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// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Hush developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
* Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. *
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
* SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
* *
#include "rpc/server.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "key_io.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "ui_interface.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include "asyncrpcqueue.h"
#include <memory>
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
#include <univalue.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp> // for to_upper()
using namespace RPCServer;
using namespace std;
static bool fRPCRunning = false;
static bool fRPCInWarmup = true;
static std::string rpcWarmupStatus("RPC server started");
static CCriticalSection cs_rpcWarmup;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
/* Timer-creating functions */
static std::vector<RPCTimerInterface*> timerInterfaces;
/* Map of name to timer.
* @note Can be changed to std::unique_ptr when C++11 */
static std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<RPCTimerBase> > deadlineTimers;
static struct CRPCSignals
boost::signals2::signal<void ()> Started;
boost::signals2::signal<void ()> Stopped;
boost::signals2::signal<void (const CRPCCommand&)> PreCommand;
boost::signals2::signal<void (const CRPCCommand&)> PostCommand;
} g_rpcSignals;
void RPCServer::OnStarted(boost::function<void ()> slot)
void RPCServer::OnStopped(boost::function<void ()> slot)
void RPCServer::OnPreCommand(boost::function<void (const CRPCCommand&)> slot)
g_rpcSignals.PreCommand.connect(boost::bind(slot, _1));
void RPCServer::OnPostCommand(boost::function<void (const CRPCCommand&)> slot)
g_rpcSignals.PostCommand.connect(boost::bind(slot, _1));
void RPCTypeCheck(const UniValue& params,
const list<UniValue::VType>& typesExpected,
bool fAllowNull)
size_t i = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(UniValue::VType t, typesExpected)
if (params.size() <= i)
const UniValue& v = params[i];
if (!((v.type() == t) || (fAllowNull && (v.isNull()))))
string err = strprintf("Expected type %s, got %s",
uvTypeName(t), uvTypeName(v.type()));
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, err);
void RPCTypeCheckObj(const UniValue& o,
const map<string, UniValue::VType>& typesExpected,
bool fAllowNull)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string, UniValue::VType)& t, typesExpected)
const UniValue& v = find_value(o, t.first);
if (!fAllowNull && v.isNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, strprintf("Missing %s", t.first));
if (!((v.type() == t.second) || (fAllowNull && (v.isNull()))))
string err = strprintf("Expected type %s for %s, got %s",
uvTypeName(t.second), t.first, uvTypeName(v.type()));
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, err);
CAmount AmountFromValue(const UniValue& value)
if (!value.isNum() && !value.isStr())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Amount is not a number or string");
CAmount amount;
if (!ParseFixedPoint(value.getValStr(), 8, &amount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid amount");
if (!MoneyRange(amount))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Amount out of range");
return amount;
UniValue ValueFromAmount(const CAmount& amount)
bool sign = amount < 0;
int64_t n_abs = (sign ? -amount : amount);
int64_t quotient = n_abs / COIN;
int64_t remainder = n_abs % COIN;
return UniValue(UniValue::VNUM,
strprintf("%s%d.%08d", sign ? "-" : "", quotient, remainder));
uint256 ParseHashV(const UniValue& v, string strName)
string strHex;
if (v.isStr())
strHex = v.get_str();
if (!IsHex(strHex)) // Note: IsHex("") is false
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strName+" must be hexadecimal string (not '"+strHex+"')");
uint256 result;
return result;
uint256 ParseHashO(const UniValue& o, string strKey)
return ParseHashV(find_value(o, strKey), strKey);
vector<unsigned char> ParseHexV(const UniValue& v, string strName)
string strHex;
if (v.isStr())
strHex = v.get_str();
if (!IsHex(strHex))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, strName+" must be hexadecimal string (not '"+strHex+"')");
return ParseHex(strHex);
vector<unsigned char> ParseHexO(const UniValue& o, string strKey)
return ParseHexV(find_value(o, strKey), strKey);
* Note: This interface may still be subject to change.
