Original HUSH source code based on ZEC 1.0.8 . For historical purposes only! https://hush.is
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/** @file
Test program that exercises the ppzkSNARK (first generator, then
prover, then verifier) on a synthetic R1CS instance.
* @author This file is part of libsnark, developed by SCIPR Lab
* and contributors (see AUTHORS).
* @copyright MIT license (see LICENSE file)
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include "algebra/curves/alt_bn128/alt_bn128_pp.hpp"
#include "common/profiling.hpp"
#include "common/utils.hpp"
#include "relations/constraint_satisfaction_problems/r1cs/examples/r1cs_examples.hpp"
#include "zk_proof_systems/ppzksnark/r1cs_ppzksnark/examples/run_r1cs_ppzksnark.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace libsnark;
template<typename ppT>
void test_r1cs_ppzksnark(size_t num_constraints,
size_t input_size)
print_header("(enter) Test R1CS ppzkSNARK");
const bool test_serialization = true;
r1cs_example<Fr<ppT> > example = generate_r1cs_example_with_binary_input<Fr<ppT> >(num_constraints, input_size);
const bool bit = run_r1cs_ppzksnark<ppT>(example, test_serialization);
print_header("(leave) Test R1CS ppzkSNARK");
TEST(zk_proof_systems, r1cs_ppzksnark)
test_r1cs_ppzksnark<alt_bn128_pp>(1000, 20);