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* Copyright © 2014-2019 The SuperNET Developers. *
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* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
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* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
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#include "crosschain.h"
6 years ago
#include "importcoin.h"
#include "cc/utils.h"
#include "coins.h"
6 years ago
#include "hash.h"
#include "script/cc.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "core_io.h"
#include "script/sign.h"
#include "wallet/wallet.h"
6 years ago
#include "cc/CCinclude.h"
int32_t komodo_nextheight();
6 years ago
// makes import tx for either coins or tokens
CTransaction MakeImportCoinTransaction(const ImportProof proof, const CTransaction burnTx, const std::vector<CTxOut> payouts, uint32_t nExpiryHeightOverride)
6 years ago
//std::vector<uint8_t> payload = E_MARSHAL(ss << EVAL_IMPORTCOIN);
CScript scriptSig;
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
if (mtx.fOverwintered)
mtx.nExpiryHeight = 0;
6 years ago
mtx.vout = payouts;
if (mtx.vout.size() == 0)
return CTransaction(mtx);
// add special import tx vin:
scriptSig << E_MARSHAL(ss << EVAL_IMPORTCOIN); // simple payload for coins, 10e8), scriptSig));
if (nExpiryHeightOverride != 0)
mtx.nExpiryHeight = nExpiryHeightOverride; //this is for validation code, to make a tx used for validating the import tx
auto importData = E_MARSHAL(ss << EVAL_IMPORTCOIN; ss << proof; ss << burnTx); // added evalcode to differentiate importdata from token opret
// if it is tokens:
vscript_t vopret;
GetOpReturnData(mtx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vopret);
if (!vopret.empty()) {
std::vector<uint8_t> vorigpubkey;
uint8_t funcId;
std::vector <std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
std::string name, desc;
if (DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(mtx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vorigpubkey, name, desc, oprets) == 'c') { // parse token 'c' opret
mtx.vout.pop_back(); //remove old token opret
oprets.push_back(std::make_pair(OPRETID_IMPORTDATA, importData));
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(0, EncodeTokenCreateOpRet('c', vorigpubkey, name, desc, oprets))); // make new token 'c' opret with importData
else {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "MakeImportCoinTransaction() incorrect token import opret" << std::endl);
else { //no opret in coin payouts
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(0, CScript() << OP_RETURN << importData)); // import tx's opret now is in the vout's tail
6 years ago
return CTransaction(mtx);
CTransaction MakePegsImportCoinTransaction(const ImportProof proof, const CTransaction burnTx, const std::vector<CTxOut> payouts, uint32_t nExpiryHeightOverride)
CMutableTransaction mtx; uint256 accounttxid,pegstxid,tokenid; CScript opret; CScript scriptSig;
// for spending markers in import tx - to track account state[0].prevout.hash;,0,CScript()));,1,CScript()));
return (mtx);
6 years ago
CTxOut MakeBurnOutput(CAmount value, uint32_t targetCCid, const std::string targetSymbol, const std::vector<CTxOut> payouts, const std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof)
6 years ago
std::vector<uint8_t> opret;
opret = E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_IMPORTCOIN; // should mark burn opret to differentiate it from token opret
ss << VARINT(targetCCid);
ss << targetSymbol;
ss << SerializeHash(payouts);
ss << rawproof);
6 years ago
return CTxOut(value, CScript() << OP_RETURN << opret);
