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non-fungible tokens support (three-eval token vouts) added in CCtokens (additional opret data)

non-fungible tokens support added in assets
logging changed in CCtokens.cpp for bitcon LogPrintStr with -debug=<category> support
dimxy 5 years ago
  1. 7
  2. 244
  3. 195
  4. 3
  5. 44
  6. 565
  7. 5
  8. 57
  9. 74
  10. 97
  11. 2
  12. 4
  13. 88


@ -29,11 +29,8 @@
bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t nIn);
// CCassetsCore
//CTxOut MakeAssetsVout(CAmount nValue,CPubKey pk);
//CScript EncodeAssetCreateOpRet(uint8_t funcid,std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey,std::string name,std::string description);
//CScript EncodeAssetOpRet(uint8_t assetFuncId, uint256 tokenid, uint256 assetid2, int64_t price, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey);
//bool DecodeAssetCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey,std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey,std::string &name,std::string &description);
//uint8_t DecodeAssetOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256 &assetid, uint256 &assetid2, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey);
CScript EncodeAssetOpRet(uint8_t assetFuncId, uint256 assetid2, int64_t price, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey);
uint8_t DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, uint8_t &assetsEvalCode, uint256 &tokenid, uint256 &assetid2, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible);
bool SetAssetOrigpubkey(std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey,int64_t &price,const CTransaction &tx);
int64_t IsAssetvout(struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, const CTransaction& tx, int32_t v, uint256 refassetid);
bool ValidateBidRemainder(int64_t remaining_price,int64_t remaining_nValue,int64_t orig_nValue,int64_t received_nValue,int64_t paidprice,int64_t totalprice);


@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ bool ValidateBidRemainder(int64_t remaining_units,int64_t remaining_nValue,int64
int64_t unitprice,recvunitprice,newunitprice=0;
if ( orig_nValue == 0 || received_nValue == 0 || paidunits == 0 || totalunits == 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: orig_nValue == %llu || received_nValue == %llu || paidunits == %llu || totalunits == %llu\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)received_nValue,(long long)paidunits,(long long)totalunits);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig_nValue == %llu || received_nValue == %llu || paidunits == %llu || totalunits == %llu\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)received_nValue,(long long)paidunits,(long long)totalunits);
else if ( totalunits != (remaining_units + paidunits) )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: totalunits %llu != %llu (remaining_units %llu + %llu paidunits)\n",(long long)totalunits,(long long)(remaining_units + paidunits),(long long)remaining_units,(long long)paidunits);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() totalunits %llu != %llu (remaining_units %llu + %llu paidunits)\n",(long long)totalunits,(long long)(remaining_units + paidunits),(long long)remaining_units,(long long)paidunits);
else if ( orig_nValue != (remaining_nValue + received_nValue) )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: orig_nValue %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu received_nValue)\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)(remaining_nValue - received_nValue),(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)received_nValue);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig_nValue %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu received_nValue)\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)(remaining_nValue - received_nValue),(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)received_nValue);
@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ bool ValidateBidRemainder(int64_t remaining_units,int64_t remaining_nValue,int64
newunitprice = (remaining_nValue / remaining_units);
if ( recvunitprice < unitprice )
fprintf(stderr,"error recvunitprice %.8f < %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/(COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN));
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() error recvunitprice %.8f < %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/(COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN));
fprintf(stderr,"orig %llu total %llu, recv %llu paid %llu,recvunitprice %.8f >= %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)totalunits,(long long)received_nValue,(long long)paidunits,(double)recvunitprice/(COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN));
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig %llu total %llu, recv %llu paid %llu,recvunitprice %.8f >= %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)totalunits,(long long)received_nValue,(long long)paidunits,(double)recvunitprice/(COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN));
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ bool SetBidFillamounts(int64_t &received_nValue,int64_t &remaining_units,int64_t
paidunits = totalunits;
received_nValue = orig_nValue;
remaining_units = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"totally filled!\n");
fprintf(stderr,"SetBidFillamounts() bid order totally filled!\n");
remaining_units = (totalunits - paidunits);
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ bool SetBidFillamounts(int64_t &received_nValue,int64_t &remaining_units,int64_t
if ( unitprice > 0 && received_nValue > 0 && received_nValue <= orig_nValue )
remaining_nValue = (orig_nValue - received_nValue);
printf("total.%llu - paid.%llu, remaining %llu <- %llu (%llu - %llu)\n",(long long)totalunits,(long long)paidunits,(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)(orig_nValue - received_nValue),(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)received_nValue);
printf("SetBidFillamounts() total.%llu - paid.%llu, remaining %llu <- %llu (%llu - %llu)\n",(long long)totalunits,(long long)paidunits,(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)(orig_nValue - received_nValue),(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)received_nValue);
} else return(false);
@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ bool SetAskFillamounts(int64_t &received_assetoshis,int64_t &remaining_nValue,in
paid_nValue = total_nValue;
received_assetoshis = orig_assetoshis;
remaining_nValue = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"totally filled!\n");
fprintf(stderr,"SetAskFillamounts() ask order totally filled!\n");
remaining_nValue = (total_nValue - paid_nValue);
dunitprice = ((double)total_nValue / orig_assetoshis);
received_assetoshis = (paid_nValue / dunitprice);
fprintf(stderr,"remaining_nValue %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",(double)remaining_nValue/COIN,(double)total_nValue/COIN,(double)paid_nValue/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"unitprice %.8f received_assetoshis %llu orig %llu\n",dunitprice/COIN,(long long)received_assetoshis,(long long)orig_assetoshis);
fprintf(stderr,"SetAskFillamounts() remaining_nValue %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",(double)remaining_nValue/COIN,(double)total_nValue/COIN,(double)paid_nValue/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"SetAskFillamounts() unitprice %.8f received_assetoshis %llu orig %llu\n",dunitprice/COIN,(long long)received_assetoshis,(long long)orig_assetoshis);
if ( fabs(dunitprice) > SMALLVAL && received_assetoshis > 0 && received_assetoshis <= orig_assetoshis )
remaining_assetoshis = (orig_assetoshis - received_assetoshis);
@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ bool ValidateAskRemainder(int64_t remaining_nValue,int64_t remaining_assetoshis,
int64_t unitprice,recvunitprice,newunitprice=0;
if ( orig_assetoshis == 0 || received_assetoshis == 0 || paid_nValue == 0 || total_nValue == 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: orig_assetoshis == %llu || received_assetoshis == %llu || paid_nValue == %llu || total_nValue == %llu\n",(long long)orig_assetoshis,(long long)received_assetoshis,(long long)paid_nValue,(long long)total_nValue);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig_assetoshis == %llu || received_assetoshis == %llu || paid_nValue == %llu || total_nValue == %llu\n",(long long)orig_assetoshis,(long long)received_assetoshis,(long long)paid_nValue,(long long)total_nValue);
else if ( total_nValue != (remaining_nValue + paid_nValue) )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: total_nValue %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu paid_nValue)\n",(long long)total_nValue,(long long)(remaining_nValue + paid_nValue),(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)paid_nValue);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() total_nValue %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu paid_nValue)\n",(long long)total_nValue,(long long)(remaining_nValue + paid_nValue),(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)paid_nValue);
else if ( orig_assetoshis != (remaining_assetoshis + received_assetoshis) )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: orig_assetoshis %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu received_nValue)\n",(long long)orig_assetoshis,(long long)(remaining_assetoshis - received_assetoshis),(long long)remaining_assetoshis,(long long)received_assetoshis);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig_assetoshis %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu received_nValue)\n",(long long)orig_assetoshis,(long long)(remaining_assetoshis - received_assetoshis),(long long)remaining_assetoshis,(long long)received_assetoshis);
@ -159,10 +159,10 @@ bool ValidateAskRemainder(int64_t remaining_nValue,int64_t remaining_assetoshis,
newunitprice = (remaining_nValue / remaining_assetoshis);
if ( recvunitprice < unitprice )
fprintf(stderr,"error recvunitprice %.8f < %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/COIN,(double)unitprice/COIN,(double)newunitprice/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAskRemainder() error recvunitprice %.8f < %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/COIN,(double)unitprice/COIN,(double)newunitprice/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"got recvunitprice %.8f >= %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/COIN,(double)unitprice/COIN,(double)newunitprice/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAskRemainder() got recvunitprice %.8f >= %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/COIN,(double)unitprice/COIN,(double)newunitprice/COIN);
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ bool SetSwapFillamounts(int64_t &received_assetoshis,int64_t &remaining_assetosh
int64_t remaining_assetoshis; double dunitprice;
if ( total_assetoshis2 == 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"total_assetoshis2.0 origsatoshis.%llu paid_assetoshis2.%llu\n",(long long)orig_assetoshis,(long long)paid_assetoshis2);
fprintf(stderr,"SetSwapFillamounts() total_assetoshis2.0 origsatoshis.%llu paid_assetoshis2.%llu\n",(long long)orig_assetoshis,(long long)paid_assetoshis2);
received_assetoshis = remaining_assetoshis2 = paid_assetoshis2 = 0;
@ -181,14 +181,14 @@ bool SetSwapFillamounts(int64_t &received_assetoshis,int64_t &remaining_assetosh
paid_assetoshis2 = total_assetoshis2;
received_assetoshis = orig_assetoshis;
remaining_assetoshis2 = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"totally filled!\n");
fprintf(stderr,"SetSwapFillamounts() swap order totally filled!\n");
remaining_assetoshis2 = (total_assetoshis2 - paid_assetoshis2);
dunitprice = ((double)total_assetoshis2 / orig_assetoshis);
received_assetoshis = (paid_assetoshis2 / dunitprice);
fprintf(stderr,"remaining_assetoshis2 %llu (%llu - %llu)\n",(long long)remaining_assetoshis2/COIN,(long long)total_assetoshis2/COIN,(long long)paid_assetoshis2/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"unitprice %.8f received_assetoshis %llu orig %llu\n",dunitprice/COIN,(long long)received_assetoshis,(long long)orig_assetoshis);
fprintf(stderr,"SetSwapFillamounts() remaining_assetoshis2 %llu (%llu - %llu)\n",(long long)remaining_assetoshis2/COIN,(long long)total_assetoshis2/COIN,(long long)paid_assetoshis2/COIN);
fprintf(stderr,"SetSwapFillamounts() unitprice %.8f received_assetoshis %llu orig %llu\n",dunitprice/COIN,(long long)received_assetoshis,(long long)orig_assetoshis);
if ( fabs(dunitprice) > SMALLVAL && received_assetoshis > 0 && received_assetoshis <= orig_assetoshis )
remaining_assetoshis = (orig_assetoshis - received_assetoshis);
@ -201,17 +201,17 @@ bool ValidateSwapRemainder(int64_t remaining_price,int64_t remaining_nValue,int6
int64_t unitprice,recvunitprice,newunitprice=0;
if ( orig_nValue == 0 || received_nValue == 0 || paidunits == 0 || totalunits == 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: orig_nValue == %llu || received_nValue == %llu || paidunits == %llu || totalunits == %llu\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)received_nValue,(long long)paidunits,(long long)totalunits);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig_nValue == %llu || received_nValue == %llu || paidunits == %llu || totalunits == %llu\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)received_nValue,(long long)paidunits,(long long)totalunits);
else if ( totalunits != (remaining_price + paidunits) )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: totalunits %llu != %llu (remaining_price %llu + %llu paidunits)\n",(long long)totalunits,(long long)(remaining_price + paidunits),(long long)remaining_price,(long long)paidunits);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() totalunits %llu != %llu (remaining_price %llu + %llu paidunits)\n",(long long)totalunits,(long long)(remaining_price + paidunits),(long long)remaining_price,(long long)paidunits);
else if ( orig_nValue != (remaining_nValue + received_nValue) )
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder: orig_nValue %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu received_nValue)\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)(remaining_nValue - received_nValue),(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)received_nValue);
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() orig_nValue %llu != %llu (remaining_nValue %llu + %llu received_nValue)\n",(long long)orig_nValue,(long long)(remaining_nValue - received_nValue),(long long)remaining_nValue,(long long)received_nValue);
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ bool ValidateSwapRemainder(int64_t remaining_price,int64_t remaining_nValue,int6
newunitprice = (remaining_nValue * COIN) / remaining_price;
if ( recvunitprice < unitprice )
fprintf(stderr,"error recvunitprice %.8f < %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN*COIN));
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() error recvunitprice %.8f < %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN*COIN));
fprintf(stderr,"recvunitprice %.8f >= %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN*COIN));
fprintf(stderr,"ValidateAssetRemainder() recvunitprice %.8f >= %.8f unitprice, new unitprice %.8f\n",(double)recvunitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)unitprice/(COIN*COIN),(double)newunitprice/(COIN*COIN));
@ -279,19 +279,35 @@ bool DecodeAssetCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &o
} */
uint8_t DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCodeInOpret, uint256 &tokenid, uint256 &assetid2, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey)
uint8_t DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, uint8_t &assetsEvalCode, uint256 &tokenid, uint256 &assetid2, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretExtra, vopretStripped;
uint8_t *script, funcId = 0, assetFuncId = 0, dummyEvalCode, dummyAssetFuncId;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret1, vopret2;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretAssets; //, vopretAssetsStripped;
uint8_t *script, funcId = 0, assetsFuncId = 0, dummyEvalCode, dummyAssetFuncId;
uint256 dummyTokenid;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeysDummy;
tokenid = zeroid;
assetid2 = zeroid;
price = 0;
assetsEvalCode = 0;
assetsFuncId = 0;
// First - decode token opret:
funcId = DecodeTokenOpRet(scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, tokenid, voutPubkeysDummy, vopretExtra);
funcId = DecodeTokenOpRet(scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenid, voutPubkeysDummy, vopret1, vopret2);
std::cerr << "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() from DecodeTokenOpRet returned funcId=" << (int)funcId << std::endl;
if (!vopret2.empty()) {
// if there are both oprets then order is like this:
vopretNonfungible = vopret1;
vopretAssets = vopret2;
else {
// if only one opret - it is assets opret:
vopretAssets = vopret1;
/*GetOpReturnData(scriptPubKey, vopret);
script = (uint8_t *);
@ -302,54 +318,59 @@ uint8_t DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCodeInOp
//bool isEof = true; // NOTE: if parse error occures, parse might not be able to set error. It is safer to treat that it was eof if it is not set!
