// Copyright (c) 2017 The Zcash developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "base58.h" #include "rpcserver.h" #include "init.h" #include "main.h" #include "script/script.h" #include "script/standard.h" #include "sync.h" #include "util.h" #include "utiltime.h" #include "wallet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "paymentdisclosure.h" #include "paymentdisclosuredb.h" #include "zcash/Note.hpp" #include "zcash/NoteEncryption.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace libzcash; // Function declaration for function implemented in wallet/rpcwallet.cpp bool EnsureWalletIsAvailable(bool avoidException); /** * RPC call to generate a payment disclosure */ UniValue z_getpaymentdisclosure(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; auto fEnablePaymentDisclosure = fExperimentalMode && GetBoolArg("-paymentdisclosure", false); string strPaymentDisclosureDisabledMsg = ""; if (!fEnablePaymentDisclosure) { strPaymentDisclosureDisabledMsg = "\nWARNING: Payment disclosure is currently DISABLED. This call always fails.\n"; } if (fHelp || params.size() < 3 || params.size() > 4 ) throw runtime_error( "z_getpaymentdisclosure \"txid\" \"js_index\" \"output_index\" (\"message\") \n" "\nGenerate a payment disclosure for a given joinsplit output.\n" "\nEXPERIMENTAL FEATURE\n" + strPaymentDisclosureDisabledMsg + "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) \n" "2. \"js_index\" (string, required) \n" "3. \"output_index\" (string, required) \n" "4. \"message\" (string, optional) \n" "\nResult:\n" "\"paymentdisclosure\" (string) Hex data string, with \"zpd:\" prefix.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_getpaymentdisclosure", "96f12882450429324d5f3b48630e3168220e49ab7b0f066e5c2935a6b88bb0f2 0 0 \"refund\"") + HelpExampleRpc("z_getpaymentdisclosure", "\"96f12882450429324d5f3b48630e3168220e49ab7b0f066e5c2935a6b88bb0f2\", 0, 0, \"refund\"") ); if (!fEnablePaymentDisclosure) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error: payment disclosure is disabled."); } LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); // Check wallet knows about txid string txid = params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash; hash.SetHex(txid); CTransaction tx; uint256 hashBlock; // Check txid has been seen if (!GetTransaction(hash, tx, hashBlock, true)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "No information available about transaction"); } // Check tx has been confirmed if (hashBlock.IsNull()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Transaction has not been confirmed yet"); } // Check is mine if (!pwalletMain->mapWallet.count(hash)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Transaction does not belong to the wallet"); } const CWalletTx& wtx = pwalletMain->mapWallet[hash]; // Check if shielded tx if (wtx.vjoinsplit.empty()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Transaction is not a shielded transaction"); } // Check js_index int js_index = params[1].get_int(); if (js_index < 0 || js_index >= wtx.vjoinsplit.size()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid js_index"); } // Check output_index int output_index = params[2].get_int(); if (output_index < 0 || output_index >= ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid output_index"); } // Get message if it exists string msg; if (params.size() == 4) { msg = params[3].get_str(); } // Create PaymentDisclosureKey PaymentDisclosureKey key = {hash, (size_t)js_index, (uint8_t)output_index }; // TODO: In future, perhaps init the DB in init.cpp shared_ptr db = PaymentDisclosureDB::sharedInstance(); PaymentDisclosureInfo info; if (!db->Get(key, info)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, "Could not find payment disclosure info for the given joinsplit output"); } PaymentDisclosure pd( wtx.joinSplitPubKey, key, info, msg ); CDataStream ss(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << pd; string strHex = HexStr(ss.begin(), ss.end()); return PAYMENT_DISCLOSURE_BLOB_STRING_PREFIX + strHex; } /** * RPC call to validate a payment disclosure data blob. */ UniValue z_validatepaymentdisclosure(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp) { if (!EnsureWalletIsAvailable(fHelp)) return NullUniValue; auto fEnablePaymentDisclosure = fExperimentalMode && GetBoolArg("-paymentdisclosure", false); string strPaymentDisclosureDisabledMsg = ""; if (!fEnablePaymentDisclosure) { strPaymentDisclosureDisabledMsg = "\nWARNING: Payment disclosure is curretly DISABLED. This call always fails.\n"; } if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "z_validatepaymentdisclosure \"paymentdisclosure\"\n" "\nValidates a payment disclosure.\n" "\nEXPERIMENTAL FEATURE\n" + strPaymentDisclosureDisabledMsg + "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"paymentdisclosure\" (string, required) Hex data string, with \"zpd:\" prefix.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("z_validatepaymentdisclosure", "\"zpd:706462ff004c561a0447ba2ec51184e6c204...