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3 years ago
# Hush Files
* HUSH3.conf: contains configuration settings for hushd
* stores the process id of hushd while running
* blocks/blk000??.dat: block data (custom, 128 MiB per file)
* blocks/rev000??.dat; block undo data (custom)
* blocks/index/*; block index (LevelDB)
* chainstate/*; block chain state database (LevelDB)
* database/*: BDB database environment
* db.log: wallet database log file
3 years ago
* debug.log: contains debug information and general logging generated by hushd
* fee_estimates.dat: stores statistics used to estimate minimum transaction fees and priorities required for confirmation
* peers.dat: peer IP address database (custom format)
* wallet.dat: personal wallet (BDB) with keys and transactions
* zindex.dat: Optional file that stores anonset (shielded pool) stats. Only created if `zindex=1` in HUSH3.conf or `hushd -zindex` is used
* .cookie: session RPC authentication cookie (written at start when cookie authentication is used, deleted on shutdown): since 0.12.0
* onion_private_key: cached Tor hidden service private key for `-listenonion`: since 0.12.0