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Jl777 (#1333) * Slow down clock * Faster and slower * A0/50 * Fix dilithium inputs scan to compare for the voutpubtxids[vout] * Prevent use of uninitialized ignoredAddresses * Filter out amount=0 UTXOs from getsnapshot results * rogue msvc build (#1327) * + msvc 2015 deps headers * + msvc deps build script this script builds only deps, to build rogue binary, open *.sln file in MSVC 2015 and build x64 Release version. * + msvc solution (*.sln) update * + msvc build fix * fix libcurl deps install (msvc) * Fix wrong dilithium compare * Port getchaintxstats from BTC master (#1328) This will allow explorers to present interesting analytics about transaction volume in various time frames. * customcc * Make custom * Syntax * update * Patch rogue msvc (#1330) * + msvc 2015 deps headers * + msvc deps build script this script builds only deps, to build rogue binary, open *.sln file in MSVC 2015 and build x64 Release version. * + msvc solution (*.sln) update * + msvc build fix * fix libcurl deps install (msvc) * [msvc] fix seed str -> uint64 conversion * [msvc] fix config file name issue + debug print for send raw tx * + comment debug printouts * [ msvc ] display compiler version and build date on startup * +pritns * +prints * I, * Print hex * Allow gold mismatch for validate * Stricter player data validation * Change data source * Allow claiming less than cashout value * 50902 exemption * Taxied * Print * Debug file * Log seed * Potion file * ; * Log seed * Commands log * Fp * Test * Prints * static FILE *fp; * Fp2 * Daemons or fuses * Fuse prints * All funcs * Logfp * turn_see is a daemon! * 'void (*)(struct rogue_state *, int) * -prints * -file fp * -potions file * Test * -log * -print replay2 gold * Test * D'oh!
5 years ago
if HOST="$HOST" make -B -f Makefile_custom "$@"; then
5 years ago
exit 1