CTxOut MakeBurnOutput(CAmount value, uint32_t targetCCid, std::string targetSymbol, const std::vector<CTxOut> payouts,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,
uint256 bindtxid,std::vector<CPubKey> publishers,std::vector<uint256> txids,uint256 burntxid,int32_t height,int32_t burnvout,std::string rawburntx,CPubKey destpub, int64_t amount)
std::vector<uint8_t> opret;
opret = E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_IMPORTCOIN;
ss << VARINT(targetCCid);
ss << targetSymbol;
ss << SerializeHash(payouts);
ss << rawproof;
ss << bindtxid;
ss << publishers;
ss << txids;
ss << burntxid;
ss << height;
ss << burnvout;
ss << rawburntx;
ss << destpub;
ss << amount);
return CTxOut(value, CScript() << OP_RETURN << opret);
CTxOut MakeBurnOutput(CAmount value, uint32_t targetCCid, std::string targetSymbol, const std::vector<CTxOut> payouts,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,std::string srcaddr,
std::string receipt)
std::vector<uint8_t> opret;
opret = E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_IMPORTCOIN;
ss << VARINT(targetCCid);
ss << targetSymbol;
ss << SerializeHash(payouts);
ss << rawproof;
ss << srcaddr;
ss << receipt);
return CTxOut(value, CScript() << OP_RETURN << opret);
CTxOut MakeBurnOutput(CAmount value,uint32_t targetCCid,std::string targetSymbol,const std::vector<CTxOut> payouts,std::vector<uint8_t> rawproof,uint256 pegstxid,
uint256 tokenid,CPubKey srcpub,int64_t amount,std::pair<int64_t,int64_t> account)
std::vector<uint8_t> opret;
opret = E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_IMPORTCOIN;
ss << VARINT(targetCCid);
ss << targetSymbol;
ss << SerializeHash(payouts);
ss << rawproof;
ss << pegstxid;
ss << tokenid;
ss << srcpub;
ss << amount;
ss << account);
return CTxOut(value, CScript() << OP_RETURN << opret);
6 years ago
bool UnmarshalImportTx(const CTransaction importTx, ImportProof &proof, CTransaction &burnTx, std::vector<CTxOut> &payouts)
if (importTx.vout.size() < 1)
return false;
if ((!importTx.IsPegsImport() && != 1) ||[0].scriptSig != (CScript() << E_MARSHAL(ss << EVAL_IMPORTCOIN))) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalImportTx() incorrect import tx vin" << std::endl);
return false;
std::vector<uint8_t> vImportData;
GetOpReturnData(importTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vImportData);
if (vImportData.empty()) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalImportTx() no opret" << std::endl);
return false;
if (vImportData.begin()[0] == EVAL_TOKENS) { // if it is tokens
// get import data after token opret:
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
std::vector<uint8_t> vorigpubkey;
std::string name, desc;
if (DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(importTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vorigpubkey, name, desc, oprets) == 0) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalImportTx() could not decode token opret" << std::endl);
return false;
GetOpretBlob(oprets, OPRETID_IMPORTDATA, vImportData); // fetch import data after token opret
for (std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>>::const_iterator i = oprets.begin(); i != oprets.end(); i++)
if ((*i).first == OPRETID_IMPORTDATA) {
oprets.erase(i); // remove import data from token opret to restore original payouts:
payouts = std::vector<CTxOut>(importTx.vout.begin(), importTx.vout.end()-1); //exclude opret with import data
payouts.push_back(CTxOut(0, EncodeTokenCreateOpRet('c', vorigpubkey, name, desc, oprets))); // make original payouts token opret (without import data)
else {
//payouts = std::vector<CTxOut>(importTx.vout.begin()+1, importTx.vout.end()); // see next