//bool result = E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> evalCodeInOpret; ss >> funcId; ss >> tokenid; ss >> assetFuncId; isEof = ss.eof());
if (funcId == 0 || vopretExtra.size() < 2) {
std::cerr << "DecodeAssetOpRet() incorrect opret or no asset's payload" << " funcId=" << (int)funcId << " vopretExtra.size()=" << vopretExtra.size() << std::endl;
if (funcId == 0 || vopretAssets.size() < 2) {
std::cerr << "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() incorrect opret or no asset's payload" << " funcId=" << (int)funcId << " vopretAssets.size()=" << vopretAssets.size() << std::endl;
return (uint8_t)0;
if (!E_UNMARSHAL(vopretExtra, { ss >> vopretStripped; })) { //strip string size
std::cerr << "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() could not unmarshal vopretStripped" << std::endl;
return (uint8_t)0;
//if (!E_UNMARSHAL(vopretAssets, { ss >> vopretAssetsStripped; })) { //strip string size
// std::cerr << "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() could not unmarshal vopretAssetsStripped" << std::endl;
// return (uint8_t)0;
////tokenid = revuint256(tokenid); already done in DecodeToken!
evalCodeInOpret = vopretStripped.begin()[0];
assetFuncId = vopretStripped.begin()[1];
// additional check to prevent crash
if (vopretAssets.size() >= 2) {
//std::cerr << "DecodeAssetOpRet() evalCodeInOpret=" << (int)evalCodeInOpret << " funcId=" << (char)(funcId ? funcId : ' ') << " assetFuncId=" << (char)(assetFuncId ? assetFuncId : ' ') << std::endl;
assetsEvalCode = vopretAssets.begin()[0];
assetsFuncId = vopretAssets.begin()[1];
if(evalCodeInOpret == EVAL_ASSETS)
//fprintf(stderr,"decode.[%c] assetFuncId.[%c]\n", funcId, assetFuncId);
switch( assetFuncId )
//std::cerr << "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() evalCodeInOpret=" << (int)evalCodeInOpret << " funcId=" << (char)(funcId ? funcId : ' ') << " assetFuncId=" << (char)(assetFuncId ? assetFuncId : ' ') << std::endl;
if (assetsEvalCode == EVAL_ASSETS)
case 'x': case 'o':
if (vopretStripped.size() == 2) // no data after 'evalcode assetFuncId' allowed
//fprintf(stderr,"DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() decode.[%c] assetFuncId.[%c]\n", funcId, assetFuncId);
switch (assetsFuncId)
case 'x': case 'o':
if (vopretAssets.size() == 2) // no data after 'evalcode assetFuncId' allowed
case 's': case 'b': case 'S': case 'B':
if (E_UNMARSHAL(vopretStripped, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyAssetFuncId; ss >> price; ss >> origpubkey) != 0)
if (E_UNMARSHAL(vopretAssets, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyAssetFuncId; ss >> price; ss >> origpubkey) != 0)
//fprintf(stderr,"DecodeAssetTokenOpRet got price %llu\n",(long long)price);
//fprintf(stderr,"DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() got price %llu\n",(long long)price);
case 'E': case 'e':
if ( E_UNMARSHAL(vopretStripped, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyAssetFuncId; ss >> assetid2; ss >> price; ss >> origpubkey) != 0 )
if (E_UNMARSHAL(vopretAssets, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyAssetFuncId; ss >> assetid2; ss >> price; ss >> origpubkey) != 0)
//fprintf(stderr,"DecodeAssetTokenOpRet got price %llu\n",(long long)price);
//fprintf(stderr,"DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() got price %llu\n",(long long)price);
assetid2 = revuint256(assetid2);
fprintf(stderr,"DecodeAssetTokenOpRet: illegal assetFuncId.%02x\n", assetFuncId);
fprintf(stderr, "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() illegal assetFuncId.%02x\n", assetsFuncId);
//funcId = 0;
std::cerr << "DecodeAssetTokenOpRet() no asset's payload or incorrect assets evalcode" << " funcId=" << (int)funcId << " vopretAssets.size()=" << vopretAssets.size() << " assetsEvalCode=" << assetsEvalCode << " assetsFuncId=" << assetsFuncId << std::endl;
return (uint8_t)0;
@ -358,49 +379,55 @@ bool SetAssetOrigpubkey(std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey,int64_t &price,const CT
uint256 assetid,assetid2;
uint8_t evalCode;
if ( tx.vout.size() > 0 && DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[tx.vout.size()-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey) != 0 )
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
if ( tx.vout.size() > 0 && DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[tx.vout.size()-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey, vopretNonfungibleDummy) != 0 )
// Calculate sell/buy owner's source token/asset address from ask/bid tx
bool GetAssetorigaddrs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *userCCaddr, char *destaddr, const CTransaction& tx)
// Calculate seller/buyer's dest cc address from ask/bid tx funcid
bool GetAssetorigaddrs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *origCCaddr, char *origNormalAddr, const CTransaction& vintx)
uint256 assetid,assetid2; int64_t price,nValue=0; int32_t n; uint8_t funcid;
uint256 assetid, assetid2;
int64_t price,nValue=0;
int32_t n;
uint8_t vintxFuncId;
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
CScript script;
uint8_t evalCode;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
n = tx.vout.size();
if( n == 0 || (funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey)) == 0 )
n = vintx.vout.size();
if( n == 0 || (vintxFuncId = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[n-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey, vopretNonfungibleDummy)) == 0 )
bool bGetCCaddr = false;
if (funcid == 's' || funcid == 'S') {
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
bGetCCaddr = GetCCaddress(cpTokens, userCCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey));
//bGetCCaddr = GetTokensCCaddress(cp, CCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey));
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
if (vintxFuncId == 's' || vintxFuncId == 'S') {
// bGetCCaddr = GetCCaddress(cpTokens, origCCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey));
cpTokens->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2; // add non-fungible if present
bGetCCaddr = GetTokensCCaddress(cpTokens, origCCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey)); // tokens to single-eval token or token+nonfungible
else if (funcid == 'b' || funcid == 'B') {
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
bGetCCaddr = GetCCaddress(cpTokens, userCCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey));
else if (vintxFuncId == 'b' || vintxFuncId == 'B') {
cpTokens->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2; // add non-fungible if present
bGetCCaddr = GetTokensCCaddress(cpTokens, origCCaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey)); // tokens to single-eval token or token+nonfungible
else {
std::cerr << "GetAssetorigaddrs incorrect funcid=" << (char)(funcid?funcid:' ') << std::endl;
std::cerr << "GetAssetorigaddrs incorrect vintx funcid=" << (char)(vintxFuncId?vintxFuncId:' ') << std::endl;
return false;
if( bGetCCaddr && Getscriptaddress(destaddr, CScript() << origpubkey << OP_CHECKSIG))
if( bGetCCaddr && Getscriptaddress(origNormalAddr, CScript() << origpubkey << OP_CHECKSIG))
int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *CCaddr,char *origaddr,const CTransaction &tx,int32_t vini,CTransaction &vinTx)
int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *origCCaddr,char *origaddr,const CTransaction &tx,int32_t vini,CTransaction &vinTx)
uint256 hashBlock;
uint256 assetid, assetid2;
@ -410,7 +437,7 @@ int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *CCaddr,ch
char destaddr[64], unspendableAddr[64];
origaddr[0] = destaddr[0] = CCaddr[0] = 0;
origaddr[0] = destaddr[0] = origCCaddr[0] = 0;
uint8_t funcid = 0;
if (tx.vout.size() > 0) {
@ -418,7 +445,9 @@ int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *CCaddr,ch
int64_t tmpprice;
std::vector<uint8_t> tmporigpubkey;
uint8_t evalCode;
funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[tx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey);
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[tx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, vopretNonfungibleDummy);
if( < 2 )
@ -427,45 +456,48 @@ int64_t AssetValidateCCvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,char *CCaddr,ch
return eval->Invalid("vin1 needs to be buyvin.vout[0]");
else if( eval->GetTxUnconfirmed([vini].prevout.hash, vinTx,hashBlock) == 0 )
/* int32_t z;
for (z=31; z>=0; z--)
fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&[vini].prevout.hash)[z]);
fprintf(stderr," vini.%d\n",vini); */
std::cerr << "AssetValidateCCvin cannot load vintx for vin=" << vini << " vintx id=" <<[vini].prevout.hash.GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "AssetValidateCCvin() cannot load vintx for vin=" << vini << " vintx id=" <<[vini].prevout.hash.GetHex() << std::endl;
return eval->Invalid("always should find CCvin, but didnt");
// if fillSell or cancelSell --> to spend tokens from dual-eval token-assets unspendable addr
// check source cc unspendable cc address:
// if fillSell or cancelSell --> should spend tokens from dual-eval token-assets unspendable addr
else if( (funcid == 'S' || funcid == 'x') &&
(Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].scriptPubKey) == 0 ||
!GetTokensCCaddress(cp, unspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL)) ||
strcmp(destaddr, unspendableAddr) != 0))
fprintf(stderr,"AssetValidateCCvin cc addr %s is not dual token-evalcode=0x%02x asset unspendable addr %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, unspendableAddr);
return eval->Invalid("invalid vin AssetsCCaddr");
fprintf(stderr,"AssetValidateCCvin() cc addr %s is not dual token-evalcode=0x%02x asset unspendable addr %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, unspendableAddr);
return eval->Invalid("invalid vin assets CCaddr");
// if fillBuy or cancelBuy --> to spend coins from asset unspendable addr
// if fillBuy or cancelBuy --> should spend coins from asset unspendable addr
else if ((funcid == 'B' || funcid == 'o') &&
(Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].scriptPubKey) == 0 ||
!GetCCaddress(cp, unspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cp, NULL)) ||
strcmp(destaddr, unspendableAddr) != 0))
fprintf(stderr, "AssetValidateCCvin cc addr %s is not evalcode=0x%02x asset unspendable addr %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, unspendableAddr);
return eval->Invalid("invalid vin AssetsCCaddr");
fprintf(stderr, "AssetValidateCCvin() cc addr %s is not evalcode=0x%02x asset unspendable addr %s\n", destaddr, (int)cp->evalcode, unspendableAddr);
return eval->Invalid("invalid vin assets CCaddr");
// end of check source unspendable cc address
//else if ( vinTx.vout[0].nValue < 10000 )
// return eval->Invalid("invalid dust for buyvin");
else if( GetAssetorigaddrs(cp, CCaddr, origaddr, vinTx) == 0 )
// get user dest cc and normal addresses:
else if( GetAssetorigaddrs(cp, origCCaddr, origaddr, vinTx) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("couldnt get origaddr for buyvin");
fprintf(stderr,"AssetValidateCCvin got %.8f to origaddr.(%s)\n",(double)vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].nValue/COIN,origaddr);
fprintf(stderr,"AssetValidateCCvin() got %.8f to origaddr.(%s)\n", (double)vinTx.vout[[vini].prevout.n].nValue/COIN,origaddr);
if ( vinTx.vout[0].nValue == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("null value CCvin");
int64_t AssetValidateBuyvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,int64_t &tmpprice,std::vector<uint8_t> &tmporigpubkey,char *CCaddr,char *origaddr,const CTransaction &tx,uint256 refassetid)
CTransaction vinTx; int64_t nValue; uint256 assetid,assetid2; uint8_t funcid, evalCode;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
CCaddr[0] = origaddr[0] = 0;
// validate locked coins on Assets vin[1]
@ -473,7 +505,7 @@ int64_t AssetValidateBuyvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,int64_t &tmppr
else if ( vinTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("invalid normal vout0 for buyvin");
else if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vinTx.vout[vinTx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey)) == 'b' &&
else if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vinTx.vout[vinTx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, vopretNonfungibleDummy)) == 'b' &&
vinTx.vout[1].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() == 0 ) // marker is only in 'b'?
return eval->Invalid("invalid normal vout1 for buyvin");
@ -493,7 +525,7 @@ int64_t AssetValidateBuyvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,int64_t &tmppr
int64_t AssetValidateSellvin(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,int64_t &tmpprice,std::vector<uint8_t> &tmporigpubkey,char *CCaddr,char *origaddr,const CTransaction &tx,uint256 assetid)
CTransaction vinTx; int64_t nValue,assetoshis;
if ( (nValue = AssetValidateCCvin(cp, eval, CCaddr, origaddr, tx, 1, vinTx)) == 0 )
if ( (assetoshis= IsAssetvout(cp, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, vinTx, 0, assetid)) == 0 )
@ -508,13 +540,14 @@ bool ValidateAssetOpret(CTransaction tx, int32_t v, uint256 assetid, int64_t &pr
uint256 assetidOpret, assetidOpret2;
uint8_t funcid, evalCode;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
// this is just for log messages indentation fur debugging recursive calls:
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetidOpret, assetidOpret2, price, origpubkey)) == 0)
if ((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetidOpret, assetidOpret2, price, origpubkey, vopretNonfungibleDummy)) == 0)
std::cerr << "ValidateAssetOpret() DecodeAssetTokenOpRet returned null for the opret for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ValidateAssetOpret() DecodeAssetTokenOpRet returned funcId=0 for opret from txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
/* it is now on token level:
@ -556,22 +589,20 @@ bool ValidateAssetOpret(CTransaction tx, int32_t v, uint256 assetid, int64_t &pr
// Checks if the vout is a really Asset CC vout
// compareTotals == true, the func also validates the passed transaction itself:
// it should be either sum(cc vins) == sum(cc vouts) or the transaction is the 'tokenbase' ('c') tx
int64_t IsAssetvout(struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, const CTransaction& tx, int32_t v, uint256 refassetid)
//std::cerr << "IsAssetvout() entered for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " v=" << v << " for assetid=" << refassetid.GetHex() << std::endl;
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
// just check boundaries:
if (v >= n - 1) { // just moved this up (dimxy)
std::cerr << "isAssetVout() internal err: (v >= n - 1), returning 0" << std::endl;
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0) // maybe check address too? dimxy: possibly no, because there are too many cases with different addresses here
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
// just check boundaries:
if (v >= n - 1) { // just moved this up (dimxy)
std::cerr << "isAssetVout() internal err: (v >= n - 1), returning 0" << std::endl;
// moved opret checking to this new reusable func (dimxy):
const bool valOpret = ValidateAssetOpret(tx, v, refassetid, price, origpubkey);
//std::cerr << "IsAssetvout() ValidateAssetOpret returned=" << std::boolalpha << valOpret << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for assetid=" << refassetid.GetHex() << std::endl;
@ -627,12 +658,9 @@ bool AssetCalcAmounts(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, int64_t &inputs, int64_t
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numvouts; i++)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numvouts-1; i++)
// Note: we pass in here 'false' because we don't need to call AssetExactAmounts() recursively from IsAssetvout
// indeed, in this case we'll be checking this tx again
assetoshis = IsAssetvout(cpAssets, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, tx, i, assetid);
if (assetoshis != 0)
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() vout i=" << i << " assetoshis=" << assetoshis << std::endl;
@ -643,12 +671,6 @@ bool AssetCalcAmounts(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, int64_t &inputs, int64_t
//std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() inputs=" << inputs << " outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
/* we do not verify inputs == outputs here,
it's done in Tokens:
if (inputs != outputs) {
if (tx.GetHash() != assetid) {
std::cerr << "AssetCalcAmounts() unequal inputs=" << inputs << " vs outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
return (!eval) ? false : eval->Invalid("assets cc inputs != cc outputs");
} */
it's now done in Tokens */


@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
#include "CCassets.h"
//#include "CCtokens.h"
#include "CCtokens.h"
/* use AddTokenCCInputs instead
int64_t AddAssetInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTransaction &mtx,CPubKey pk,uint256 assetid,int64_t total,int32_t maxinputs)
char coinaddr[64],destaddr[64]; int64_t threshold,nValue,price,totalinputs = 0; uint256 txid,hashBlock; std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey; CTransaction vintx; int32_t j,vout,n = 0;
@ -64,25 +64,19 @@ int64_t AddAssetInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTransaction &mtx,CPubK
//std::cerr << "AddAssetInputs() found totalinputs=" << totalinputs << std::endl;
UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid)
static uint256 zero;
UniValue result(UniValue::VARR);
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > unspentOutputsTokens, unspentOutputsAssets;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, assetsC;
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
auto addOrders = [&](struct CCcontract_info *cp, std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it)
uint256 txid, hashBlock, assetid, assetid2;
int64_t price;
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
CTransaction vintx;
uint8_t funcid, evalCode;
char numstr[32], funcidstr[16], origaddr[64], assetidstr[65];
@ -93,7 +87,7 @@ UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid)
// for logging: funcid = DecodeAssetOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey);
//std::cerr << "addOrders() vintx.vout.size()=" << vintx.vout.size() << " funcid=" << (char)(funcid ? funcid : ' ') << " assetid=" << assetid.GetHex() << std::endl;
if (vintx.vout.size() > 0 && (funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size()-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey)) != 0)
if (vintx.vout.size() > 0 && (funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size()-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey, vopretNonfungible)) != 0)
if (refassetid != zero && assetid != refassetid)
@ -163,25 +157,35 @@ UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid)
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > unspentOutputsTokens, unspentOutputsCoins;
struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, assetsC;
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
char assetsUnspendableAddr[64];
GetCCaddress(cpAssets, assetsUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));
SetCCunspents(unspentOutputsAssets, assetsUnspendableAddr /*(char *)cpTokens->unspendableCCaddr*/);
char tokensUnspendableAddr[64];
GetTokensCCaddress(cpAssets, tokensUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));
SetCCunspents(unspentOutputsAssets, tokensUnspendableAddr /*(char *)cpAssets->unspendableCCaddr*/);
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator itTokens = unspentOutputsTokens.begin();
SetCCunspents(unspentOutputsCoins, assetsUnspendableAddr);
char assetsTokensUnspendableAddr[64];
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
GetNonfungibleData(refassetid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
GetTokensCCaddress(cpAssets, assetsTokensUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));
SetCCunspents(unspentOutputsTokens, assetsTokensUnspendableAddr);
// tokenasks:
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator itCoins = unspentOutputsCoins.begin();
itCoins != unspentOutputsCoins.end();
addOrders(cpAssets, itCoins);
// tokenbids:
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator itTokens = unspentOutputsTokens.begin();
itTokens != unspentOutputsTokens.end();
addOrders(cpTokens, itTokens);
addOrders(cpAssets, itTokens);
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator itAssets = unspentOutputsAssets.begin();
itAssets != unspentOutputsAssets.end();
addOrders(cpAssets, itAssets);
@ -328,14 +332,14 @@ std::string CreateBuyOffer(int64_t txfee, int64_t bidamount, uint256 assetid, in
return ("");
CPubKey unspendablePubkey = GetUnspendable(cpAssets, 0);
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, bidamount, unspendablePubkey));
CPubKey unspendableAssetsPubkey = GetUnspendable(cpAssets, 0);
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, bidamount, unspendableAssetsPubkey));
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, txfee, mypk));
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys; // should be empty - no token vouts
return(FinalizeCCTx(0, cpAssets, mtx, mypk, txfee,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
EncodeAssetOpRet('b', zeroid, pricetotal, Mypubkey()))));
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, // TODO: actually this tx is not 'tokens', maybe it is better not to have token opret here but only asset opret.
