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/** @file
* @author This file is part of libsnark, developed by SCIPR Lab
* and contributors (see AUTHORS).
* @copyright MIT license (see LICENSE file)
#include "algebra/curves/alt_bn128/alt_bn128_g2.hpp"
namespace libsnark {
long long alt_bn128_G2::add_cnt = 0;
long long alt_bn128_G2::dbl_cnt = 0;
std::vector<size_t> alt_bn128_G2::wnaf_window_table;
std::vector<size_t> alt_bn128_G2::fixed_base_exp_window_table;
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::G2_zero;
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::G2_one;
this->X = G2_zero.X;
this->Y = G2_zero.Y;
this->Z = G2_zero.Z;
alt_bn128_Fq2 alt_bn128_G2::mul_by_b(const alt_bn128_Fq2 &elt)
return alt_bn128_Fq2(alt_bn128_twist_mul_by_b_c0 * elt.c0, alt_bn128_twist_mul_by_b_c1 * elt.c1);
void alt_bn128_G2::print() const
if (this->is_zero())
alt_bn128_G2 copy(*this);
gmp_printf("(%Nd*z + %Nd , %Nd*z + %Nd)\n",
copy.X.c1.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
copy.X.c0.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
copy.Y.c1.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
copy.Y.c0.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs);
void alt_bn128_G2::print_coordinates() const
if (this->is_zero())
gmp_printf("(%Nd*z + %Nd : %Nd*z + %Nd : %Nd*z + %Nd)\n",
this->X.c1.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
this->X.c0.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
this->Y.c1.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
this->Y.c0.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
this->Z.c1.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs,
this->Z.c0.as_bigint().data, alt_bn128_Fq::num_limbs);
void alt_bn128_G2::to_affine_coordinates()
if (this->is_zero())
this->X = alt_bn128_Fq2::zero();
this->Y = alt_bn128_Fq2::one();
this->Z = alt_bn128_Fq2::zero();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z_inv = Z.inverse();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2_inv = Z_inv.squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3_inv = Z2_inv * Z_inv;
this->X = this->X * Z2_inv;
this->Y = this->Y * Z3_inv;
this->Z = alt_bn128_Fq2::one();
void alt_bn128_G2::to_special()
bool alt_bn128_G2::is_special() const
return (this->is_zero() || this->Z == alt_bn128_Fq2::one());
bool alt_bn128_G2::is_zero() const
return (this->Z.is_zero());
bool alt_bn128_G2::operator==(const alt_bn128_G2 &other) const
if (this->is_zero())
return other.is_zero();
if (other.is_zero())
return false;
/* now neither is O */
// using Jacobian coordinates so:
// (X1:Y1:Z1) = (X2:Y2:Z2)
// iff
// X1/Z1^2 == X2/Z2^2 and Y1/Z1^3 == Y2/Z2^3
// iff
// X1 * Z2^2 == X2 * Z1^2 and Y1 * Z2^3 == Y2 * Z1^3
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1_squared = (this->Z).squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2_squared = (other.Z).squared();
if ((this->X * Z2_squared) != (other.X * Z1_squared))
return false;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1_cubed = (this->Z) * Z1_squared;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2_cubed = (other.Z) * Z2_squared;
if ((this->Y * Z2_cubed) != (other.Y * Z1_cubed))
return false;
return true;
bool alt_bn128_G2::operator!=(const alt_bn128_G2& other) const
return !(operator==(other));
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::operator+(const alt_bn128_G2 &other) const
// handle special cases having to do with O
if (this->is_zero())
return other;
if (other.is_zero())
return *this;
// no need to handle points of order 2,4
// (they cannot exist in a prime-order subgroup)
// check for doubling case
// using Jacobian coordinates so:
// (X1:Y1:Z1) = (X2:Y2:Z2)
// iff
// X1/Z1^2 == X2/Z2^2 and Y1/Z1^3 == Y2/Z2^3
// iff
// X1 * Z2^2 == X2 * Z1^2 and Y1 * Z2^3 == Y2 * Z1^3
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1Z1 = (this->Z).squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2Z2 = (other.Z).squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 U1 = this->X * Z2Z2;