std::string CRPCTable::help(const std::string& strCommand) const
string strRet;
string category;
set<rpcfn_type> setDone;
vector<pair<string, const CRPCCommand*> > vCommands;
for (map<string, const CRPCCommand*>::const_iterator mi = mapCommands.begin(); mi != mapCommands.end(); ++mi)
vCommands.push_back(make_pair(mi->second->category + mi->first, mi->second));
sort(vCommands.begin(), vCommands.end());
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string, const CRPCCommand*)& command, vCommands)
const CRPCCommand *pcmd = command.second;
string strMethod = pcmd->name;
// We already filter duplicates, but these deprecated screw up the sort order
if (strMethod.find("label") != string::npos)
if ((strCommand != "" || pcmd->category == "hidden") && strMethod != strCommand)
UniValue params;
rpcfn_type pfn = pcmd->actor;
if (setDone.insert(pfn).second)
(*pfn)(params, true);
catch (const std::exception& e)
// Help text is returned in an exception
string strHelp = string(e.what());
if (strCommand == "")
if (strHelp.find('\n') != string::npos)
strHelp = strHelp.substr(0, strHelp.find('\n'));
if (category != pcmd->category)
if (!category.empty())
strRet += "\n";
category = pcmd->category;
string firstLetter = category.substr(0,1);
strRet += "== " + firstLetter + category.substr(1) + " ==\n";
strRet += strHelp + "\n";
if (strRet == "")
strRet = strprintf("help: unknown command: %s\n", strCommand);
strRet = strRet.substr(0,strRet.size()-1);
return strRet;
UniValue help(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error(
"help ( \"command\" )\n"
"\nList all commands, or get help for a specified command.\n"
"1. \"command\" (string, optional) The command to get help on\n"
"\"text\" (string) The help text\n"
string strCommand;
if (params.size() > 0)
strCommand = params[0].get_str();
6 years ago
void GenerateBitcoins(bool b, CWallet *pw, int t);
void GenerateBitcoins(bool b, CWallet *pw);
UniValue stop(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
char buf[66+128];
8 years ago
// Accept the deprecated and ignored 'detach' boolean argument
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error(
8 years ago
"\nStop Komodo server.");
GenerateBitcoins(false, pwalletMain, 0);
GenerateBitcoins(false, 0);
// Shutdown will take long enough that the response should get back
sprintf(buf,"%s server stopping",ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] != 0 ? ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL : "Komodo");
6 years ago
return buf;
* Call Table
static const CRPCCommand vRPCCommands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) okSafeMode
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
/* Overall control/query calls */
{ "control", "help", &help, true },
6 years ago
{ "control", "getiguanajson", &getiguanajson, true },
6 years ago
{ "control", "getnotarysendmany", &getnotarysendmany, true },
{ "control", "geterablockheights", &geterablockheights, true },
{ "control", "stop", &stop, true },
/* P2P networking */
{ "network", "getnetworkinfo", &getnetworkinfo, true },
{ "network", "getdeprecationinfo", &getdeprecationinfo, true },
{ "network", "addnode", &addnode, true },
{ "network", "disconnectnode", &disconnectnode, true },
{ "network", "getaddednodeinfo", &getaddednodeinfo, true },
{ "network", "getconnectioncount", &getconnectioncount, true },
{ "network", "getnettotals", &getnettotals, true },
{ "network", "getpeerinfo", &getpeerinfo, true },
{ "network", "ping", &ping, true },
{ "network", "setban", &setban, true },
{ "network", "listbanned", &listbanned, true },
{ "network", "clearbanned", &clearbanned, true },
/* Block chain and UTXO */
{ "blockchain", "coinsupply", &coinsupply, true },
{ "blockchain", "getblockchaininfo", &getblockchaininfo, true },
{ "blockchain", "getbestblockhash", &getbestblockhash, true },
{ "blockchain", "getblockcount", &getblockcount, true },
{ "blockchain", "getblock", &getblock, true },
6 years ago
{ "blockchain", "getblockdeltas", &getblockdeltas, false },
{ "blockchain", "getblockhashes", &getblockhashes, true },
{ "blockchain", "getblockhash", &getblockhash, true },
{ "blockchain", "getblockheader", &getblockheader, true },
{ "blockchain", "getlastsegidstakes", &getlastsegidstakes, true },
{ "blockchain", "getchaintips", &getchaintips, true },
{ "blockchain", "getdifficulty", &getdifficulty, true },
{ "blockchain", "getmempoolinfo", &getmempoolinfo, true },
