specific stuff for the code leading up to the vX.Y.Z release: * vX.Y.Z-win - Windows specific stuff for the vX.Y.Z release * vX.Y.Z-lin - Linux specific stuff for vX.Y.Z * vX.Y.Z-mac - Mac specific stuff for the vX.Y.Z release ## How To Send Pull Requests Only Pull Requests from candidate, for release candidates, documentation changes and urgent hotfixes get pushed to master. Any core member may push documentation-only changes to master without review, or urgent security hotfixes.