alt_bn128_Fq2 U2 = other.X * Z1Z1;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1_cubed = (this->Z) * Z1Z1;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2_cubed = (other.Z) * Z2Z2;
alt_bn128_Fq2 S1 = (this->Y) * Z2_cubed; // S1 = Y1 * Z2 * Z2Z2
alt_bn128_Fq2 S2 = (other.Y) * Z1_cubed; // S2 = Y2 * Z1 * Z1Z1
if (U1 == U2 && S1 == S2)
// dbl case; nothing of above can be reused
return this->dbl();
// rest of add case
alt_bn128_Fq2 H = U2 - U1; // H = U2-U1
alt_bn128_Fq2 S2_minus_S1 = S2-S1;
alt_bn128_Fq2 I = (H+H).squared(); // I = (2 * H)^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 J = H * I; // J = H * I
alt_bn128_Fq2 r = S2_minus_S1 + S2_minus_S1; // r = 2 * (S2-S1)
alt_bn128_Fq2 V = U1 * I; // V = U1 * I
alt_bn128_Fq2 X3 = r.squared() - J - (V+V); // X3 = r^2 - J - 2 * V
alt_bn128_Fq2 S1_J = S1 * J;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Y3 = r * (V-X3) - (S1_J+S1_J); // Y3 = r * (V-X3)-2 S1 J
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3 = ((this->Z+other.Z).squared()-Z1Z1-Z2Z2) * H; // Z3 = ((Z1+Z2)^2-Z1Z1-Z2Z2) * H
return alt_bn128_G2(X3, Y3, Z3);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::operator-() const
return alt_bn128_G2(this->X, -(this->Y), this->Z);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::operator-(const alt_bn128_G2 &other) const
return (*this) + (-other);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::add(const alt_bn128_G2 &other) const
// handle special cases having to do with O
if (this->is_zero())
return other;
if (other.is_zero())
return *this;
// no need to handle points of order 2,4
// (they cannot exist in a prime-order subgroup)
// handle double case
if (this->operator==(other))
return this->dbl();
// NOTE: does not handle O and pts of order 2,4
// http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-projective.html#addition-add-1998-cmo-2
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1Z1 = (this->Z).squared(); // Z1Z1 = Z1^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2Z2 = (other.Z).squared(); // Z2Z2 = Z2^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 U1 = (this->X) * Z2Z2; // U1 = X1 * Z2Z2
alt_bn128_Fq2 U2 = (other.X) * Z1Z1; // U2 = X2 * Z1Z1
alt_bn128_Fq2 S1 = (this->Y) * (other.Z) * Z2Z2; // S1 = Y1 * Z2 * Z2Z2
alt_bn128_Fq2 S2 = (other.Y) * (this->Z) * Z1Z1; // S2 = Y2 * Z1 * Z1Z1
alt_bn128_Fq2 H = U2 - U1; // H = U2-U1
alt_bn128_Fq2 S2_minus_S1 = S2-S1;
alt_bn128_Fq2 I = (H+H).squared(); // I = (2 * H)^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 J = H * I; // J = H * I
alt_bn128_Fq2 r = S2_minus_S1 + S2_minus_S1; // r = 2 * (S2-S1)
alt_bn128_Fq2 V = U1 * I; // V = U1 * I
alt_bn128_Fq2 X3 = r.squared() - J - (V+V); // X3 = r^2 - J - 2 * V
alt_bn128_Fq2 S1_J = S1 * J;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Y3 = r * (V-X3) - (S1_J+S1_J); // Y3 = r * (V-X3)-2 S1 J
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3 = ((this->Z+other.Z).squared()-Z1Z1-Z2Z2) * H; // Z3 = ((Z1+Z2)^2-Z1Z1-Z2Z2) * H
return alt_bn128_G2(X3, Y3, Z3);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::mixed_add(const alt_bn128_G2 &other) const
#ifdef DEBUG
// handle special cases having to do with O
if (this->is_zero())
return other;
if (other.is_zero())
return *this;
// no need to handle points of order 2,4
// (they cannot exist in a prime-order subgroup)
// check for doubling case
// using Jacobian coordinates so:
// (X1:Y1:Z1) = (X2:Y2:Z2)
// iff
// X1/Z1^2 == X2/Z2^2 and Y1/Z1^3 == Y2/Z2^3
// iff
// X1 * Z2^2 == X2 * Z1^2 and Y1 * Z2^3 == Y2 * Z1^3
// we know that Z2 = 1
const alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1Z1 = (this->Z).squared();
const alt_bn128_Fq2 &U1 = this->X;
const alt_bn128_Fq2 U2 = other.X * Z1Z1;
const alt_bn128_Fq2 Z1_cubed = (this->Z) * Z1Z1;
const alt_bn128_Fq2 &S1 = (this->Y); // S1 = Y1 * Z2 * Z2Z2
const alt_bn128_Fq2 S2 = (other.Y) * Z1_cubed; // S2 = Y2 * Z1 * Z1Z1
if (U1 == U2 && S1 == S2)
// dbl case; nothing of above can be reused
return this->dbl();
// NOTE: does not handle O and pts of order 2,4
// http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian-0.html#addition-madd-2007-bl
alt_bn128_Fq2 H = U2-(this->X); // H = U2-X1