EncodeAssetOpRet('b', zeroid, pricetotal, Mypubkey())))); // But still such token opret should not make problems because no token eval in these vouts
CCerror = strprintf("no coins found to make buy offer");
@ -348,7 +352,6 @@ std::string CreateSell(int64_t txfee,int64_t askamount,uint256 assetid,int64_t p
CPubKey mypk;
uint64_t mask;
int64_t inputs, CCchange;
CScript opret;
struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, assetsC;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
@ -359,7 +362,8 @@ std::string CreateSell(int64_t txfee,int64_t askamount,uint256 assetid,int64_t p
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS); // NOTE: this is for signing
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS); // NOTE: for signing
if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
@ -367,10 +371,11 @@ std::string CreateSell(int64_t txfee,int64_t askamount,uint256 assetid,int64_t p
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, 2*txfee, 3) > 0)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
// add single-eval tokens:
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS); // NOTE: tokens is here
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cpTokens, mtx, mypk, assetid, askamount, 60)) > 0)
// add single-eval tokens (or non-fungible tokens):
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS); // NOTE: adding inputs only from EVAL_TOKENS cc
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cpTokens, mtx, mypk, assetid, askamount, 60, vopretNonfungible)) > 0)
if (inputs < askamount) {
//was: askamount = inputs;
@ -379,20 +384,26 @@ std::string CreateSell(int64_t txfee,int64_t askamount,uint256 assetid,int64_t p
return ("");
CPubKey unspendablePubkey = GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL);
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, askamount, unspendablePubkey));
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, txfee, mypk)); //marker
// if this is non-fungible tokens:
if( !vopretNonfungible.empty() )
// set its evalcode
cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
CPubKey unspendableAssetsPubkey = GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL);
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2, askamount, unspendableAssetsPubkey));
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, txfee, mypk)); //marker (seems, it is not for tokenorders)
if (inputs > askamount)
CCchange = (inputs - askamount);
if (CCchange != 0)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, CCchange, mypk)); // change to single-eval token vout
// change to single-eval or non-fungible token vout (although for non-fungible token change currently is not possible)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout((cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2) ? cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 : EVAL_TOKENS, CCchange, mypk));
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
opret = EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
EncodeAssetOpRet('s', zeroid, pricetotal, Mypubkey()));
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask,cpAssets, mtx, mypk, txfee, opret));
return FinalizeCCTx(mask, cpTokens, mtx, mypk, txfee,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretNonfungible,
EncodeAssetOpRet('s', zeroid, pricetotal, Mypubkey())));
else {
fprintf(stderr, "need some tokens to place ask\n");
@ -430,7 +441,7 @@ std::string CreateSwap(int64_t txfee,int64_t askamount,uint256 assetid,uint256 a
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, txfee, 3) > 0)
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
if ((inputs = AddAssetInputs(cp, mtx, mypk, assetid, askamount, 60)) > 0)
/*if ((inputs = AddAssetInputs(cp, mtx, mypk, assetid, askamount, 60)) > 0)
////////////////////////// NOT IMPLEMENTED YET/////////////////////////////////
if (inputs < askamount) {
@ -458,13 +469,13 @@ std::string CreateSwap(int64_t txfee,int64_t askamount,uint256 assetid,uint256 a
else {
opret = EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
EncodeAssetOpRet('e', assetid2, pricetotal, Mypubkey()));
////////////////////////// NOT IMPLEMENTED YET/////////////////////////////////
else {
fprintf(stderr, "need some assets to place ask\n");
} */
else { // dimxy added 'else', because it was misleading message before
fprintf(stderr,"need some native coins to place ask\n");
@ -494,12 +505,13 @@ std::string CancelBuyOffer(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 bidtxid)
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
if (GetTransaction(bidtxid, vintx, hashBlock, false) != 0)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
bidamount = vintx.vout[0].nValue;, 0, CScript())); // coins in Assets
if((funcid=DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, dummyAssetid, dummyAssetid2, dummyPrice, dummyOrigpubkey))!=0)
if((funcid=DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, dummyAssetid, dummyAssetid2, dummyPrice, dummyOrigpubkey, vopretNonfungible))!=0)
if (funcid == 's'), 1, CScript())); // spend marker if funcid='b'
else if (funcid=='S'), 3, CScript())); // spend marker if funcid='B'
@ -510,7 +522,7 @@ std::string CancelBuyOffer(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 bidtxid)
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys; // should be empty, no token vouts
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask, cpAssets, mtx, mypk, txfee,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretNonfungible,
EncodeAssetOpRet('o', zeroid, 0, Mypubkey()))));
@ -523,8 +535,12 @@ std::string CancelSell(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 asktxid)
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CTransaction vintx; uint64_t mask;
uint256 hashBlock; int64_t askamount;
CPubKey mypk; struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, *cpAssets, tokensC, assetsC;
uint8_t funcid,dummyEvalCode; uint256 dummyAssetid, dummyAssetid2; int64_t dummyPrice; std::vector<uint8_t> dummyOrigpubkey;
CPubKey mypk;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, *cpAssets, tokensC, assetsC;
uint8_t funcid, dummyEvalCode;
uint256 dummyAssetid, dummyAssetid2;
int64_t dummyPrice;
std::vector<uint8_t> dummyOrigpubkey;
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
@ -538,27 +554,27 @@ std::string CancelSell(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 asktxid)
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
if (GetTransaction(asktxid, vintx, hashBlock, false) != 0)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
askamount = vintx.vout[0].nValue;, 0, CScript()));
if ((funcid=DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, dummyAssetid, dummyAssetid2, dummyPrice, dummyOrigpubkey))!=0)
if ((funcid=DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, dummyAssetid, dummyAssetid2, dummyPrice, dummyOrigpubkey, vopretNonfungible))!=0)
if (funcid == 's'), 1, CScript())); // marker if funcid='s'
else if (funcid=='S'), 3, CScript())); // marker if funcid='S'
if (funcid == 's'), 1, CScript())); // marker if funcid='s'
else if (funcid=='S'), 3, CScript())); // marker if funcid='S'
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, askamount, mypk)); // one-eval token vout
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 == 0 ? EVAL_TOKENS : cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2, askamount, mypk)); // one-eval token vout
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(txfee,CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(mypk)) << OP_CHECKSIG));
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
/* char myCCaddr[65];
uint8_t myPrivkey[32];
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
GetCCaddress(cpAssets, myCCaddr, mypk); */
// this is only for unspendable addresses:
//CCaddr2set(cpTokens, EVAL_ASSETS, mypk, myPrivkey, myCCaddr); //do we need this? Seems FinalizeCCTx can attach to any evalcode cc addr by calling Getscriptaddress
@ -572,7 +588,7 @@ std::string CancelSell(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 asktxid)
CCaddr2set(cpAssets, EVAL_TOKENS, unspendableAssetsPk, unspendableAssetsPrivkey, unspendableAssetsAddr);
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask, cpAssets, mtx, mypk, txfee,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretNonfungible,
EncodeAssetOpRet('x', zeroid, 0, Mypubkey()))));
@ -614,8 +630,9 @@ std::string FillBuyOffer(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 bidtxid,int64_t f
SetAssetOrigpubkey(origpubkey, origprice, vintx);, bidvout, CScript())); // Coins on Assets unspendable
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cpTokens, mtx, mypk, assetid, fillamount, 60)) > 0)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cpTokens, mtx, mypk, assetid, fillamount, 60, vopretNonfungible)) > 0)
if (inputs < fillamount) {
std::cerr << "FillBuyOffer(): insufficient tokens to fill buy offer" << std::endl;
@ -624,6 +641,10 @@ std::string FillBuyOffer(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 bidtxid,int64_t f
SetBidFillamounts(paid_amount, remaining_required, bidamount, fillamount, origprice);
uint8_t additionalTokensEvalcode2 = 0;
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
if (inputs > fillamount)
CCchange = (inputs - fillamount);
@ -634,13 +655,13 @@ std::string FillBuyOffer(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 bidtxid,int64_t f
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, bidamount - paid_amount, unspendableAssetsPk)); // vout0 coins remainder
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(paid_amount,CScript() << ParseHex(HexStr(mypk)) << OP_CHECKSIG)); // vout1 coins to normal
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, fillamount, pubkey2pk(origpubkey))); // vout2 single-eval tokens sent to the buyer
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS,txfee,origpubkey)); // vout3 marker to origpubkey
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(additionalTokensEvalcode2 == 0 ? EVAL_TOKENS : additionalTokensEvalcode2, fillamount, pubkey2pk(origpubkey))); // vout2 single-eval tokens sent to the originator
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, txfee, origpubkey)); // vout3 marker to origpubkey
if (CCchange != 0)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, CCchange, mypk)); // vout4 change in single-eval tokens
fprintf(stderr,"FillBuyOffer remaining %llu -> origpubkey\n", (long long)remaining_required);
fprintf(stderr,"FillBuyOffer() remaining %llu -> origpubkey\n", (long long)remaining_required);
char unspendableAssetsAddr[64];
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
@ -653,8 +674,8 @@ std::string FillBuyOffer(int64_t txfee,uint256 assetid,uint256 bidtxid,int64_t f
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask, cpTokens, mtx, mypk, txfee,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretNonfungible,
EncodeAssetOpRet('B', zeroid, remaining_required, origpubkey))));
} else return("dont have any assets to fill bid");
@ -691,15 +712,21 @@ std::string FillSell(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, uint256 assetid2, uint256 a
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
uint8_t additionalTokensEvalcode2 = 0;
GetNonfungibleData(assetid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, 2*txfee, 3) > 0)
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
//if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, 2*txfee, 3) > 0)
//mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
if (GetTransaction(asktxid, vintx, hashBlock, false) != 0)
orig_assetoshis = vintx.vout[askvout].nValue;
@ -707,13 +734,12 @@ std::string FillSell(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, uint256 assetid2, uint256 a
dprice = (double)total_nValue / orig_assetoshis;
paid_nValue = dprice * fillunits;, askvout, CScript())); // NOTE: this is the reference to tokens -> send cpTokens for signing into FinalizeCCTx!
if (assetid2 != zeroid)
inputs = AddAssetInputs(cpAssets, mtx, mypk, assetid2, paid_nValue, 60); // not implemented yet
if (assetid2 != zeroid) {
inputs = 0; // = AddAssetInputs(cpAssets, mtx, mypk, assetid2, paid_nValue, 60); // not implemented yet
inputs = AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, paid_nValue, 60);
inputs = AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, 2 * txfee + paid_nValue, 60); // Better to use single AddNormalinputs() to allow payment if user has only single utxo with normal funds
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
if (inputs > 0)
@ -723,7 +749,10 @@ std::string FillSell(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, uint256 assetid2, uint256 a
CCerror = strprintf("insufficient coins to fill sell");
return ("");
// cc vin should be after normal vin, askvout, CScript()));
if (assetid2 != zeroid)
SetSwapFillamounts(received_assetoshis, remaining_nValue, orig_assetoshis, paid_nValue, total_nValue); //not implemented correctly yet
@ -732,11 +761,11 @@ std::string FillSell(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, uint256 assetid2, uint256 a
if (assetid2 != zeroid && inputs > paid_nValue)
CCchange = (inputs - paid_nValue);
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, orig_assetoshis - received_assetoshis, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL))); // vout.0 tokens remainder to unspendable cc addr
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, received_assetoshis, mypk)); //vout.1 purchased tokens to self single-eval addr
// vout.0 tokens remainder to unspendable cc addr:
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(EVAL_ASSETS, additionalTokensEvalcode2, orig_assetoshis - received_assetoshis, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL)));
//vout.1 purchased tokens to self token single-eval or dual-eval token+nonfungible cc addr:
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(additionalTokensEvalcode2 == 0 ? EVAL_TOKENS : additionalTokensEvalcode2, received_assetoshis, mypk));
// NOTE: no marker here
if (assetid2 != zeroid) {
std::cerr << "FillSell() WARNING: asset swap not implemented yet! (paid_nValue)" << std::endl;
// TODO: change MakeCC1vout appropriately when implementing:
@ -768,14 +797,16 @@ std::string FillSell(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, uint256 assetid2, uint256 a
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = additionalTokensEvalcode2;
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask, cpAssets, mtx, mypk, txfee,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys,
EncodeTokenOpRet(assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretNonfungible,
EncodeAssetOpRet(assetid2 != zeroid ? 'E' : 'S', assetid2, remaining_nValue, origpubkey))));
} else {
CCerror = strprintf("filltx not enough utxos");
fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", CCerror.c_str());


@ -290,6 +290,9 @@ int32_t CClib_initcp(struct CCcontract_info *cp,uint8_t evalcode)
struct CCcontract_info *CCinit(struct CCcontract_info *cp, uint8_t evalcode)
// important to clear because not all members are always initialized!