payouts = std::vector<CTxOut>(importTx.vout.begin(), importTx.vout.end() - 1); // skip opret; and it is now in the back
uint8_t evalCode;
bool retcode = E_UNMARSHAL(vImportData, ss >> evalCode; ss >> proof; ss >> burnTx);
if (!retcode)
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalImportTx() could not unmarshal import data" << std::endl);
return retcode;
6 years ago
bool UnmarshalBurnTx(const CTransaction burnTx, std::string &targetSymbol, uint32_t *targetCCid, uint256 &payoutsHash,std::vector<uint8_t>&rawproof)
6 years ago
std::vector<uint8_t> vburnOpret; uint32_t ccid = 0;
uint8_t evalCode;
if (burnTx.vout.size() == 0)
return false;
GetOpReturnData(burnTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vburnOpret);
if (vburnOpret.empty()) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalBurnTx() cannot unmarshal burn tx: empty burn opret" << std::endl);
return false;
if (vburnOpret.begin()[0] == EVAL_TOKENS) { //if it is tokens
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
uint256 tokenid;
uint8_t evalCodeInOpret;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
if (DecodeTokenOpRet(burnTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, oprets) != 't')
return false;
//skip token opret:
GetOpretBlob(oprets, OPRETID_BURNDATA, vburnOpret); // fetch burnOpret after token opret
if (vburnOpret.empty()) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalBurnTx() cannot unmarshal token burn tx: empty burn opret for tokenid=" << tokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return false;
if (vburnOpret.begin()[0] == EVAL_IMPORTCOIN) {
uint8_t evalCode;
bool isEof = true;
return E_UNMARSHAL(vburnOpret, ss >> evalCode;
ss >> VARINT(*targetCCid);
ss >> targetSymbol;
ss >> payoutsHash;
ss >> rawproof; isEof = ss.eof();) || !isEof; // if isEof == false it means we have successfully read the vars upto 'rawproof'
// and it might be additional data further that we do not need here so we allow !isEof
else {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "UnmarshalBurnTx() invalid eval code in opret" << std::endl);
return false;
bool UnmarshalBurnTx(const CTransaction burnTx, std::string &srcaddr, std::string &receipt)
std::vector<uint8_t> burnOpret,rawproof; bool isEof=true;
std::string targetSymbol; uint32_t targetCCid; uint256 payoutsHash;
uint8_t evalCode;
if (burnTx.vout.size() == 0) return false;
GetOpReturnData(burnTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, burnOpret);
return (E_UNMARSHAL(burnOpret, ss >> evalCode;
ss >> VARINT(targetCCid);
ss >> targetSymbol;
ss >> payoutsHash;
ss >> rawproof;
ss >> srcaddr;
ss >> receipt));
bool UnmarshalBurnTx(const CTransaction burnTx,uint256 &bindtxid,std::vector<CPubKey> &publishers,std::vector<uint256> &txids,uint256& burntxid,int32_t &height,int32_t &burnvout,std::string &rawburntx,CPubKey &destpub, int64_t &amount)
std::vector<uint8_t> burnOpret,rawproof; bool isEof=true;
uint32_t targetCCid; uint256 payoutsHash; std::string targetSymbol;
uint8_t evalCode;
if (burnTx.vout.size() == 0) return false;
GetOpReturnData(burnTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, burnOpret);
return (E_UNMARSHAL(burnOpret, ss >> evalCode;
ss >> VARINT(targetCCid);
ss >> targetSymbol;
ss >> payoutsHash;
ss >> rawproof;
ss >> bindtxid;
ss >> publishers;
ss >> txids;
ss >> burntxid;
ss >> height;
ss >> burnvout;
ss >> rawburntx;
ss >> destpub;
ss >> amount));
bool UnmarshalBurnTx(const CTransaction burnTx,uint256 &pegstxid,uint256 &tokenid,CPubKey &srcpub, int64_t &amount,std::pair<int64_t,int64_t> &account)
std::vector<uint8_t> burnOpret,rawproof; bool isEof=true;