\"") + HelpExampleRpc("z_validatepaymentdisclosure", "\"zpd:706462ff004c561a0447ba2ec51184e6c204...\"") ); if (!fEnablePaymentDisclosure) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error: payment disclosure is disabled."); } LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); // Verify the payment disclosure input begins with "zpd:" prefix. string strInput = params[0].get_str(); size_t pos = strInput.find(PAYMENT_DISCLOSURE_BLOB_STRING_PREFIX); if (pos != 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, payment disclosure prefix not found."); } string hexInput = strInput.substr(strlen(PAYMENT_DISCLOSURE_BLOB_STRING_PREFIX)); if (!IsHex(hexInput)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, expected payment disclosure data in hexadecimal format."); } // Unserialize the payment disclosure data into an object PaymentDisclosure pd; CDataStream ss(ParseHex(hexInput), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); try { ss >> pd; // too much data is ignored, but if not enough data, exception of type ios_base::failure is thrown, // CBaseDataStream::read(): end of data: iostream error } catch (const std::exception &e) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, payment disclosure data is malformed."); } if (pd.payload.marker != PAYMENT_DISCLOSURE_PAYLOAD_MAGIC_BYTES) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, payment disclosure marker not found."); } if (pd.payload.version != PAYMENT_DISCLOSURE_VERSION_EXPERIMENTAL) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Payment disclosure version is unsupported."); } uint256 hash = pd.payload.txid; CTransaction tx; uint256 hashBlock; // Check if we have seen the transaction if (!GetTransaction(hash, tx, hashBlock, true)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "No information available about transaction"); } // Check if the transaction has been confirmed if (hashBlock.IsNull()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Transaction has not been confirmed yet"); } // Check if shielded tx if (tx.vjoinsplit.empty()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Transaction is not a shielded transaction"); } UniValue errs(UniValue::VARR); UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); o.push_back(Pair("txid", pd.payload.txid.ToString())); // Check js_index if (pd.payload.js >= tx.vjoinsplit.size()) { errs.push_back("Payment disclosure refers to an invalid joinsplit index"); } o.push_back(Pair("jsIndex", pd.payload.js)); if (pd.payload.n < 0 || pd.payload.n >= ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS) { errs.push_back("Payment disclosure refers to an invalid output index"); } o.push_back(Pair("outputIndex", pd.payload.n)); o.push_back(Pair("version", pd.payload.version)); o.push_back(Pair("onetimePrivKey", pd.payload.esk.ToString())); o.push_back(Pair("message", pd.payload.message)); o.push_back(Pair("joinSplitPubKey", tx.joinSplitPubKey.ToString())); // Verify the payment disclosure was signed using the same key as the transaction i.e. the joinSplitPrivKey. uint256 dataToBeSigned = SerializeHash(pd.payload, SER_GETHASH, 0); bool sigVerified = (crypto_sign_verify_detached(pd.payloadSig.data(), dataToBeSigned.begin(), 32, tx.joinSplitPubKey.begin()) == 0); o.push_back(Pair("signatureVerified", sigVerified)); if (!sigVerified) { errs.push_back("Payment disclosure signature does not match transaction signature"); } // Check the payment address is valid PaymentAddress zaddr = pd.payload.zaddr; CZCPaymentAddress address; if (!address.Set(zaddr)) { errs.push_back("Payment disclosure refers to an invalid payment address"); } else { o.push_back(Pair("paymentAddress", address.ToString())); try { // Decrypt the note to get value and memo field JSDescription jsdesc = tx.vjoinsplit[pd.payload.js]; uint256 h_sig = jsdesc.h_sig(*pzcashParams, tx.joinSplitPubKey); ZCPaymentDisclosureNoteDecryption decrypter; ZCNoteEncryption::Ciphertext ciphertext = jsdesc.ciphertexts[pd.payload.n]; uint256 pk_enc = zaddr.pk_enc; auto plaintext = decrypter.decryptWithEsk(ciphertext, pk_enc, pd.payload.esk, h_sig, pd.payload.n); CDataStream ssPlain(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssPlain << plaintext; NotePlaintext npt; ssPlain >> npt; string memoHexString = HexStr(npt.memo.data(), npt.memo.data() + npt.memo.size()); o.push_back(Pair("memo", memoHexString)); o.push_back(Pair("value", ValueFromAmount(npt.value))); // Check the blockchain commitment matches decrypted note commitment uint256 cm_blockchain = jsdesc.commitments[pd.payload.n]; Note note = npt.note(zaddr); uint256 cm_decrypted = note.cm(); bool cm_match = (cm_decrypted == cm_blockchain); o.push_back(Pair("commitmentMatch", cm_match)); if (!cm_match) { errs.push_back("Commitment derived from payment disclosure does not match blockchain commitment"); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { errs.push_back(string("Error while decrypting payment disclosure note: ") + string(e.what()) ); } } bool isValid = errs.empty(); o.push_back(Pair("valid", isValid)); if (!isValid) { o.push_back(Pair("errors", errs)); } return o; }