memset(cp, '\0', sizeof(*cp));
cp->evalcode = evalcode;
switch ( evalcode )


@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ struct CCcontract_info
// this is for spending from 'unspendable' CC address
uint8_t evalcode;
uint8_t additionalTokensEvalcode2; // this is for making three-eval-token vouts (EVAL_TOKENS + evalcode + additionalEvalcode2)
char unspendableCCaddr[64], CChexstr[72], normaladdr[64];
uint8_t CCpriv[32];
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ struct CCcontract_info
// this is for spending from two additional 'unspendable' CC addresses of other eval codes
// (that is, for spending from several cc contract 'unspendable' addresses):
uint8_t evalcode2, evalcode3;
uint8_t unspendableEvalcode2, unspendableEvalcode3; // changed evalcodeN to unspendableEvalcodeN for not mixing up with additionalEvalcodeN
char unspendableaddr2[64], unspendableaddr3[64];
uint8_t unspendablepriv2[32], unspendablepriv3[32];
CPubKey unspendablepk2, unspendablepk3;
@ -160,17 +161,19 @@ uint256 OraclesBatontxid(uint256 oracletxid,CPubKey pk);
//int64_t AddAssetInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTransaction &mtx,CPubKey pk,uint256 assetid,int64_t total,int32_t maxinputs);
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs);
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible);
int64_t IsTokensvout(bool goDeeper, bool checkPubkeys, struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction& tx, int32_t v, uint256 reftokenid);
bool DecodeHexTx(CTransaction& tx, const std::string& strHexTx);
CScript EncodeAssetOpRet(uint8_t assetFuncId, uint256 assetid2, int64_t price, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey);
//bool DecodeAssetCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::string &name, std::string &description);
uint8_t DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCodeInOpret, uint256 &tokenid, uint256 &assetid2, int64_t &price, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey);
CScript EncodeTokenCreateOpRet(uint8_t funcid, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey, std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible);
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint8_t tokenFuncId, uint8_t evalCodeInOpret, uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, CScript payload); //old version
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, CScript payload);
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint8_t tokenFuncId, uint8_t evalCodeInOpret, uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, CScript payload);
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> vpayloadNonfungible, CScript payload);
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::string &name, std::string &description);
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::string &name, std::string &description, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible);
uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256 &tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretExtra);
uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256 &tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopret1, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopret2);
uint8_t DecodeOraclesData(const CScript &scriptPubKey,uint256 &oracletxid,uint256 &batontxid,CPubKey &pk,std::vector <uint8_t>&data);
int32_t oracle_format(uint256 *hashp,int64_t *valp,char *str,uint8_t fmt,uint8_t *data,int32_t offset,int32_t datalen);
@ -193,12 +196,14 @@ CC* GetCryptoCondition(CScript const& scriptSig);
void CCaddr2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp,uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk,uint8_t *priv,char *coinaddr);
void CCaddr3set(struct CCcontract_info *cp,uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk,uint8_t *priv,char *coinaddr);
void CCaddr1of2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2, char *coinaddr);
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2);
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2);
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk);
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk);
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2);
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2);
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk);
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CPubKey pk);
bool GetTokensCCaddress(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *destaddr, CPubKey pk);
bool GetTokensCCaddress1of2(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *destaddr, CPubKey pk, CPubKey pk2);
void CCaddrTokens1of2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2, char *coinaddr);
@ -245,4 +250,29 @@ void vcalc_sha256(char deprecated[(256 >> 3) * 2 + 1],uint8_t hash[256 >> 3],uin
bits256 bits256_doublesha256(char *deprecated,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen);
UniValue ValueFromAmount(const CAmount& amount);
// bitcoin LogPrintStr with category "-debug" cmdarg support for C++ ostringstream:
#define CCLOG_INFO 0
#define CCLOG_DEBUG1 1
#define CCLOG_DEBUG2 2
#define CCLOG_DEBUG3 3
template <class T>
inline void CCLogPrintStream(char *category, int level, T print_to_stream)
std::ostringstream stream;
if (level < 0)
level = 0;
if (level > 3)
level = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
if (LogAcceptCategory((std::string(category) + (level > 0 ? std::string("-") + std::to_string(level) : std::string(""))).c_str())) {
#define LOGSTREAM(category, level, logoperator) CCLogPrintStream( category, level, [=](std::ostringstream &stream) {logoperator;} )


@ -43,15 +43,25 @@
// NOTE: this inital tx won't be used by other contract
// for tokens to be used there should be at least one 't' tx with other contract's custom opret
CScript EncodeTokenCreateOpRet(uint8_t funcid,std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey,std::string name,std::string description)
CScript EncodeTokenCreateOpRet(uint8_t funcid, std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey, std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible )
CScript opret; uint8_t evalcode = EVAL_TOKENS;
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode << funcid << origpubkey << name << description);
CScript opret;
uint8_t evalcode = EVAL_TOKENS;
funcid = 'c'; // override the param
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode << funcid << origpubkey << name << description; \
if(!vopretNonfungible.empty()) ss << vopretNonfungible );
// this is for other contracts which use tokens and build customized extra payloads to token's opret:
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, CScript payload)
std::vector<uint8_t> vpayloadNonfungibleEmpty;
return EncodeTokenOpRet(tokenid, voutPubkeys, vpayloadNonfungibleEmpty, payload);
CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> vpayloadNonfungible, CScript payload)
CScript opret;
uint8_t tokenFuncId = 't';
@ -60,17 +70,20 @@ CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys, CScr
tokenid = revuint256(tokenid);
uint8_t ccType = 0;
if (voutPubkeys.size() >= 1 && voutPubkeys.size() <= 2)
if (voutPubkeys.size() >= 0 && voutPubkeys.size() <= 2)
ccType = voutPubkeys.size();
else {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "EncodeTokenOpRet voutPubkeys.size()=" << voutPubkeys.size() << " not supported" << std::endl);
std::vector<uint8_t> vpayload;
GetOpReturnData(payload, vpayload);
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalCodeInOpret << tokenFuncId << tokenid << ccType; \
if (ccType >= 1) ss << voutPubkeys[0]; \
if (ccType == 2) ss << voutPubkeys[1]; \
if (vpayload.size() > 0) ss << vpayload;);
opret << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << evalCodeInOpret << tokenFuncId << tokenid << ccType; \
if (ccType >= 1) ss << voutPubkeys[0]; \
if (ccType == 2) ss << voutPubkeys[1]; \
if (vpayloadNonfungible.size() > 0) ss << vpayloadNonfungible; \
if (vpayload.size() > 0) ss << vpayload);
// "error 64: scriptpubkey":
// if (payload.size() > 0)
@ -96,21 +109,50 @@ CScript EncodeTokenOpRet(uint8_t tokenFuncId, uint8_t evalCodeInOpret, uint256 t
return EncodeTokenOpRet(tokenid, voutPubkeys, payload);
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey,std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey,std::string &name,std::string &description)
// overload for fungible:
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, std::string &name, std::string &description) {
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
return DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description, vopretNonfungibleDummy);
uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey,std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey,std::string &name,std::string &description, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret; uint8_t dummyEvalcode, funcid, *script;
GetOpReturnData(scriptPubKey, vopret);
script = (uint8_t *);
if ( script != 0 && vopret.size() > 2 && script[0] == EVAL_TOKENS && script[1] == 'c' )
if ( E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalcode; ss >> funcid; ss >> origpubkey; ss >> name; ss >> description) != 0 )
if( E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalcode; ss >> funcid; ss >> origpubkey; ss >> name; ss >> description; \
// we suppose in 'c' opret it might be only non-fungible payload and not any assets/heir/etc payloads
if(!ss.eof()) ss >> vopretNonfungible ) )
return (uint8_t)0;
uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256 &tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretExtra)
// overload for compatibility allows only usual fungible tokens:
// warning: it makes vopret marshalling to CScript because this is what caller would expect
uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256 &tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretExtra) {
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret1, vopret2;
uint8_t funcId = DecodeTokenOpRet(scriptPubKey, evalCode, tokenid, voutPubkeys, vopret1, vopret2);
CScript opretExtra;
// make marshalling for compatibility
// callers of this func expect length of full array at the beginning (and they will make 'vopretStripped' from vopretExtra)
if (vopret2.empty())
opretExtra << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << vopret1); // if first opret (or no oprets)
opretExtra << OP_RETURN << E_MARSHAL(ss << vopret2); // if both oprets present, return assets/heir/gateways/... opret (dump non-fungible opret)
GetOpReturnData(opretExtra, vopretExtra);
return funcId;
uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCodeTokens, uint256 &tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopret1, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopret2)
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret, extra, dummyPubkey;
uint8_t funcId=0, *script, dummyEvalCode, dummyFuncId, ccType;
@ -121,32 +163,39 @@ uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256
script = (uint8_t *);
tokenid = zeroid;
if (script != 0 && vopret.size() > 2)
if (script != NULL && vopret.size() > 2)
// NOTE: if parse error occures, parse might not be able to set error. It is safer to treat that it was eof if it is not set!
bool isEof = true;
evalCode = script[0];
if (evalCode != EVAL_TOKENS)
evalCodeTokens = script[0];
if (evalCodeTokens != EVAL_TOKENS)
return (uint8_t)0;
funcId = script[1];
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet decoded funcId=" << (char)(funcId?funcId:' '));
switch( funcId )
case 'c':
return DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(scriptPubKey, dummyPubkey, dummyName, dummyDescription);
return DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(scriptPubKey, dummyPubkey, dummyName, dummyDescription, vopret1);
case 't':
//not used yet: case 'l':
// NOTE: 'E_UNMARSHAL result==false' means 'parse error' OR 'not eof state'. Consequently, 'result==false' but 'isEof==true' means just 'parse error'
if (E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyFuncId; ss >> tokenid; ss >> ccType; if (ccType >= 1) ss >> voutPubkey1; if (ccType == 2) ss >> voutPubkey2; isEof = ss.eof(); vopretExtra = std::vector<uint8_t>(ss.begin(), ss.end()))
|| !isEof)
if (E_UNMARSHAL(vopret, ss >> dummyEvalCode; ss >> dummyFuncId; ss >> tokenid; ss >> ccType; \
if (ccType >= 1) ss >> voutPubkey1; \
if (ccType == 2) ss >> voutPubkey2; \
isEof = ss.eof(); \
if (!isEof) ss >> vopret1; \
isEof = ss.eof(); \
if (!isEof) { ss >> vopret2; } \
// if something else remains -> bad format
isEof = ss.eof()) || !isEof)
if (!(ccType >= 0 && ccType <= 2)) { //incorrect ccType
std::cerr << "DecodeTokenOpRet() incorrect ccType=" << (int)ccType << " tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() incorrect ccType=" << (int)ccType << " tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
@ -160,22 +209,20 @@ uint8_t DecodeTokenOpRet(const CScript scriptPubKey, uint8_t &evalCode, uint256
tokenid = revuint256(tokenid);
std::cerr << "DecodeTokenOpRet() bad opret format, isEof=" << isEof << " ccType=" << ccType << " tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() bad opret format, isEof=" << isEof << " ccType=" << ccType << " tokenid=" << revuint256(tokenid).GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
std::cerr << "DecodeTokenOpRet() illegal funcid=" << (int)funcId << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() illegal funcid=" << (int)funcId << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
else {
std::cerr << "DecodeTokenOpRet() empty opret, could not parse" << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "DecodeTokenOpRet() empty opret, could not parse" << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
// tx validation
bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t nIn)
@ -183,7 +230,7 @@ bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &
CTxDestination address; CTransaction vinTx, createTx; uint256 hashBlock, tokenid, tokenid2;
int32_t i, starti, numvins, numvouts, preventCCvins, preventCCvouts;
int64_t remaining_price, nValue, tokenoshis, outputs, inputs, tmpprice, totalunits, ignore;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretExtra, tmporigpubkey, ignorepubkey;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret1, vopret2, tmporigpubkey, ignorepubkey;
uint8_t funcid, evalCodeInOpret;
char destaddr[64], origaddr[64], CCaddr[64];
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
@ -195,10 +242,10 @@ bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &
outputs = inputs = 0;
preventCCvins = preventCCvouts = -1;
if ((funcid = DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout[numvouts - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretExtra)) == 0)
if ((funcid = DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout[numvouts - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopret1, vopret2)) == 0)
return eval->Invalid("TokenValidate: invalid opreturn payload");
fprintf(stderr, "TokensValidate (%c) evalcode=0x%0x\n", funcid, cp->evalcode);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokensValidate funcId=" << (char)(funcid?funcid:' ') << " evalcode=" << cp->evalcode);
if (eval->GetTxUnconfirmed(tokenid, createTx, hashBlock) == 0)
return eval->Invalid("cant find token create txid");
@ -218,6 +265,12 @@ bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &
// non-fungible tokens validation:
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
GetNonfungibleData(tokenid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0 && vopretNonfungible != vopret1) // assuming tx vopretNonfungible in vopret1
return eval->Invalid("incorrect or empty non-fungible data");
switch (funcid)
@ -240,11 +293,11 @@ bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &
if (inputs == 0)
return eval->Invalid("no token inputs for transfer");
fprintf(stderr, "token transfer preliminarily validated %.8f -> %.8f (%d %d)\n", (double)inputs / COIN, (double)outputs / COIN, preventCCvins, preventCCvouts);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "token transfer preliminarily validated inputs=" << inputs << "->outputs=" << outputs << " preventCCvins=" << preventCCvins<< " preventCCvouts=" << preventCCvouts << std::endl);
break; // breaking to other contract validation...
