Original HUSH source code based on ZEC 1.0.8 . For historical purposes only! https://hush.is
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

662 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Hush developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include "txdb.h"
#include "chainparams.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "pow.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
using namespace std;
static const char DB_ANCHOR = 'A';
static const char DB_NULLIFIER = 's';
static const char DB_COINS = 'c';
static const char DB_BLOCK_FILES = 'f';
static const char DB_TXINDEX = 't';
static const char DB_ADDRESSINDEX = 'd';
static const char DB_ADDRESSUNSPENTINDEX = 'u';
static const char DB_TIMESTAMPINDEX = 'S';
static const char DB_BLOCKHASHINDEX = 'z';
static const char DB_SPENTINDEX = 'p';
static const char DB_BLOCK_INDEX = 'b';
static const char DB_BEST_BLOCK = 'B';
static const char DB_BEST_ANCHOR = 'a';
static const char DB_FLAG = 'F';
static const char DB_REINDEX_FLAG = 'R';
static const char DB_LAST_BLOCK = 'l';
void static BatchWriteAnchor(CLevelDBBatch &batch,
const uint256 &croot,
const ZCIncrementalMerkleTree &tree,
const bool &entered)
if (!entered)
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_ANCHOR, croot));
else {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_ANCHOR, croot), tree);
void static BatchWriteNullifier(CLevelDBBatch &batch, const uint256 &nf, const bool &entered) {
if (!entered)
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_NULLIFIER, nf));
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_NULLIFIER, nf), true);
void static BatchWriteCoins(CLevelDBBatch &batch, const uint256 &hash, const CCoins &coins) {
if (coins.IsPruned())
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_COINS, hash));
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_COINS, hash), coins);
void static BatchWriteHashBestChain(CLevelDBBatch &batch, const uint256 &hash) {
batch.Write(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hash);
void static BatchWriteHashBestAnchor(CLevelDBBatch &batch, const uint256 &hash) {
batch.Write(DB_BEST_ANCHOR, hash);
CCoinsViewDB::CCoinsViewDB(std::string dbName, size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : db(GetDataDir() / dbName, nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe, false, 64) {
CCoinsViewDB::CCoinsViewDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe) : db(GetDataDir() / "chainstate", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe, false, 64) {
bool CCoinsViewDB::GetAnchorAt(const uint256 &rt, ZCIncrementalMerkleTree &tree) const {
if (rt == ZCIncrementalMerkleTree::empty_root()) {
ZCIncrementalMerkleTree new_tree;
tree = new_tree;
return true;
bool read = db.Read(make_pair(DB_ANCHOR, rt), tree);
return read;
bool CCoinsViewDB::GetNullifier(const uint256 &nf) const {
bool spent = false;
bool read = db.Read(make_pair(DB_NULLIFIER, nf), spent);
return read;
bool CCoinsViewDB::GetCoins(const uint256 &txid, CCoins &coins) const {
return db.Read(make_pair(DB_COINS, txid), coins);
bool CCoinsViewDB::HaveCoins(const uint256 &txid) const {
return db.Exists(make_pair(DB_COINS, txid));
uint256 CCoinsViewDB::GetBestBlock() const {
uint256 hashBestChain;
if (!db.Read(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hashBestChain))
return uint256();
return hashBestChain;
uint256 CCoinsViewDB::GetBestAnchor() const {
uint256 hashBestAnchor;
if (!db.Read(DB_BEST_ANCHOR, hashBestAnchor))
return ZCIncrementalMerkleTree::empty_root();
return hashBestAnchor;
bool CCoinsViewDB::BatchWrite(CCoinsMap &mapCoins,
const uint256 &hashBlock,
const uint256 &hashAnchor,
CAnchorsMap &mapAnchors,
CNullifiersMap &mapNullifiers) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
size_t count = 0;
size_t changed = 0;
for (CCoinsMap::iterator it = mapCoins.begin(); it != mapCoins.end();) {
if (it->second.flags & CCoinsCacheEntry::DIRTY) {
BatchWriteCoins(batch, it->first, it->second.coins);
CCoinsMap::iterator itOld = it++;
for (CAnchorsMap::iterator it = mapAnchors.begin(); it != mapAnchors.end();) {
if (it->second.flags & CAnchorsCacheEntry::DIRTY) {
BatchWriteAnchor(batch, it->first, it->second.tree, it->second.entered);
// TODO: changed++?