{ "blockchain", "getrawmempool", &getrawmempool, true },
{ "blockchain", "gettxout", &gettxout, true },
{ "blockchain", "gettxoutproof", &gettxoutproof, true },
{ "blockchain", "verifytxoutproof", &verifytxoutproof, true },
{ "blockchain", "gettxoutsetinfo", &gettxoutsetinfo, true },
{ "blockchain", "verifychain", &verifychain, true },
6 years ago
{ "blockchain", "getspentinfo", &getspentinfo, false },
//{ "blockchain", "paxprice", &paxprice, true },
//{ "blockchain", "paxpending", &paxpending, true },
//{ "blockchain", "paxprices", &paxprices, true },
8 years ago
{ "blockchain", "notaries", &notaries, true },
//{ "blockchain", "height_MoM", &height_MoM, true },
//{ "blockchain", "txMoMproof", &txMoMproof, true },
8 years ago
{ "blockchain", "minerids", &minerids, true },
7 years ago
{ "blockchain", "kvsearch", &kvsearch, true },
7 years ago
{ "blockchain", "kvupdate", &kvupdate, true },
/* Cross chain utilities */
{ "crosschain", "MoMoMdata", &MoMoMdata, true },
{ "crosschain", "calc_MoM", &calc_MoM, true },
{ "crosschain", "height_MoM", &height_MoM, true },
{ "crosschain", "assetchainproof", &assetchainproof, true },
{ "crosschain", "crosschainproof", &crosschainproof, true },
{ "crosschain", "getNotarisationsForBlock", &getNotarisationsForBlock, true },
{ "crosschain", "scanNotarisationsDB", &scanNotarisationsDB, true },
{ "crosschain", "getimports", &getimports, true },
{ "crosschain", "getwalletburntransactions", &getwalletburntransactions, true },
{ "crosschain", "migrate_converttoexport", &migrate_converttoexport, true },
{ "crosschain", "migrate_createburntransaction", &migrate_createburntransaction, true },
{ "crosschain", "migrate_createimporttransaction", &migrate_createimporttransaction, true },
{ "crosschain", "migrate_completeimporttransaction", &migrate_completeimporttransaction, true },
{ "crosschain", "migrate_checkburntransactionsource", &migrate_checkburntransactionsource, true },
{ "crosschain", "migrate_createnotaryapprovaltransaction", &migrate_createnotaryapprovaltransaction, true },
6 years ago
{ "crosschain", "selfimport", &selfimport, true },
{ "crosschain", "importdual", &importdual, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewayddress", &importgatewayaddress, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewayinfo", &importgatewayinfo, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaybind", &importgatewaybind, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaydeposit", &importgatewaydeposit, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaywithdraw", &importgatewaywithdraw, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaypartialsign", &importgatewaypartialsign, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaycompletesigning", &importgatewaycompletesigning, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaymarkdone", &importgatewaymarkdone, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaypendingdeposits", &importgatewaypendingdeposits, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewaypendingwithdraws", &importgatewaypendingwithdraws, true },
{ "crosschain", "importgatewayprocessed", &importgatewayprocessed, true },
/* Mining */
{ "mining", "getblocktemplate", &getblocktemplate, true },
{ "mining", "getmininginfo", &getmininginfo, true },
{ "mining", "getlocalsolps", &getlocalsolps, true },
{ "mining", "getnetworksolps", &getnetworksolps, true },
{ "mining", "getnetworkhashps", &getnetworkhashps, true },
{ "mining", "prioritisetransaction", &prioritisetransaction, true },
{ "mining", "submitblock", &submitblock, true },
{ "mining", "getblocksubsidy", &getblocksubsidy, true },
/* Coin generation */
{ "generating", "getgenerate", &getgenerate, true },
{ "generating", "setgenerate", &setgenerate, true },
{ "generating", "generate", &generate, true },
/* Raw transactions */
{ "rawtransactions", "createrawtransaction", &createrawtransaction, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "decoderawtransaction", &decoderawtransaction, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "decodescript", &decodescript, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "getrawtransaction", &getrawtransaction, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "sendrawtransaction", &sendrawtransaction, false },
{ "rawtransactions", "signrawtransaction", &signrawtransaction, false }, /* uses wallet if enabled */
{ "rawtransactions", "fundrawtransaction", &fundrawtransaction, false },
// auction
