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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Hush developers
6 years ago
* Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. *
6 years ago
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
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* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
* SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
* *
#include "asn/Condition.h"
#include "asn/Fulfillment.h"
#include "asn/EvalFulfillment.h"
#include "asn/OCTET_STRING.h"
#include "cryptoconditions.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "include/cJSON.h"
struct CCType CC_EvalType;
static void evalFingerprint(const CC *cond, uint8_t *out) {
sha256(cond->code, cond->codeLength, out);
static unsigned long evalCost(const CC *cond) {
return 1048576; // Pretty high
static CC *evalFromJSON(const cJSON *params, char *err) {
size_t codeLength;
unsigned char *code = 0;
if (!jsonGetBase64(params, "code", err, &code, &codeLength)) {
return NULL;
CC *cond = cc_new(CC_Eval);
cond->code = code;
cond->codeLength = codeLength;
return cond;
static void evalToJSON(const CC *cond, cJSON *code) {
// add code
unsigned char *b64 = base64_encode(cond->code, cond->codeLength);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(code, "code", cJSON_CreateString(b64));
static CC *evalFromFulfillment(const Fulfillment_t *ffill) {
CC *cond = cc_new(CC_Eval);
EvalFulfillment_t *eval = &ffill->choice.evalSha256;
OCTET_STRING_t octets = eval->code;
cond->codeLength = octets.size;
cond->code = calloc(1,octets.size);
memcpy(cond->code, octets.buf, octets.size);
return cond;
static Fulfillment_t *evalToFulfillment(const CC *cond) {
Fulfillment_t *ffill = calloc(1, sizeof(Fulfillment_t));
ffill->present = Fulfillment_PR_evalSha256;
EvalFulfillment_t *eval = &ffill->choice.evalSha256;
OCTET_STRING_fromBuf(&eval->code, cond->code, cond->codeLength);
return ffill;
int evalIsFulfilled(const CC *cond) {
return 1;
static void evalFree(CC *cond) {
static uint32_t evalSubtypes(const CC *cond) {
return 0;
* The JSON api doesn't contain custom verifiers, so a stub method is provided suitable for testing
int jsonVerifyEval(CC *cond, void *context) {
if (cond->codeLength == 5 && 0 == memcmp(cond->code, "TEST", 4)) {
return cond->code[4];
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot verify eval; user function unknown\n");
return 0;
typedef struct CCEvalVerifyData {
VerifyEval verify;
void *context;
} CCEvalVerifyData;
int evalVisit(CC *cond, CCVisitor visitor) {
if (cond->type->typeId != CC_Eval) return 1;
CCEvalVerifyData *evalData = visitor.context;
return evalData->verify(cond, evalData->context);
int cc_verifyEval(const CC *cond, VerifyEval verify, void *context) {
CCEvalVerifyData evalData = {verify, context};
CCVisitor visitor = {&evalVisit, "", 0, &evalData};
return cc_visit(cond, visitor);
struct CCType CC_EvalType = { 15, "eval-sha-256", Condition_PR_evalSha256, 0, &evalFingerprint, &evalCost, &evalSubtypes, &evalFromJSON, &evalToJSON, &evalFromFulfillment, &evalToFulfillment, &evalIsFulfilled, &evalFree };