CAnchorsMap::iterator itOld = it++;
for (CNullifiersMap::iterator it = mapNullifiers.begin(); it != mapNullifiers.end();) {
if (it->second.flags & CNullifiersCacheEntry::DIRTY) {
BatchWriteNullifier(batch, it->first, it->second.entered);
// TODO: changed++?
CNullifiersMap::iterator itOld = it++;
if (!hashBlock.IsNull())
BatchWriteHashBestChain(batch, hashBlock);
if (!hashAnchor.IsNull())
BatchWriteHashBestAnchor(batch, hashAnchor);
LogPrint("coindb", "Committing %u changed transactions (out of %u) to coin database...\n", (unsigned int)changed, (unsigned int)count);
return db.WriteBatch(batch);
CBlockTreeDB::CBlockTreeDB(size_t nCacheSize, bool fMemory, bool fWipe, bool compression, int maxOpenFiles) : CLevelDBWrapper(GetDataDir() / "blocks" / "index", nCacheSize, fMemory, fWipe, compression, maxOpenFiles) {
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadBlockFileInfo(int nFile, CBlockFileInfo &info) {
return Read(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, nFile), info);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteReindexing(bool fReindexing) {
if (fReindexing)
return Write(DB_REINDEX_FLAG, '1');
return Erase(DB_REINDEX_FLAG);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadReindexing(bool &fReindexing) {
fReindexing = Exists(DB_REINDEX_FLAG);
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadLastBlockFile(int &nFile) {
return Read(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nFile);
bool CCoinsViewDB::GetStats(CCoinsStats &stats) const {
/* It seems that there are no "const iterators" for LevelDB. Since we
only need read operations on it, use a const-cast to get around
that restriction. */
boost::scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator> pcursor(const_cast<CLevelDBWrapper*>(&db)->NewIterator());
stats.hashBlock = GetBestBlock();
ss << stats.hashBlock;
CAmount nTotalAmount = 0;
while (pcursor->Valid()) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slKey = pcursor->key();
CDataStream ssKey(slKey.data(), slKey.data()+slKey.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
char chType;
ssKey >> chType;
if (chType == DB_COINS) {
leveldb::Slice slValue = pcursor->value();
CDataStream ssValue(slValue.data(), slValue.data()+slValue.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CCoins coins;
ssValue >> coins;
uint256 txhash;
ssKey >> txhash;
ss << txhash;
ss << VARINT(coins.nVersion);
ss << (coins.fCoinBase ? 'c' : 'n');
ss << VARINT(coins.nHeight);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<coins.vout.size(); i++) {
const CTxOut &out = coins.vout[i];
if (!out.IsNull()) {
ss << VARINT(i+1);
ss << out;
nTotalAmount += out.nValue;
stats.nSerializedSize += 32 + slValue.size();
ss << VARINT(0);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what());
stats.nHeight = mapBlockIndex.find(stats.hashBlock)->second->nHeight;
stats.hashSerialized = ss.GetHash();
stats.nTotalAmount = nTotalAmount;
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteBatchSync(const std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> >& fileInfo, int nLastFile, const std::vector<const CBlockIndex*>& blockinfo) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (std::vector<std::pair<int, const CBlockFileInfo*> >::const_iterator it=fileInfo.begin(); it != fileInfo.end(); it++) {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, it->first), *it->second);
batch.Write(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nLastFile);
for (std::vector<const CBlockIndex*>::const_iterator it=blockinfo.begin(); it != blockinfo.end(); it++) {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_BLOCK_INDEX, (*it)->GetBlockHash()), CDiskBlockIndex(*it));
return WriteBatch(batch, true);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadTxIndex(const uint256 &txid, CDiskTxPos &pos) {
return Read(make_pair(DB_TXINDEX, txid), pos);
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteTxIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<uint256, CDiskTxPos> >&vect) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (std::vector<std::pair<uint256,CDiskTxPos> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++)
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_TXINDEX, it->first), it->second);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadSpentIndex(CSpentIndexKey &key, CSpentIndexValue &value) {
return Read(make_pair(DB_SPENTINDEX, key), value);