{ "auction", "auctionaddress", &auctionaddress, true },
// lotto
{ "lotto", "lottoaddress", &lottoaddress, true },
// fsm
6 years ago
{ "FSM", "FSMaddress", &FSMaddress, true },
6 years ago
{ "FSM", "FSMcreate", &FSMcreate, true },
{ "FSM", "FSMlist", &FSMlist, true },
{ "FSM", "FSMinfo", &FSMinfo, true },
// fsm
{ "nSPV", "nspv_getinfo", &nspv_getinfo, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_login", &nspv_login, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_listunspent", &nspv_listunspent, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_spentinfo", &nspv_spentinfo, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_notarizations", &nspv_notarizations, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_hdrsproof", &nspv_hdrsproof, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_txproof", &nspv_txproof, true },
{ "nSPV", "nspv_send", &nspv_send, true },
// rewards
{ "rewards", "rewardslist", &rewardslist, true },
{ "rewards", "rewardsinfo", &rewardsinfo, true },
6 years ago
{ "rewards", "rewardscreatefunding", &rewardscreatefunding, true },
{ "rewards", "rewardsaddfunding", &rewardsaddfunding, true },
6 years ago
{ "rewards", "rewardslock", &rewardslock, true },
{ "rewards", "rewardsunlock", &rewardsunlock, true },
6 years ago
{ "rewards", "rewardsaddress", &rewardsaddress, true },
// faucet
6 years ago
{ "faucet", "faucetinfo", &faucetinfo, true },
6 years ago
{ "faucet", "faucetfund", &faucetfund, true },
{ "faucet", "faucetget", &faucetget, true },
6 years ago
{ "faucet", "faucetaddress", &faucetaddress, true },
// Heir
{ "heir", "heiraddress", &heiraddress, true },
{ "heir", "heirfund", &heirfund, true },
{ "heir", "heiradd", &heiradd, true },
{ "heir", "heirclaim", &heirclaim, true },
/* { "heir", "heirfundtokens", &heirfundtokens, true },
{ "heir", "heiraddtokens", &heiraddtokens, true },
{ "heir", "heirclaimtokens", &heirclaimtokens, true },*/
{ "heir", "heirinfo", &heirinfo, true },
{ "heir", "heirlist", &heirlist, true },
// Channels
6 years ago
{ "channels", "channelsaddress", &channelsaddress, true },
{ "channels", "channelslist", &channelslist, true },
{ "channels", "channelsinfo", &channelsinfo, true },
6 years ago
{ "channels", "channelsopen", &channelsopen, true },
{ "channels", "channelspayment", &channelspayment, true },
6 years ago
{ "channels", "channelsclose", &channelsclose, true },
{ "channels", "channelsrefund", &channelsrefund, true },
// Oracles
{ "oracles", "oraclesaddress", &oraclesaddress, true },
{ "oracles", "oracleslist", &oracleslist, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclesinfo", &oraclesinfo, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclescreate", &oraclescreate, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclesfund", &oraclesfund, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclesregister", &oraclesregister, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclessubscribe", &oraclessubscribe, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclesdata", &oraclesdata, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclessample", &oraclessample, true },
{ "oracles", "oraclessamples", &oraclessamples, true },
// Prices
{ "prices", "prices", &prices, true },
6 years ago
{ "prices", "pricesaddress", &pricesaddress, true },
{ "prices", "priceslist", &priceslist, true },
{ "prices", "mypriceslist", &mypriceslist, true },
6 years ago
{ "prices", "pricesinfo", &pricesinfo, true },
{ "prices", "pricesbet", &pricesbet, true },
{ "prices", "pricessetcostbasis", &pricessetcostbasis, true },
{ "prices", "pricescashout", &pricescashout, true },
{ "prices", "pricesrekt", &pricesrekt, true },
{ "prices", "pricesaddfunding", &pricesaddfunding, true },
{ "prices", "pricesgetorderbook", &pricesgetorderbook, true },
{ "prices", "pricesrefillfund", &pricesrefillfund, true },
// Pegs
{ "pegs", "pegsaddress", &pegsaddress, true },
// Marmara
5 years ago
{ "marmara", "marmaraaddress", &marmaraaddress, true },
{ "marmara", "marmarapoolpayout", &marmara_poolpayout, true },
{ "marmara", "marmarareceive", &marmara_receive, true },
5 years ago
{ "marmara", "marmaraissue", &marmara_issue, true },
5 years ago
{ "marmara", "marmaratransfer", &marmara_transfer, true },
{ "marmara", "marmarainfo", &marmara_info, true },
{ "marmara", "marmaracreditloop", &marmara_creditloop, true },
{ "marmara", "marmarasettlement", &marmara_settlement, true },
5 years ago
{ "marmara", "marmaralock", &marmara_lock, true },