fprintf(stderr, "illegal tokens funcid.(%c)\n", funcid);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "illegal tokens funcid=" << (char)(funcid?funcid:' ') << std::endl);
return eval->Invalid("unexpected token funcid");
@ -266,7 +319,7 @@ bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &
// helper funcs:
// extract my vins pubkeys:
// extract cc token vins' pubkeys:
bool ExtractTokensVinPubkeys(CTransaction tx, std::vector<CPubKey> &vinPubkeys) {
bool found = false;
@ -276,12 +329,13 @@ bool ExtractTokensVinPubkeys(CTransaction tx, std::vector<CPubKey> &vinPubkeys)
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
for (int32_t i = 0; i <; i++)
{ // check for additional contracts which may send tokens to the Tokens contract
// check for cc token vins:
if( (*cpTokens->ismyvin)([i].scriptSig) )
auto findEval = [](CC *cond, struct CCVisitor _) {
bool r = false; //cc_typeId(cond) == CC_Eval && cond->codeLength == 1 && cond->code[0] == EVAL_TOKENS;
bool r = false;
if (cc_typeId(cond) == CC_Secp256k1) {
*(CPubKey*)_.context = buf2pk(cond->publicKey);
@ -313,38 +367,49 @@ bool ExtractTokensVinPubkeys(CTransaction tx, std::vector<CPubKey> &vinPubkeys)
thread_local uint32_t tokenValIndentSize = 0;
// validates opret for token tx:
uint8_t ValidateTokenOpret(CTransaction tx, int32_t v, uint256 tokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> &voutPubkeys, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretExtra) {
uint8_t ValidateTokenOpret(CTransaction tx, uint256 tokenid) {
uint256 tokenidOpret, tokenidOpret2;
uint256 tokenidOpret = zeroid;
uint8_t funcid;
uint8_t dummyEvalCode;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeysDummy;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretExtraDummy;
// this is just for log messages indentation fur debugging recursive calls:
std::string indentStr = std::string().append(tokenValIndentSize, '.');
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
if (tx.vout.size() == 0)
return (uint8_t)0;
if ((funcid = DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout[n - 1].scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenidOpret, voutPubkeys, vopretExtra)) == 0)
if ((funcid = DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenidOpret, voutPubkeysDummy, vopretExtraDummy)) == 0)
std::cerr << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() DecodeTokenOpret could not parse opret for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() DecodeTokenOpret could not parse opret for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
else if (funcid == 'c')
if (tokenid != zeroid && tokenid == tx.GetHash() && v == 0) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is the tokenbase 'c' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " vout=" << v << " returning true" << std::endl;
if (tokenid != zeroid && tokenid == tx.GetHash()) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is the tokenbase 'c' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " returning true" << std::endl);
return funcid;
else {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not my tokenbase txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
else if (funcid == 't')
//std::cerr << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() tokenid=" << tokenid.GetHex() << " tokenIdOpret=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
if (tokenid != zeroid && tokenid == tokenidOpret) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is a transfer 't' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " vout=" << v << " returning true" << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() this is a transfer 't' tx, txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " returning true" << std::endl);
return funcid;
else {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not my tokenid=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << std::endl);
//std::cerr << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() return false funcid=" << (char)funcid << " tokenid=" << tokenid.GetHex() << " tokenIdOpret=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
else {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "ValidateTokenOpret() not supported funcid=" << (char)funcid << " tokenIdOpret=" << tokenidOpret.GetHex() << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl);
return (uint8_t)0;
@ -358,20 +423,20 @@ int64_t IsTokensvout(bool goDeeper, bool checkPubkeys, struct CCcontract_info *c
// this is just for log messages indentation fur debugging recursive calls:
std::string indentStr = std::string().append(tokenValIndentSize, '.');
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() entered for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " v=" << v << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() entered for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " v=" << v << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
// just check boundaries:
if (n == 0 || v < 0 || v >= n-1) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "isTokensvout() incorrect params: (n == 0 or v < 0 or v >= n-1)" << " v=" << v << " n=" << n << " returning 0" << std::endl);
//TODO: validate cc vouts are EVAL_TOKENS!
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition()) // maybe check address too? dimxy: possibly no, because there are too many cases with different addresses here
int32_t n = tx.vout.size();
// just check boundaries:
if (v >= n - 1) { // just moved this up (dimxy)
std::cerr << indentStr << "isTokensvout() internal err: (v >= n - 1), returning 0" << std::endl;
if (goDeeper) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() maxTokenExactAmountDepth=" << maxTokenExactAmountDepth << std::endl;
//validate all tx
int64_t myCCVinsAmount = 0, myCCVoutsAmount = 0;
@ -384,98 +449,109 @@ int64_t IsTokensvout(bool goDeeper, bool checkPubkeys, struct CCcontract_info *c
// if ccInputs != ccOutputs and it is not the tokenbase tx
// this means it is possibly a fake tx (dimxy):
if (reftokenid != tx.GetHash()) { // checking that this is the true tokenbase tx, by verifying that funcid=c, is done further in this function (dimxy)
std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() warning: for the verified tx detected a bad vintx=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << ": cc inputs != cc outputs and not the 'tokenbase' tx, skipping the verified tx" << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() warning: for the verified tx detected a bad vintx=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << ": cc inputs != cc outputs and not the 'tokenbase' tx, skipping the verified tx" << std::endl);
return 0;
// moved opret checking to this new reusable func (dimxy):
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretExtra;
const uint8_t funcId = ValidateTokenOpret(tx, v, reftokenid, voutPubkeys, vopretExtra);
// token opret most important checks (tokenid == reftokenid, tokenid is non-zero, tx is 'tokenbase'):
const uint8_t funcId = ValidateTokenOpret(tx, reftokenid);
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() ValidateTokenOpret returned=" << (char)(funcId?funcId:' ') << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
if (funcId != 0) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() ValidateTokenOpret returned not-null" << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
if (checkPubkeys && funcId != 'c') { // verify that the vout is token's (for 'c' there is no pubkeys!):
//std::cerr << "IsTokensvout() vopretExtra=" << HexStr(vopretExtra) << std::endl;
uint8_t evalCodeInOpret;
if (vopretExtra.size() >= 2 /*|| vopretExtra.size() != vopretExtra.begin()[0] <-- shold we check this?*/) {
evalCodeInOpret = vopretExtra.begin()[1];
else {
// if payload is empty maybe it is a claim to non-payload-one-token-eval vout?
evalCodeInOpret = EVAL_TOKENS;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() ValidateTokenOpret returned not-null funcId=" << (char)(funcId?funcId:' ') << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
uint8_t dummyEvalCode;
uint256 tokenIdOpret;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret1;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret2;
DecodeTokenOpRet(tx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenIdOpret, voutPubkeys, vopret1, vopret2);
if (checkPubkeys && funcId != 'c') { // for 'c' there is no pubkeys
// verify that the vout is token by constructing vouts with the pubkeys in the opret:
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "IsTokensvout() vopret1=" << HexStr(vopret1) << std::endl);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "IsTokensvout() vopret2=" << HexStr(vopret2) << std::endl);
uint8_t evalCode = EVAL_TOKENS; // if both payloads are empty maybe it is a transfer to non-payload-one-eval-token vout like GatewaysClaim
uint8_t evalCode2 = 0; // will be checked if zero or not
// NOTE: evalcode order in vouts is important:
// non-fungible-eval -> EVAL_TOKENS -> assets-eval
if (vopret1.size() > 0) {
evalCode = vopret1.begin()[0];
if (vopret2.size() > 0) {
evalCode2 = vopret2.begin()[0];
// checking vouts for possible token use-cases:
std::vector<std::pair<CTxOut, std::string>> testVouts;
// maybe this is dual-eval 1 pubkey or 1of2 pubkey vout?
if (voutPubkeys.size() >= 1 && voutPubkeys.size() <= 2) {
CTxOut testDualVout;
// check dual-eval 1 pubkey vout with the first pubkey
testDualVout = MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCodeInOpret, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]);
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testDualVout.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is dual-eval token vout (i=0), eval2=" << (int)evalCodeInOpret << ", returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
// check dual/three-eval 1 pubkey vout with the first pubkey
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[0]")) );
if (evalCode2 != 0)
// also check in backward evalcode order
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[0] backward-eval")) );
if(voutPubkeys.size() == 2) {
// check dual eval 1of2 pubkeys vout
testDualVout = MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCodeInOpret, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], voutPubkeys[1]);
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testDualVout.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is dual-eval token 1of2 vout, eval2=" << (int)evalCodeInOpret << ", returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
// check dual eval 1 pubkey vout with the second pubkey
testDualVout = MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCodeInOpret, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]);
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testDualVout.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is dual-eval token vout (i=1), eval2=" << (int)evalCodeInOpret << ", returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
// check dual/three eval 1of2 pubkeys vout
testVouts.push_back( std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1of2")) );
// check dual/three eval 1 pubkey vout with the second pubkey
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[1]")));
if (evalCode2 != 0) {
// also check in backward evalcode order:
// check dual/three eval 1of2 pubkeys vout
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalCode2, evalCode, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0], voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1of2 backward-eval")));
// check dual/three eval 1 pubkey vout with the second pubkey
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("three-eval cc1 pk[1] backward-eval")));
// maybe this is claim to single-eval token?
CTxOut testTokenVout1;
testTokenVout1 = MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]);
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testTokenVout1.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is single-eval token vout (i=0), returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
// maybe this is like gatewayclaim to single-eval token?
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("single-eval cc1 pk[0]")));
// maybe this is like FillSell for non-fungible token?
if( evalCode != 0 )
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("dual-eval-token cc1 pk[0]")));
if( evalCode2 != 0 )
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[0]), std::string("dual-eval2-token cc1 pk[0]")));
if (voutPubkeys.size() == 2) {
testTokenVout1 = MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]);
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testTokenVout1.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is single-eval token vout (i=1), returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
// the same for pk[1]:
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("single-eval cc1 pk[1]")));
if (evalCode != 0)
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("dual-eval-token cc1 pk[1]")));
if (evalCode2 != 0)
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, voutPubkeys[1]), std::string("dual-eval2-token cc1 pk[1]")));
// maybe it is single-eval or dual-eval token change?
// maybe it is single-eval or dual/three-eval token change?
std::vector<CPubKey> vinPubkeys;
ExtractTokensVinPubkeys(tx, vinPubkeys);
for(std::vector<CPubKey>::iterator it = vinPubkeys.begin(); it != vinPubkeys.end(); it++) {
CTxOut testTokenVout1 = MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it);
CTxOut testDualVout1 = MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCodeInOpret, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it);
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it), std::string("single-eval cc1 self vin pk")));
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode, evalCode2, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it), std::string("three-eval cc1 self vin pk")));
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testTokenVout1.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is single-eval token change, returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
if (tx.vout[v].scriptPubKey == testDualVout1.scriptPubKey) {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() this is dual-eval token change, vout eval2=" << (int)evalCodeInOpret << ", returning nValue=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
if (evalCode2 != 0)
// also check in backward evalcode order:
testVouts.push_back(std::make_pair(MakeTokensCC1vout(evalCode2, evalCode, tx.vout[v].nValue, *it), std::string("three-eval cc1 self vin pk backward-eval")));
// try all test vouts:
for (auto t : testVouts) {
if (t.first == tx.vout[v]) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() valid amount=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " msg=" << t.second << " evalCode=" << (int)evalCode << " evalCode2=" << (int)evalCode2 << " txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() no valid vouts evalCode=" << (int)evalCode << " evalCode2=" << (int)evalCode2 << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
else {
//std::cerr << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() returns without pubkey check value=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "IsTokensvout() returns without pubkey check value=" << tx.vout[v].nValue << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
return tx.vout[v].nValue;
@ -487,7 +563,7 @@ int64_t IsTokensvout(bool goDeeper, bool checkPubkeys, struct CCcontract_info *c
// compares cc inputs vs cc outputs (to prevent feeding vouts from normal inputs)
bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &inputs, int64_t &outputs, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &tx, uint256 tokenid)
bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &inputs, int64_t &outputs, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &tx, uint256 reftokenid)
CTransaction vinTx;
uint256 hashBlock;
@ -503,6 +579,8 @@ bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &inpu
// this is just for log messages indentation for debugging recursive calls:
std::string indentStr = std::string().append(tokenValIndentSize, '.');
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() entered for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " for tokenid=" << reftokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
for (int32_t i = 0; i<numvins; i++)
{ // check for additional contracts which may send tokens to the Tokens contract
if ((*cpTokens->ismyvin)([i].scriptSig) /*|| IsVinAllowed([i].scriptSig) != 0*/)
@ -511,37 +589,38 @@ bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &inpu
// we are not inside the validation code -- dimxy
if ((eval && eval->GetTxUnconfirmed([i].prevout.hash, vinTx, hashBlock) == 0) || (!eval && !myGetTransaction([i].prevout.hash, vinTx, hashBlock)))
std::cerr << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() cannot read vintx for i." << i << " numvins." << numvins << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() cannot read vintx for i." << i << " numvins." << numvins << std::endl);
return (!eval) ? false : eval->Invalid("always should find vin tx, but didnt");
else {
// validate vouts of vintx
//std::cerr << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() check vin i=" << i << " nValue=" << vinTx.vout[[i].prevout.n].nValue << std::endl;
tokenoshis = IsTokensvout(goDeeper, true, cpTokens, eval, vinTx,[i].prevout.n, tokenid);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() checking vintx.vout for[" << i << "] nValue=" << vinTx.vout[[i].prevout.n].nValue << std::endl);
// validate vouts of vintx
tokenoshis = IsTokensvout(goDeeper, true, cpTokens, eval, vinTx,[i].prevout.n, reftokenid);
if (tokenoshis != 0)
std::cerr << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() vin i=" << i << " tokenoshis=" << tokenoshis << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() adding vintx.vout for[" << i << "] tokenoshis=" << tokenoshis << std::endl);
inputs += tokenoshis;
for (int32_t i = 0; i<numvouts; i++)
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numvouts-1; i ++) // 'numvouts-1' <-- do not check opret
// Note: we pass in here 'false' because we don't need to call TokenExactAmounts() recursively from IsTokensvout
// indeed, in this case we'll be checking this tx again
//std::cerr << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() check vout i=" << i << " nValue=" << tx.vout[i].nValue << std::endl;
tokenoshis = IsTokensvout(false, true /*<--exclude non-tokens vouts*/, cpTokens, eval, tx, i, tokenid);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() recursively checking tx.vout[" << i << "] nValue=" << tx.vout[i].nValue << std::endl);
// Note: we pass in here IsTokenvout(false,...) because we don't need to call TokenExactAmounts() recursively from IsTokensvout here
// indeed, if we pass 'true' we'll be checking this tx vout again
tokenoshis = IsTokensvout(false /*<--do not recursion here*/, true /*<--exclude non-tokens vouts*/, cpTokens, eval, tx, i, reftokenid);
if (tokenoshis != 0)
std::cerr << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() vout i=" << i << " tokenoshis=" << tokenoshis << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() adding tx.vout[" << i << "] tokenoshis=" << tokenoshis << std::endl);
outputs += tokenoshis;
@ -549,149 +628,226 @@ bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cp, int64_t &inpu
//std::cerr << indentStr << "TokensExactAmounts() inputs=" << inputs << " outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << std::endl;
if (inputs != outputs) {
if (tx.GetHash() != tokenid)
std::cerr << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() found unequal token cc inputs=" << inputs << " vs cc outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " and this is not the create tx" << std::endl;
if (tx.GetHash() != reftokenid)
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << indentStr << "TokenExactAmounts() found unequal token cc inputs=" << inputs << " vs cc outputs=" << outputs << " for txid=" << tx.GetHash().GetHex() << " and this is not the create tx" << std::endl);
return false; // do not call eval->Invalid() here!
return true;
// add inputs from token cc addr
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs)
// get non-fungible data from 'tokenbase' tx (the data might be empty)
void GetNonfungibleData(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible)
CTransaction tokenbasetx;
uint256 hashBlock;
if (!myGetTransaction(tokenid, tokenbasetx, hashBlock)) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "SetNonfungibleEvalCode() cound not load token creation tx=" << tokenid.GetHex() << std::endl);
// check if it is non-fungible tx and get its second evalcode from non-fungible payload
if (tokenbasetx.vout.size() > 0) {
uint8_t dummyEvalCode;
uint256 tokenIdOpret;
std::vector<CPubKey> voutPubkeys;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretExtra;
DecodeTokenOpRet(tokenbasetx.vout.back().scriptPubKey, dummyEvalCode, tokenIdOpret, voutPubkeys, vopretNonfungible, vopretExtra);
// overload, adds inputs from token cc addr
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs) {
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungibleDummy;
return AddTokenCCInputs(cp, mtx, pk, tokenid, total, maxinputs, vopretNonfungibleDummy);
// adds inputs from token cc addr and returns non-fungible opret payload if present
// also sets evalcode in cp, if needed
int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible)
char tokenaddr[64], destaddr[64];
int64_t threshold, nValue, price, totalinputs = 0;
uint256 txid, hashBlock;
//std::vector<uint8_t> vopretExtra;
CTransaction vintx;
int32_t j, vout, n = 0;
int64_t threshold, nValue, price, totalinputs = 0;
int32_t n = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > unspentOutputs;
GetNonfungibleData(tokenid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
GetTokensCCaddress(cp, tokenaddr, pk);
SetCCunspents(unspentOutputs, tokenaddr);
threshold = total / (maxinputs != 0 ? maxinputs : 64); // TODO: is maxinputs really could not be over 64? what if i want to calc total balance?
if (unspentOutputs.empty()) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() no utxos for token dual/three eval addr=" << tokenaddr << " evalcode=" << (int)cp->evalcode << " additionalTokensEvalcode2=" << (int)cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2 << std::endl);
threshold = total / (maxinputs != 0 ? maxinputs : 64); // TODO: maxinputs really could not be over 64? what if i want to calc total balance for all available uxtos?