bool CBlockTreeDB::UpdateSpentIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<CSpentIndexKey, CSpentIndexValue> >&vect) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (std::vector<std::pair<CSpentIndexKey,CSpentIndexValue> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.IsNull()) {
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_SPENTINDEX, it->first));
} else {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_SPENTINDEX, it->first), it->second);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::UpdateAddressUnspentIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue > >&vect) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.IsNull()) {
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_ADDRESSUNSPENTINDEX, it->first));
} else {
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_ADDRESSUNSPENTINDEX, it->first), it->second);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadAddressUnspentIndex(uint160 addressHash, int type,
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > &unspentOutputs) {
boost::scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator> pcursor(NewIterator());
ssKeySet << make_pair(DB_ADDRESSUNSPENTINDEX, CAddressIndexIteratorKey(type, addressHash));
while (pcursor->Valid()) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slKey = pcursor->key();
CDataStream ssKey(slKey.data(), slKey.data()+slKey.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
char chType;
CAddressUnspentKey indexKey;
ssKey >> chType;
ssKey >> indexKey;
if (chType == DB_ADDRESSUNSPENTINDEX && indexKey.hashBytes == addressHash) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slValue = pcursor->value();
CDataStream ssValue(slValue.data(), slValue.data()+slValue.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CAddressUnspentValue nValue;
ssValue >> nValue;
unspentOutputs.push_back(make_pair(indexKey, nValue));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("failed to get address unspent value");
} else {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteAddressIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount > >&vect) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++)
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_ADDRESSINDEX, it->first), it->second);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::EraseAddressIndex(const std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount > >&vect) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> >::const_iterator it=vect.begin(); it!=vect.end(); it++)
batch.Erase(make_pair(DB_ADDRESSINDEX, it->first));
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadAddressIndex(uint160 addressHash, int type,
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> > &addressIndex,
int start, int end) {
boost::scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator> pcursor(NewIterator());
if (start > 0 && end > 0) {
ssKeySet << make_pair(DB_ADDRESSINDEX, CAddressIndexIteratorHeightKey(type, addressHash, start));
} else {
ssKeySet << make_pair(DB_ADDRESSINDEX, CAddressIndexIteratorKey(type, addressHash));
while (pcursor->Valid()) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slKey = pcursor->key();
CDataStream ssKey(slKey.data(), slKey.data()+slKey.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
char chType;
CAddressIndexKey indexKey;
ssKey >> chType;
ssKey >> indexKey;
if (chType == DB_ADDRESSINDEX && indexKey.hashBytes == addressHash) {
if (end > 0 && indexKey.blockHeight > end) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slValue = pcursor->value();
CDataStream ssValue(slValue.data(), slValue.data()+slValue.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CAmount nValue;
ssValue >> nValue;
addressIndex.push_back(make_pair(indexKey, nValue));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("failed to get address index value");
} else {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return true;
bool getAddressFromIndex(const int &type, const uint160 &hash, std::string &address);
extern UniValue CBlockTreeDB::Snapshot(int top)
char chType; int64_t total = 0; int64_t totalAddresses = 0; std::string address;
int64_t utxos = 0; int64_t ignoredAddresses;
boost::scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator> iter(NewIterator());
std::map <std::string, CAmount> addressAmounts;
std::vector <std::pair<CAmount, std::string>> vaddr;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.push_back(Pair("start_time", (int) time(NULL)));
// TODO: do we have addresses we want to ignore?
