Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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#include "asn/Condition.h"
#include "asn/Fulfillment.h"
#include "asn/OCTET_STRING.h"
#include "include/cJSON.h"
#include "include/sha256.h"
#include "cryptoconditions.h"
struct CCType CC_PreimageType;
static CC *preimageFromJSON(const cJSON *params, unsigned char *err) {
cJSON *preimage_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "preimage");
if (!cJSON_IsString(preimage_item)) {
strcpy(err, "preimage must be a string");
return NULL;
unsigned char *preimage_b64 = preimage_item->valuestring;
CC *cond = calloc(1, sizeof(CC));
cond->type = &CC_PreimageType;
cond->preimage = base64_decode(preimage_b64, &cond->preimageLength);
return cond;
static void preimageToJSON(const CC *cond, cJSON *params) {
unsigned char *encoded = base64_encode(cond->preimage, cond->preimageLength);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(params, "preimage", encoded);
static unsigned long preimageCost(const CC *cond) {
return (unsigned long) cond->preimageLength;
static unsigned char *preimageFingerprint(const CC *cond) {
unsigned char *hash = calloc(1, 32);
sha256(cond->preimage, cond->preimageLength, hash);
return hash;
static CC *preimageFromFulfillment(const Fulfillment_t *ffill) {
CC *cond = calloc(1, sizeof(CC));
cond->type = &CC_PreimageType;
PreimageFulfillment_t p = ffill->choice.preimageSha256;
cond->preimage = calloc(1, p.preimage.size);
memcpy(cond->preimage, p.preimage.buf, p.preimage.size);
cond->preimageLength = p.preimage.size;
return cond;
static Fulfillment_t *preimageToFulfillment(const CC *cond) {
Fulfillment_t *ffill = calloc(1, sizeof(Fulfillment_t));
ffill->present = Fulfillment_PR_preimageSha256;
PreimageFulfillment_t *pf = &ffill->choice.preimageSha256;
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&pf->preimage, cond->preimage, cond->preimageLength);
return ffill;
int preimageIsFulfilled(const CC *cond) {
return 1;
static void preimageFree(CC *cond) {
static uint32_t preimageSubtypes(const CC *cond) {
return 0;
struct CCType CC_PreimageType = { 0, "preimage-sha-256", Condition_PR_preimageSha256, 0, &preimageFingerprint, &preimageCost, &preimageSubtypes, &preimageFromJSON, &preimageToJSON, &preimageFromFulfillment, &preimageToFulfillment, &preimageIsFulfilled, &preimageFree };