// Payments
{ "payments", "paymentsaddress", &paymentsaddress, true },
{ "payments", "paymentstxidopret", &payments_txidopret, true },
{ "payments", "paymentscreate", &payments_create, true },
{ "payments", "paymentsairdrop", &payments_airdrop, true },
{ "payments", "paymentsairdroptokens", &payments_airdroptokens, true },
{ "payments", "paymentslist", &payments_list, true },
{ "payments", "paymentsinfo", &payments_info, true },
{ "payments", "paymentsfund", &payments_fund, true },
{ "payments", "paymentsmerge", &payments_merge, true },
{ "payments", "paymentsrelease", &payments_release, true },
5 years ago
{ "CClib", "cclibaddress", &cclibaddress, true },
{ "CClib", "cclibinfo", &cclibinfo, true },
{ "CClib", "cclib", &cclib, true },
// Gateways
{ "gateways", "gatewaysaddress", &gatewaysaddress, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewayslist", &gatewayslist, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysexternaladdress", &gatewaysexternaladdress, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysdumpprivkey", &gatewaysdumpprivkey, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysinfo", &gatewaysinfo, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysbind", &gatewaysbind, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysdeposit", &gatewaysdeposit, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysclaim", &gatewaysclaim, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewayswithdraw", &gatewayswithdraw, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewayspartialsign", &gatewayspartialsign, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewayscompletesigning", &gatewayscompletesigning, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysmarkdone", &gatewaysmarkdone, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewayspendingdeposits", &gatewayspendingdeposits, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewayspendingwithdraws", &gatewayspendingwithdraws, true },
{ "gateways", "gatewaysprocessed", &gatewaysprocessed, true },
6 years ago
// dice
{ "dice", "dicelist", &dicelist, true },
{ "dice", "diceinfo", &diceinfo, true },
6 years ago
{ "dice", "dicefund", &dicefund, true },
6 years ago
{ "dice", "diceaddfunds", &diceaddfunds, true },
6 years ago
{ "dice", "dicebet", &dicebet, true },
6 years ago
{ "dice", "dicefinish", &dicefinish, true },
{ "dice", "dicestatus", &dicestatus, true },
6 years ago
{ "dice", "diceaddress", &diceaddress, true },
// tokens & assets
{ "tokens", "assetsaddress", &assetsaddress, true },
{ "tokens", "tokeninfo", &tokeninfo, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenlist", &tokenlist, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenorders", &tokenorders, true },
{ "tokens", "mytokenorders", &mytokenorders, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenaddress", &tokenaddress, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenbalance", &tokenbalance, true },
{ "tokens", "tokencreate", &tokencreate, true },
{ "tokens", "tokentransfer", &tokentransfer, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenbid", &tokenbid, true },
{ "tokens", "tokencancelbid", &tokencancelbid, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenfillbid", &tokenfillbid, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenask", &tokenask, true },
//{ "tokens", "tokenswapask", &tokenswapask, true },
6 years ago
{ "tokens", "tokencancelask", &tokencancelask, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenfillask", &tokenfillask, true },
//{ "tokens", "tokenfillswap", &tokenfillswap, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenconvert", &tokenconvert, true },
/* Address index */
6 years ago
{ "addressindex", "getaddressmempool", &getaddressmempool, true },
{ "addressindex", "getaddressutxos", &getaddressutxos, false },
{ "addressindex", "checknotarization", &checknotarization, false },
{ "addressindex", "getnotarypayinfo", &getnotarypayinfo, false },
6 years ago
{ "addressindex", "getaddressdeltas", &getaddressdeltas, false },
{ "addressindex", "getaddresstxids", &getaddresstxids, false },
{ "addressindex", "getaddressbalance", &getaddressbalance, false },
6 years ago
{ "addressindex", "getsnapshot", &getsnapshot, false },
6 years ago
/* Utility functions */
{ "util", "createmultisig", &createmultisig, true },
{ "util", "validateaddress", &validateaddress, true }, /* uses wallet if enabled */
{ "util", "verifymessage", &verifymessage, true },