std::map <std::string,int> ignoredMap = {
{"RReUxSs5hGE39ELU23DfydX8riUuzdrHAE", 1},
{"RD6GgnrMpPaTSMn8vai6yiGA7mN4QGPVMY", 1} //Burnaddress for null privkey
int64_t startingHeight = chainActive.Height();
//fprintf(stderr, "Starting snapshot at height %lli\n", startingHeight);
for (iter->SeekToLast(); iter->Valid(); iter->Prev())
leveldb::Slice slKey = iter->key();
CDataStream ssKey(slKey.data(), slKey.data()+slKey.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CAddressIndexIteratorKey indexKey;
ssKey >> chType;
ssKey >> indexKey;
//fprintf(stderr, "chType=%d\n", chType);
try {
leveldb::Slice slValue = iter->value();
CDataStream ssValue(slValue.data(), slValue.data()+slValue.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CAmount nValue;
ssValue >> nValue;
getAddressFromIndex(indexKey.type, indexKey.hashBytes, address);
std::map <std::string, int>::iterator ignored = ignoredMap.find(address);
if (ignored != ignoredMap.end()) {
fprintf(stderr,"ignoring %s\n", address.c_str());
std::map <std::string, CAmount>::iterator pos = addressAmounts.find(address);
if (pos == addressAmounts.end()) {
// insert new address + utxo amount
//fprintf(stderr, "inserting new address %s with amount %li\n", address.c_str(), nValue);
addressAmounts[address] = nValue;
} else {
// update unspent tally for this address
//fprintf(stderr, "updating address %s with new utxo amount %li\n", address.c_str(), nValue);
addressAmounts[address] += nValue;
//fprintf(stderr,"{\"%s\", %.8f},\n",address.c_str(),(double)nValue/COIN);
// total += nValue;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "DONE %s: LevelDB addressindex exception! - %s\n", __func__, e.what());
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "DONE reading index entries\n");
UniValue addresses(UniValue::VARR);
//fprintf(stderr, "total=%f, totalAddresses=%li, utxos=%li, ignored=%li\n", (double) total / COIN, totalAddresses, utxos, ignoredAddresses);
for (std::pair<std::string, CAmount> element : addressAmounts) {
vaddr.push_back( make_pair(element.second, element.first) );
std::sort(vaddr.rbegin(), vaddr.rend());
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
UniValue addressesSorted(UniValue::VARR);
int topN = 0;
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAmount, std::string>>::iterator it = vaddr.begin(); it!=vaddr.end(); ++it) {
UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
obj.push_back( make_pair("addr", it->second.c_str() ) );
char amount[32];
sprintf(amount, "%.8f", (double) it->first / COIN);
obj.push_back( make_pair("amount", amount) );
total += it->first;
// If requested, only show top N addresses in output JSON
if (top == topN)
if (top)
totalAddresses = top;
if (totalAddresses > 0) {
// Array of all addreses with balances
result.push_back(make_pair("addresses", addressesSorted));
// Total amount in this snapshot, which is less than circulating supply if top parameter is used
result.push_back(make_pair("total", (double) total / COIN ));
// Average amount in each address of this snapshot
result.push_back(make_pair("average",(double) (total/COIN) / totalAddresses ));
// Total number of utxos processed in this snaphot
result.push_back(make_pair("utxos", utxos));
// Total number of addresses in this snaphot
result.push_back(make_pair("total_addresses", totalAddresses));
// Total number of ignored addresses in this snaphot
result.push_back(make_pair("ignored_addresses", ignoredAddresses));
// The snapshot began at this block height
result.push_back(make_pair("start_height", startingHeight));
// The snapshot finished at this block height
result.push_back(make_pair("ending_height", chainActive.Height()));
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteTimestampIndex(const CTimestampIndexKey &timestampIndex) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_TIMESTAMPINDEX, timestampIndex), 0);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadTimestampIndex(const unsigned int &high, const unsigned int &low, const bool fActiveOnly, std::vector<std::pair<uint256, unsigned int> > &hashes) {
