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# HUSH3.conf config options
This document explains all options that can be used in HUSH3.conf
# Basics
Options can either be put in HUSH3.conf or given on the `hushd` commandline when starting. If you think you will want to continually use a feature, it's better to put it in HUSH3.conf. If you don't, and start `hushd` without an option on accident, it cause a downtime from a long rescan, that you didn't want to do anyway.
## Common Options
## rescan=1
Defaults to 0. Performs a full rescan of all of chain history. Can take a very long time. Speed this up with `rescanheight=123` to only rescan from a certain block height. Also speed this up with `keepnotewitnesscache=1` to not rebuild the zaddr witness cache.
## rpcuser=hushpuppy
No default. This option sets the RPC username and should only be used in HUSH3.conf, because setting it from the command-line makes it show up in `ps` output.
## rpcpassword=TOOMANYSECRETS
No default. This option sets the RPC password and should only be used in HUSH3.conf, because setting it from the command-line makes it show up in `ps` output.
## txindex=1
Defaults to 1. This is a default option that should not be changed or things will not work correctly.
## zindex=1
Defaults to 0. This option enables the "shielded index" which also calculates the "anonset" (anonymity set) also known as the "shielded pool". This data is avaailable in the getchaintxstats RPC, if zindex is enabled.
# Mining options
These options are only of interest to solo miners and mining pool operators....
# Other options
These options are not commonly used and likely on for advanced users and/or developers...