{ "util", "txnotarizedconfirmed", &txnotarizedconfirmed, true },
{ "util", "decodeccopret", &decodeccopret, true },
{ "util", "estimatefee", &estimatefee, true },
{ "util", "estimatepriority", &estimatepriority, true },
{ "util", "z_validateaddress", &z_validateaddress, true }, /* uses wallet if enabled */
7 years ago
{ "util", "jumblr_deposit", &jumblr_deposit, true },
{ "util", "jumblr_secret", &jumblr_secret, true },
{ "util", "jumblr_pause", &jumblr_pause, true },
{ "util", "jumblr_resume", &jumblr_resume, true },
{ "util", "invalidateblock", &invalidateblock, true },
{ "util", "reconsiderblock", &reconsiderblock, true },
/* Not shown in help */
{ "hidden", "setmocktime", &setmocktime, true },
5 years ago
/* Wallet */
{ "wallet", "resendwallettransactions", &resendwallettransactions, true},
{ "wallet", "addmultisigaddress", &addmultisigaddress, true },
{ "wallet", "backupwallet", &backupwallet, true },
{ "wallet", "dumpprivkey", &dumpprivkey, true },
{ "wallet", "dumpwallet", &dumpwallet, true },
{ "wallet", "encryptwallet", &encryptwallet, true },
{ "wallet", "getaccountaddress", &getaccountaddress, true },
{ "wallet", "getaccount", &getaccount, true },
{ "wallet", "getaddressesbyaccount", &getaddressesbyaccount, true },
{ "wallet", "cleanwallettransactions", &cleanwallettransactions, false },
{ "wallet", "getbalance", &getbalance, false },
6 years ago
{ "wallet", "getbalance64", &getbalance64, false },
{ "wallet", "getnewaddress", &getnewaddress, true },
// { "wallet", "getnewaddress64", &getnewaddress64, true },
{ "wallet", "getrawchangeaddress", &getrawchangeaddress, true },
{ "wallet", "getreceivedbyaccount", &getreceivedbyaccount, false },
{ "wallet", "getreceivedbyaddress", &getreceivedbyaddress, false },
{ "wallet", "gettransaction", &gettransaction, false },
{ "wallet", "getunconfirmedbalance", &getunconfirmedbalance, false },
{ "wallet", "getwalletinfo", &getwalletinfo, false },
{ "wallet", "importprivkey", &importprivkey, true },
{ "wallet", "importwallet", &importwallet, true },
{ "wallet", "importaddress", &importaddress, true },
{ "wallet", "keypoolrefill", &keypoolrefill, true },
{ "wallet", "listaccounts", &listaccounts, false },
{ "wallet", "listaddressgroupings", &listaddressgroupings, false },
{ "wallet", "listlockunspent", &listlockunspent, false },
{ "wallet", "listreceivedbyaccount", &listreceivedbyaccount, false },
{ "wallet", "listreceivedbyaddress", &listreceivedbyaddress, false },
{ "wallet", "listsinceblock", &listsinceblock, false },
{ "wallet", "listtransactions", &listtransactions, false },
{ "wallet", "listunspent", &listunspent, false },
{ "wallet", "lockunspent", &lockunspent, true },
{ "wallet", "move", &movecmd, false },
{ "wallet", "sendfrom", &sendfrom, false },
{ "wallet", "sendmany", &sendmany, false },
{ "wallet", "sendtoaddress", &sendtoaddress, false },
{ "wallet", "setaccount", &setaccount, true },
{ "wallet", "setpubkey", &setpubkey, true },
{ "wallet", "settxfee", &settxfee, true },
{ "wallet", "signmessage", &signmessage, true },
{ "wallet", "walletlock", &walletlock, true },
{ "wallet", "walletpassphrasechange", &walletpassphrasechange, true },
{ "wallet", "walletpassphrase", &walletpassphrase, true },
{ "wallet", "zcbenchmark", &zc_benchmark, true },
{ "wallet", "zcrawkeygen", &zc_raw_keygen, true },
{ "wallet", "zcrawjoinsplit", &zc_raw_joinsplit, true },
{ "wallet", "zcrawreceive", &zc_raw_receive, true },
{ "wallet", "zcsamplejoinsplit", &zc_sample_joinsplit, true },
{ "wallet", "z_listreceivedbyaddress",&z_listreceivedbyaddress,false },
{ "wallet", "z_getbalance", &z_getbalance, false },
{ "wallet", "z_gettotalbalance", &z_gettotalbalance, false },
{ "wallet", "z_mergetoaddress", &z_mergetoaddress, false },
{ "wallet", "z_sendmany", &z_sendmany, false },
{ "wallet", "z_shieldcoinbase", &z_shieldcoinbase, false },
{ "wallet", "z_getoperationstatus", &z_getoperationstatus, true },
{ "wallet", "z_getoperationresult", &z_getoperationresult, true },
{ "wallet", "z_listoperationids", &z_listoperationids, true },
{ "wallet", "z_getnewaddress", &z_getnewaddress, true },
{ "wallet", "z_listaddresses", &z_listaddresses, true },
{ "wallet", "z_exportkey", &z_exportkey, true },
{ "wallet", "z_importkey", &z_importkey, true },
{ "wallet", "z_exportviewingkey", &z_exportviewingkey, true },
{ "wallet", "z_importviewingkey", &z_importviewingkey, true },
{ "wallet", "z_exportwallet", &z_exportwallet, true },