boost::scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator> pcursor(NewIterator());
ssKeySet << make_pair(DB_TIMESTAMPINDEX, CTimestampIndexIteratorKey(low));
while (pcursor->Valid()) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slKey = pcursor->key();
CDataStream ssKey(slKey.data(), slKey.data()+slKey.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
char chType;
CTimestampIndexKey indexKey;
ssKey >> chType;
ssKey >> indexKey;
if (chType == DB_TIMESTAMPINDEX && indexKey.timestamp < high) {
if (fActiveOnly) {
if (blockOnchainActive(indexKey.blockHash)) {
hashes.push_back(std::make_pair(indexKey.blockHash, indexKey.timestamp));
} else {
hashes.push_back(std::make_pair(indexKey.blockHash, indexKey.timestamp));
} else {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteTimestampBlockIndex(const CTimestampBlockIndexKey &blockhashIndex, const CTimestampBlockIndexValue &logicalts) {
CLevelDBBatch batch;
batch.Write(make_pair(DB_BLOCKHASHINDEX, blockhashIndex), logicalts);
return WriteBatch(batch);
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadTimestampBlockIndex(const uint256 &hash, unsigned int &ltimestamp) {
if (!Read(std::make_pair(DB_BLOCKHASHINDEX, hash), lts))
return false;
ltimestamp = lts.ltimestamp;
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteFlag(const std::string &name, bool fValue) {
return Write(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), fValue ? '1' : '0');
bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadFlag(const std::string &name, bool &fValue) {
char ch;
if (!Read(std::make_pair(DB_FLAG, name), ch))
return false;
fValue = ch == '1';
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::blockOnchainActive(const uint256 &hash) {
CBlockIndex* pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash];
if (!chainActive.Contains(pblockindex)) {
return false;
return true;
bool CBlockTreeDB::LoadBlockIndexGuts()
boost::scoped_ptr<leveldb::Iterator> pcursor(NewIterator());
ssKeySet << make_pair(DB_BLOCK_INDEX, uint256());
// Load mapBlockIndex
while (pcursor->Valid()) {
try {
leveldb::Slice slKey = pcursor->key();
CDataStream ssKey(slKey.data(), slKey.data()+slKey.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
char chType;
ssKey >> chType;
if (chType == DB_BLOCK_INDEX) {
leveldb::Slice slValue = pcursor->value();
CDataStream ssValue(slValue.data(), slValue.data()+slValue.size(), SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION);
CDiskBlockIndex diskindex;
ssValue >> diskindex;
// Construct block index object
CBlockIndex* pindexNew = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.GetBlockHash());
pindexNew->pprev = InsertBlockIndex(diskindex.hashPrev);
pindexNew->nHeight = diskindex.nHeight;
pindexNew->nFile = diskindex.nFile;
pindexNew->nDataPos = diskindex.nDataPos;
pindexNew->nUndoPos = diskindex.nUndoPos;
pindexNew->hashAnchor = diskindex.hashAnchor;
pindexNew->nVersion = diskindex.nVersion;
pindexNew->hashMerkleRoot = diskindex.hashMerkleRoot;
pindexNew->hashReserved = diskindex.hashReserved;
pindexNew->nTime = diskindex.nTime;
pindexNew->nBits = diskindex.nBits;
pindexNew->nNonce = diskindex.nNonce;
pindexNew->nSolution = diskindex.nSolution;
pindexNew->nStatus = diskindex.nStatus;
pindexNew->nTx = diskindex.nTx;
pindexNew->nSproutValue = diskindex.nSproutValue;
if (!CheckProofOfWork(pindexNew->GetBlockHash(), pindexNew->nBits, Params().GetConsensus()))
return error("LoadBlockIndex(): CheckProofOfWork failed: %s", pindexNew->ToString());
} else {
break; // if shutdown requested or finished loading block index
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
return error("%s: Deserialize or I/O error - %s", __func__, e.what());
return true;