// maybe it is better to add all uxtos if maxinputs == 0
for (std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it = unspentOutputs.begin(); it != unspentOutputs.end(); it++)
txid = it->first.txhash;
vout = (int32_t)it->first.index;
if (it->second.satoshis < threshold)
CTransaction vintx;
uint256 hashBlock;
uint256 vintxid = it->first.txhash;
int32_t vout = (int32_t)it->first.index;
if (it->second.satoshis < threshold) // this should work also for non-fungible tokens (there should be only 1 satoshi for non-fungible token issue)
for (j = 0; j<; j++)
if (txid ==[j].prevout.hash && vout ==[j].prevout.n)
int32_t ivin;
for (ivin = 0; ivin <; ivin ++)
if (vintxid ==[ivin].prevout.hash && vout ==[ivin].prevout.n)
if (j !=
if (ivin != // that is, the tx.vout is already added to (in some previous calls)
if (GetTransaction(txid, vintx, hashBlock, false) != 0)
if (GetTransaction(vintxid, vintx, hashBlock, false) != 0)
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, vintx.vout[vout].scriptPubKey);
if (strcmp(destaddr, tokenaddr) != 0 && strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableCCaddr) != 0 && strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableaddr2) != 0)
if (strcmp(destaddr, tokenaddr) != 0 &&
strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableCCaddr) != 0 && // TODO: check why this. Should not we add token inputs from unspendable cc addr if mypubkey is used?
strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableaddr2) != 0) // or the logic is to allow to spend all available tokens (what about unspendableaddr3)?
//fprintf(stderr, "AddTokenCCInputs() check destaddress=%s vout amount=%.8f\n", destaddr, (double)vintx.vout[vout].nValue / COIN);
std::vector<CPubKey> vinPubkeys;
if ((nValue = IsTokensvout(true, true/*<--add only checked token uxtos */, cp, NULL, vintx, vout, tokenid)) > 0 && myIsutxo_spentinmempool(txid, vout) == 0)
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() check vintx vout destaddress=" << destaddr << " amount=" << vintx.vout[vout].nValue << std::endl);
if ((nValue = IsTokensvout(true, true/*<--add only valid token uxtos */, cp, NULL, vintx, vout, tokenid)) > 0 && myIsutxo_spentinmempool(vintxid, vout) == 0)
if (total != 0 && maxinputs != 0), vout, CScript()));
//for non-fungible tokens check payload:
if (!vopretNonfungible.empty()) {
std::vector<uint8_t> vopret;
// check if it is non-fungible token:
GetNonfungibleData(tokenid, vopret);
if (vopret != vopretNonfungible) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() found incorrect non-fungible opret payload for vintxid=" << vintxid.GetHex() << std::endl);
// non-fungible evalCode2 cc contract should also check if there exists only one non-fungible vout with amount = 1
if (total != 0 && maxinputs != 0) // if it is not just to calc amount..., vout, CScript()));
nValue = it->second.satoshis;
totalinputs += nValue;
std::cerr << "AddTokenInputs() adding input nValue=" << nValue << std::endl;
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "AddTokenCCInputs() adding input nValue=" << nValue << std::endl);
if ((total > 0 && totalinputs >= total) || (maxinputs > 0 && n >= maxinputs))
//std::cerr << "AddTokenInputs() found totalinputs=" << totalinputs << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "AddTokenCCInputs() found totalinputs=" << totalinputs << std::endl;
std::string CreateToken(int64_t txfee, int64_t assetsupply, std::string name, std::string description)
std::string CreateToken(int64_t txfee, int64_t tokensupply, std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<uint8_t> nonfungibleData)
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CPubKey mypk; struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
if (assetsupply < 0)
if (tokensupply < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "negative assetsupply %lld\n", (long long)assetsupply);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CreateToken() negative tokensupply=" << tokensupply << std::endl);
return std::string("");
if (!nonfungibleData.empty() && tokensupply != 1) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "CreateToken() for non-fungible tokens tokensupply should be equal to 1" << std::endl);
CCerror = "for non-fungible tokens tokensupply should be equal to 1";
return std::string("");
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
if (name.size() > 32 || description.size() > 4096)
if (name.size() > 32 || description.size() > 4096) // this is also checked on rpc level
fprintf(stderr, "name.%d or description.%d is too big\n", (int32_t)name.size(), (int32_t)description.size());
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "name of=" << name.size() << " or description of=" << description.size() << " is too big" << std::endl);
CCerror = "name should be < 32, description should be < 4096";
if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, assetsupply + 2 * txfee, 64) > 0)
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, tokensupply + 2 * txfee, 64) > 0)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, assetsupply, mypk));
uint8_t destEvalCode = EVAL_TOKENS;
if( nonfungibleData.size() > 0 )
destEvalCode = nonfungibleData.begin()[0];
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(destEvalCode, tokensupply, mypk));
mtx.vout.push_back(CTxOut(txfee, CScript() << ParseHex(cp->CChexstr) << OP_CHECKSIG));
return(FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeTokenCreateOpRet('c', Mypubkey(), name, description)));
return(FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeTokenCreateOpRet('c', Mypubkey(), name, description, nonfungibleData)));
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "cant find normal inputs" << std::endl);
CCerror = "cant find normal inputs";
return std::string("");
std::string TokenTransfer(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, std::vector<uint8_t> destpubkey, int64_t total)
// transfer tokens to another pubkey
// param additionalEvalCode allows transfer of dual-eval non-fungible tokens
std::string TokenTransfer(int64_t txfee, uint256 tokenid, std::vector<uint8_t> destpubkey, int64_t total)
CMutableTransaction mtx = CreateNewContextualCMutableTransaction(Params().GetConsensus(), komodo_nextheight());
CPubKey mypk; uint64_t mask; int64_t CCchange = 0, inputs = 0; struct CCcontract_info *cp, C;
std::vector<uint8_t> emptyExtraOpret;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
if (total < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "negative total %lld\n", (long long)total);
if (total < 0) {
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "negative total=" << total << std::endl);
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_TOKENS);
if (txfee == 0)
txfee = 10000;
mypk = pubkey2pk(Mypubkey());
if (AddNormalinputs(mtx, mypk, txfee, 3) > 0)
//n = outputs.size();
//if ( n == amounts.size() )
// for (i=0; i<n; i++)
// total += amounts[i];
mask = ~((1LL << - 1);
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cp, mtx, mypk, assetid, total, 60)) > 0)
mask = ~((1LL << - 1); // seems, mask is not used anymore
if ((inputs = AddTokenCCInputs(cp, mtx, mypk, tokenid, total, 60, vopretNonfungible)) > 0) // NOTE: AddTokenCCInputs might set cp->additionalEvalCode which is used in FinalizeCCtx!
if (inputs < total) { //added dimxy
std::cerr << "AssetTransfer(): insufficient funds" << std::endl;
return ("");
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokenTransfer(): insufficient token funds" << std::endl);
CCerror = strprintf("insufficient token inputs");
return std::string("");
uint8_t destEvalCode = EVAL_TOKENS;
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
destEvalCode = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
if (inputs > total)
CCchange = (inputs - total);
//for (i=0; i<n; i++)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, total, pubkey2pk(destpubkey))); // TODO: or MakeTokensCC1vout??
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(destEvalCode, total, pubkey2pk(destpubkey))); // if destEvalCode == EVAL_TOKENS then it is actually MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS,...)
if (CCchange != 0)
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeCC1vout(EVAL_TOKENS, CCchange, mypk));
mtx.vout.push_back(MakeTokensCC1vout(destEvalCode, CCchange, mypk));
std::vector<CPubKey> voutTokenPubkeys;
voutTokenPubkeys.push_back(pubkey2pk(destpubkey)); // dest pubkey for validating vout
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeTokenOpRet('t', EVAL_TOKENS, assetid, voutTokenPubkeys, CScript()))); // By setting EVAL_TOKENS we're getting out from assets validation code
return(FinalizeCCTx(mask, cp, mtx, mypk, txfee, EncodeTokenOpRet(tokenid, voutTokenPubkeys, vopretNonfungible, CScript())));
else {
fprintf(stderr, "not enough CC token inputs for %.8f\n", (double)total / COIN);
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "not enough CC token inputs for amount=" << total << std::endl);
CCerror = strprintf("no token inputs");
//} else fprintf(stderr,"numoutputs.%d != numamounts.%d\n",n,(int32_t)amounts.size());
else {
fprintf(stderr, "not enough normal inputs for txfee\n");
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "not enough normal inputs for txfee" << std::endl);
CCerror = strprintf("insufficient normal inputs");
@ -708,7 +864,7 @@ int64_t GetTokenBalance(CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid)
if (GetTransaction(tokenid, tokentx, hashBlock, false) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "cant find tokenid\n");
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "cant find tokenid" << std::endl);
CCerror = strprintf("cant find tokenid");
return 0;
@ -720,26 +876,35 @@ int64_t GetTokenBalance(CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid)
UniValue TokenInfo(uint256 tokenid)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); uint256 hashBlock; CTransaction vintx; std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey; std::string name, description; char str[67], numstr[65];
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
uint256 hashBlock;
CTransaction vintx;
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
std::vector<uint8_t> vopretNonfungible;
std::string name, description;
if (GetTransaction(tokenid, vintx, hashBlock, false) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "cant find assetid\n");
fprintf(stderr, "TokenInfo() cant find tokenid\n");
result.push_back(Pair("result", "error"));
result.push_back(Pair("error", "cant find tokenid"));
if (vintx.vout.size() > 0 && DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description) == 0)
if (vintx.vout.size() > 0 && DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, origpubkey, name, description, vopretNonfungible) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "assetid isnt token creation txid\n");
LOGSTREAM("tokens", CCLOG_INFO, stream << "TokenInfo() passed tokenid isnt token creation txid" << std::endl);
result.push_back(Pair("result", "error"));
result.push_back(Pair("error", "assetid isnt token creation txid"));
result.push_back(Pair("error", "tokenid isnt token creation txid"));
result.push_back(Pair("result", "success"));
result.push_back(Pair("tokenid", uint256_str(str, tokenid)));
result.push_back(Pair("owner", pubkey33_str(str,;
result.push_back(Pair("tokenid", tokenid.GetHex()));
result.push_back(Pair("owner", HexStr(origpubkey)));
result.push_back(Pair("name", name));
result.push_back(Pair("supply", vintx.vout[0].nValue));
result.push_back(Pair("description", description));
if( !vopretNonfungible.empty() )
result.push_back(Pair("data", HexStr(vopretNonfungible)));


@ -28,14 +28,15 @@
// CCcustom
bool TokensValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t nIn);
bool TokensExactAmounts(bool goDeeper, struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, int64_t &inputs, int64_t &outputs, Eval* eval, const CTransaction &tx, uint256 tokenid);
//int64_t IsTokensvout(bool goDeeper, bool checkPubkeys, struct CCcontract_info *cp, Eval* eval, std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey, const CTransaction& tx, int32_t v, uint256 reftokenid, std::vector<CPubKey> vinPubkeys);
std::string CreateToken(int64_t txfee, int64_t assetsupply, std::string name, std::string description);
std::string CreateToken(int64_t txfee, int64_t assetsupply, std::string name, std::string description, std::vector<uint8_t> nonfungibleData);
std::string TokenTransfer(int64_t txfee, uint256 assetid, std::vector<uint8_t> destpubkey, int64_t total);
int64_t GetTokenBalance(CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid);
UniValue TokenInfo(uint256 tokenid);
UniValue TokenList();
void GetNonfungibleData(uint256 tokenid, std::vector<uint8_t> &vopretNonfungible);
//this is in CCinclude.h int64_t AddTokenCCInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 tokenid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs);
//this is in CCinclude.h uint8_t DecodeTokenCreateOpRet(const CScript &scriptPubKey,std::vector<uint8_t> &origpubkey,std::string &name,std::string &description);


@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ std::string FinalizeCCTx(uint64_t CCmask,struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTran
CTransaction vintx; std::string hex; CPubKey globalpk; uint256 hashBlock; uint64_t mask=0,nmask=0,vinimask=0;
int64_t utxovalues[CC_MAXVINS],change,normalinputs=0,totaloutputs=0,normaloutputs=0,totalinputs=0,normalvins=0,ccvins=0;
int32_t i,flag,utxovout,n,err = 0;
char myaddr[64], destaddr[64], unspendable[64], mytokensaddr[64], mysingletokensaddr[64], tokensunspendable[64];
uint8_t *privkey, myprivkey[32], unspendablepriv[32], tokensunspendablepriv[32], *msg32 = 0;
char myaddr[64], destaddr[64], unspendable[64], mytokensaddr[64], mysingletokensaddr[64], unspendabletokensaddr[64];
uint8_t *privkey, myprivkey[32], unspendablepriv[32], /*tokensunspendablepriv[32],*/ *msg32 = 0;
CC *mycond=0, *othercond=0, *othercond2=0,*othercond4=0, *othercond3=0, *othercond1of2=NULL, *othercond1of2tokens = NULL, *cond, *mytokenscond = NULL, *mysingletokenscond = NULL, *othertokenscond = NULL;
CPubKey unspendablepk /*, tokensunspendablepk*/;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
@ -69,26 +69,26 @@ std::string FinalizeCCTx(uint64_t CCmask,struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTran
mycond = MakeCCcond1(cp->evalcode,mypk);
// to spend from single-eval evalcode 'unspendable'
// to spend from single-eval evalcode 'unspendable' cc addr
unspendablepk = GetUnspendable(cp, unspendablepriv);
GetCCaddress(cp, unspendable, unspendablepk);
othercond = MakeCCcond1(cp->evalcode, unspendablepk);
//printf("evalcode.%d (%s)\n",cp->evalcode,unspendable);
// tokens support:
// to spend from dual-eval mypk vout
// tokens support:
// to spend from dual/three-eval mypk vout
GetTokensCCaddress(cp, mytokensaddr, mypk);
mytokenscond = MakeTokensCCcond1(cp->evalcode, mypk);
// NOTE: if additionalEvalcode2 is not set it is a dual-eval (not three-eval) cc cond:
mytokenscond = MakeTokensCCcond1(cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, mypk);
// to spend from single-eval EVAL_TOKENS mypk
cpTokens = CCinit(&tokensC, EVAL_TOKENS);
GetCCaddress(cpTokens, mysingletokensaddr, mypk);
mysingletokenscond = MakeCCcond1(EVAL_TOKENS, mypk);
// to spend from dual-eval EVAL_TOKEN+evalcode 'unspendable' pk
//tokensunspendablepk = GetUnspendable(cpTokens, tokensunspendablepriv);
GetTokensCCaddress(cp, tokensunspendable, unspendablepk);
othertokenscond = MakeTokensCCcond1(cp->evalcode, unspendablepk);
// to spend from dual/three-eval EVAL_TOKEN+evalcode 'unspendable' pk:
GetTokensCCaddress(cp, unspendabletokensaddr, unspendablepk); // it may be a three-eval cc, if cp->additionalEvalcode2 is set
othertokenscond = MakeTokensCCcond1(cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, unspendablepk);
//Reorder vins so that for multiple normal vins all other except vin0 goes to the end
//This is a must to avoid hardfork change of validation in every CC, because there could be maximum one normal vin at the begining with current validation.