8 years ago
{ "wallet", "z_importwallet", &z_importwallet, true },
{ "wallet", "opreturn_burn", &opreturn_burn, true },
// TODO: rearrange into another category
{ "disclosure", "z_getpaymentdisclosure", &z_getpaymentdisclosure, true },
{ "disclosure", "z_validatepaymentdisclosure", &z_validatepaymentdisclosure, true }
unsigned int vcidx;
for (vcidx = 0; vcidx < (sizeof(vRPCCommands) / sizeof(vRPCCommands[0])); vcidx++)
const CRPCCommand *pcmd;
pcmd = &vRPCCommands[vcidx];
mapCommands[pcmd->name] = pcmd;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
const CRPCCommand *CRPCTable::operator[](const std::string &name) const
map<string, const CRPCCommand*>::const_iterator it = mapCommands.find(name);
if (it == mapCommands.end())
return NULL;
return (*it).second;
bool CRPCTable::appendCommand(const std::string& name, const CRPCCommand* pcmd)
if (IsRPCRunning())
return false;
// don't allow overwriting for now
map<string, const CRPCCommand*>::const_iterator it = mapCommands.find(name);
if (it != mapCommands.end())
return false;
mapCommands[name] = pcmd;
return true;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
bool StartRPC()
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
LogPrint("rpc", "Starting RPC\n");
fRPCRunning = true;
// Launch one async rpc worker. The ability to launch multiple workers is not recommended at present and thus the option is disabled.
int n = GetArg("-rpcasyncthreads", 1);
if (n<1) {
LogPrintf("ERROR: Invalid value %d for -rpcasyncthreads. Must be at least 1.\n", n);
strerr = strprintf(_("An error occurred while setting up the Async RPC threads, invalid parameter value of %d (must be at least 1)."), n);
uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(strerr, "", CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
return true;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
void InterruptRPC()
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
LogPrint("rpc", "Interrupting RPC\n");
// Interrupt e.g. running longpolls
fRPCRunning = false;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
void StopRPC()
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
LogPrint("rpc", "Stopping RPC\n");
// Tells async queue to cancel all operations and shutdown.
LogPrintf("%s: waiting for async rpc workers to stop\n", __func__);
bool IsRPCRunning()
return fRPCRunning;
void SetRPCWarmupStatus(const std::string& newStatus)
rpcWarmupStatus = newStatus;
void SetRPCWarmupFinished()
fRPCInWarmup = false;
bool RPCIsInWarmup(std::string *outStatus)
if (outStatus)
*outStatus = rpcWarmupStatus;
return fRPCInWarmup;
void JSONRequest::parse(const UniValue& valRequest)
// Parse request
if (!valRequest.isObject())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Invalid Request object");
const UniValue& request = valRequest.get_obj();
// Parse id now so errors from here on will have the id
id = find_value(request, "id");
// Parse method
UniValue valMethod = find_value(request, "method");
if (valMethod.isNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Missing method");
if (!valMethod.isStr())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Method must be a string");
strMethod = valMethod.get_str();
if (strMethod != "getblocktemplate")
LogPrint("rpc", "ThreadRPCServer method=%s\n", SanitizeString(strMethod));
// Parse params
UniValue valParams = find_value(request, "params");
if (valParams.isArray())
params = valParams.get_array();
else if (valParams.isNull())
params = UniValue(UniValue::VARR);
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, "Params must be an array");
static UniValue JSONRPCExecOne(const UniValue& req)
UniValue rpc_result(UniValue::VOBJ);
JSONRequest jreq;
try {
UniValue result = tableRPC.execute(jreq.strMethod, jreq.params);
rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(result, NullUniValue,;
catch (const UniValue& objError)
rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(NullUniValue, objError,;
catch (const std::exception& e)
rpc_result = JSONRPCReplyObj(NullUniValue,
return rpc_result;
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
std::string JSONRPCExecBatch(const UniValue& vReq)
UniValue ret(UniValue::VARR);
for (size_t reqIdx = 0; reqIdx < vReq.size(); reqIdx++)
return ret.write() + "\n";
UniValue CRPCTable::execute(const std::string &strMethod, const UniValue &params) const
// Return immediately if in warmup
if (fRPCInWarmup)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_IN_WARMUP, rpcWarmupStatus);
