Release notes for Hush 1.0.13 - Includes all bug fixes from zcash 1.0.13 (upstream) - Fixes network sync issue. - Adds new DNS seed nodes help nodes connect and find other nodes faster. - Implements TLS options - allows options for self-signed or CA-signed TLS. Options can also be set to require TLS and/or CA-signed certs. - TLS options have been tested and work on Windows, Mac, and Linux. - TLS setup instructions are at: - Large memory reduction when processing shielded transactions. - Enabled new RPC methods from zcash upstream: z-shieldcoinbase z_getpaymentdisclosure z_validatepaymentdisclosure. - Adds ability to compile on Mac (experimental). - Hush continues to be supported by BarterDEX and the Agama Wallet.