@ -155,9 +155,10 @@ std::string FinalizeCCTx(uint64_t CCmask,struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTran
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() vin.%d is CC %.8f -> (%s)\n",i,(double)utxovalues[i]/COIN,destaddr);
//std::cerr << "FinalizeCCtx() searching destaddr=" << destaddr << " myaddr=" << myaddr << std::endl;
if( strcmp(destaddr,myaddr) == 0 )
std::cerr << "FinalizeCCtx() searching destaddr=" << destaddr << " for vin[" << i << "] satoshis=" << utxovalues[i] << std::endl;
if( strcmp(destaddr, myaddr) == 0 )
fprintf(stderr, "FinalizeCCTx() matched cc myaddr (%s)\n", myaddr);
privkey = myprivkey;
cond = mycond;
@ -165,48 +166,48 @@ std::string FinalizeCCTx(uint64_t CCmask,struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTran
privkey = myprivkey;
cond = mytokenscond;
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched dual-eval TokensCC1vout CC addr.(%s)\n",mytokensaddr);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched dual-eval TokensCC1vout my token addr.(%s)\n",mytokensaddr);
else if (strcmp(destaddr, mysingletokensaddr) == 0) // if this is TokensCC1vout
privkey = myprivkey;
cond = mysingletokenscond;
//fprintf(stderr, "FinalizeCCTx() matched single-eval token CC1vout CC addr.(%s)\n", mytokensaddr);
fprintf(stderr, "FinalizeCCTx() matched single-eval token CC1vout my token addr.(%s)\n", mytokensaddr);
else if ( strcmp(destaddr,unspendable) == 0 )
privkey = unspendablepriv;
cond = othercond;
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx(%d) matched unspendable CC addr.(%s)\n",cp->evalcode,unspendable);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx evalcode(%d) matched unspendable CC addr.(%s)\n",cp->evalcode,unspendable);
else if (strcmp(destaddr, tokensunspendable) == 0)
else if (strcmp(destaddr, unspendabletokensaddr) == 0)
privkey = unspendablepriv;
cond = othertokenscond;
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched tokensunspendable CC addr.(%s)\n",unspendable);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched unspendabletokensaddr dual/three-eval CC addr.(%s)\n",unspendabletokensaddr);
// check if this is the 2nd additional evalcode + 'unspendable' cc addr:
else if ( strcmp(destaddr,cp->unspendableaddr2) == 0)
else if ( strcmp(destaddr, cp->unspendableaddr2) == 0)
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s unspendable2!\n",cp->unspendableaddr2);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s unspendable2!\n",cp->unspendableaddr2);
privkey = cp->unspendablepriv2;
if ( othercond2 == 0 )
othercond2 = MakeCCcond1(cp->evalcode2, cp->unspendablepk2);
if( othercond2 == 0 )
othercond2 = MakeCCcond1(cp->unspendableEvalcode2, cp->unspendablepk2);
cond = othercond2;
// check if this is 3rd additional evalcode + 'unspendable' cc addr:
else if ( strcmp(destaddr,cp->unspendableaddr3) == 0 )
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s unspendable3!\n",cp->unspendableaddr3);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s unspendable3!\n",cp->unspendableaddr3);
privkey = cp->unspendablepriv3;
if ( othercond3 == 0 )
othercond3 = MakeCCcond1(cp->evalcode3,cp->unspendablepk3);
if( othercond3 == 0 )
othercond3 = MakeCCcond1(cp->unspendableEvalcode3, cp->unspendablepk3);
cond = othercond3;
// check if this is spending from 1of2 cc coins addr:
else if (strcmp(cp->coins1of2addr, destaddr) == 0)
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s unspendable1of2!\n",cp->coins1of2addr);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s unspendable1of2!\n",cp->coins1of2addr);
privkey = myprivkey;
if (othercond1of2 == 0)
othercond1of2 = MakeCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode, cp->coins1of2pk[0], cp->coins1of2pk[1]);
@ -215,10 +216,12 @@ std::string FinalizeCCTx(uint64_t CCmask,struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTran
// check if this is spending from 1of2 cc tokens addr:
else if (strcmp(cp->tokens1of2addr, destaddr) == 0)
//fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s cp->tokens1of2addr!\n", cp->tokens1of2addr);
fprintf(stderr,"FinalizeCCTx() matched %s cp->tokens1of2addr!\n", cp->tokens1of2addr);
privkey = myprivkey;
if (othercond1of2tokens == 0)
othercond1of2tokens = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode, cp->tokens1of2pk[0], cp->tokens1of2pk[1]);
// NOTE: if additionalEvalcode2 is not set then it is dual-eval cc else three-eval cc
// TODO: verify evalcodes order if additionalEvalcode2 is not 0
othercond1of2tokens = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, cp->tokens1of2pk[0], cp->tokens1of2pk[1]);
cond = othercond1of2tokens;


@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ CTxOut MakeCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode,CAmount nValue,CPubKey pk1,CPubKey pk2)
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2)
// make three-eval (token+evalcode+evalcode2) 1of2 cryptocondition:
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2)
// make 1of2 sigs cond
std::vector<CC*> pks;
@ -85,44 +86,68 @@ CC *MakeTokensCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2)
std::vector<CC*> thresholds;
thresholds.push_back( CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode)) );
if( evalcode != EVAL_TOKENS ) // if evalCode == EVAL_TOKENS, it is actually MakeCCcond1of2()!
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_TOKENS))); // this is eval token cc
thresholds.push_back(CCNewThreshold(1, pks)); // this is 1 of 2 sigs cc
if( evalcode != EVAL_TOKENS ) // if evalCode == EVAL_TOKENS, it is actually MakeCCcond1of2()!
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_TOKENS))); // this is eval token cc
if( evalcode2 != 0 )
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode2))); // add optional additional evalcode
thresholds.push_back(CCNewThreshold(1, pks)); // this is 1 of 2 sigs cc
return CCNewThreshold(thresholds.size(), thresholds);
// overload to make two-eval (token+evalcode) 1of2 cryptocondition:
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1of2(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2) {
return MakeTokensCCcond1of2(evalcode, 0, pk1, pk2);
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk)
// make three-eval (token+evalcode+evalcode2) cryptocondition:
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CPubKey pk)
std::vector<CC*> pks;
std::vector<CC*> thresholds;
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode)));
if (evalcode != EVAL_TOKENS) // if evalCode == EVAL_TOKENS, it is actually MakeCCcond1()!
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_TOKENS))); // this is eval token cc
thresholds.push_back(CCNewThreshold(1, pks)); // signature
if (evalcode != EVAL_TOKENS) // if evalCode == EVAL_TOKENS, it is actually MakeCCcond1()!
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << (uint8_t)EVAL_TOKENS))); // this is eval token cc
if (evalcode2 != 0)
thresholds.push_back(CCNewEval(E_MARSHAL(ss << evalcode2))); // add optional additional evalcode
thresholds.push_back(CCNewThreshold(1, pks)); // signature
return CCNewThreshold(thresholds.size(), thresholds);
// overload to make two-eval (token+evalcode) cryptocondition:
CC *MakeTokensCCcond1(uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk) {
return MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, 0, pk);
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2)
// make three-eval (token+evalcode+evalcode2) 1of2 cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2)
CTxOut vout;
CC *payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(evalcode, pk1, pk2);
CC *payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(evalcode, evalcode2, pk1, pk2);
vout = CTxOut(nValue, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
// overload to make two-eval (token+evalcode) 1of2 cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1of2vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2) {
return MakeTokensCC1of2vout(evalcode, 0, nValue, pk1, pk2);
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk)
// make three-eval (token+evalcode+evalcode2) cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk)
CTxOut vout;
CC *payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, pk);
CC *payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, evalcode2, pk);
vout = CTxOut(nValue, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
// overload to make two-eval (token+evalcode) cc vout:
CTxOut MakeTokensCC1vout(uint8_t evalcode, CAmount nValue, CPubKey pk) {
return MakeTokensCC1vout(evalcode, 0, nValue, pk);
CC* GetCryptoCondition(CScript const& scriptSig)
@ -227,17 +252,19 @@ CPubKey pubkey2pk(std::vector<uint8_t> pubkey)
// set additional 'unspendable' addr
void CCaddr2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp,uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk,uint8_t *priv,char *coinaddr)
cp->evalcode2 = evalcode;
cp->unspendableEvalcode2 = evalcode;
cp->unspendablepk2 = pk;
// set yet another additional 'unspendable' addr
void CCaddr3set(struct CCcontract_info *cp,uint8_t evalcode,CPubKey pk,uint8_t *priv,char *coinaddr)
cp->evalcode3 = evalcode;
cp->unspendableEvalcode3 = evalcode;
cp->unspendablepk3 = pk;
@ -251,12 +278,13 @@ void CCaddr1of2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2, char *c
strcpy(cp->coins1of2addr, coinaddr);
// set pubkeys, myprivkey and 1of2 cc addr for spending from 1of2 tokens cryptocondition vout:
void CCaddrTokens1of2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2, char *coinaddr)
// set pubkeys, myprivkey and 1of2 cc addr for spending from 1of2 token cryptocondition vout
// to get tokenaddr use GetTokensCCaddress()
void CCaddrTokens1of2set(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CPubKey pk1, CPubKey pk2, char *tokenaddr)
cp->tokens1of2pk[0] = pk1;
cp->tokens1of2pk[1] = pk2;
strcpy(cp->tokens1of2addr, coinaddr);
strcpy(cp->tokens1of2addr, tokenaddr);
bool Getscriptaddress(char *destaddr,const CScript &scriptPubKey)
@ -351,11 +379,11 @@ bool GetCCaddress(struct CCcontract_info *cp,char *destaddr,CPubKey pk)
bool _GetTokensCCaddress(char *destaddr, uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk)
bool _GetTokensCCaddress(char *destaddr, uint8_t evalcode, uint8_t evalcode2, CPubKey pk)
CC *payoutCond;
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ((payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, pk)) != 0)
if ((payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1(evalcode, evalcode2, pk)) != 0)
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
@ -363,12 +391,13 @@ bool _GetTokensCCaddress(char *destaddr, uint8_t evalcode, CPubKey pk)
return(destaddr[0] != 0);
// get scriptPubKey adddress for three/dual eval token cc vout
bool GetTokensCCaddress(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *destaddr, CPubKey pk)
destaddr[0] = 0;
if (pk.size() == 0)
pk = GetUnspendable(cp, 0);
return(_GetTokensCCaddress(destaddr, cp->evalcode, pk));
return(_GetTokensCCaddress(destaddr, cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, pk));
@ -384,11 +413,12 @@ bool GetCCaddress1of2(struct CCcontract_info *cp,char *destaddr,CPubKey pk,CPubK
return(destaddr[0] != 0);
// get scriptPubKey adddress for three/dual eval token 1of2 cc vout
bool GetTokensCCaddress1of2(struct CCcontract_info *cp, char *destaddr, CPubKey pk, CPubKey pk2)
CC *payoutCond;
destaddr[0] = 0;
if ((payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode, pk, pk2)) != 0)
if ((payoutCond = MakeTokensCCcond1of2(cp->evalcode, cp->additionalTokensEvalcode2, pk, pk2)) != 0) // if additionalTokensEvalcode2 not set then it is dual-eval cc else three-eval cc
Getscriptaddress(destaddr, CCPubKey(payoutCond));
@ -515,7 +545,7 @@ CPubKey GetUnspendable(struct CCcontract_info *cp,uint8_t *unspendablepriv)
void CCclearvars(struct CCcontract_info *cp)
cp->evalcode2 = cp->evalcode3 = 0;
cp->unspendableEvalcode2 = cp->unspendableEvalcode3 = 0;
cp->unspendableaddr2[0] = cp->unspendableaddr3[0] = 0;


@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "CCassets.h"
#include "CCtokens.h"
Assets can be created or transferred.
