Hush Full Node software. We were censored from Github, this is where all development happens now.
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// Copyright (c) 2016-2020 The Hush developers
4 years ago
// Distributed under the GPLv3 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
6 years ago
* Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. *
6 years ago
* *
* the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright *
* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
* *
* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
* SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated *
* or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file *
* *
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
* *
#include "cryptoconditions.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include <cJSON.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static cJSON *jsonCondition(CC *cond) {
cJSON *root = cJSON_CreateObject();
char *uri = cc_conditionUri(cond);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "uri", cJSON_CreateString(uri));
unsigned char buf[1000];
size_t conditionBinLength = cc_conditionBinary(cond, buf);
jsonAddHex(root, "bin", buf, conditionBinLength);
return root;
static cJSON *jsonFulfillment(CC *cond) {
uint8_t buf[1000000];
size_t fulfillmentBinLength = cc_fulfillmentBinary(cond, buf, 1000000);
cJSON *root = cJSON_CreateObject();
jsonAddHex(root, "fulfillment", buf, fulfillmentBinLength);
return root;
CC *cc_conditionFromJSON(cJSON *params, char *err) {
if (!params || !cJSON_IsObject(params)) {
strcpy(err, "Condition params must be an object");
return NULL;
cJSON *typeName = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "type");
if (!typeName || !cJSON_IsString(typeName)) {
strcpy(err, "\"type\" must be a string");
return NULL;
for (int i=0; i<CCTypeRegistryLength; i++) {
if (CCTypeRegistry[i] != NULL) {
if (0 == strcmp(typeName->valuestring, CCTypeRegistry[i]->name)) {
return CCTypeRegistry[i]->fromJSON(params, err);
strcpy(err, "cannot detect type of condition");
return NULL;
CC *cc_conditionFromJSONString(const char *data, char *err) {
cJSON *params = cJSON_Parse(data);
CC *out = cc_conditionFromJSON(params, err);
return out;
static cJSON *jsonEncodeCondition(cJSON *params, char *err) {
CC *cond = cc_conditionFromJSON(params, err);
cJSON *out = NULL;
if (cond != NULL) {
out = jsonCondition(cond);
return out;
static cJSON *jsonEncodeFulfillment(cJSON *params, char *err) {
CC *cond = cc_conditionFromJSON(params, err);
cJSON *out = NULL;
if (cond != NULL) {
out = jsonFulfillment(cond);
return out;
static cJSON *jsonErr(char *err) {
cJSON *out = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "error", cJSON_CreateString(err));
return out;
static cJSON *jsonVerifyFulfillment(cJSON *params, char *err) {
unsigned char *ffill_bin = 0, *msg = 0, *cond_bin = 0;
size_t ffill_bin_len, msg_len, cond_bin_len;
cJSON *out = 0;
if (!(jsonGetHex(params, "fulfillment", err, &ffill_bin, &ffill_bin_len) &&
jsonGetHex(params, "message", err, &msg, &msg_len) &&
jsonGetHex(params, "condition", err, &cond_bin, &cond_bin_len)))
goto END;
CC *cond = cc_readFulfillmentBinary(ffill_bin, ffill_bin_len);
if (!cond) {
strcpy(err, "Invalid fulfillment payload");
goto END;
int valid = cc_verify(cond, msg, msg_len, 1, cond_bin, cond_bin_len, &jsonVerifyEval, NULL);
out = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "valid", cJSON_CreateBool(valid));
free(ffill_bin); free(msg); free(cond_bin);
return out;
static cJSON *jsonDecodeFulfillment(cJSON *params, char *err) {
size_t ffill_bin_len;
unsigned char *ffill_bin;
if (!jsonGetHex(params, "fulfillment", err, &ffill_bin, &ffill_bin_len))
return NULL;
CC *cond = cc_readFulfillmentBinary(ffill_bin, ffill_bin_len);
if (!cond) {
strcpy(err, "Invalid fulfillment payload");
return NULL;
cJSON *out = jsonCondition(cond);
return out;
static cJSON *jsonDecodeCondition(cJSON *params, char *err) {
size_t cond_bin_len;
unsigned char *cond_bin;
if (!jsonGetHex(params, "bin", err, &cond_bin, &cond_bin_len))
return NULL;
CC *cond = cc_readConditionBinary(cond_bin, cond_bin_len);
if (!cond) {
strcpy(err, "Invalid condition payload");
return NULL;
cJSON *out = jsonCondition(cond);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "condition", cc_conditionToJSON(cond));