alt_bn128_Fq2 HH = H.squared() ; // HH = H&2
alt_bn128_Fq2 I = HH+HH; // I = 4*HH
I = I + I;
alt_bn128_Fq2 J = H*I; // J = H*I
alt_bn128_Fq2 r = S2-(this->Y); // r = 2*(S2-Y1)
r = r + r;
alt_bn128_Fq2 V = (this->X) * I ; // V = X1*I
alt_bn128_Fq2 X3 = r.squared()-J-V-V; // X3 = r^2-J-2*V
alt_bn128_Fq2 Y3 = (this->Y)*J; // Y3 = r*(V-X3)-2*Y1*J
Y3 = r*(V-X3) - Y3 - Y3;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3 = ((this->Z)+H).squared() - Z1Z1 - HH; // Z3 = (Z1+H)^2-Z1Z1-HH
return alt_bn128_G2(X3, Y3, Z3);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::dbl() const
// handle point at infinity
if (this->is_zero())
return (*this);
// NOTE: does not handle O and pts of order 2,4
// http://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-projective.html#doubling-dbl-2007-bl
alt_bn128_Fq2 A = (this->X).squared(); // A = X1^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 B = (this->Y).squared(); // B = Y1^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 C = B.squared(); // C = B^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 D = (this->X + B).squared() - A - C;
D = D+D; // D = 2 * ((X1 + B)^2 - A - C)
alt_bn128_Fq2 E = A + A + A; // E = 3 * A
alt_bn128_Fq2 F = E.squared(); // F = E^2
alt_bn128_Fq2 X3 = F - (D+D); // X3 = F - 2 D
alt_bn128_Fq2 eightC = C+C;
eightC = eightC + eightC;
eightC = eightC + eightC;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Y3 = E * (D - X3) - eightC; // Y3 = E * (D - X3) - 8 * C
alt_bn128_Fq2 Y1Z1 = (this->Y)*(this->Z);
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3 = Y1Z1 + Y1Z1; // Z3 = 2 * Y1 * Z1
return alt_bn128_G2(X3, Y3, Z3);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::mul_by_q() const
return alt_bn128_G2(alt_bn128_twist_mul_by_q_X * (this->X).Frobenius_map(1),
alt_bn128_twist_mul_by_q_Y * (this->Y).Frobenius_map(1),
bool alt_bn128_G2::is_well_formed() const
if (this->is_zero())
return true;
y^2 = x^3 + b
We are using Jacobian coordinates, so equation we need to check is actually
(y/z^3)^2 = (x/z^2)^3 + b
y^2 / z^6 = x^3 / z^6 + b
y^2 = x^3 + b z^6
alt_bn128_Fq2 X2 = this->X.squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Y2 = this->Y.squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2 = this->Z.squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 X3 = this->X * X2;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3 = this->Z * Z2;
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z6 = Z3.squared();
return (Y2 == X3 + alt_bn128_twist_coeff_b * Z6);
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::zero()
return G2_zero;
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::one()
return G2_one;
alt_bn128_G2 alt_bn128_G2::random_element()
return (alt_bn128_Fr::random_element().as_bigint()) * G2_one;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const alt_bn128_G2 &g)
alt_bn128_G2 copy(g);
out << (copy.is_zero() ? 1 : 0) << OUTPUT_SEPARATOR;
out << copy.X << OUTPUT_SEPARATOR << copy.Y;
/* storing LSB of Y */
out << copy.X << OUTPUT_SEPARATOR << (copy.Y.c0.as_bigint().data[0] & 1);
return out;
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, alt_bn128_G2 &g)
char is_zero;
alt_bn128_Fq2 tX, tY;
in >> is_zero >> tX >> tY;
is_zero -= '0';
in.read((char*)&is_zero, 1); // this reads is_zero;
is_zero -= '0';
unsigned char Y_lsb;
in >> tX;
in.read((char*)&Y_lsb, 1);
Y_lsb -= '0';
// y = +/- sqrt(x^3 + b)
if (!is_zero)
alt_bn128_Fq2 tX2 = tX.squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 tY2 = tX2 * tX + alt_bn128_twist_coeff_b;
tY = tY2.sqrt();
if ((tY.c0.as_bigint().data[0] & 1) != Y_lsb)
tY = -tY;
// using projective coordinates
if (!is_zero)
g.X = tX;
g.Y = tY;
g.Z = alt_bn128_Fq2::one();
g = alt_bn128_G2::zero();
return in;
void batch_to_special_all_non_zeros<alt_bn128_G2>(std::vector<alt_bn128_G2> &vec)
std::vector<alt_bn128_Fq2> Z_vec;
for (auto &el: vec)
const alt_bn128_Fq2 one = alt_bn128_Fq2::one();
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z2 = Z_vec[i].squared();
alt_bn128_Fq2 Z3 = Z_vec[i] * Z2;
vec[i].X = vec[i].X * Z2;
vec[i].Y = vec[i].Y * Z3;
vec[i].Z = one;
} // libsnark