@ -129,21 +130,21 @@
bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t nIn)
static uint256 zero;
CTxDestination address; CTransaction vinTx,createTx; uint256 hashBlock,assetid,assetid2;
int32_t i,starti,numvins,numvouts,preventCCvins,preventCCvouts;
int64_t remaining_price,nValue,assetoshis,outputs,inputs,tmpprice,totalunits,ignore; std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey,tmporigpubkey,ignorepubkey;
CTxDestination address;
CTransaction vinTx, createTx;
uint256 hashBlock, assetid, assetid2;
int32_t i,starti, numvins, numvouts, preventCCvins, preventCCvouts;
int64_t remaining_price, nValue, assetoshis, outputsDummy,inputs,tmpprice,totalunits,ignore;
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey, tmporigpubkey, ignorepubkey, vopretNonfungible, vopretNonfungibleDummy;
uint8_t funcid, evalCodeInOpret;
char destaddr[64], origaddr[64], assetsCCaddr[64], userTokensCCaddr[64]; //, signleEvalTokensCCaddr[64];
char destaddr[64], origNormalAddr[64], origTokensCCaddr[64], origCCaddrDummy[64];
char tokensDualEvalUnspendableCCaddr[64], origAssetsCCaddr[64];
//return true;
//CPubKey unspendableTokensPk = GetUnspendable(cpTokens, NULL);
//CPubKey unspendableAssetsPk = GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL);
//GetCCaddress(cpTokens, tokensUnspendableCCaddr, unspendableTokensPk);
numvins =;
numvouts = tx.vout.size();
outputs = inputs = 0;
outputsDummy = inputs = 0;
preventCCvins = preventCCvouts = -1;
// add specific chains exceptions for old token support:
@ -156,13 +157,18 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
if (numvouts == 0)
return eval->Invalid("AssetValidate: no vouts");
if((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[numvouts-1].scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, assetid, assetid2, remaining_price, origpubkey)) == 0 )
if((funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(tx.vout[numvouts-1].scriptPubKey, evalCodeInOpret, assetid, assetid2, remaining_price, origpubkey, vopretNonfungibleDummy)) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("AssetValidate: invalid opreturn payload");
// non-fungible tokens support:
GetNonfungibleData(assetid, vopretNonfungible);
if (vopretNonfungible.size() > 0)
cpAssets->additionalTokensEvalcode2 = vopretNonfungible.begin()[0];
// find dual-eval tokens unspendable addr:
char tokensUnspendableAddr[64],origpubkeyCCaddr[64];
GetTokensCCaddress(cpAssets, tokensUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));
GetCCaddress(cpAssets, origpubkeyCCaddr, origpubkey);
GetTokensCCaddress(cpAssets, tokensDualEvalUnspendableCCaddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));
// this is for marker validation:
GetCCaddress(cpAssets, origAssetsCCaddr, origpubkey);
// we need this for validating single-eval tokens' vins/vous:
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
return eval->Invalid("cant find asset create txid");
else if( funcid != 'o' && funcid != 'x' && assetid2 != zero && eval->GetTxUnconfirmed(assetid2, createTx, hashBlock) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("cant find asset2 create txid");
else if( IsCCInput([0].scriptSig) != 0 )
else if( IsCCInput([0].scriptSig) != 0 ) // vin0 should be normal vin
return eval->Invalid("illegal asset vin0");
else if( numvouts < 2 )
return eval->Invalid("too few vouts"); // it was if(numvouts < 1) but it refers at least to vout[1] below
@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
if( assetid == zero )
return eval->Invalid("illegal assetid");
else if (!AssetCalcAmounts(cpAssets, inputs, outputs, eval, tx, assetid)) { // Only set inputs and outputs. NOTE: we do not need to check cc inputs == cc outputs
else if (!AssetCalcAmounts(cpAssets, inputs, outputsDummy/*outputsDummy is calculated incorrectly but not used*/, eval, tx, assetid)) { // Only set inputs and outputs. NOTE: we do not need to check cc inputs == cc outputs
return false; // returns false if some problems with reading vintxes
@ -226,9 +232,13 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
//vout.1: CC output for marker
//vout.2: normal output for change (if any)
// vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['b'] [assetid] [amount of asset required] [origpubkey]
// as we don't use tokenconvert we should not be here:
return eval->Invalid("invalid asset funcid (b)");
if( remaining_price == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("illegal null amount for buyoffer");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0],1,cpAssets->unspendableCCaddr,0) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, cpAssets->unspendableCCaddr,0) == 0 ) // coins to assets unspendable cc addr
return eval->Invalid("invalid vout for buyoffer");
preventCCvins = 1;
preventCCvouts = 1;
@ -243,13 +253,13 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
//vout.1: vin.2 back to users pubkey
//vout.2: normal output for change (if any)
//vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['o']
if( (nValue= AssetValidateBuyvin(cpAssets, eval, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, assetsCCaddr, origaddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
if( (nValue= AssetValidateBuyvin(cpAssets, eval, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, origCCaddrDummy, origNormalAddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0],0, origaddr, nValue) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0],0, origNormalAddr, nValue) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("invalid refund for cancelbuy");
preventCCvins = 3;
preventCCvouts = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"cancelbuy validated to origaddr.(%s)\n",origaddr);
fprintf(stderr,"cancelbuy validated to origaddr.(%s)\n",origNormalAddr);
case 'B': // fillbuy:
@ -264,7 +274,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
//vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['B'] [assetid] [remaining asset required] [origpubkey]
preventCCvouts = 4;
if( (nValue = AssetValidateBuyvin(cpAssets, eval, totalunits, tmporigpubkey, assetsCCaddr, origaddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
if( (nValue = AssetValidateBuyvin(cpAssets, eval, totalunits, tmporigpubkey, origTokensCCaddr, origNormalAddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
else if( numvouts < 4 )
return eval->Invalid("not enough vouts for fillbuy");
@ -274,24 +284,24 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
if( nValue != tx.vout[0].nValue + tx.vout[1].nValue )
return eval->Invalid("locked value doesnt match vout0+1 fillbuy");
else if( tx.vout[4].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 )
else if( tx.vout[4].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 ) // if cc change present
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, assetsCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // tokens on user cc addr
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, origTokensCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // tokens to originator cc addr (tokens+nonfungible evals)
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt go to origpubkey fillbuy");
else if ( inputs != tx.vout[2].nValue + tx.vout[4].nValue )
return eval->Invalid("asset inputs doesnt match vout2+3 fillbuy");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, assetsCCaddr, inputs) == 0 ) // tokens on user cc addr
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, origTokensCCaddr, inputs) == 0 ) // tokens to originator cc addr (tokens+nonfungible evals)
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt match inputs fillbuy");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1],0,0,0) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1], 0, NULL, 0) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout1 is CC for fillbuy");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[3], 1, origpubkeyCCaddr, 10000) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[3], 1, origAssetsCCaddr, 10000) == 0 ) // marker to asset cc addr
return eval->Invalid("invalid marker for original pubkey");
else if( ValidateBidRemainder(remaining_price, tx.vout[0].nValue, nValue, tx.vout[1].nValue, tx.vout[2].nValue, totalunits) == false )
return eval->Invalid("mismatched remainder for fillbuy");
else if( remaining_price != 0 )
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, cpAssets->unspendableCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // coins on asset unspendable cc addr
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, cpAssets->unspendableCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // coins to asset unspendable cc addr
return eval->Invalid("mismatched vout0 AssetsCCaddr for fillbuy");
@ -308,25 +318,30 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
//vout.3: normal output for change (if any)
//'s'.vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['s'] [assetid] [amount of native coin required] [origpubkey]
//'e'.vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['e'] [assetid] [assetid2] [amount of asset2 required] [origpubkey]
// as we don't use tokenconvert we should not be here:
return eval->Invalid("invalid asset funcid (s)");
preventCCvouts = 2;
if( remaining_price == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("illegal null remaining_price for selloffer");
if ( tx.vout[1].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("invalid normal vout1 for sellvin");
if( tx.vout[2].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 ) // cc change
if( tx.vout[2].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 ) // if cc change presents
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, (char *)cpTokens->unspendableCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // check also cc vout[0]
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, (char *)cpTokens->unspendableCCaddr, 0) == 0 ) // tokens to tokens unspendable cc addr. TODO: this in incorrect, should be assets if we got here!
return eval->Invalid("mismatched vout0 TokensCCaddr for selloffer");
else if( tx.vout[0].nValue + tx.vout[2].nValue != inputs )
return eval->Invalid("mismatched vout0+vout2 total for selloffer");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, (char *)cpTokens->unspendableCCaddr, inputs) == 0 ) // no cc change, just vout[0]
// no cc change:
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, (char *)cpTokens->unspendableCCaddr, inputs) == 0 ) // tokens to tokens unspendable cc addr TODO: this in incorrect, should be assets if got here!
return eval->Invalid("mismatched vout0 TokensCCaddr for selloffer");
//fprintf(stderr,"remaining.%d for sell\n",(int32_t)remaining_price);
case 'x': // cancel
case 'x': // cancel sell
//vin.0: normal input
//vin.1: unspendable.(vout.0 from exchange or selloffer) sellTx/exchangeTx.vout[0] inputTx
//vin.2: CC marker from selloffer for txfee
@ -335,9 +350,9 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
//vout.2: normal output for change (if any)
//vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['x'] [assetid]
if( (assetoshis = AssetValidateSellvin(cpAssets, eval, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, userTokensCCaddr, origaddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 ) // NOTE:
if( (assetoshis = AssetValidateSellvin(cpAssets, eval, tmpprice, tmporigpubkey, origTokensCCaddr, origNormalAddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 ) // NOTE:
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, userTokensCCaddr, assetoshis) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, origTokensCCaddr, assetoshis) == 0 ) // tokens returning to originator cc addr
return eval->Invalid("invalid vout for cancel");
preventCCvins = 3;
preventCCvouts = 1;
@ -353,7 +368,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
//vout.3: normal output for change (if any)
//'S'.vout.n-1: opreturn [EVAL_ASSETS] ['S'] [assetid] [amount of coin still required] [origpubkey]
if( (assetoshis = AssetValidateSellvin(cpAssets, eval, totalunits, tmporigpubkey, userTokensCCaddr, origaddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
if( (assetoshis = AssetValidateSellvin(cpAssets, eval, totalunits, tmporigpubkey, origTokensCCaddr, origNormalAddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
else if( numvouts < 4 )
return eval->Invalid("not enough vouts for fillask");
@ -365,17 +380,15 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
return eval->Invalid("locked value doesnt match vout0+1 fillask");
if( ValidateAskRemainder(remaining_price, tx.vout[0].nValue, assetoshis, tx.vout[1].nValue, tx.vout[2].nValue, totalunits) == false )
return eval->Invalid("mismatched remainder for fillask");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1], 1, 0, 0) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1], 1, NULL, 0) == 0 ) // do not check token buyer's cc addr
return eval->Invalid("normal vout1 for fillask");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 0, origaddr, 0) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 0, origNormalAddr, 0) == 0 ) // coins to originator normal addr
return eval->Invalid("normal vout1 for fillask");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[3], 1, origpubkeyCCaddr, 10000) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[3], 1, origAssetsCCaddr, 10000) == 0 ) // marker to originator asset cc addr
return eval->Invalid("invalid marker for original pubkey");
else if( remaining_price != 0 )
//char tokensUnspendableAddr[64];
//GetTokensCCaddress(cpAssets, tokensUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));
if ( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, tokensUnspendableAddr /*(char *)cpAssets->unspendableCCaddr*/, 0) == 0 )
if ( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[0], 1, tokensDualEvalUnspendableCCaddr, 0) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("mismatched vout0 assets dual unspendable CCaddr for fill sell");
@ -399,7 +412,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
// eval->Invalid("asset2 inputs != outputs");
////////// not implemented yet ////////////
if( (assetoshis= AssetValidateSellvin(cpTokens, eval, totalunits, tmporigpubkey, userTokensCCaddr, origaddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
if( (assetoshis= AssetValidateSellvin(cpTokens, eval, totalunits, tmporigpubkey, origTokensCCaddr, origNormalAddr, tx, assetid)) == 0 )
else if( numvouts < 3 )
return eval->Invalid("not enough vouts for fillex");
@ -412,7 +425,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
else if( tx.vout[3].scriptPubKey.IsPayToCryptoCondition() != 0 )
////////// not implemented yet ////////////
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, userTokensCCaddr, 0) == 0 )
if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, origTokensCCaddr, 0) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt go to origpubkey fillex");
else if( inputs != tx.vout[2].nValue + tx.vout[3].nValue )
@ -421,7 +434,7 @@ bool AssetsValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets,Eval* eval,const CTransacti
////////// not implemented yet ////////////
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, userTokensCCaddr, inputs) == 0 )
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[2], 1, origTokensCCaddr, inputs) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout2 doesnt match inputs fillex");
else if( ConstrainVout(tx.vout[1], 0, 0, 0) == 0 )
return eval->Invalid("vout1 is CC for fillex");


@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ CPubKey OracleBatonPk(char *batonaddr,struct CCcontract_info *cp)
if ( ctx == 0 )
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN);
cp->evalcode2 = EVAL_ORACLES;
cp->unspendableEvalcode2 = EVAL_ORACLES;
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
cp->unspendablepriv2[i] = (priv[i] ^ cp->CCpriv[i]);
while ( secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(ctx,cp->unspendablepriv2) == 0 )


@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
* *
#include "CCassets.h"
#include "CCPrices.h"
@ -89,6 +90,9 @@ uint8_t DecodePricesFundingOpRet(CScript scriptPubKey,CPubKey &planpk,uint256 &o
bool PricesValidate(struct CCcontract_info *cp,Eval* eval,const CTransaction &tx, uint32_t nIn)
int32_t numvins,numvouts,preventCCvins,preventCCvouts,i,numblocks; bool retval; uint256 txid; uint8_t hash[32]; char str[65],destaddr[64];
return true; // TODO remove, for test dual-evals
return eval->Invalid("no validation yet");
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressIndexKey, CAmount> > txids;
numvins =;


@ -7038,75 +7038,98 @@ UniValue tokenbalance(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue tokencreate(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); std::string name,description,hex; uint64_t supply;
if ( fHelp || params.size() > 3 || params.size() < 2 )
throw runtime_error("tokencreate name supply description\n");
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::string name, description, hextx;
std::vector<uint8_t> nonfungibleData;
int64_t supply; // changed from uin64_t to int64_t for this 'if ( supply <= 0 )' to work as expected
if ( fHelp || params.size() > 4 || params.size() < 2 )
throw runtime_error("tokencreate name supply [description][data]\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements() < 0 )
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
name = params[0].get_str();
supply = atof(params[1].get_str().c_str()) * COIN + 0.00000000499999; // what for is this '+0.00000000499999'? it will be lost while converting double to int64_t (dimxy)
if ( name.size() == 0 || name.size() > 32)
if (name.size() == 0 || name.size() > 32) {
ERR_RESULT("Token name must not be empty and up to 32 characters");
if ( supply <= 0 )
supply = atof(params[1].get_str().c_str()) * COIN + 0.00000000499999; // what for is this '+0.00000000499999'? it will be lost while converting double to int64_t (dimxy)
if (supply <= 0) {
ERR_RESULT("Token supply must be positive");
if ( params.size() == 3 )
if (params.size() >= 3) {
description = params[2].get_str();
if ( description.size() > 4096 )
if (description.size() > 4096) {
ERR_RESULT("Token description must be <= 4096 characters");
hex = CreateToken(0,supply,name,description);
if ( hex.size() > 0 )
if (params.size() == 4) {
nonfungibleData = ParseHex(params[3].get_str());
if (nonfungibleData.size() > 10000) // opret limit
ERR_RESULT("Non-fungible data must be <= 10000");
hextx = CreateToken(0, supply, name, description, nonfungibleData);
if( hextx.size() > 0 ) {
result.push_back(Pair("result", "success"));
result.push_back(Pair("hex", hex));
} else ERR_RESULT("couldnt create transaction");
result.push_back(Pair("hex", hextx));
UniValue tokentransfer(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); std::string hex; int64_t amount; uint256 tokenid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 3 )
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
std::string hex;
int64_t amount;
uint256 tokenid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error("tokentransfer tokenid destpubkey amount\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements() < 0 )
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
tokenid = Parseuint256((char *)params[0].get_str().c_str());
std::vector<unsigned char> pubkey(ParseHex(params[1].get_str().c_str()));
//amount = atol(params[2].get_str().c_str());
amount = atoll(params[2].get_str().c_str()); // dimxy changed to prevent loss of significance
if ( tokenid == zeroid )
if( tokenid == zeroid ) {
ERR_RESULT("invalid tokenid");
if ( amount <= 0 )
if( amount <= 0 ) {
ERR_RESULT("amount must be positive");
hex = TokenTransfer(0,tokenid,pubkey,amount);
if (amount > 0) {
if ( hex.size() > 0 )
result.push_back(Pair("result", "success"));
result.push_back(Pair("hex", hex));
} else ERR_RESULT("couldnt transfer assets");
} else {
ERR_RESULT("amount must be positive");
hex = TokenTransfer(0, tokenid, pubkey, amount);
if( !CCerror.empty() ) {
else {
result.push_back(Pair("result", "success"));
result.push_back(Pair("hex", hex));
@ -7786,3 +7809,4 @@ UniValue test_heirmarker(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
cp = CCinit(&C, EVAL_HEIR);
return(FinalizeCCTx(0, cp, mtx, myPubkey, 10000, opret));