return out;
static cJSON *jsonSignTreeEd25519(cJSON *params, char *err) {
cJSON *out = 0;
unsigned char *msg = 0, *sk = 0;
cJSON *condition_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "condition");
CC *cond = cc_conditionFromJSON(condition_item, err);
if (cond == NULL) {
goto END;
size_t skLength;
if (!jsonGetHex(params, "privateKey", err, &sk, &skLength)) {
goto END;
if (skLength != 32) {
strcpy(err, "privateKey wrong length");
size_t msgLength;
if (!jsonGetHex(params, "message", err, &msg, &msgLength)) {
goto END;
int nSigned = cc_signTreeEd25519(cond, sk, msg, msgLength);
out = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "num_signed", cJSON_CreateNumber(nSigned));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "condition", cc_conditionToJSON(cond));
return out;
static cJSON *jsonSignTreeSecp256k1(cJSON *params, char *err) {
cJSON *out = 0;
unsigned char *msg = 0, *sk = 0;
cJSON *condition_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(params, "condition");
CC *cond = cc_conditionFromJSON(condition_item, err);
if (cond == NULL) {
goto END;
size_t skLength;
if (!jsonGetHex(params, "privateKey", err, &sk, &skLength)) {
goto END;
if (skLength != SECP256K1_SK_SIZE) {
strcpy(err, "privateKey wrong length");
size_t msgLength;
if (!jsonGetHex(params, "message", err, &msg, &msgLength)) {
goto END;
char msgHash[32];
sha256(msg, msgLength, msgHash);
int nSigned = cc_signTreeSecp256k1Msg32(cond, sk, msgHash);
out = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "num_signed", cJSON_CreateNumber(nSigned));
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "condition", cc_conditionToJSON(cond));
return out;
cJSON *cc_conditionToJSON(const CC *cond) {
cJSON *params = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(params, "type", cJSON_CreateString(cond->type->name));
cond->type->toJSON(cond, params);
return params;
char *cc_conditionToJSONString(const CC *cond) {
assert(cond != NULL);
cJSON *params = cc_conditionToJSON(cond);
char *out = cJSON_Print(params);
return out;
static cJSON *jsonListMethods(cJSON *params, char *err);
typedef struct JsonMethod {
char *name;
cJSON* (*method)(cJSON *params, char *err);
char *description;
} JsonMethod;
static JsonMethod cc_jsonMethods[] = {
{"encodeCondition", &jsonEncodeCondition, "Encode a JSON condition to binary"},
{"decodeCondition", &jsonDecodeCondition, "Decode a binary condition"},
{"encodeFulfillment", &jsonEncodeFulfillment, "Encode a JSON condition to a fulfillment"},
{"decodeFulfillment", &jsonDecodeFulfillment, "Decode a binary fulfillment"},
{"verifyFulfillment", &jsonVerifyFulfillment, "Verify a fulfillment"},
{"signTreeEd25519", &jsonSignTreeEd25519, "Sign ed25519 condition nodes"},
{"signTreeSecp256k1", &jsonSignTreeSecp256k1, "Sign secp256k1 condition nodes"},
{"listMethods", &jsonListMethods, "List available methods"}
static int nJsonMethods = sizeof(cc_jsonMethods) / sizeof(*cc_jsonMethods);
static cJSON *jsonListMethods(cJSON *params, char *err) {
cJSON *list = cJSON_CreateArray();
for (int i=0; i<nJsonMethods; i++) {
JsonMethod method = cc_jsonMethods[i];
cJSON *item = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(item, "name", cJSON_CreateString(;
cJSON_AddItemToObject(item, "description", cJSON_CreateString(method.description));
cJSON_AddItemToArray(list, item);
cJSON *out = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(out, "methods", list);
return out;
static cJSON* execJsonRPC(cJSON *root, char *err) {
cJSON *method_item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "method");
if (!cJSON_IsString(method_item)) {
return jsonErr("malformed method");
cJSON *params = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "params");
if (!cJSON_IsObject(params)) {
return jsonErr("params is not an object");
for (int i=0; i<nJsonMethods; i++) {
JsonMethod method = cc_jsonMethods[i];
if (0 == strcmp(, method_item->valuestring)) {
return method.method(params, err);
return jsonErr("invalid method");
char *cc_jsonRPC(char* input) {
char err[1000] = "\0";
cJSON *out;
cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(input);
if (!root) out = jsonErr("Error parsing JSON request");
else {
out = execJsonRPC(root, err);
if (NULL == out) out = jsonErr(err);
char *res = cJSON_Print(out);
return res;