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/** @file
Declaration of interfaces for the Merkle tree check read gadget.
The gadget checks the following: given two roots R1 and R2, address A, two
values V1 and V2, and authentication path P, check that
- P is a valid authentication path for the value V1 as the A-th leaf in a Merkle tree with root R1, and
- P is a valid authentication path for the value V2 as the A-th leaf in a Merkle tree with root R2.
* @author This file is part of libsnark, developed by SCIPR Lab
* and contributors (see AUTHORS).
* @copyright MIT license (see LICENSE file)
#include "common/data_structures/merkle_tree.hpp"
#include "gadgetlib1/gadget.hpp"
#include "gadgetlib1/gadgets/hashes/hash_io.hpp"
#include "gadgetlib1/gadgets/hashes/digest_selector_gadget.hpp"
#include "gadgetlib1/gadgets/merkle_tree/merkle_authentication_path_variable.hpp"
namespace libsnark {
template<typename FieldT, typename HashT>
class merkle_tree_check_update_gadget : public gadget<FieldT> {
std::vector<HashT> prev_hashers;
std::vector<block_variable<FieldT> > prev_hasher_inputs;
std::vector<digest_selector_gadget<FieldT> > prev_propagators;
std::vector<digest_variable<FieldT> > prev_internal_output;
std::vector<HashT> next_hashers;
std::vector<block_variable<FieldT> > next_hasher_inputs;
std::vector<digest_selector_gadget<FieldT> > next_propagators;
std::vector<digest_variable<FieldT> > next_internal_output;
std::shared_ptr<digest_variable<FieldT> > computed_next_root;
std::shared_ptr<bit_vector_copy_gadget<FieldT> > check_next_root;
const size_t digest_size;
const size_t tree_depth;
pb_variable_array<FieldT> address_bits;
digest_variable<FieldT> prev_leaf_digest;
digest_variable<FieldT> prev_root_digest;
merkle_authentication_path_variable<FieldT, HashT> prev_path;
digest_variable<FieldT> next_leaf_digest;
digest_variable<FieldT> next_root_digest;
merkle_authentication_path_variable<FieldT, HashT> next_path;
pb_linear_combination<FieldT> update_successful;
/* Note that while it is necessary to generate R1CS constraints
for prev_path, it is not necessary to do so for next_path. See
comment in the implementation of generate_r1cs_constraints() */
merkle_tree_check_update_gadget(protoboard<FieldT> &pb,
const size_t tree_depth,
const pb_variable_array<FieldT> &address_bits,
const digest_variable<FieldT> &prev_leaf_digest,
const digest_variable<FieldT> &prev_root_digest,
const merkle_authentication_path_variable<FieldT, HashT> &prev_path,
const digest_variable<FieldT> &next_leaf_digest,
const digest_variable<FieldT> &next_root_digest,
const merkle_authentication_path_variable<FieldT, HashT> &next_path,
const pb_linear_combination<FieldT> &update_successful,
const std::string &annotation_prefix);
void generate_r1cs_constraints();
void generate_r1cs_witness();
static size_t root_size_in_bits();
/* for debugging purposes */
static size_t expected_constraints(const size_t tree_depth);
template<typename FieldT, typename HashT>
void test_merkle_tree_check_update_gadget();
} // libsnark
#include "gadgetlib1/gadgets/merkle_tree/merkle_tree_check_update_gadget.tcc"