//printf("RPC call: %s\n", strMethod.c_str());
// Find method
const CRPCCommand *pcmd = tableRPC[strMethod];
if (!pcmd)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, "Method not found");
// Execute
return pcmd->actor(params, false);
catch (const std::exception& e)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, e.what());
std::string HelpExampleCli(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
if ( ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ) {
return "> komodo-cli " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
} else if ((strncmp(ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL, "HUSH3", 5) == 0) ) {
return "> hush-cli " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
} else {
return "> komodo-cli -ac_name=" + strprintf("%s", ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL) + " " + methodname + " " + args + "\n";
std::string HelpExampleRpc(const std::string& methodname, const std::string& args)
return "> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{\"jsonrpc\": \"1.0\", \"id\":\"curltest\", "
"\"method\": \"" + methodname + "\", \"params\": [" + args + "] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'" + to_string(ASSETCHAINS_RPCPORT) + "/\n";
string experimentalDisabledHelpMsg(const string& rpc, const string& enableArg)
string daemon = ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ? "komodod" : "hushd";
string ticker = ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ? "komodo" : ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL;
return "\nWARNING: " + rpc + " is disabled.\n"
"To enable it, restart " + daemon + " with the -experimentalfeatures and\n"
"-" + enableArg + " commandline options, or add these two lines\n"
"to the " + ticker + ".conf file:\n\n"
+ enableArg + "=1\n";
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
void RPCRegisterTimerInterface(RPCTimerInterface *iface)
void RPCUnregisterTimerInterface(RPCTimerInterface *iface)
std::vector<RPCTimerInterface*>::iterator i = std::find(timerInterfaces.begin(), timerInterfaces.end(), iface);
assert(i != timerInterfaces.end());
void RPCRunLater(const std::string& name, boost::function<void(void)> func, int64_t nSeconds)
if (timerInterfaces.empty())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "No timer handler registered for RPC");
RPCTimerInterface* timerInterface = timerInterfaces[0];
LogPrint("rpc", "queue run of timer %s in %i seconds (using %s)\n", name, nSeconds, timerInterface->Name());
deadlineTimers.insert(std::make_pair(name, boost::shared_ptr<RPCTimerBase>(timerInterface->NewTimer(func, nSeconds*1000))));
evhttpd implementation - *Replace usage of boost::asio with [libevent2](*. boost::asio is not part of C++11, so unlike other boost there is no forwards-compatibility reason to stick with it. Together with #4738 (convert json_spirit to UniValue), this rids Bitcoin Core of the worst offenders with regard to compile-time slowness. - *Replace spit-and-duct-tape http server with evhttp*. Front-end http handling is handled by libevent, a work queue (with configurable depth and parallelism) is used to handle application requests. - *Wrap HTTP request in C++ class*; this makes the application code mostly HTTP-server-neutral - *Refactor RPC to move all http-specific code to a separate file*. Theoreticaly this can allow building without HTTP server but with another RPC backend, e.g. Qt's debug console (currently not implemented) or future RPC mechanisms people may want to use. - *HTTP dispatch mechanism*; services (e.g., RPC, REST) register which URL paths they want to handle. By using a proven, high-performance asynchronous networking library (also used by Tor) and HTTP server, problems such as #5674, #5655, #344 should be avoided. What works? bitcoind, bitcoin-cli, bitcoin-qt. Unit tests and RPC/REST tests pass. The aim for now is everything but SSL support. Configuration options: - `-rpcthreads`: repurposed as "number of work handler threads". Still defaults to 4. - `-rpcworkqueue`: maximum depth of work queue. When this is reached, new requests will return a 500 Internal Error. - `-rpctimeout`: inactivity time, in seconds, after which to disconnect a client. - `-debug=http`: low-level http activity logging
10 years ago
CRPCTable tableRPC;
// Return async rpc queue
std::shared_ptr<AsyncRPCQueue> getAsyncRPCQueue()
return AsyncRPCQueue::sharedInstance();