uint32_t targetCCid; uint256 payoutsHash; std::string targetSymbol;
uint8_t evalCode;
if (burnTx.vout.size() == 0) return false;
GetOpReturnData(burnTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, burnOpret);
return (E_UNMARSHAL(burnOpret, ss >> evalCode;
ss >> VARINT(targetCCid);
ss >> targetSymbol;
ss >> payoutsHash;
ss >> rawproof;
ss >> pegstxid;
ss >> tokenid;
ss >> srcpub;
ss >> amount;
ss >> account));
6 years ago
* Required by main
CAmount GetCoinImportValue(const CTransaction &tx)
ImportProof proof; CTransaction burnTx; std::vector<CTxOut> payouts;
bool isNewImportTx = false;
if ((isNewImportTx = UnmarshalImportTx(tx, proof, burnTx, payouts))) {
if (burnTx.vout.size() > 0) {
vscript_t vburnOpret;
GetOpReturnData(burnTx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, vburnOpret);
if (vburnOpret.empty()) {
LOGSTREAM("importcoin", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "GetCoinImportValue() empty burn opret" << std::endl);
return 0;
if (isNewImportTx && vburnOpret.begin()[0] == EVAL_TOKENS) { //if it is tokens
uint8_t evalCodeInOpret;
uint256 tokenid;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
std::vector<std::pair<uint8_t, vscript_t>> oprets;
if (DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, oprets) == 0)
return 0;
uint8_t nonfungibleEvalCode = EVAL_TOKENS; // init as if no non-fungibles
vscript_t vnonfungibleOpret;
GetOpretBlob(oprets, OPRETID_NONFUNGIBLEDATA, vnonfungibleOpret);
if (!vnonfungibleOpret.empty())
nonfungibleEvalCode = vnonfungibleOpret.begin()[0];
// calc outputs for burn tx
int64_t ccBurnOutputs = 0;
for (auto v : burnTx.vout)
if (v.scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() &&
CTxOut(v.nValue, v.scriptPubKey) == MakeTokensCC1vout(nonfungibleEvalCode, v.nValue, pubkey2pk(ParseHex(CC_BURNPUBKEY)))) // burned to dead pubkey
ccBurnOutputs += v.nValue;
return ccBurnOutputs + burnTx.vout.back().nValue; // total token burned value
return burnTx.vout.back().nValue; // coin burned value
return 0;
6 years ago
6 years ago
* CoinImport is different enough from normal script execution that it's not worth
* making all the mods neccesary in the interpreter to do the dispatch correctly.
bool VerifyCoinImport(const CScript& scriptSig, TransactionSignatureChecker& checker, CValidationState &state)
auto pc = scriptSig.begin();
opcodetype opcode;
std::vector<uint8_t> evalScript;
6 years ago
auto f = [&] () {
if (!scriptSig.GetOp(pc, opcode, evalScript))
return false;
if (pc != scriptSig.end())
return false;
if (evalScript.size() == 0)
return false;
if (evalScript.begin()[0] != EVAL_IMPORTCOIN)
return false;
// Ok, all looks good so far...
CC *cond = CCNewEval(evalScript);
bool out = checker.CheckEvalCondition(cond);
return out;
return f() ? true : state.Invalid(false, 0, "invalid-coin-import");
void AddImportTombstone(const CTransaction &importTx, CCoinsViewCache &inputs, int nHeight)
uint256 burnHash =[0].prevout.hash;
6 years ago
//fprintf(stderr,"add tombstone.(%s)\n",burnHash.GetHex().c_str());
CCoinsModifier modifier = inputs.ModifyCoins(burnHash);
modifier->nHeight = nHeight;
6 years ago
modifier->nVersion = 4;//1;
modifier->vout.push_back(CTxOut(0, CScript() << OP_0));
void RemoveImportTombstone(const CTransaction &importTx, CCoinsViewCache &inputs)
uint256 burnHash =[0].prevout.hash;
6 years ago
//fprintf(stderr,"remove tombstone.(%s)\n",burnHash.GetHex().c_str());
int ExistsImportTombstone(const CTransaction &importTx, const CCoinsViewCache &inputs)
uint256 burnHash =[0].prevout.hash;
6 years ago
//fprintf(stderr,"check tombstone.(%s) in %s\n",burnHash.GetHex().c_str(),importTx.GetHash().GetHex().c_str());
return inputs.HaveCoins(burnHash);