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#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern double benchmark_sleep();
extern double benchmark_parameter_loading();
extern double benchmark_create_joinsplit();
extern std::vector<double> benchmark_create_joinsplit_threaded(int nThreads);
extern double benchmark_solve_equihash();
extern std::vector<double> benchmark_solve_equihash_threaded(int nThreads);
extern double benchmark_verify_joinsplit(const JSDescription &joinsplit);
extern double benchmark_verify_equihash();
extern double benchmark_large_tx();
extern double benchmark_try_decrypt_notes(size_t nAddrs);
extern double benchmark_increment_note_witnesses(size_t nTxs);
extern double benchmark_connectblock_slow();
extern double benchmark_sendtoaddress(CAmount amount);
extern double benchmark_loadwallet();
extern double benchmark_listunspent();